NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS Colour photo award Clerk of Village Incineration system at Public Company to presentation ceremony marks 69th Anniversary Administrative Office killed Buthidaung hospital helps be established for Independence Day in Maungtaw Township control infectious diseases Kyaukpyu SEZ PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Vol. III, No. 255, 13th Waning of Nadaw 1378 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Tuesday, 27 December 2016 NEWS RELEASE Identity card for national verification in Rakhine to return ThOSe who still hold temporary identity certificates issued under the provisions of the 1982 Myanmar Citi- zenship Law are required to surrender their temporary certificates as they expired on May 31 2015, according to notification 19/2015 dated Febru- ary 11, 2015 issued by the President. Out of the 759,672 temporary certificates disbursed, only 469,183 have been surrendered. According to a news release by the State Coun- sellor’s Information Committee, the people who failed to surrender the temporary certificates include those who received other kinds of identi- ty cards, those who lost their cards, those whose cards were ruined, those who died and those who failed to surrender the documents because they lived outside the region, ac- cording to State Counsellor’s Office Vice President U Myint Swe, Chairman of the commission, addresses the coordination meeting of the commission. PHOTO: MNA Information Committee. With effect from June 1, 2015, instead of those temporary certifi- cates, the distribution of an Identity Truth about Maungtaw attacks emerging: Card for National Verification was carried out in three categories. The main objective of distributing those Investigation Commission Chairman cards was to scrutinize them as to whether they were entitled to become THE Chairman of the Investi- said U Myint Swe, Chairman of mar Police Force and the local the area again, and to compile an a citizen in accord with the provisions gation Commission on Rakhine the commission, at the coordina- people. investigative report suggesting of the 1982 Myanmar Citizenship State said the truth about the tion meeting of the commission In his remarks, Vice Presi- as to whether the incidents were Law, and to acknowledge them as recent violent attacks in north- in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. dent U Myint Swe said that his dealt with, in accord with exist- residents in Myanmar. ern Rakhine is being uncovered, The recent attacks are more commission will go to the af- ing rules and regulations of the The three categories are map- commenting that the attackers complicated than any previous fected areas to find out further State,” U Myint Swe said. ping, posting buildings on the map took their time, planning the conflicts in Rakhine, U Myint information as needed so that The commission visited and checking of number of people. deadly ambushes since 2012. Swe said, as they were found to the commission can compile a Maungtaw Township from De- As of December 23, 2016 out of “The recent conflicts were be linked with overseas organi- full report. cember 11 to 13, inspecting 469,183 who surrendered the tem- different from previous ones. zations. “The principal responsi- and investigating in the vil- porary certificates, 32,016 were Previously, events were com- The report of the commis- bility of the commission is to lages where the armed attacks given the Identity Card for National munal conflicts that took place sion will include suggestions on investigate the true situation occurred — Kyikanpyin, Kye- Verification. between the two local communi- how to prevent similar armed and background factors over inchaung, Ngakhura, Pyaung- Out of 397,497 who surrendered ties. The recent occurrences were attacks in the future and how to the violent armed attacks in pike, Pwintphyuchaung, Wa- the temporary certificates in Rakh- conspired after 2012 to wage an cooperate in the interests of na- Maungtaw region on October 9, peik, Gwazone, Nganchaung, ine State only, 6077 were given an armed attack, intended to harm tional security among the gov- November 12 and 13, for simi- Kyetyoepyin and Koetankauk. ICNV, it was described in the infor- the sovereignty of the country,” ernment, the Tatmataw, Myan- lar incidents not to take place in SEE PAGE 3 >> mation released. 2 NATIONAL 27 December 2016 President signs Bill Amending the Caste Japan hands over two rural Disabilities Removal Act into law health centres in Chin State THE handover ceremonies of for construction of a one-storey PRESIDENT U Htin Kyaw of the Bengal Code, that” in the actment” in the previous act is the two projects--the project for reinforced concrete construction signed the Bill Amending the previous act is substituted with substituted with “Whereas it will construction of sub rural health (R.C.C.) SRHC building, a staff Caste Disabilities Removal Act “Whereas there is a principle be beneficial to extend the princi- centre, US$97,533 worth, in quarter with full furniture and 7 into law yesterday. that,” in the amended act while ple”, according to the announce- Chun Chone Village, Hakha items of medical equipment. The “Whereas it is enacted by “Whereas it will be beneficial to ment of the President Office yes- Township, Chin State and the project will benefit 3,892 resi- section 9, Regulation VII, 1832, extend the principle of that en- terday. —GNLM project for construction of ru- dents of 4 villages. ral health centre, US$119,413 The Rural Health Centre worth, in Aibur Village, Htan Ta (RHC) in Aibur Village was es- Independence Day commemorative stamps to put on sale Lan Township, Chin State-- took tablished in 1954 and had pro- place in Haka Township and vided medical services for the THE Myanmar Postal Service Htan Ta Lan Township on 21st people of surrounding 13 villag- will put on sale special stamps and 23rd December 2016 respec- es. The new one-storey R.C.C. worth Ks100 in commemora- tively. RHC building has included a tion of the 69th anniversary Present at the ceremony staff quarter with full furniture Independence Day starting at were Mr.Keita IWASE, Sec- and 18 items of medical equip- 9:30 am on 4 January 2017, ond Secretary of the Embassy ment. The project will benefit at the post offices in Regions of Japan,U ZoBawi, Hluttaw 5,225residents of 13 villages. and States. Speaker of Chin State, U Pau The Government of Japan As a special programme, Lun Min Thang, Social Welfare has assisted 802 various grass- General Post Office’s in Nay Minister of Chin State, U Swan- roots projects in Myanmar under Pyi Taw, Yangon and Man- Htet, Htan Ta Lan Township Ad- the GGP scheme since 1993: the dalay will imprint dates on ministrator, Dr. DawtHlei Zing, number consisting of 391 edu- Htan Ta Lan Township Medical cation projects, 198 healthcare the stamps bought on 4 Jan- Officer, Committee Chairper- projects, 138 public welfare and uary 2017.— Myanmar News sons, committee members of the environment projects, 42 infra- Agency construction projects, and local structure projects and 35 other residents. The wooden sub rural projects. It is anticipated that health centre (SRHC) building these assistances will further in Chun Chone Village estab- strengthen the existing friendly Over 3,000 tourists visit Myeik lished in 1969. The Japanese relations between Japan and My- Government provided funding anmar.—GNLM Archipelago by boat in past 11 months MORE THAN 3,000 motorboat coastal area hosted almost 600 ing ethnic group. tourists from Asia, Africa and motorboat tourists, an increase Tourists mostly visited the some European countries visited of about 100 travellers com- country’s first marine national Myeik Archipelago over the past pared with the same period last park on Lampi Island, 115 Is- 11 months of this year, accord- year. land, Nyaungwee Island, Philar ing to the Ministry of Hotels and Last year, a total of 3,270 Island, Myaukni Island, Bocho Tourism. visitors entered Myeik by boat Island, Nanatthi Island, Tower The Myeik Archipelago, to enjoy beautiful landscapes Rock Island, Cave Island and which consists of more than 800 along the coast such as coral Satan Island. natural islands, is part of the reefs, mangroves and a diverse Tourism in Myanmar is Taninthayi Region. All islands species of birds and aquatic an- growing rapidly. International lie in the Andaman Sea off the imals and traditional culture, tourists arrivals have increased coast of southern Myanmar. such as the sea-based life of the significantly every year since In November alone, the Salon (aka sea gypsy), a seafar- 2011.—Nyein Chan Rural health centre in Chin State formally being opened. 2nd solo show of artist Nyein Chan Su on 27 December PHOTO: SUPPLIED NEWS Yaba and heroin seized in Lashio A combined team compris- heroin from Naing Tun, 32, ing members of Anti Drugs Ye Aung, 24 and Min Thein, Squad Unit 24 based in Lashio 28, who were passengers of the searched a passenger bus called bus. Shanmann near the Technol- Police have filed charges ogy University in Hopaid vil- against the suspects under the lage, Lashio Township on 25 Anti Narcotic Drugs and Psy- December and seized 1710 chotropic Substances Laws.— yaba tablets and 44 gram of Myanmar News Agency One of the works of artist Nyein Chan Su to be displayed at Yangon Gallery today and tomorrow. PHOTO: COURTESY OF NYEIN CHAN SU ARTWORK by Nyein Chan Su, the gallery to promote the artist natural beauty of Inle Lake and one of prominent contemporary and his new artworks, and this floating objects. artists in the country, will be time the artist used his memories The first solo show of the showcased at his solo event to from Inle as inspiration for his artist Nyein Chan Su was held in be held in Yangon this month.
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