ENTE PER LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE, L'ENERGIA E L'AMBIENTE Dipartimento Ambiente ANAEROBIC DIGESTER FOR TREATMENT OF ORGANIC WASTE V.K. SHARMA Visiting Scientist from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (India) Centro Ricerche Trisaia, Matera F. FORTUNA, M. CANDITELLI, G. CORNACCHIA ENEA - Dipartimento Ambiente Centro Ricerche Trisaia, Matera R. FARINA ENEA - Dipartimento Ambiente Centro Ricerche “Ezio Clementel”, Bologna mmmmow of this document is unlimited RT/AMB/97/17 Testo pervenuto nel luglio 1997 I contenuti tecnico-scientifici dei rapporti tecnici dell'ENEA rispecchiano I'opinione degli autori e non necessariamente quella dell'Ente. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 9 2.0 PROCESS DESIGN 9 3.0 ANAEROBIC TREATMENT PROCESSES 10 3.1 Mobilised Suspended Cell Systems 11 3.2 Mobilised Cell System 11 3.2.1 Fixed medium system 12 3.2.2 Completely mixed moving medium system 12 3.2.3 Fluidized medium system 12 4.0 START-UP OF ANAEROBIC TREATMENT PROCESS 12 5.0 OPERATION OF ANAEROBIC TREATMENT PROCESS 13 5.1 Single phase operation 13 5.2 Parallel operation 14 5.3 Two-phase operation 15 5.4 Multi-phase digesters 15 6.0 DIFFERENT ANAEROBIC REACTORS 17 6.1 Anaerobic lagoon 17 6.2 Conventional anaerobic digesters 18 6.3 anaerobic contact process 23 6.4 Upflow anaerobic filter 24 6.5 Upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor 26 6.6 Anaerobic fluidized and attached-film expanded-bed reactor 27 6.7 Anaerobic rotating biological contacter 28 6.8 Anaerobic baffled reactor 28 6.9 Hybrid bioreactors 29 7.0 SOME WORKING DEMONSTRATION PLANT 30 7.1 Sequential batch anaerobic composting 30 7.2 KOMPOGAS - A new system for the anaerobic treatment of source separated waste 31 7.3 Semi-dry anaerobic digestion process of organic solid waste 32 7.4 Dry anaerobic conversion of MSW using DRANCO process 33 7.5 Innovative two-stage anaerobic digestion and aerobic composting process 34 7.6 An industrial plant for MSW treatment 35 7.7 Innovative plug-flow type reactor to treat semi-solid orthofruit waste 35 8.0 CHOICE OF ANAEROBIC TREATMENT PROCESS 37 9.0 BIOGAS AND ITS PRINCIPLE USES 39 9.1 Characteristics of digester gas 39 9.2 Purification of biogas by scrubbing unwanted gases 41 9.3 Principle uses 41 9.3.1 Gas as a cooking fuel 41 9.3.2 Gas as an engine fuel 41 9.3.3 Digester effluent as a fertilizer 42 CONCLUSION 43 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 43 REFERENCES 44 ABSTRACT The essential features of both new and more efficient reactor systems and their appropriate applications for various organic waste management situations, description of several working plants, experiences had in the past, etc. are discussed in the present communication. It is hoped that significant development reported here would be useful in opening a new vista to the application of anaerobic biotechnology for the waste treatment of both low/high organic strength and specialised treatment for toxic substances, using appropriate anaerobic methods. Key words : Anaerobic biotechnology, waste characteristics, process design, anaerobic treatment process, biogas properties and its principle uses. SOMMARIO In questa relazione sono riportate le principal! caratteristiche dei reattori pin recent! ancorche piu efficienti, le application! piu appropriate per il trattamento di van zifiuti organic!, nonche le esperienze pregresse. E’ auspicabile che le specifiche tecniche qui riportate possano essere di valido supporto nelle apphcazioni di biotecnologie anaerobiche per il trattamento di rifiuti a basso e/o ad alto contettuto organico nonche per quello di sostanze tossiche. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Anaerobic methanogenic digestion, an effective method for the treatment of many organic wastes (industrial, agricultural and municipal wastes) with recovery of methane gas, is a topic of increasing interest throughout the world. Nutrient-deficient residues and wastes, which often occur in ago-industrial processing, can usually be treated anaerobically, without any addition of nutrients. During the last two decades considerable progress has been made in the understanding of the anaerobic process which leads to the development of many new configurations in reactor design. A number of designs and their performance have already been described by several searchers thus providing insight into the design, performance and operation of various useful digesters which leads to the development of many new configurations in reactor design. The anaerobic digestion is now a matured technology and a practical tool for practitioners. The significant development has opened a new vista to the application of anaerobic biotechnology for the waste treatment. For example, it is now possible to treat wastewater of very low organic strength with COD 200 mg/1, by anaerobic methods. Its application for concentrated waste with high percentage of suspended matter is well organised. The anaerobic biotechnology also shows promise for specialised treatment and can be accomplished for toxic substances. Given this context, the essential features of both new and more efficient reactor systems and their appropriate applications for various organic waste management situations, description of several working plants, experiences had in the past, etc. are discussed in the present communication. It is hoped that significant development reported here would be useful in opening a new vista to the application of anaerobic biotechnology for the waste treatment of both low/high organic strength and specialised treatment for toxic substances, using appropriate anaerobic methods. 2.0 PROCESS DESIGN During early 70 ’s, Lawrence and McCarty [1] selected SRP (Qs) technique as a design parameter for biological waste treatment process. SRP can be measured easily and all process variable could be related to it. The efficiency of organic removal at various SRP levels can be determined for a particular waste from laboratory and pilot-plant studies. The relationship of effluent quality to SRP is shown in Fig. 1. With the decrease in SRP, the percentage micro-organisms wasted from the reactor is measured as reflected from the poor quality of the affluent. At some minimum SRP (SRP - min), the wastage of micro-organisms is higher then their reproduced which results in process failure. It is posable to operate the process at SRP min, but, with lower efficiency and poor stability. In practice, therefore, the designed SRP is kept 2 to 3 times higher than the SRPmm. At very high SRP a little increase in process efficiency is obtained. However, process reliability is increased in high degree. 9 Henze and Hairemues [2] have proposed design SRP for anaerobic treatments process at 35 °C. The loading rates are based on 90 - 95% removal of organic which in turn is based on effluents dissolved COD and influent total COD. INFLUENT COD 1000 mg/1 ASSUMPTIONS: INFLUENT COD CONCENTRATION = 1000 u 400 _ 100 TREATMENT EFFICIENCY £ 200 80 H 60 taj krj T 100 h 40 O EFFLUENT COD CONCENTRATION m W 20 i2i O K % SLUDGE RETENTION PERIOD, DAYS Fig.l. Relationship of SRP to effluent quality and treatment efficiency. Hydraulic Retention Period (HRP) required to achieve desired efficiency for particular waste can be determined from laboratory and pilot plant studies. The ratio of SRP/HRP is an important factor which directly reflects the efficiency and economy of the process. In an anaerobic treatment, because of the slow growth rates of methanogens, a very high SRP is beneficial in providing efficient and reliable treatment. A very high SRP provides caution against any adverse conditions that exists on account of shock loading temperature variations, pH changes and influence of toxic substances. 3.0 ANAEROBIC TREATMENT PROCESSES The stabilisation of the organic matter of the wastes by anaerobic digestion may be carried out in several different types of treatment systems. Depending on the nature of bacterial growth within the reactor, the different systems are grouped into following two categories[3]. 10 3.1 Mobilised Suspended Cell Systems The mobilised cell systems are those where bacterial cells remains in suspension and in completely mixed stage. The mixing is provided by artificial means. The SRP/HRP ratio of 1:10 can be achieved. As shown in Fig. 2, Anaerobic Lagoon, Conventional Digesters and Anaerobic Contact Process, are the different systems that can be considered under this category. Influent (A) C onventional Digester (B) High-Rate Digester Effluent D igester Settling Tank (C) Contact Process Fig 2. Different anaerobic mobilised (completely mixed) suspended growth system. 3.2 Mobilised Cell Systems The immobilised cell systems, also termed as fixed film system, are developed in recent years. In these systems, bacterial mass is concentrated within the reactor by attaching themselves to an inert supporting media or by way of attaching themselves together to form large conglomerates which settle rapidly. Three basic processes are characterised by immobilised cell systems. 11 3.2.1 Fixed Medium System: The micro-organisms are attached to the inert stationary media forming bio-films. The systems are generally operated without recycle resulting plug- flow regime of the liquid within the reactor. The reactor may be operated in Upfiow and Downflow feed mode. Anaerobic filter reactor have also been referred to as fixed - bed reactors or packed - bed reactors. Anaerobic Upfiow Filter (UAF), Anaerobic Downflow Filter (DAF) and Downflow Stationary Fixed Film Reactor (DSFF), belongs to this category. 3.2.2 Completely-Mixed Moving Medium System: The micro-organisms are attached to inert media which are in the moving state within the reactor. The inert media and the liquid flow regime are uniform throughout the system Anaerobic Rotating Biological Contactor (ARBC) and Anaerobic Attached Film Expanded Bed (AAFEB), falls under this group. 3.2.3 Fluidized Medium System: The inert media with micro-organisms forming floes are fluidized by high upfiow liquid velocities, generally produced by a combination of the influent and re-calculation flow - rates.
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