Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 11-13-1908 The edC arville Herald, November 13, 1908 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, November 13, 1908" (1908). The Cedarville Herald. 2477. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/2477 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V, Fo* Excellence Our Job t TSjss Item when roarxed with anj Ir4ex» deocie* that your sabscLt Work will compare with 1s past duo aod m prompt soitit- that of any other firm, ^ , 'Cedart i meat Is earnestly desired.J* 4 # # mft 1 THIRTY-FIRST YEAR NO, 46 . CEPARVILLE, OHIO, JpB AY, NOVEMBER 13, 1968 . P R IC E $ 1,00 A Y E A R , land Rath township gave Denver a ; sens’ phone) or directing any i majority, something he did not re- ■ romiuunivat ion liUislutio Club, V%Vi%W W V%W VViVW V1| RUNNING OFF tWO ynni'a n*u,, . Oedamlie, Ohio. «W|« r T)io article in question says that i t Ttir*. iiftiiT it pnoni iiiiT in il Lhv I lv ia u i VII Grlsjiboj. 30 vliiu gvu I E * __________ i • T V _______________ . < £ _ Taylor with being intoxicated- BARBESfiOOD. ftl IHt MUIHH, This is branded as a campaign lie mUlLAiVIAIIUN, although we gavo the names of the i m n u i e j o d persons who assisted inlaying Jesse The many film u at Mr. J. C. There are few men that oiler out, in the Xenia Depot Hotel. The Columbus, O. Governor Harris ; Barber were surj •ad to learn of themselves for office and are de­ has issued the following Tnauks- soreheaded candidalo now claims ; bin marriage last tusday to Miss $ It take the Malleable girl just three minutes to clean her range, after the $ feated that desire to have their cam- that the report came outgo late that givlng proclamation: 1 Jeanette May H< of Rochester, 1 paign extended after Hie/day the it could not be denied. The article “ The custom of setting opart om | N. Y. The ceremoj was performed kitchen work Is done She uses a greasy rag, that's all. Quicker tblm it takes $p ballots are east. appeared on Friday and the elec* day in eqcli year to ho devoted to at high no<m at By; ruse, N. Y. to tell it looks as good as new. & -. It seema that Jesse Taylor has not tlon was on Tuesday yet Taylor thanksgiving Js one which was in­ The bride and gr< un immediately f i been satisfied with the result of the augurated by tho Pilgrim fathers waited four days after the election •eft for a wedding ip, going down <? --- -------------------- 4 > recent election when Ills own conn- to come out with a denial, He offers at Plymouth, and has been followed Tie Hudson by hot to New York ty handed him his. credentials to to the Autl'Saloon Deague $500 Ij by all the succeeding generations ol titty, where they ill visit Mr. J. * "become a member of .Roosevelt’* such reports from “ reliable" wit­ our people down to the present time. U'red Barber, a law indent of Col-1 Ann&nias Club, v nesses can ho proven to the satis­ “ In accordance with this com­ imbia University* 'The wedding I Those high up lu the councils of faction of two ministers and the mendable prac tfcejjb eJPresld en t of trip will Include number of the theRopubtican party putforthextra superintendent of the Anti-Saloon the United States has set apart i»«Htern cities. „* j effort tftkeep their party candidate League. Thursday, .November 20, as a day of The bride is tl^s ncico of Mr,1 quiet, These men well knew what Certainly such reports would not general ’Thanksgiving and prayer.’ RobertHood of till* place and visit-, It va-'t to have a candidate attack a effect a maids candidacy when he “ This holiday comes at a season’ ed here last Juno as which time the -when., are have many visible re­ woman’s organization, a dead had the endorsement of the Anti- couple made tlicir $ equftjnlrifice. minders of the bounties of Provi­ statesman and the like, Taylor’s saloon Deague. The tronble is that Theibany triendfe of.the couple dence, many blessings which should case was diagnosed softie weeks ago ifche people of this county were in­ will receive the congratulations oj lead us to continue devoutly to ren­ hy a prominent state politician as a timately acquainted with .Taylor u host of friends ot^tbejr return ‘ case of “ running off at the mouth*?? and Wayne B. Wheeler was hot. der praise and thanksgiving to the r* 'Giver'of all good and blessed gifts' and that there seemed tq be little Under ordinary .circumstances the ORATORICAU CONTEST, prospect of overcoming the malady. Herald would takeno notice of this “ 'These are found in the abun­ In the Jamestown' Journal and last statement, but coming from the dant fruits' of the soil, the rich Xenia GaZettelast Friday and Sat­ candidate himself wo feel that to yield of mine, ttwiafge produce of The second aftnuAl contest of the urday the defeated candidate makes pass it by would be dqing Taylor an industry, arid the expanding field Ofidarvtilo College ©ratoneal Asso­ a statement. The article is one of Injustice, who still desires- to keep of opportunity for all ^legitimate ciation will be held in the Opera those after.Campaign arguments of in the public print. After Tajior’ lines of human endeavor j ju a hap­ House next Friday Ivening. Novem­ how it.aU happened* aslf the people made his attack on the Herald at a py “freedom from internal strife, ber 20. This contest is for the pur­ really did care for his political public meeting some weeks ago,, pestrlewce'or foreign wars, and in pose of selecting aa orator to rep­ future. there has been hothingbetween the the growth of our republic in re- resent Ceflnrville in the State The opening lines state that al­ candidate and this journal. H spent, power arid influence among oratorical contest. The one winning though defeated, a term some men Tayfer thinks that he lias not had the nations Of the earth, - second place will respond to a toast FIRE JILL YOUR can hardly comprehend, he (Taylor) satisfaction we- ask him to come “ Therefore, D Andrew D, Harris, at the banquet of the State Associa­ MJLLLJQLL YOlf’R is still a good Republican and will again, in two years'and try to “ re­ governor of the State of Ohio, here­ tion. The State teontest wjll he ITIS NON-BREJW by supplement the proclamation of: do all in' his power to ’redeem the deem the district’ ’, We will insure held this year at g rich tel College, ;3 TEEL*"°MJILLE ■v..‘ . district from Denver Democracy him as much Space then us-wo have the president, and call upon the Akron, Ohio^ Eight , colleges of antlmefbocis ,1 . the past mouth and give Urn public people to freely Join m the-obser­ tho slate will there,contend for the Is so scientificately builtj that it will last a lifetime, and it ds so easy to vfeaep • The Herald believes that. Mr. just as interesting information con­ vance of Thursday the iwenty-sixt b honor of mprescnfilig. the Stato in day of November, one thousand Taylor has over stepped his mark cerning a. “ double-deah-r." as a can­ clean that it always ioofis as good as new. The nickel parts can be quickly Cj; nine hundred and eight, as Thanks-' the interstate content to he held In in stating what he Will do m the didate for congress. - cleaned because they are perfectly smooth with round corners. There are no ^ !. future,' About the best" thing we glyitig day to?put, aside' their usual Wisconsin. ," ‘ ^ , As to Taylor going behind the Ceflarville ColWjge yanked high in Can.recommend is for him to quiet­ Anti-Saloon Deague with Ids blufl occupations, '’and gather in their places for dust to accumulate. ‘ ly purse his difeafc and forget the accustomed places- of' w ship and the Slate coldest hat year,, and ex­ he has a perfect right. The Herald , Drop in and see the Malleable Man and, the Malleable Girl at the store o f ^ ' bitterness and pain he seems to be assemble to offer thanks for the pects to do even, -belief this year. doeenot want a cent of his money There arc seven contestants, five pude? at this time. manifold blessings • vouchsafed but if he will put up such an amount them. young met) and f&m young ladies. As to using his • influence to re­ to prosecute an investigation to pay deem the district we, do not see Ail have prcpared|polished orations the expense of securing . sworn and aee working feafrd i*> bring up Where Taylor has any hold upon statements,- time and -^expense oi, SUNSHINE CLUB METS. C. M . Crbuse, the Republican party, particularly their delivery■ to a |agb,standard of securing witnesses for the commit­ excellence. Tha.;#nt'pKt promises ip his home county,. Row if it takes tee, the Herald will gladly qssiSfc in Taylor as long to ‘redeem ‘ the dis­ —QA-Thursday— of last' week tho to be a close oufr-jp every one of 2 3 2 8 the work without charge and bring the speakem an , excellent November d to November th.
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