Monday’s lecture, featuring Steve McCurry. The Chautauquan Daily VOLUME CXXXIV, ISSUE 29 P HOTO BY THOMAS HOEHN / KODAK The Official Newspaper of Chautauqua Institution | Thursday, July 29, 2010 CHAUTAUQUA, NEW YORK 50¢ Ritchin sees potential in digital media, Geller photography by Laura McCrystal For Geller, Staff writer While some may argue that Google can make us stupid, Fred photography Ritchin thinks the digital age has the potential to help people become more intelligent and thoughtful. is universal Ritchin will deliver the 2 p.m. In- terfaith Lecture today in the Hall of Philosophy. His talk, titled “Enter- by Allison Borgelt ing the Digital: the Ethical and Spir- Staff writer itual Dimensions of a Reinvented Photography,” is part of this week’s It was her first day in the doc- TESNGTI theme, “The Ethical Dimensions of toral program at Princeton Univer- Photography.” sity, and Margaret Geller wanted THE LIMITS OF A professor of photography and to hit someone. A senior faculty imaging at New member, to be exact. York University’s “This guy came up to me and Tisch School of the said that he opposed the admission Arts and director of women to the department,” said of PixelPress, an Geller, now a senior scientist at the online magazine, Smithsonian Astrophysical Obser- EXPRESSION Ritchin has been vatory in Cambridge, Mass., and a studying and writ- ing about issues in mapmaker of the universe. She said Wunderkind Hadelich joins CSO for Brahms concerto R itchin photography for the man followed his remark by many years. His saying he had heard she was a good BYH K AT L EEN CH AY KOWSKI | STA FF W R ITE R most recent book, After Photogra- student and that she “should think phy, challenges the ways that peo- about working with him.” ple think about digital media. The “I remember it like it happened ugustin Hadelich’s deeply thoughtful music making is redefining expression on the violin. ideas from the book will be key to yesterday,” she said. “I really The 26-year-old violinist joins the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of music his lecture. wanted to hit him.” director Stefan Sanderling, once again for a night of poignant, Romantic music at 8:15 p.m. “I’m going to be using a sense of The year was 1970, the second tonight in the Amphitheater. this stepping out into the digital as year of Princeton’s full-time, coedu- A an extraordinary set of opportuni- In an article earlier this year, The New Yorker described the emerging talent as “a young artist cational undergraduate program with no evident limitations”; he is widely recognized for the spontaneity of his playing, his sparkling ties for us in terms of rethinking our- selves as … beings on Earth,” he said. and nine years after the first woman technique and a gorgeous tone. The ethical issues of photog- was admitted as a full-time degree Tonight’s performance of Joahannes Brahms’ Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77, represents the candidate in the graduate program. raphy include an examination of completion of a circle for Hadelich, who coincidentally, also played a Brahms concerto when he first how people use and look at pho- Geller was the only woman in her soloed with the CSO in 2002. He has performed at Chautauqua multiple times since his debut on the physics class that day. She estimated tographs, which Ritchin said can grounds, most recently in 2007. reveal things about how people see that there were 90 students in Princ- “I was really delighted to be invited back,” he said. “The Brahms that I play now when I’m 26 is very themselves and the planet through eton’s graduate physics department different than the Brahms I played when I was 17 — or at least I hope so,” he said, laughing. many different dimensions. Pho- at the time, three of whom were For someone who is so serious about his music-making (he described his level of perfectionism as tography can also set up narratives women, and “there were essentially “obsessive-compulsive”), one might be surprised by how easily he laughs at himself. His violin teacher and ways of thinking. no women on the faculty.” at The Juilliard School, Joel Smirnoff, has described him as self-effacing and genial, and his manner of speaking reflects both qualities. See GELLER, Page 4 SeeO CS , Page 4 SeeCI RIT H N, Page 4 NPW play ‘An Incident’ focuses on family and photographs by Kelly Petryszyn P l a y w r i g h t of the people who chose the play have “sweet humanity.” Staff writer Ziegler described from over 100 submissions to be “An Incident” relates to the the play as a sto- produced for the New Play Work- theme of morning lectures this In a photograph, time stands ry about parents shop. She said the play stood out to week, photography. The mother still. Photographs capture unique from New York her because it “is a beautiful fam- in the play, Lillian, played by CTC moments that cannot occur again. City who visit ily story that stands on its own as a guest artist Amy Van Nostrand, is As time moves on, the elements their son, Joey, at a good play.” McGerr is co-directing a photographer who has stopped that were captured in a photograph sleepaway camp in “An Incident” with CTC Co-artistic taking pictures. Lillian and her Ziegler change, while the actual photo- Maine. Shortly af- Director Vivienne Benesch. She is husband, Philip, played by CTC graph remains the same. ter the parents ar- especially excited to co-direct this guest artist Stephen Pelinski, look at photographs throughout the Anna Ziegler’s play “An Inci- rive, Joey goes missing. His absence play because it will be her first time play that spark flashbacks and mo- dent” explores the battle of cap- sends the parents down a path of directing a production with CTC. ments of reminiscing. Ziegler add- turing moments in photographs reminiscing. Benesch said she chose the play ed that the parents have to realize while still trying to live in the pres- “It’s about not giving up on peo- because Ziegler, who is also a poet, that they “move on and grow up ent. The play is a part of Chautau- ple we love and continuing to try to writes plays that “have a great po- with children and can’t keep them qua Theater Company’s New Play accept them and understand them,” etic sensibility in the way that they static like a picture.” Workshop. It will open at 8 p.m. she said. probe into emotions.” In this play tonight in Bratton Theater and run Literary manager and artistic specifically, Benesch thinks Ziegler through Sunday. associate Katie McGerr was one managed to create characters that See INCIDENT, Page 4 The Daily online is all Chautauqua, all the time — view select stories from the print edition, plus big, beautiful photos and plenty of exclusive multimedia content. WWW.CHQDAILY.COM TODAY’S WEATHER Multiple Cultivating Blending HIGH 74° perspectives a love of the literary, LOW 60° on 9/11 stage visual arts RAIN: 10% Mostly sunny Friend to present Opera “Messages Watching the Company casts and Written World Change children for Narratives” for CLSC roles in opens at Strohl FRIDAY SATURDAY PAGE 3 The Clowns Art Center 72° 72° PAGE 8 PAGE 13 61° 63° 0% 20% Page 2 The Chautauquan Daily Thursday, July 29, 2010 NEWS Briefly NEWS FROM AROUND THE GROUNDS The Briefly column appears on Page 2 daily and is intended to provide space for announcements of Institution-related organiza- tions. If a meeting or activity is featured that day in a story, it should not be repeated in Briefly. Submit information to Priscilla in the editorial office. Please provide name of organization, time and place of meeting and a contact person’s name with phone number. Deadline is 5 p.m. four days before publication. CLSC class news This morning’s CLSC Class of 2010 meeting, to be held Photo by Tim Harris at 9:15 a.m. in Alumni Hall, has been canceled. Smith Memorial Library UU hosts ethics lecture this morning hosts Library Day starting The Unitarian Universalist Ethics Lecture Series contin- at 8:30 p.m. today. ues today with Institution Trustee Jack McCredie’s “Do We Need a New Ethical Framework on the Internet?” at 9:30 a.m. in the Hall of Philosophy. Annual Library Day is one for the books Bannon to present at VACI Partners breakfast At 9:30 a.m. Thursday at the Strohl Art Center, Brendan If you’re looking for proof course, the traditional shar- Librarians from around staff usually arrive at 8:30 Bannon will present his exhibit “Do You See What I See? of Chautauquans’ dedication ing of “My Favorite Book.” the region are invited to join a.m. to prepare for the day, Refugee Children Photograph Their Own Lives.” The break- to lifelong learning, look no All library visitors are pro- in the celebration. In fact, opening the windows on further than within the doors vided with a sticker and a pen many of them begin asking nice days. Kinnear recalled fast is sponsored by Visual Arts at Chautauqua Institution of Smith Memorial Library. so they can share the title of about Library Day beginning a particularly eager patron Partners and is complimentary for Partners members. The public library, which their favorite book. in March, Kinnear said. two weeks ago who couldn’t McFrederick to present for Scientific Circle serves Chautauqua and the “People identify Library Visiting librarians are sure wait until 9 a.m.
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