Health Equity Resource Communities Coalition Statewide and Regional 1. 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers-East 2. AARP Maryland 3. Advocates for Children and Youth 4. AFSCME Council 3 5. AFSCME Council 67 6. AIDS Action Baltimore 7. AIDS Healthcare Foundation 8. Allergy & Asthma Network 9. Alzheimer's Association, Greater Maryland Chapter 10. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Maryland Chapter 11. Anne Arundel County Commission for Women 12. The Arc Maryland, Inc. 13. Baltimore City Conference, DE-MD Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 14. Baltimore City Council 15. Baltimore City Substance Abuse Directorate 16. Baltimore District (AME Zion Church) 17. Baltimore Jewish Council 18. Baltimore Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church 19. Baltimore Yearly Meeting Religious Society of Friends 20. Baltimore Yearly Meeting - Baltimore STRIDE Program 21. Baltimore Yearly Meeting - DC STRIDE Program 22. Baltimore Yearly Meeting Young Adult Friends 23. Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Young Friends 24. Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Washington, DC and Vicinity 25. Baptist Ministers' Night Conference of Baltimore & Vicinity 26. Be the Change Bmore 27. Bridge Maryland, Inc. 28. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield 29. CASA 30. Caucus of African-American Leaders 31. Central Maryland Ecumenical Council 32. Chesapeake Climate Action Network 33. Climate XChange 34. Collective Empowerment Group, Inc. 35. Common Cause of Maryland 36. Community Action Council of Howard County, MD, Inc. 37. Community Development Network of MD 38. Delaware-Maryland Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 39. Disability Rights Maryland 40. The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland 41. The Episcopal Diocese of Washington 42. Families USA 43. FIRN: Foreign-Born Information and Referral Network 44. Green & Healthy Homes Initiative 45. Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation (GEDCO) 46. Goucher College 47. Jewish Federation of Howard County 48. Job Opportunities Task Force (JOTF) 49. Johns Hopkins University 50. Johns Hopkins Medicine 51. Kaiser Permanente 52. LatinosAgainstAlzheimer's Coalition 53. Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, Inc. 54. The League of Life & Health Insurers of Maryland, Inc. 55. Maryland Academy of Advanced Practice Clinicians 56. Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform 57. Maryland Area Health Education Center West (AHEC West) 58. Maryland Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence 59. Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) 60. Maryland Center on Economic Policy 61. Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative 62. Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault 63. Maryland Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking and Related Problems 64. Maryland Community Action Partnership 65. Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition 66. Maryland-DC Society of Addiction Medicine 67. Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network 68. Maryland Hospital Association 69. Maryland Kenyans Organization 70. Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women (MLAW) 71. Maryland Legislative Coalition 72. Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus 73. Maryland Nonprofits 74. Maryland Public Health Association 75. Maryland Rural Health Association 76. Maryland State Education Association 77. MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society 78. Mental Health Association of Maryland 79. Mid-Atlantic Association of Community Health Centers 80. Ministers' Conference Empowerment Center, CDC 81. Ministers' Conference of Baltimore & Vicinity 82. NAACP Maryland State Conference 83. NAMI Maryland 84. NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland 85. NASW- MD Chapter 86. National Capital Baptist Convention 87. National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence NCADD-Maryland 88. Prince George’s County Council 89. Progressive Maryland 90. Public Justice Center 91. Quaker Voice of Maryland 92. Reproductive Health Equity Alliance of Maryland 93. St. John’s College 94. St. Mary’s College of Maryland 95. SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Maryland and DC Council 96. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Prince George’s County Chapter 97. Strong City Baltimore 98. Strong Future Maryland 99. Towson Communities Alliance 100. Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland 101. United Baptist Missionary Convention of Maryland and its Auxiliaries. Inc 102. University of Maryland, Baltimore 103. University of Maryland, Baltimore County 104. University of Maryland Medical System 105. Wise Women of Maryland 106. Women of Action Maryland Local 107. ABC123andME 108. Adelphi Friends Meeting 109. Adullum Community Healthcare Center LLC 110. Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery County 111. A Friendly Bread 112. Annapolis Friends Meeting 113. Ardmore Springdale Civic Association 114. Ark Church 115. Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (works in Montgomery County) 116. Asbury Broadneck UMC 117. Asian American Center of Frederick 118. Awesome Respite 119. BA Auto Care 120. Baltimore Medical System 121. Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run 122. Baltimore Trauma Response Team 123. BDS Healthy Aging Networks 124. Bethany Baptist Church 125. Bethesda Friends Meeting 126. Beth Shalom AME Zion Church 127. Blueberry Gardens Healing Center 128. Bon Secours Baltimore Community Works 129. Branch Communications 130. Capital T. Solutions LLC 131. Carroll County Democratic Central Committee 132. Carroll County Democratic Club 133. Casarea Christian Community Chapel 134. Catonsville Indivisibles 135. Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Ministry Team 136. Center for Therapeutic Empowerment 137. Central Civic Association 138. Channing Memorial Church 139. Chase Brexton Health Care 140. Chesapeake Health Care 141. Christian Community Church of God 142. Church of the Guardian Angel 143. Clement Cinema LLC 144. Clinton A.M.E. Zion Church 145. Community Baptist Church 146. Community Clinic, Inc. (CCI) 147. Community Ecology Institute 148. Computer Management Services 149. Congregation Or Chadash 150. Corner Rock Ministries 151. CurlyRed 152. Democratic Club of Leisure World 153. Destiny Christian Church 154. Dorchester County Health Department 155. Doterra Essential Oils 156. DoTheMostGood MoCo MD 157. Dreams come true travel 158. Eddie’s Market, Charles Village 159. Eloqui 160. Energy Concepts Co. 161. Enon Baptist Church 162. Empowering Believers Church 163. Empowering Our Children 164. Empowering Our Community 165. Energy Concepts Co. 166. Family and Medical Counseling Service, Inc. 167. First Baptist Church of Highland Park 168. First Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 169. First Unitarian Church of Baltimore 170. Fraspera LLC 171. Frederick Friends Meeting 172. Garrett County Democratic Central Committee 173. Gethsemene Baptist Church 174. Gethsemane United Methodist Church 175. Global Vision Foundation, Inc 176. Gospel Tabernacle Baptist Church 177. Graphics by Chalk 178. Greater Baden Medical Services 179. Greater Beulah Baptist Church 180. Greater Faith Baptist Church 181. Greater Harvest Baptist Church 182. Greater Victory and Deliverance Church Of Jesus Christ 183. Gunpowder Friends Meeting 184. HBCU College of Plant-Based Lifestyle Medicine 185. Health Care For the Homeless 186. HeartSmart - The Cliff R.Roop Cardiac Support and Education Foundation 187. Herron and Associates, LLC 188. High Rock Missionary Baptist Church 189. Holy Ghost Deliverance Tabernacle Church 190. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 191. Homewood Friends Meeting (Quakers) 192. Hyattsville Mennonite Church 193. IBR/REACH Health Services 194. The IMAGE Center for People with Disabilities 195. IndivisibleHoCoMD 196. Inner Light Yoga 197. Integrative Healing 198. Isaiah Baptist Church 199. Keep It Classy By Regina 200. Kidz Biziness 201. Kindred Hair & Skin Center 202. Kingdom Missionary Baptist Church 203. Koinonia Baptist Church 204. LeanToo Consulting LLC 205. Make Studio 206. Maryland Baptist Aged Home 207. Mary’s Center 208. Mary's Kiddie Kare, LLC 209. Megaphone Project 210. Meridian Hill Baptist Church 211. Miche Booz Architect 212. Miracle Baptist Church 213. Mobile Medical Care 214. Molly Perkins Hauck, PhD., LLC,Licensed Psychologist 215. Movement Disorder Education, Exercise & Community Outreach 216. Mt. Calvary Freewill Baptist Church 217. Mount Calvary Church 218. Mt Calvary Free Will Baptist Church and Ministries, Inc. 219. Mt. Olive Baptist Church 220. Musical Eargazm 221. Muslim Community Cultural Center of Baltimore 222. My Father's House of Baltimore, Inc. 223. NAMI Howard County, MD, Inc. 224. NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore 225. NAMI Prince George's County, MD, Inc. 226. New Corner Stone Baptist Church 227. New Faith Christian Community 228. New Metropolitan Baptist Church 229. New St. Mark Baptist Church 230. Next Day Animations 231. Nu Season Nu Day Church & Ministries 232. Open Bible Baptist Church 233. Paramount Constructors, LLCCD 234. Park Moving and Storage 235. Park West Health System Inc. 236. Pastors' Conference 237. Patuxent Friends Meeting 238. Perkins Square Baptist Church 239. Perseverance Counseling Services, LLC 240. Prince George's County (MD) Peace & Justice Coalition 241. Prince George's Healthcare Alliance, Inc. 242. Prince of Peace Baptist Church 243. The QED Foundation, Inc. 244. QED Inc. 245. Remnant Center of Excellence 246. Restoration Community Church 247. Root Studio 248. Ruth Downs little ones daycare 249. Salem Lutheran Church Catonsville Anti-Racism Task Force 250. SEIU Local 400 PG 251. Shepherd's Empowerment Center 252. Sisters In Ministry, Inc. 253. Smalltimore Homes 254. S.M. Jackson Government Business Solutions, LLC 255. St. Francis of Assisi, Baltimore 256. St. Ignatius
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