Home Economics A Century of Scholarship Frames the Future Washington State 1903– University 2003 HOME ECONOMICS CELEBRATES 100 YEARS! pages 16–23 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & HOME ECONOMICS ALUMNI & FRIENDS C ONNECTIONS — F alL 2003 Meet Bob Scholes DATES TO REMEMBER August 30 Idaho vs. WSU—Seahawks obert Scholes began duties as as my prior Stadium interim Development Coordinator jobs.” R September for the College of Agriculture and While 6 Notre Dame vs. WSU in Home Economics on March 3. He Scholes South Bend, IN will oversee the college’s annual giving may be 13 Colorado vs. WSU— program, including Call-A-Coug tele- new to Colorado marketing and direct mail fundraising. the job, 20 New Mexico vs. WSU— He will also be responsible for Presi- he knows Pullman dents Associates (gifts of $1000 and exactly 20 Second Annual Alumni more) as well as alumni relations and how chal- Weekend—Agricultural production of the college’s magazine lenging and Resource Economics Connections. fundraising 25–27 WSU Home Economics Bob, who has a Bachelor of Science can be. He Robert Scholes Centennial Celebration degree from Washington State Univer- participated 27 Oregon vs. WSU—Oregon sity in physical science, is continuing in the Trans-America Bicycle Trek to October his education by pursuing a second help benefit the American Lung Asso- 4 Arizona vs. WSU— degree in civil engineering. ciation. To participate in the trek each Homecoming, Pullman Prior to joining the College of Agri- rider was required to raise a minimum 18 Stanford vs. WSU— culture and Home Economics Alumni of $5000. Stanford, CA Development office, Bob worked in In his new role as Development 24–25 Dad’s Weekend food service and facilities management Coordinator, Bob hopes to increase 25 Oregon State vs. WSU— for Cougar Restaurant Enterprises and alumni involvement within the college Dad’s Day, Pullman the Compton Union Building, accumu- and increase giving, particularly to the lating more than 16 years’ experience CAHE Excellence Fund. November 1 USC vs. WSU—LA, CA in the service industry. Bob Scholes can be reached at “My new position in the College of [email protected] or by contacting 8 UCLA vs. WSU—Armed Forces Day, Pullman Agriculture and Home Economics is an the College of Agriculture and Home ideal fit for me. I will be working with Economics Alumni and Development 15 Arizona State vs. WSU— Pullman alumni and friends in a similar manner Office. 22 Apple Cup—Seattle For a complete Cooperative Extension calendar go to: AWARD WINNING PUBLICATION! http://ext.wsu.edu/calendar/ Information Department graphic designers Miro Vejzovic index.asp and Gerald Steffen have won an Award of Distinction from The Communicator Awards for the Fall 2002 issue of Look for the CAHE Connections. The Communicator Awards is an international Alumni and Development competition that recognizes outstanding work in the Web site at: communications field. www.cahealumni.wsu.edu The WSU Office of University Publications and Printing/WSU Press has won an award for excellence in design and printing from the International Publishing On the cover: Past and current images of Home Economics at WSU. Cover Management Association (IPMA). CAHE’s Connections, Spring 2002 Magazine, design created by Miro Vejzovic. Photos took first place in the booklets category. Awards are presented annually to the provided by WSU Manuscripts, Archives, top-rated facilities in the country. and Special Collections. C ONNECTIONS — F all 2003 C ONTENTS World Class Showcase Debuts Around the College 2 Boeing Donates Technology 11 New Potato 12 ashington State University’s ulty and student organizations as part NABC 13 inaugural World Class Show- of Junior Preview. W Viticulture Program 14 case, a multi-faceted university-spon- CAHE faculty showcased their instruc- sored event designed to bring college tional areas with classes on animal DNA Home Economics Centennial 16 advisory boards and volunteer groups analysis, bugs and people, food safety, CAHE Awards Banquet 24 to campus, and to show off academic i.e., making cheeses safely, and the Alumni Spotlight 29 programs and honor faculty made its demographics of apparel merchandising. debut the weekend of March 28–29. While on campus, CAHE’s advisory Private Giving 31 The event replaced Land-Grant committee hooked up with college fac- Dean’s Message Inside Back Cover Days, a celebration of the university’s ulty across the state via satellite and heritage sponsored by the College of Web-based video streaming for a joint Agriculture and Home Economics meeting between the council and faculty. C O N N E C T I O N S from 1982 through 2000. “I thought it was a good idea, but “The grants of land that the federal it didn’t achieve its goal,” Zuiches said. Issue Number Twelve • Fall 2003 government gave the state were for the “The advisory committee learned about Connections is published two times a year entire university, not just sciences and two programs—the Center for Sustain- by the College of Agriculture and Home agriculture,” said James J. Zuiches, dean ing Agriculture and the new School of Economics Alumni and Development Office. Readers are encouraged to share their ideas of the College of Agriculture and Home Natural Resources and Environment— for articles and to contribute items by Economics. “I thought it was important two programs we’re moving forward. writing to: that we had a university-wide celebra- That was useful, but the discussion College of Agriculture and Home Economics tion of the land-grant mission, where with faculty didn’t occur. In that I was Alumni and Development Coordinator education and research focus on the disappointed.” Washington State University PO Box 646228 needs of the state.” The first World Class Showcase was Pullman, WA 99164-6228 The net result of cross-campus dis- successful, but expect improvements cussions was a jam-packed two-day in 2004. “We’re learning,” Zuiches said. Connections Staff Publisher: James J. Zuiches, Dean, CAHE event. The first day included individual “It will be better next year.” Alumni and Development Executive college advisory board meetings and a Director: Patrick L. Kramer plenary session at which WSU President Assistant Development Director: Kori Thol V. Lane Rawlins spoke to an assembly Development Coordinator: Robert D. Scholes of the advisory groups and outlined the Program Support Super visor: Britta Nitcy Secretary: Terri Guenthner University’s Strategic Plan. Writers/Editors: Dennis Brown, Mary Dey, In the afternoon, Rodney Croteau, Denny Fleenor, Emalee Gillis, Ed Sala fellow with the college’s Institute of Graphic Designer: Gerald Steffen Biological Chemistry, was one of several CAHE Alumni Board of Directors 1 university faculty honored at the Hon- President: Clint J. Adamson ors Convocation in Bryan Hall. Croteau Vice President: Chuck Chambers ’59 received WSU’s Eminent Faculty Award. Board Members: Andrea Howell ’95, Diana John Slaughter, former WSU provost Anderson ’94, Nancy Boettcher ’75, Lil Freese ’48, Tanja Damiano Huffman ’93, and academic vice-president, delivered Alison Lane ’93, Jeff Safe ’95, Ginger the keynote speech at the convocation. Scobie ’71, Maureen Sprague ’89 & ’98, His topic was “Diversity: An Opportu- Bonnie Russell ’00, Tedd Wildman ’84 nity, Not a Challenge.” Mission: The College of Agriculture and The day concluded with a jazz show- Home Economics Alumni Board of Directors case, featuring performances by faculty is the catalyst for uniting prospective and students from the School of Music students, current students, the college and Theatre Arts. Rodney Croteau, Fellow with the administration, faculty and staff, industry, High school juniors and their families Institute of Biological Chemistry, and alumni while upholding WSU’s land- grant mission. from across the region met on Saturday received WSU’s Eminent Faculty with departmental representatives, fac- Award at the Honors Convocation. Web site: www.cahealumni.wsu.edu C ONNECTIONS — F ALL 2003 AROUND THE COLLEGE AGRICULTURAL AND B. Rigas Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Excellence Award for 2002–03. Their RESOURCE ECONOMICS Student. Her major advisor was Dr. team worked with growers to develop Ray Huffaker. farming practices that reduced wind- The Department of Agricultural and Tauhidur Rahman, Ph.D. candidate blown dust. Resource Economics is holding its Second in Agricultural Economics, was elected Fabio Chaddad received the out- Annual Alumni Weekend on September President of the American Agricultural standing dissertation award from the 20, 2003, organized by the Friends of Economics Association Graduate Student National Council of Farmer Coopera- the Department and the Social Commit- Section. Tauhid’s major advisor is Dr. tives for his graduate research study tee. See the following url for information Ron Mittelhammer. entitled Financial Constraints in U.S. on this event: http://www.arec.wsu. Jianqing Hu, Ph.D., 2003, has Agricultural Cooperatives—Theory and edu/announcements/index.html accepted a position as an econome- Panel Data Econometric Evidence. In addi- Last fall our department name was trician with American Express. Jack tion to receiving a cash award, Fabio changed from Department of Agricul- worked under the supervision of Dr. was invited to be the guest of the NCFC tural Economics to Department of Agri- Jill McCluskey. Foundation at the National Institute on cultural and Resource Economics (AREC). Qinghua Liu, Ph.D., 2003, has Cooperative Education in Chicago and The new B.S. degree in Environmental accepted a position as Research Analyst to present his research before a special and Resource Economics and Manage- with the Washington Department session of professional educators. ment was approved by the Regents and of Fish and Wildlife in Olympia. Her Fabio’s paper, “Integrating Supply introduced in the fall. research work was directed by Dr. Chain and Network Analyses: The Study Richard Shumway. of Netchains,” was chosen as the best Students who have received awards/ Quan Li, Ph.D.
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