The Paducab Daily Sun j VOL IX NO 101 PADUCAH KENTUCKY SATURDAY JULY 12 1902 10 CENTS PER WEEK t n THROUGH A BRiDGE TOO MUCH MONEY WEEKS NEWS IN THE BUSINESS WORLD SHE STUCK TO HIM BLAGKSELL HELDtrj Wreck on the Southern at Prince A Retired Captain In the British Clearings this week 1044877 Devotion of Former Gov BobTaylors The Elmendorf Trial Was Continued Same week last year 1880697 Daughter to Her Lover at Smithfand Yesterday ton Ind Yesterday Afternoon Navy Suicides the bad crop conditions in the south I 11Dctis this is the Increase 64180 River trade dull but Business at the banks was heavier dull season for steamboats Railroad Shop Married a Young Man Who Had Important Witnesses in the Cwr Ex- Mrs Lucille Blackburn I ane Report He Had Two Million Dollars and So the past week than at the same time traffic is good with passenger traffic pected ed Quite III at Her Washing Much Hard Cash Worried last year the the business showing ah very good Been Driven Away By frasa Several increase In the clearings of 64180 Retail trade has been very good < ton Home Him Her Father Counties Wholesale trade was good In all the past week with all the stores run lines the past week with collections ning clearance sales GOP TAYLOR IS PROSTRATES ALLEGED HE WAS A SUSPEOTJ RECORD OF MINE HORROR ROOSEVELT COMPLIMENTED MUCH WORK VERY SENSATIONAL RAILROAD WRECK IN INDIANA AN UNUSUAL SUICIDE Knoxville Tenn July 12Than Will Blackwell the SanlthUnd nut A Large Force of Men on the Sea Trouble at Benton Over Alleged For ¬ elopement of Miss Emily Henson Tay- ¬ shagged with having slipped the saw Princeton Ind July UEaat London July 12The great wealth lor the 19 year old daughter of former blades and other tools late the jail abi bound freight train No 77 on the seems to have been the Immediate coast Property In Mechanlcsburg ged Papers Oor Robert L Taylor with Dr Qi Bmithland to aid Culver the safe Southern went through abridge yes cause of the suicide of Sebastian Gas 4 T St John of this city has created blower to escape waived examination terday afternoon late two miles west slot a retired captain of the royal a sensation hone Miss Taylor and and wu held gcing to jaU in default V of Hnntlngbnrg Ind and Fireman navy A brother of Captain Oasslot Temporary Building Being Erected Finance Committee Say They Do Not ti Dr fit John left this morning at 1 nit bond j Frank McGonn was so badly injured who died recently bequeathed 1500 Also an Office Structure Remember Signing It oclock for Chllnowee Va where the SInendarff trial was seMor Thurs that he tiled about two hours after 000 13500000 to St Thomas has parents of the groom live To this day but was continued over to welt the accident Engineer Frank Ward pltal and at the Inquest just held it marriage hangs the story of a beauti- for witnesses and Brakeman Edward Atkinson were transpired that the captain Inherited ¬ ful devotion man who had Etaendorff alleged to have fur badly injured It Is believed There Is much activity about the At the meeting of the town author- girls to a ii but they C400000 2000000 of his brothers caw blades ¬ been turned from the home of her nlihed BUckwell with the will recover All the train crew re- ¬ money He therefore became depressed old elements mill property recently ities last Wednesday night some sense father Since two years ago when and other tools Owing t> absent sided at Princeton by the weight of his responsibility and purchased by the Seacoast Mining tional things were brought before the ¬ Dr John who is 33 years old was witnesses from Paducah and Imbued with the delusion that he was company In Mechanlcsbnrg prepara- board and somebody is placed in a pe St Dixonj graduated from the Tennessee Media Webster county the case was contra ¬ OVER ONE HUNDRED DEAD exceedingly poor Finally the captain tory to converting it into a separator culiarly undesirable position Some cal college he hasbeen paying atten tied There are throe witnesses of Jonnstown Pa shot himself at his residence July 8 There are fifteen or twenty men en time ego during the smallpox scare JIIITI20ne tion to Miss Taylor Six months ago DIxon who are wanted They were it hundred and five are now dead from In his hand was discovered a para gaged in clearing away the yards and the health officers ordered all persons his office was closed by creditors on the Evanavllle packet the explosion Thursday at the rolling graph from a newspaper referring to the property is being surrounded by a within the town to be vaccinated and tbdrEI persona pay Last week he brought suit against mocdsTS was taken up from Paducah him brothers bequest to the hospital fence that greatly Improves its appear all who were unable to the I Alexander and Mack Reynolds and one was the police judge The anoe fee were to be vaccinated at the ex ¬ Robert and the will which had been such a county people IndentHed El ¬ gamblers of tale city to recover f500 Wobstor that this number will be swelled to source of trouble Foundations are being built for the pease of the town Dr Hall present- lost 1 mendarff L claimed as belay the main bntldlng which will be frame ed a bill to Marshal D F Finer and and developed thafhe has it same man who was arrested there in BOUGHT THE and a temporary only and asked payment Mr Flier referred 500 In the last six months Governor oomI PRESIDENTS structure Taylor Investigated and found the April on suspicion A lot of it4ellavedor WRITINGS for the office building which will be him to Leroy Griffith and Clint Hol- Garglesr W gambling Then tooled or such as were fountain the ItsMRS New York July 12 Queen Alex two stories high The intention of land the committee on finance and told young man had been ooonty jail here were founds in pos ¬ LANE ILL andra at the coronation bazar in the the concern to erect a steel structure the doctor to have them sign the order he turned him out- d session ol the suspect botanical gardens which she opened for its separator but it will be a year and that bo would then pay it Last evening while the governor Blackburn Lane Is ill at her residence paid an exceedingly delicate compli- or more before the necessary steel can The doctor did so and Mr Flier was at Lebanon Tenn lecturing the here with an outbreak such as afflicted ment to President Roosevelt says a be secured paid t tln tall or in part and on last girl stole from home where she was SHOT BY SISTERS BEAU Lucillei ¬ Job Mrs Lane intended to spend Herald dispatch from London In the meantime work will be Wednesday night while the council being guarded and went to a seclud- ed part of city and met John FELLOW REFUSOD TO the heated season in Europe but all After being received at the Ameri- pushed and it is hoped to be in opera ¬ was in session the bill was filed as a the St LITTLE i- her plans are now upset Her father can court by Mrs Ohoate and Mrs tion In the course of a few weeks voucher for settlement when Mr and married him She is one of the LEAVE WHEN ORDERED Is senator from Kentucky and Is very Whltelaw Reid she carefully exam- Griffith denied all knowledge of its most beautiful girls rn Knoxville and TO DO SO solicitous of her condition- Ined the articles on sale and selected a THE HOSE DEAL existence saying that he had neither St John comes of an old family Say rsvlle Ky July volume of President Roosevelts writ The fire hose deal is still being in- seen or heard of the bill nor had he Governor Taylor Is prostrated over the 12Wallll Estop at ten year old boy too of O LEXINGTON DETECTIVE logs saying she anticipated much vestigated but the committeemen signed Ie Mr Holland admitted that affair EsUp a prosperous farmer living oa pleasure In reading It who are making the investigation his name was in his handwriting but Mine Fork of Paint creek atcat ten J BTOUQH HERE ON IMPORT will not give out any information rel ¬ had forgotten everything concerning CIRCUIT COURT CAPT miles from this place was shot by H ANT BUSINESS ative to what they have learned The HIT THE SPRINKLER It Jenkins aged about 2ft years mayor will make a fall report when This places some one in a bad light A FEW JUDGMENTS FILED TO 0 detectives ball entered the hip ranging to Captain Stougb chief of the investigation has been settled and as the affair Is to be investigated and DAY BEFORE ADJOURNIward the knee Jenkins was call ing Of Lexington Ky isI in the city on submit it to the council and board of serious charge of forgery will very the MENT onyoaog Esteps sister and went to Street Car Overturns the Rolling aldermen for ratification or rejection likely be preferred against some one tmslnessHe be bows to see her He raked the working np evidence in a Tribune t i Benton were judg I akIDKoe It Is said and in Tank at Sixth and Jefferson KENTUCKIAN SWINDLED This morning there three boy to leave and he refused Jenkins meats filed in circuit court chased him around the house two is working several matters New York Jnly T Mc FEW IN TUB HOSPITAL 12John case Flournoy as houseorti importance In criminal clr Carthy a wealthy mine owner of In the of T J three times and through the There isI little illness in the I 0 against W Pomroy a judg and he went to go out at the door Henry Hobbs Colored Driver Knocked po- ¬ igneo F as fuer Ashland Ky complained to the pa- hospital here a smaller number of meat for the sale ofyroperty was filed and across the fence Jenkins fired also gave the police of Paducah Off and Painfully Bruised lice last night that he had been swin- ¬ has been entered in some- ¬ ¬ tients than in favor of the plaintiff The boy is not expected to live Jen special invitation
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