P 1 Special Tonight A The Edition "C at on a Next Issue AlbrightHot Tin College Roof" GingrichJ Library \ LBRIGHTIANAlbright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library Serving Albright College Since 1879 N o . 15 V O L LV II READING, PENNSYLVANIA, APRIL 21, 1961 Seminar Series Vogt Elected Student Council Prexy; Y R etreat Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library To Finish Tue. YM CA-YW CA, Class Officers Chosen To D iscuss About 85 people attended the first Thursday, April 13, 90 per cent meetings of the combined Ys spring of the student body voted in the Freedom s seminar series held Tuesday, April first all campus election held dur­ “What it means to be free’’ is the 11. This series consists of lectures ing an assembly period. William theme for the spring Y Retreat and discussions on pressure groups, Vogt, ’62, was elected Student Coun­ sponsored by the combined Ys April cil president by the members of the mental health, and a trilogy on the 29 and 30 at Blue Mountain Camp. student body as they met in sepa­ modern arts. rate meetings to discuss class prob­ The three seminar sessions during Miss Carolyn Cox of Shippens- Albright College Gingrich Library lemsAlbright and vote Collegenot only for Gingrich class Library theAlbright retreat will College feature discussions Gingrich Library burg State College lectured on mod­ on freedom in relationship to the officers but Y presidents and the em drama. Among the selections Student Council constitutional revi­ individual personality, to the indi­ which she presented were parts of sions. The revisions were approved vidual in society," and to the indi­ Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Me­ by approximately 90 per cent of vidual's creativity. William R. Mar­ low, chaplain, will speak on social nagerie, Anton Chekov’s Uncle those who voted. Charles Schleifer, freedom. Freedom to be creative Vanya, and Henrick Ibsen's Hedda ’62, and Carol Conway, '62, were Gobbler. elected YMCA and YWCA presi­ will be discussed by Dr. Edith Douds, professor of French. Richard Mr. CharleB Raith, assistant pro­ dents respectively. fessor of political science, lectured Senior officers for next year are Fahnline, German teacher at Read­ and led a discussion on pressure Paul Mauger, president, James ing High School, will present the Albrightgroups. He beganCollege with basic Gingrich defini­ Library Albright College Gingrich Library topicAlbright concerning College personal Gingrichfreedom. Library tions of terms. He also discussed A group discussion period will fol­ the set-up of pressure groups and low each seminar. All three speak­ exposed the problems involved in ers will lead a summary session at them. the conclusion of the retreat. The third lecture was on the topic Charles Schleifer Registration of mental health. Doctor Elmer Carol Conway Cars will leave from the parking - Horst, chief psychiatrist for the lot at 11 a.m. Saturday. Registrar Reading Hospital, lectured on the tion ends today, but Donna Shu­ problems of mental health. Congo Views Albright College GingrichParent’s Library Day Albright College Gingrich Library maker,Albright '63, or College Carol Conway, Gingrich ’63, Library The SecQnd Group can be contacted before Wednesday The second group of seminars was Heard At IRC for late registrations. held this past Tuesday. Ernest May Court A recent International Relations Committee chairmen for the re­ Oiese, *81, who has studied music, Club meeting featured a talk by treat are as follows: registration, presented a lecture on modem mu­ Is Decided Jan-Albert Goris, M inister Pleni­ Donna Shumaker; program, Mary sic. He illustrated his lecture with The May Day Court for Parents potentiary and Commissioner of In­ Ann Richards, ’62; publicity, Judy Campbell, '63; food, Eunice Roush, selections, tapes, and mimeographed weekend was elected April 17 and formation for the Belgian Informa; ’62, and Phyllis Merle, ’63;-recrea­ sheets. 18. Members of the court are Ceil tion Service, which is a section of Max Silverstein, executive direc­ Callendo, Cynthia Cook, Judith Mil­ the Belgian Mission to the United tion, James Clayter, ’63; and wor­ ship, Lenore Barth, '62. Albrighttor of mental College health inGingrich Pennsyl ler, Library (Dorm), Susan Mock, Agnes Albright College GingrichNations. Library Goris spoke about the Bel­ Albright College Gingrich Library vania, lectured on the role Pennsyl­ Oaks, Barbara Schaefer, D orothy William Vogt gian point of view on the Belgian vania is playing in the field of men Wemer, and Carol Wilson, Sarah Grubb, vice president, Carol Ann Congo. tal health. Blouch, ’61, and Marilyn Hogg, ’61, Morris, secretary, George Seighman, Natale DeLuca, *62, IRC president, Mr. Charles Raith continued the announced that the Queen and Maid treasurer, and Harry Steinberg, Stu­ announced plans for the May 10 Next Assembly IRC meeting. The program will fea­ discussion of pressure groups with of H onor will be announced on dent Council representative. Next ture part II of the movie, “Report a redefinition of terms and then Parent’s Day before the pageant. year’s seniors also approved John on Africa,” which deals with North Will Feature discussed the topic in more detail The crown bearer will be John Farquh arson as Cue editor for the Bishop, son of William Bishop as­ ‘Coming year. Africa. Election of next year’s of­ Final Series sistant professor of history. The The juniors of next year elected ficers and the formulation of next Mantle Service The last of the series will be pre­ flower girl will be Margaret Barth. Wilson Kratz, president, Robert year’s program will also take place Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrichat this Library meeting. AlbrightChapel and College assem bly Gingrichprograms Library sented April 25. A lecture on mod­ Other events in the week-end Matthews, vice president, Ruth Ann em art will be presented by Leonids Hartinger, secretary, Donald Haines, have been announced for the next schedule include; a baseball game two weeks. The mantle ceremony Linauts. Mr. Linauts has a studio' between Albright and Lebanon Val­ treasurer, and Michael Morano, Stu­ in Ra«i»ng where he.eams his liv­ dent Council representative. Agon Reaches will be held Tuesday, during which ley, a choral concert Saturday eve­ the newly-elected cam pus officers ing by making stained glass. Some ning spon sored by the Greater Jay Wonder was elected to head of his stained glass and also some next year’s sophomore class, Secre­ Final Stages will be inducted. Thursday, the Reading Friends of Music, a tree The Albright Campus Literary English Department will present Dr. medhlllons are on display in the col­ planting ceremony Sunday sponsor­ tary of the class of '64 is Mary lege dining hall at present. Mr, Beth Walston, treasurer, Edward magazine, the Agon, will be avail­ Richard C. Harrier, p rofessor of ed by the Pi Alpha Tau sorority, able in early May announced the Shakespeare at N.Y.U., a cultural Linauts was the organizer of the and a Sunday morning worship Smith, and Student Council repre­ artists displaying their work in the sentative, Vivian King. The office co-editors, Eileen M. McCracken, '61, program speaker. Tuesday, May 2, service. of vice president was settled when and Beverly Yanich, '61. This third William R. Marlow, chaplain, will Albrightdining hall. College Gingrich LibraryE dith Engle, ’64, and Eunice Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library a run-off of the tie between John edition of the Agon, which is writ­ speak for chapel service, and Thurs­ Roush, ’62, are general co-chairmen Herbine and Jerry Myers was held ten under the auspices of the Crib- day of that week the Viola-Piano of the week-end program. Assisting Duo of Paul D oktor and Yaltah yesterday. berlus Club, will closely follow last Book-Of-Semester tyiom are the following committee Vogt, Schleifer, Conway, Mauger, year’s format. Menuhin will present a concert. members: Marilyn Hogg, '61, and Kratz, and W onder along with The content of the Agon includes Harrier Schedules Dr. Hus Sarah Blouch, ’61, May Queen Coro­ the newly elected Student Council plays, short stories, poetry, essays, nation; M artin Houser, ’64, and Dr. Harrier received his A.B. from The book-of-the-semester commit­ representatives, will be inducted and litera ry criticisms. Paul R. Muhlenberg College and his M.A. Cathy Patterson, '62, publicity; Au­ Applegate, instructor in English, is tee has secured Dr. Francis L. K, during the Mantle Ceremony to be and Ph.D. from Harvard. During Hsu professor of anthropology at drey Schropp, '62, registration; the faculty advisor. held next Tuesday, April 25. two years of study in England, he Northwestern University, as chapel Kent Estler, ’64, and Patricia Old­ Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library Albrightwrote an edition College of the Gingrichpoems of Library speaker Thursday, May 11. The com­ ham, ’63, tickets; and Karen Kun- mittee is making tentative plans for kle, '62, and Nancy Smothers, ’63, Wyatt. Dr. Harrier is teaching a Dr. Hsu’s activities the remainder invitations. course in Shakespeare on NBC TV of Thursday. Sunrise Semester. He is an organ­ Dr. Hsu was bora in Manchuria ‘Under the A n cestor’ s Shadow,” izer and teacher at the Stratford, China in 1909; he attended the Uni ‘Americans and Chinese: Two Ways Conn., Shakespeare Summer Festi­ versity of Shanghai and received of Life,” and “Clan, Caste and val. Dr. Harrier has been awarded his Ph.D. from the University of Chief,” (A study of Chinese, Hindu a Dexter Fellowship and a grant London. His research interests in­ and A m erican culture), and his most recent book, “Psychological from the American Philosophical clude C hinese culture, American Albright College Gingrich Anthropolgy,”Library will soon be available Albright College Gingrich Library AlbrightSociety.
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