USOO611.4039A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,114,039 Rifqi (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 5, 2000 54 PROCESS FOR TREATING GLASS FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS SUBSTRATES 0579.399 1/1994 European Pat. Off.. O O O 592 237 4/1994 European Pat. Off.. 75 Inventor: Francoise Rifai, Paris, France 96 11888 4/1996 WIPO. 73 Assignee: Saint Gobain Vitrage, Courbevoie, OTHER PUBLICATIONS France Database WPI, Week 30, Derwent Publications Ltd., Lon don. GB: AN 96-292416, XPOO2O17839 & JP 08 124153 21 Appl. NoNo.: 08/930,2781930, A (Nippons a 1-1s Sheet Glass Ltd)s May 17, 1996, see abstract. 22 PCT Filed: Feb. 6, 1997 Chemical abstracts, vol. 114, No. 4, Jan. 28, 1991, Colum bus, Ohio, US; abstract No. 28896t, p. 299; P002017838, see 86 PCT No.: PCT/FR97/00233 abstract & JP 02 153847 A (Murase Glass Co Ltd) Jun. 13, S371 Date: Dec. 19, 1997 1990. Data Base WPI, Week 47, Derwent Publications Ltd., Lon S 102(e) Date: Dec. 19, 1997 don GB; AN 88-336490, XP002017840 & SU 1395597 A 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO97129058 (Buraev AMI), May 15, 1998, see abstract. 87) U O / Database WPI, Week 43, Derwent Publications Ltd., London PCT Pub. Date: Aug. 14, 1997 GB; AN 82–91185e; XP002017841 & JP 57 149 850 A 30 Foreign Application Prioritv D (Tokyo Shibaura Elec Ltd), Jun. 29, 1989, see abstract. 30 oreign Application Priority Data Database WPI, Week 14, Derwent Publications, Ltd., Lon Feb. 7, 1996 FR France ................................... 96 01484 don GB; AN95-102849, XPOO2017842, & JP 07 129 169 51 Int.Ill. Cl."1. B32B 17/00; CO3C 15/00 A (Technology AG KK), Jan. 31, 1995, see abstract. 52 U.S. C. ... ... 428/410; 65/61, . 65/30.13; E.SSistant titleExaminer Jasonto ResnicA. 65/30.14; 501/70; 428/428; 428/336; i Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Pennie & Edmonds LLP 58 Field of Search ......................... 65/61, 30.13, 30.14; 57 ABSTRACT 501/70; 428/410, 428, 334, 212, 111 The invention relates to a process for treating glass 56) References Cited Substrates, in particular those used as memories for “periph erals' in the field of data processing. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS According to the invention, the process includes a Surface 3,653,864 4/1972 Rothermel et al. .................... 65/30.12 ion-exchange Strengthening Step and a Subsequent Substrate 4,803,106 2/1989 Lenhart et al. Surface dealkalization Step. 5,316,844 5/1994 Suzuki et al. 5,900,296 5/1999 Hayashi et al. ........................ 428/64.1 25 Claims, No Drawings 6,114,039 1 2 PROCESS FOR TREATING GLASS glass obtained using the “float” technique, the Said ribbon SUBSTRATES being converted into sheet and finally cut up and shaped into disks to the required dimensions. These are then polished in BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION order to obtain the desired thickneSS and the desired rough The invention relates to a process for treating glass CSS. Substrates, in particular those used as memories for “periph During tests, it has become apparent that these lass erals' in the field of data processing. Substrates are Subject to various drawbacks and cannot Although the invention is not limited to this application, therefore be used Satisfactorily for the production of mag it will be described with reference to the production of netic hard diskS. magnetic hard disks. In particular, the Surface of these glass Substrates under goes a major loSS of alkali metals, especially potassium or A magnetic hard disk is generally composed of a Support Sodium and essentially the ion provided by chemical tough element formed So that it has the shape of a disk pierced at ening. Now, these alkali metals have deleterious effects, its centre. A Series of thin magnetic films, Serving for data especially in the presence of moisture, on the magnetic films Storage, may in particular be deposited on this disk. 15 deposited on the Substrates. This is because it appears that The data is recorded and read using one or more read the release of alkali metals into these layerS results, in the heads, which are placed above the disk, while the latter is relatively short term, in the destruction of the data recorded. undergoing a rotational movement. In order to achieve high performance in reading the data, the read head must SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION approach the disk as close as possible; one speaks in this case of “contact recording”. This is because the Signal The object of the invention is to provide a process for detected by the head decreases exponentially as its height treating glass Substrates enabling the above drawbacks to be increases. Moreover, current demands are requiring an ever alleviated and resulting in glass Substrates which exhibit increasing Storage density. This means that the area for good chemical resistance and in particular which release Storing a given item of information continues to decrease. In 25 alkali metals only in a quantity harmless to the magnetic order for the recorded data to be read in this way, the films. distance Separating the disk from the read head must con The object of the invention is also to provide a process tinue to decrease; this distance must be less than 300 ångstr resulting in Substrates of which the mechanical Strength, OS. planarity and roughneSS are Satisfactory for the construction Substrates for producing magnetic hard disks are in of Support elements for producing data-Storage units. particular described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,316,844; these are These objects are achieved according to the invention by aluminium Substrates. This document also describes an a process for treating glass Substrates which includes a important aspect of these substrates; they must exhibit only Surface ion-exchange strengthening step and a Substrate very low roughness. This document indicates roughneSS Surface dealkalization Step Subsequent to the Said ion values, the Rd, or averaged roughness, of which is between 35 eXchange Step. 100 and 300 ångströms. Current requirements, associated with the growing demand for Storage and therefore with an DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE ever decreasing disk/read head distance, correspond to an Rq INVENTION of less than 20 ångströms. The Rd is the averaged roughness The ion-exchange Strengthening Step is advantageously measured, in the present case, using an atomic force micro 40 carried out by chemical toughening. This Step in particular Scope (AFM) on a 5x5 micron Square. enables the Surface to be mechanically strengthened; it thus Moreover, although the requirements regarding the Stor allows a Satisfactory mechanical Strength, in particular the age capacity of magnetic hard disks continue to increase, flexural Strength and the resistance to impacts with and another requirement, which may seem paradoxical, relates to 45 crushing by, for example, the read head, to be obtained. Such the dimensions of these hard disks. a step consists in Substituting ions in the Surface of the glass This is because these data-Storage units must take up as with other ions having a different volume in order to modify little room as possible and also have a low mass. These the Stresses in the Surface of the Substrate and thus its requirements are associated, on the one hand, with the mechanical properties. However, the process according to growing demand for portable, and therefore compact and 50 the invention leads in its Second step to the removal of lightweight, Storage units, the development of portable Surface ions from the Said Substrate. It is thus Surprising for data-processing tools and of Software requiring large Storage those skilled in the art that dealkalization of the glass capacities is the basis of this requirement. On the other hand, Substrate, for the purpose of reducing or even eliminating the Still for the purpose of increasing data Storage capacities, it Subsequent release of ions, enables the mechanical proper is advantageous to be able to combine Several magnetic hard 55 ties obtained, for example by chemical toughening, to be disks in a given Space and therefore to have thinner Sub preserved. StrateS. Preferably, the dealkalization is carried out to a substrate A Substrate made of aluminium can have a thickness of depth of less than 1 micron. According to this preferred less than 0.6 millimeters and at the same time have the method of implementation, the dealkalization is carried out required properties for constituting a hard disk, in particular 60 to a depth of less than that to which the chemical toughening in terms of rigidity and resistance to damage under the was previously carried out. The Substrate treated according impact of the read head against the disk. to the invention can thus be used as a Support for magnetic In order to remedy these drawbacks and to be able to films for the purpose of data Storage without the risk of the lighten, and possibly reduce the thickness, of Such a Said films being damaged because of the release of alkali Substrate, it has been proposed, in particular in Patent 65 metals on the Surface of the Substrate. Application EP-579,399, to make it from glass. Such a According to a variant of the invention, the dealkalization Substrate has in particular been produced from a ribbon of is carried out by wet route. This may in particular be carried 6,114,039 3 4 out by contact with aluminium chloride AlCl which results not to degrade the hydrolytic resistance obtained as a result in leaching of the Surface of the glass Substrate. Such a of a dealkalization treatment carried out beforehand. dealkalization treatment can be carried out at a temperature close to 100 C.; Such operating conditions prevent any risk A preferred implementation of the invention consists in of the Surface Stresses in the Substrate relaxing.
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