qg THE AMERICAN DRIVE Aisne we withdrew our fia«» tilg* t!f TztprnxxwrTRmii Now we«.» -f «he M»ve Teutons, Comment BERLIN I Mi, IT) . There hat Military b<«en a vio'ent i«tru;rgle bf'ween th« By William L. McPherson geh Idf «nd the O a». The break ÍRENTA5afoyUemH Bewail through for wheh *he British and 'Good,' (Copyright, l9ia, New York Tribune Inc.) French airain have bi-'-n s'riving ot. i box a front of over sixty "kilometre* ^m is lefl and ten miies southeast of 1-3 niües) was frustrated. Between IFOR YOUR Stenay only Le ¿Cjáft* sen¿í Sedan. Further west American Quesnoy ar.d L-'ndrecies our re- Air Attacks helpless in a military troops terree sf--mmed the thm«t. ri AUSTRIA-HUNGARYwhich took lad reached Vernieres, five miles due On the enemy BONDS by the armistice remainder ef the front our I east of .y*yJ effect Politically rpeak* of the vi.lagt Le Chesne, which foremost bUtle troops brought the and yesterday. Is about ten miles northeast of Vou- assault to a atandst 11. up German Government Com- ing, the Dual Monarchy was a dere¬ West of the Meat« -.îers. have engagent««ta Lib««? B««4., to America That lict before the armistice was signed. developed ;n D.bulet Forest. ¦MIMM polieie*. ."Wd» plains The Allies gain control of the West of the Mpuse the American ad- YOURand «ikfT fteipen<of va!«*, vane« has cut off the German line 01 BRITISH will '.>«* ahiolutrlv aaf«» Allies Civilians Trentino and a portion of the in oar Slay large retirement thruugh the Stenaj Gap to Italian Front vault. Our hosree, m, .-i as the brenner indu,,. Tyrol.up as far Montmedy and the Metz-Thionvil.e line. LONDON (Nov. 4)..Th.- T« nth ihr «ant of a private room, Vi Pass. This gives thpm a base of The German armies in the Ke'.hel sec¬ Army on reached the h e wtrt fron» $S a yacr ¦»*. of Villo Sunday 4 It Ended Bavaria and opens tor have been outflanked from the east to. Praturlont», the Mod na $7 SO box ie atorU large Says "»perations against River east of Pordenone. St l.;u.r ri»«.i.iiih .or Austria and Bo- are now reduced to a line a tlieavrr*g«*i.,i(uta', oat "he into and single d Aviano. ¦¦- way upper U has continued it* « i?* Practice October 1 advance ff **ha!i be pirated j* lemia, if it is ever found advisahie o." retreat.that no^th toward Me- »how Ton our fâcilitiiH. Prussia zieres. When Pershing reaches Sedan The number of prisoner«« capture! to threaten Saxony and by this army is now ov r 16 000. Of Wtum earn., o,» /m Threatens to Resume Bomb¬ from the south. But such an oper¬ the German line coming down along the these more than 1,000 have been *.. v.h- ation is highly improbable. It Belgian border will also be dislocated. t»tken by the 14th Corps, mm-' Turkey The lateral railroad link between the tro<>ps. The Royai Air Force I. «- Sherman National ing if "Objects of Culture" vould be if Its Rank I attempted only Germany iirmies in the north and those east of pursued operat.ons against he Fifth Avenue at 32ad Siit-rt Dismembered !ecided to fight another winter and retreating co'umns. Are Not Spared the Meuse will be severed and the Ger¬ The 4$>tb Division has occupied j-pring campaign. man front will be cut into two sections, Levico (ten mi'e< southwest of The spectacle of Tur¬ Trentl This In yesterday's fighting the Americans the shaded area and Istria and Dalmatia are surren¬ one supplied through Liège and the division In the la»t WASHINGTON, Nov. 4..The Ger- occupied forty-eight hours has taken nvny key fizzing and sputter¬ are now nine miles frcm Sedan. A new offensive was east of dered. The Austro-Hungarian fleet other supp.ied through Luxemburg and thousan !» man government to-day notified the only begun of prison re. the ru iber own the in the direction of the arrows. and Allied cuntrol of the M«tz. The Ardennes region will con¬ of which is es i mate «I to exceed M ing in her grease. United States that since October 1 its Meuse, disappears, 000, Several littoral is made absolute. stitute a huge natural barrier between hundred guns »lue have clothing and other material* in ik. air forces have been under orders to Adriatic fallen into its h-«r>ds faataat tin«, non and just as the Thanks¬ Com¬ the two groups. «an b* mmsàSt make bomb attacks solely against im¬ The Austro-Hungarian High BELGIAN They are 8t. Nam,. Bordeaux RP£* Season ap¬ portant hostile military objects within mand is allowed to retain a small The American operation north of Nantra. Marseille., Rouen Hrr"t ! giving German Line Verdun has been of vital HAVRE..We have comp'eted the Palliée and Rochefurt the the on Gives C»..,,J5 ¡mediate operations of war, the proportion of the present military importance. of the started y,s-, and It ia now crowned with success. throwing enemy beyond the day,nut will co*tn" proaches. assumption that Allied ar.J American establishment under arms, in order being Ghent-Neuzen Cans'. Tho Germitna for eight Wf-eka. air in¬ a success achieved the des¬ hold a -¦+¦-._. forces were to receive similar to deal with But as there against only few machine gun nest* structions. Before Fierce Attack anarchy. perate resistance o" Germany's best on the west bank of the canal. Domino Case no a central Our Set.Cigarette The delivered the is longer government troops. An attack was also made yes¬ line has hern advanced as for Italians at note, through responsible for order, Allied troeps as the approaches to the northwest Zara, Swiss Legation, protests that air raids terday on the east side of the Meus«, and southern suburbs of Ghent. Continued from page 1 to Report From have been carried out recently against Americans Down 154 may have garrison many points where the American line is now many From north of the village of Zwy Rom« seven German towns, with ioss of life in Austria and in Hungary whi':e miles south of the position» on the naerde the li"e continues along the and troops in force across west bank of the Scheldt. LONDON. Nw.4, The Iuh.., among the civilian population, and swept 'Planes in Three the of establishing a group west bank. ¡.ended at /ara. H.,, the Sambre-Oise Canal. Days process Daimat'a. ar<Mr«-jnt t* that unless such raids cease Germany of states and of dis- The British attacked morn¬ a dispatch to the l entrai \'rw. In the the Ameri-1 independent yesterday Konie. *" ,,,' cannot refrain from aerial attacks on Argonne region THE AMERICAN annexirg Galicia, Transylvania, the ing on a broad front from Vnlen- lYankcTewrStart Allied zone of cans cleared the last of territory outside of the the! WITHARMY ON the Banat of Temesvar, ciennea almost as far south as Guis»;. Zara, n city of 50 000 THE SEDAN Bukowina, popula^ . (Jïazed cal)'skin case, gold tooling, operations. wooded defences west of the Landrecies, on the Sambre at Unloading Contes a seaport on the Adriatic, FRONT, Nov 4 (By The Associ¬ Bosnia and Herzegovina is under River, south of ninety *«>'|m complete set of white dominos. Case This was the first notice received by Meuse and started a new attack the southwestern corner of Mormal Fiant«. It 11* the ciaiul Pf ated Press)..Since the TOURS. Nov. 4 (By The Ass,«ciste Dalmatia. Having been 4Va * 2% foches.$10.25 the American government that such resump¬ way. was Preps). The name long undei against the weakened line east of fore¬ Forest, captured, and the line of of the nine Amer: Venetian rule«, the- hat. »n Initials mi case vHthout orders had tion of the American offensive on The Austro-Hungarian terms can base in citj It»!,»» stamped been issued to the German the river. Gouraud's army, on the Sambre Canal was passed Half ports France, the servie aspect. It is inhabited larfrelv h\ lui this front the shadow the term« to be offered to Ger¬ supply or^nniznt .«us, which have er lana charge. air forces, which have constantly Americans have of Mormal Forest was taken and Mm only important induatry .. Pershing's right, kept pace with many. Since Germany is still strong tered an "On to Berlin" contest, to d< the manufacture of a Cigarette case, shown open and raided defenceless cities and towns in brought down in three days 124 10,000 were Fur¬ termine which can <'.l<«i>rat*<] wuuor J the American advance, forcing and united more guarantees prisoners captured. un.oad guns, foot maraschino. dosed, txco extension pockets taking France, Great Britain and Italy since German The Ameri¬ sweeping ther north the British reached the sea! the beaten Germans to fall back airplanes. of eventual submission may have to be x'J cigt.rettes- Colored pin the war besan. cans have lost little Aune'.le east of Valen- leather .$6.25 behind the Ardennes Canal to Le twenty-nine ma¬ demanded. The elimination of German River, No Comment on Note chines. oiennes and only ten miles west of Inititrfs stamped 25c entra. Chesne. naval power is a consideration of the The State made Mons. The Belgian army has occupied Department public In first importance, since the submarine the German note without comment.
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