Coarctation of the Abdominal Aorta and Renal Artery Stenosis Related to an Umbilical Artery Catheter Placement in a Neonate Raymond D. Adelman, MD*, and Rose Ellen Morrell, MD‡ ABSTRACT. Umbilical artery catheters have been asso- developed Gram-positive sepsis, meningitis, and necrotizing en- ciated with thrombotic complications, such as partial or terocolitis that was managed medically. On day 5, a systolic mur- complete occlusion in the aorta, the renal arteries, and mur was diagnosed as patent ductus arteriosus. A flush aortogram other blood vessels. There have been few reports of the was performed through the umbilical catheter, which revealed a normal abdominal aorta and normal renal arteries. On the same long-term consequences of either symptomatic or asymp- day, the patent ductus arteriosus was ligated. tomatic thrombi. We report a patient, now 22 years of age, The patient was noted at 2 months of age to be hypertensive born with a normal aorta, who developed hypertension at with systolic blood pressures up to 125 mm Hg. Blood pressure the age of 2 months after use of an umbilical artery measurements in 4 extremities revealed no differences between catheter. An intravenous pylegram and nuclear renal scan the upper and lower extremities. An intravenous pyelogram were compatible with occlusion of left renal artery and of showed a large right kidney but nonvisualization of the left. A the distal aorta. At 6 months of age, the patient presented nuclear renal scan suggested faint visualization of the left kidney; with reduced femoral pulses. Angiography demonstrated no radioisotope was visualized in the distal aorta, compatible with an acquired coarctation of the abdominal aorta and renal an aortic thrombosis. The patient was treated with multiple anti- artery stenosis. An abdominal ultrasound performed at hypertensive medications including hydrochlorothiazide, hydral- azine, and methyldopa, but no thrombolytic agents, and was 22 years of age revealed partial obstruction of the lower discharged with adequate blood pressure control at 4 months of abdominal aorta and marked atrophy of the left kidney. age. At 5 months of age, she was readmitted for hypertension and This case underlines the importance of long-term fol- medications were readjusted. Femoral pulses were palpable. At 6 low-up studies of infants who have undergone umbilical months of age, no femoral pulses were palpated. An aortogram artery catheterizations. Pediatrics 2000;106(3). URL: revealed stenosis of the abdominal aorta from just below the http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/106/3/e36; co- origins of the renal arteries. The left kidney and left renal artery arctation, renal artery stenosis, neonate, umbilical artery were hypoplastic. There was moderate collateral circulation (Fig catheter, thrombosis. 1). She was continued on antihypertensive medications and aspi- rin and dipyridamole were added. The patient took medications over the next 5 years. She was readmitted at 12 years of age. She mbilical artery catheters have been associated had been off antihypertensive medications and had a blood pres- with thrombotic complications1–3 such as sure of 137/84 mm Hg. The patient is now 22 years old and over partial or complete occlusion of the aorta,4 the last 10 years has remained intermittently hypertensive off all U medications. No surgery or interventional angioplasty has been the renal arteries, and other blood vessels. Although performed. An abdominal ultrasound performed in December some patients are symptomatic with acute renal fail- 1999 revealed partial obstruction of the lower abdominal aorta and ure, hypertension, bowel infarction, or limb isch- marked atrophy of the left kidney. emia,3,5 many patients experience silent thrombo- 1,3,4 ses. There have been few reports of the long-term DISCUSSION consequences of either symptomatic or asymptom- atic thrombi6–8; most publications deal with the The use of umbilical artery catheters has been as- sociated with numerous reports of catheter-associ- acute presentation and short-term follow-up. We re- 1–3 port a patient, now 22 years of age, born with a ated thrombi. The reported incidence of thrombi normal aorta, who developed hypertension at 2 has ranged from 5% to 30% depending on the months of age after use of an indwelling umbilical method of detection and such clinical variables as artery catheter, and who presented at 6 months of duration of catheterization, catheter type, and use of age with reduced femoral pulses. Angiography re- infusate heparin. Catheter position may be an addi- vealed an acquired coarctation of the abdominal tional risk factor with high catheter placement, as aorta and renal artery stenosis. seen in this infant, associated with more significant thrombotic events.1–4,9,10 Some thrombi are symp- CASE REPORT tomatic with limb ischemia, hypertension, renal fail- 3 AJ was one of a pair of twins born in 1976 at 26 weeks of ure, and bowel ischemia ; however, angiographic, gestation weighing 860 g. Apgar scores were 5 and 5 at 1 and 5 ultrasound, and postmortem data indicate that many minutes of age, respectively. An umbilical artery catheter was thrombi are silent. Goetzman et al1 identified placed with the tip at the level of T5. The patient subsequently thrombi by angiography performed at the time of catheter withdrawal; only 13% of patients with 4 From *Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona; and ‡Oakland Chil- thrombi had been clinically diagnosed. Seibert et al dren’s Hospital, Oakland, California. studied 81 neonates by serial ultrasonography. Received for publication Jan 3, 2000; accepted Apr 5, 2000. Twenty-six percent of patients developed aortic Address correspondence to Raymond D. Adelman, MD, 909 E Brill St, Phoenix, Arizona 85006-2896. E-mail: [email protected] thrombi (most of which were large) yet 29% of these PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2000 by the American Acad- were asymptomatic, with an additional 24% mani- emy of Pediatrics. festing only hematuria (diagnosed by Dipstix, Bayer http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/106/3/Downloaded from www.aappublications.org/newse36 PEDIATRICS by guest on October Vol. 1, 106 2021 No. 3 September 2000 1of3 Fig 1. Aortogram performed at 6 months of age demonstrating stenosis of the abdominal aorta below the origins of the renal arteries (short ar- row) and left renal artery stenosis (long arrow). Elkhart, IN). Hence, as many as one half or more of in the pediatric population.12 Because we had angio- catheter-associated thrombi are asymptomatic. graphically documented a normal aorta in this pa- Long-term studies of patients with thrombi have tient at the time of catheter insertion, we can reason- been few.6–8,11 For a mean of 15 months, Malin6 ably presume that the coarctation months later at the followed 3 patients with aortic thrombosis and renal site of a thrombus was causally related to the throm- artery occlusion associated with umbilical artery bus and/or to vessel wall injury, with subsequent catheterization. At follow-up, all infants had unilat- scarring and constriction. Tomizawa et al13 demon- eral renal abnormalities documented by ultrasono- strated endothelial cell detachment and internal elas- gram or renogram. Although not specifically ad- tic membrane destruction in animals undergoing dressed, none were reported to have signs or acute aortic catheterization. Tyson et al,14 in an au- symptoms of coarctation. Adelman7 reported 12 ne- topsy study of infants who had umbilical artery cath- onates who were followed for 5.75 years for hyper- eters, demonstrated fatty deposits in the intima and tension attributable to renal artery or aortic throm- media, proliferation of medial smooth muscle cells, bosis. Blood pressure was normal for all infants after and fibrosis. The paucity of long-term studies of discontinuation of antihypertensive therapy and cre- patients with catheter-associated thromboses makes atinine clearance was normal for 9 of 10 survivors. determination of the types and incidences of se- However, 8 of 11 patients studied had abnormal quelae difficult to assess. However, long-term conse- renal morphology or function. Six patients had isch- quences do occur. We recently reported an 18-year- emic-appearing radionuclide scans, including 3 with old15 who was found to have an asymptomatic aortic normal renal morphology by intravenous pyelogram aneurysm at the site of a neonatal catheter-associated or ultrasound. No patients had clinical findings of aortic thrombus that had clinically resolved in in- coarctation. Caplan et al8 studied 15 patients with fancy. aortic thrombosis and renovascular hypertension for a mean of 26 months. Three patients had small or CONCLUSION absent kidneys unilaterally by ultrasonogram, A patient presented with severe hypertension at- whereas 6 patients had absent or no flow unilaterally tributable to coarctation of the abdominal aorta and by renogram. However, no patient was reported renal artery stenosis after apparent resolution of an with significant differences between blood pressure umbilical artery catheter-associated thrombosis. This readings in upper and lower extremities. Seibert et case underlines the importance of long-term fol- al11 reported no aortic abnormalities in 10 neonates low-up studies of infants who have undergone um- with aortic thromboses studied by ultrasonography bilical artery catheterizations to assess the type and at 36 to 42 months of age. Thus, although there are magnitude of various sequelae and to provide im- some reports of long-term sequelae of indwelling portant clinical and prognostic information for phy- umbilical artery catheters, our report is the first case sicians and families. of an acquired coarctation of the abdominal aorta and renal artery stenosis secondary to a thrombus, REFERENCES which occurred during neonatal umbilical artery 1. Goetzman BW, Stadalnik RC, Bogren HG, et al. Thrombotic complica- catheterization. tions of umbilical artery catheters: a clinical and radiographic study. Coarctation of the abdominal aorta is very unusual Pediatrics. 1975;56:374–379 2of3 ABDOMINAL AORTADownloaded COARCTATION from www.aappublications.org/news ATTRIBUTABLE by guest TOUMBILICAL on October 1, 2021 ARTERY CATHETER 2.
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