June 30, 1949 OUR FILM FOLK Ezra 'Henry Aldrich' Stone Knows What He Wants -- And Gets It CA MOST SOMPLETE By LEON GUTTERMAN HOLLYWOOD-EZRA STONE, THE "HENRY ALDRICH" OF RADIO fame who refuses to grow older, is a contented man. And he plans to stay that South Side North Side way by continuing his career according to present recipe, which is a measured blend of acting, directing and farming. SOUTH SHORE VIEW SHERIDAN-PLAZA Ezra, with his well organized, smoothly-running schedule, is as much of an antithesis as can be found of the character he has portrayed for more than ten HOTEL HOTEL years on NBC - bumbling, confused Stone hasn't let that George Abbott 7100 South Shore Drive 4600 North on Sheridan Road Henry Aldrich of The Aldrich Family. training get rusty. He directs a play Phone Phone Stone is one of those happy persons every season, always with those acute SOuth Shore 8-8700 LOngbeach 1-1900 who always knew what he wanted, comedy touches that characterize Ab- went after it ham- bott. Last year it was Me and Molly mer and tongs, and (based on the famous Molly Goldberg achieved it. As a family of radio). Then came At War teen-ager, he made With the Army. He also lectures at of the B ES T! up his mind to be universities on the various phases of Your Assurance an actor. His first his art, and writes well about. Ideal for banquets, private parties, weddings, meetings, t w o chances on And, each week, there's always Henry etc. All private rooms are beautifully decorated in modern Broadway turned to remind the competent farmer-direc- motif. .. .with facilities for small or large gatherings. Per- out to be duds, but tor-lecturer-writer that primarily he's sonalized service with our complete staff at your disposal. when he landed in an actor. "It satisfied the ego in me," a hit. Three Men Ezra confesses. On A Horse, he A didn't rest on his laurels as many After completing his summer tour of young actors might have been tempted British cities, Danny Kaye cables us to do. Instead, he made full use of this he'll be launched on a series of thea- chance to study stage management at tre-one-niters during October in con- More and More Housewives first hand, producing and casting with junction with the premiere of his ini- veteran George Abbott, who put on the tial film for Warner Bros., Happy Enjoy show. Times. Danny's circuit around the key When Abbott produced his next, cities will be dressed up in well-bally- Brother Rat, also a hit, Ezra was cast hooed caravan style as part of the as a bewildered boy who got into one film's promotional push being mapped scrape after another. Ezra didn't know by the studio. Incidentally, Danny has it then, but when he played that role a percentage deal with the Warners on he was preparing for Henry. He con- his picture. Jamfous mor management and A tinued to study stage LOBSTER and SEAFOOD direction under Abbott. Jack Benny starts a leisurely motor Direct From the Seashore By "The Grandest trip across the continent this week with STEAKS, CHICKEN, CHOPS ( Ezra's next role was in What A Life, CHOICE Sammy Perrin, veteran member of HOMEMADE PASTRIES * Laundry in Town" another long resident on Broadway. the writing staff, as his traveling com- Now Ezra played Henry himself, and panion. Motoring is one of Jack's fav- The North Side's when author Clifford Goldsmith de- Most Beautiful NORTH CHICAGO orite pastimes, and, as is his wont, he cided to adapt the play for radio pre- Dining Place simply heads the snout of his sleek sentation, Ezra when along. He has sedan in an easterly direction with no AIR CONDITIONED been playing Henry ever since, and WE SERVE TO SERVE AGAIN set schedule or itinerary in mind. New Private Dining Rooms suggestion that he might laughs at any York is the ultimate destination. foe Parties. Banquets. etc. tire of the role. Phone: BITtersweet 3210 OPEN FROM NOON "How could I?" he inquires. "There's TILL I A.M. EVERY DAY a completely new script every week Charitable Organizations Benefit AVE. To Reach Chicago's Jewish with a different story-line and all new By Schwartz Hotel Plan 6666 N. RIDGE Near Devon Community - Advertise in sides for everyone, including me." Charitable organizations have bene- AM-2-5839 or SH-3-9787 Its Magazine "The Sentinel" The effect of a changing voice is a fited by a special outing plan originat- AmDie Parlking Space vocal trick Stone learned when he ed by the Schwartz Hotel of Elkart was barely past the boy-into-man stage Lake, Wisconsin, it was announced by himself, and he can summon it at will. the resort hotel this week. The plan, Someone recently asked him what he'd has been designed for charitable groups do if his son, Josef, now five years old, only, allows them a 25% refund. should challenge him for the role in The details of the plan are as fol- a few years. Stone replied that he lows: The rates are $10.00 per person wouldn't mind Josef's becoming an a day. The regular rates are $12.00 actor, but wouldn't yield his own part to $15.00 per person. This includes even to his son. lodging, three meals, private beach, Ezra caters to the bucolic side of his tennis, golf, dancing, meeting halls, as Pennsylvania nature by running a big well as all hotel facilities and are gen- continually is add- farm, to which he erally arranged on the weekend, Fri- in the ing acreage. Although practical day night to Sunday night two full management of his place and compe- days, allowing the members of the tent in its every chore, Ezra betrays particular group to take advantage of in little ways that are his profession this offer and attend the function. distinctly unrustic. For instance, he has hit on an ingenious scheme for For charitable organizations the naming his cattle. He is giving them hotel rebates a 25% refund to the or- names of Shakespearean characters in ganization. Even a small organization alphabetical order, so that when he that has an attendance of only 100 wants to know how old they are he'll people can earn at least $500.00; where remember the A's are olders, the B's the attendance runs more the earning are next, etc. power is up to $1,000.00 and $1,250..
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