Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby Colby Catalogues Colby College Archives 1857 Colby College Catalogue 1857 - 1858 Colby College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Colby College, "Colby College Catalogue 1857 - 1858" (1857). Colby Catalogues. 117. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Catalogues by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. C..-c.1 c...H- - _1_857 sfi_ __ �­ 1857/sg - - - --- -- CATALOGUE 0 OF I WATERVILLE COLLEGE. 1857-8. ft; may 7 1962 "•"•W4|| w '^..«,J ; ?6% CATALOGUE OF WATERVILLE COLLEGE. 'I 1857-8. "" . ' ..i "'.,.I j. • ' . t MAY 7 19 , 62 Ui .. ..... "'••; . "'" J... ... •1(/f s Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / 1 INTERt�ET RCHI E UNI ERSITY OF ILLINCIS Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / CATALOGUE §ff«fw w% Stsfrtttf CATALOGUE OF WATEHYILLE COLLEGE, MAINE, m% VIS AG&MSM I38A& OF THE 1867-8. WATERVILLE: PRINTED FOR THE COLLEGE 1857. OF WATERVILLE COLLEGE, MAINE, I8a7-8. ( WATERVILLE: PRINTED FOR THE COLLEGE. 1 8 57. Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / BOSTON : John M. Hewes, Printer, 81 Cornhill. BOSTON: John M. Hewes, P1··inter, 81 Cornhill. INTERt�ET RCHI E UNI ERSITY OF ILLIN IS Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / BOABD OF TRUSTEES 3 Rev. JAMES T. CHAMPLIN, D. D., President. Hon. JOHN HUBBARD, M. D., LL. D., Vice President. ELDRIDGE L. GETCHELL, Esq., Treasurer. Rev. N. MILTON WOOD, Secretary. Nathaniel Gilman, Esq. Rev. Adam Wilson, D. D. Andrew Masters, Esq. Rev. Arthur Drinkwater, J�OAI{D OF TRUSTEES. Rev. Samuel F. Smith, D. D. Rev. Handel G. Nott, Hon. Josiah Pierce, Hon. Abner Coburn, Samuel Garnsey, Esq. Henry W. Paine, LL. D. Rev. JAl\1 ES T. CHAMP LIN , D. D., President. Rev. Abraham H. Grander Rev. Joseph Ricker, Hon. 1-IUBBARD, M.D., LL.D., Rev. Samuel L. Caldwell, JOl-IN VicePresident. Alpheus Shaw, Esq. ELDR IDG E L. GETCH ELL, Moses Giddings, Esq. Esq., Treasurer. Rev. David N. Sheldon, D. D. Rev. Lorenzo B. Allen, Rev. N. MILTON WOOD, Sfecretary. Rev. William H. Shailer, D. D. Hon. Noah Smith, Jr. Abial W. Kennedy, M. D. Nathaniel Gilman, Esq. l\ioses Giddings, Esq. Nathaniel R. Boutellc, M. D. Hon. Ebenezer Knowlton, Rev. Admn Wilson, D. D. Rev. David N. Sheldon, D. D. Rev. Nathaniel Butler, John B. Foster, A. M. Andrew 1fasters, Esq. Rev. Lorenzo B. Allen, Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Rev. William Lamson, D. D. Rev. Arthur Drinkwater, Rev. William H. Shailer, D. D. Joseph Story, Esq. Josiah II. Drummond, A. M. Rev. Samuel F. Smith, D. D. Ron. Noah Smith, Jr. Rev. llandel G. Nott, Abial vV. Kennedy, M. D. Ron. Josiah Pierce, Nathaniel R. Boutelle, lH. D. " Ron. Abner Coburn, Ron. Ebenezer I(nowlton, Samuel Garnsey, Esq. Rev. Nathaniel Butler, IIenry W. Paine, LL. D. John B. Foster, A. 1\I. Rev. Abraham II. Granger, lion. Hannibal I-Iamliu, Rev. Joseph Ricker, Rev. 'Villiam Lamson, D. D. Rev. Samuel L. Caldwell, Joseph Story, Esq. Alpbeus Shaw, Esq. Josiah II. Drum monel, A. 1\tl. Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / 5 FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION, Rev. JAMES T. CHAMPLIN, D. D., President, Professor of tlie Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. Rev. ROBERT E. PATTISON, D. D., professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. SAMUEL K. SMITH, A. M., Professor of Rhetoric, and Librarian. FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION. CHARLES E. HAMLEN, A. M., Professor of Chemistry and Xatural History. MOSES LYFORD, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and IVatural Philosophy. HOBART W. RICHARDSON, A. M., Tutor In Greek and Mathematics. Rev. JAMES T. CHAMPLI N, D. D., President, ProCessor oC the Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. Rev. ROBERT E. PAT TISON, D. D., ProCessor of' Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. SAMUEL I{. Sl\1ITH, A. l\I., ProCessor of' Rhetoric, and Librarian. CHARLES E. HAMLEN, A. l\1., Prof'essor of' {)bemistry and Natural History. MOSES LYFORD, A.M., ProCessor of' Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. HOBART W. RICHARDSON, A. l\L, Tutor In Greek and ltiathematics. Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / INTERNET RCHI E UNI ERSITY OF ILLINOIS Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / 7 7 STUDENTS. Senior Class. Xaines. Residence. Rooms. Thomas Foxwell Bachelder, Bloomjield, STUDENTS. 27 S. C. Charles Pierce Baldwin, Neiv Sharon, iin. c. �lass. Simon Stratton Brown, Stninr Benton, 11 N. c. Names. Residence. Room . Sabine Emery, Eastport, 7N. THOMAS FoxwELL BACHELDER, Bloomfield, 27 S. c. c. Jonathan Cilley Fales, CHARLES PIERCE BALDWIN' New Sha1·on, 11 N. c. Thomaston, 25 S. SIMON STRATTON BROWN' Benton, 11 N. c. c. Isaac Small Hamblen, Lovell, SABINE E�IERY' Eastport, 7 N. c. 26 S. c. JoNATHAN CILLEY FALES, Tlwmaston, 25 S. c. Amos Lunt Hinds, Benton, IsAAC S:\IALL RAMBLE�, Lovell, 26 S. c. US. c. Benjamin Franklin Lawrence, AMos LuNT HINDS, Renton, 11 s. c. Jay, 27 S. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LAWRENCE, Jay, 27 s. c. c. Joseph Winslow Levett, Philadelphia, Pa JosEPH WINSLOW LEVETT, Plziladelphia, Pa., 6N. c. , 6N. c. HoRACE BARROWS 1\lARSHALL, Hebron, 14. s. c. Horace Barrows Marshall, Hebron, WILLIAM TRIPP pARKER, Kent's Hill, 7 N.C. 14 S. c. Dr. Pattison's. William Tripp Parker, EVERETT WILSON pATTISON, Waten ille, Kent's Hill, 7N. GEORGE GILMAN PERCIVAL, Waterville, 1\lr. Percival'�. c. Everett Wilson Pattison, CHARLES HENRY RowE, New Gloucester, 12 S. 0. Waterville, Dr. Pattison's. .ADE George Gilman Percival, JuDSON W SnAw, South Paris, 32 N. c. Waterville, Mr. Percival's. HAMPTON D. p. S:\IALL, JJfl. Vernon, 30 N. c. Charles Henry Rowe, Neiv Gloucester, 12 S. c. Judson Wade Shaw, South Paris, 32 N. c. Hampton D. P. Small, Mb. Vernon, 30 N. c. Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / junior Class. 2s amcs. Residence. 8 Rooms. Alfred Eliab Buck, Foxcroft, 16 S. C. Stephen Copeland Fletcher, Bloomjield, 16 N. C. Alexander Fuller, Jr., Water ville, 26 S. c. Foster Goodrich, � unior �lass. Bingham, 9 8. c. JUDAH TEAGUE POMPILLY, Same . Re idence . Rooms. Auburn, 7S. c. ..A.LFRED ELB.B BucK, Foxcroft, 16 s. c. Manley W. Turner, Bloomjield, STEPrrEx CoPELA�D FLETCHER, 16 N. c. 16 N. Bloomfield, c. Hiram Chaney Yaughan, ALEXA�DER FuLLER, JR., Wate1·ville, 26 s. c. Farmington, 13 S. c. FosTER GoonRrcrr, Bingharn, 9 s. c. J unAH TEAGUE Po:llPILLY, .Aubu1·n, 7 s . c. niA.xLEY w. TuRXER, Bloomfield, 16 N. c. HrRA:ll CrrANEY VAuGrrA�·, Fannington, 13 s. c. INTERt ET RCHI E UNI ERSITY OF ILLIN IS Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / 9 9 SopJMMftt Class. Names. Residence. Rooms. Richard Wiggin Black, Palermo, 13 N. C. George Brainerd Buzelle, Northwood, N H. , 12N. c. Joseph Freeman Elder, Portland, 8 N. Names. Residence. Rooms. c. William Dyer Ewer, Vassalboro\ RICHARD w IGGIN BLACK, Palermo, 13 N. C. 10 S. c. GEORGE BRAINERD BuzELLE, Northwood,N. H, 12 N. C. Samuel Hubbard Fifield, Fayette, 32 S. J OSEPII FREEMAN ELDER, Portland, 8 N. c. c. Timothy Goldthwait, Waterville, Mr vV ILLIAM DYER EwER, Vassalbo·ro', 10 s. c. Goldthwait's. John Goldthwait, SAMUEL HuBBARD FIFIELD, Fayette, 32 s. c. Waterville, Mr Goldth wait's. Josiah Manchester Haynes, TnvroTHY GoLDTHWAIT, Waterville, Mr. Goldthwait's. Waterville, 15 N. Mr. Goldthwait's. c. JoHN GoLDTHWAIT, Waterville, Henry "Wilson Harmon, North Livermore, JOSIAH MANCHESTER HAYNES, Waterville, 15 N. c. 26 N. c. John Henry Jackson, HENRY wILSON HARMON' North Livermore, 26 N. C. Litchfield, 25 N. c. JOHN HENRY JACKSON, Litchfield, 25 N. C. Randall Elvin Jones, Jefferson, RANDALL ELVIN JONES, Jefferson, 13 N. C. 13 N. c. Frederick Augustus Pike Kelly, FREDERICK AuGUSTUS PIKE KELLY, Calais, 15 N. C. Calais, 15 N. c. HENRY ABIAL l{ENNEDY' Waldoboro', 10 N. C. Henry Abial Kennedy, Waldoboro\ ALiliORE l(ENNEDY' Waldoboro', 10 N. C. ION. c. Almore Kennedy, RANSOM NORTON' North L�'vennore, 13 N. C. Waldoboro\ 10 N. c. Ransom Norton, North Livermore, 13 N. c. Generated on 2013-04-15 17:25 GMT / Public Domain / 10 Xames. Kesidence. 10 Rooms. Kames. Residence. Rooms. William Pitt Oakes, Sangerville, 9N. C WILLIAM PITT OAKES, Sangerville, 9N. C. Levi Merriam Pierce, WestBoylston,Ms LEVI l\IERRIAl\1 PIERCE, 25 N. C. ,25N. C. West Boylston, Ms., Stillman Hersey Record, Auburn, STILLMAN HERSEY RECORD, Auburn, 29 N.
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