I 'l IE COURIER-GAZETTE. KtlCKI.AMl UAZKTTK KHTAItl.lSIlF.l) 1846.1 ROCKLAND COCRIKR KHTAHLINHKD 1874.1 <£br |)rc s s is % £ c tn r t^at itlo u cs tbe M lorlb at <£tao flo lla rs a Jjear (TWO DOLLARS A VRAM IN AIIVANOR ) SINGLE CDI'IKS PRICE FIVE CKNT8. V o l. K . — N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, FKBKU.ARY 5, 1889. N umber 4 tist materials, three auctioneers, two awning, to be put in nt once to light our city, and Ilium, 4 e D O N ’ T ^ O U R C I T Y . nnd tent makers, three linkers, one brass band, inate beautiful Bay Point. ABOUT TOWN, McLOON & CROCKETT. one beef company, one bill poster, six bil­ A horse railroad is to be constructed to bind liard halls, fourteen blacksmiths, 10 boarding otir outlying summer villages to tbe city Try to make yourself believe, that houses, two boat builders, three book sellers proper. we are not to have any Heal Cold PHOTOGRAPHERS A Long Inventory of What and stationers. Our streets arc to be reclaimed from their Weather this winter, for we are, and One limeroek railroad, one passenger and low estate. • • • • • freight railroad, a fire alarm, three hose com­ An Old Ladies’ Home is to be huilt at an you know you will need a pair of panies, one hook and ladder company, two ROCKLAND, MAINE, It early day through tbe instrumentality ol our OUR CALENDER. steam fire engines, 25 hydrants, oil street smart ladies Rave purchased the cxcluflivo riifht for Rockland Hatcher's Run, Va , battle of Feb. 6, 180ft and vicinity to evil lamps, gas street llelats. two marine rail­ Wc might mention other probabilities, the Fort lli-nry captured, •« e, tsti'2 ways, 2 grain mills, three weekly papers, a proposed Rockland Trust Co , other new bnsi U 8 Itunfe suspends, •• 7, 1841 Good Warm Blankets. Jeff Duel- elected President C. B. A., •• «, tsei Talcott’s Patent Glass Mount! Y. M. C. A., one brass foundry, one tripe ncss enterprises, but haven't we s'aicd enough Itt hop Wnngll died, “ 9,.1868 factory, one creamery, ono station house, one Treaty ol Parts, •• in, 1763 The depth, richness of tone and brilliancy added If five years can show this, what can wc not (liar teuton evacuated, •• 11,186ft Why, you can buy them to photographs mounted y this process and the Sh.winc That BockM Is a wooden box factory, one dojr. sash, blind hope for in the coming hvo years ? quality of absolute permanence and dur hility (the picture being hermetically sealed io theglanRi nuke and moulding factory. Rockland is getting ont of the woods it without doubt the most beautiful and dumb e Place of Varied Business. The Rockland Y. W. C. T. U. has 70 mem­ FROM 75c TO $8.50 PER PAIR method of m iuntini? photoKraph* yet discovered. OVR POPULATION. - - - - - - - —♦>------- bers. «**Thc ticket entitles the holder to one dozen SOUND ADVICE, Cabinets, one to be Mounted by Inlcott’n Patent Rockland’s population at present is 8800, the R. H. Burnham of this place has beta re­ Process. largest in the history of our city, nnd as one of commissioned Justice of the Peace. How to Build Up Your Town Or City. Pay Agent 50 Cents. 3 for $1.00. Bal­ oar business men remaiked. if Rockland was The Commercial College student* went ance #4 50 at Studio. W . 0 . H e w e t t A List to Which We Can Point a western city the figures 8800 would warrant A correspondent of the Waterville Sentinel Catndcnwnrd on a sleigh-ride, Tnesdny. One.half dozen, including Mount, can be had by the claim of 15,000 population. Rocklund was gives the following excellent advice, showing paying $3 00 a t the ri ndio. One Dollar must be Landlord Chapman, if we trnst tho Com­ P rid e. set o ff from Thomaston and Incorporated July how citizens can help build up their city or //aid at the time o f Sitting Agents are not al­ mercial, is making great improvements in tbe lowed to make ar y change in the ticket. If you 28, 1848, under the name of Enst Thomaston. town : Uay a oheck of the Agent you will receive one dnz- Bangor House. en Cabinets four best work) and one of them a Tal- The name was changrd to Rockland in 1850, Help to improve it' cott Patent Glass Mount for $5 00 If • on hu.v th»* and its city government organised in June, Beautify the streets. Hurry Hix was severely braised Tuesday same at the Htudlo they will cost yon $7.00 -$5.00 evening by a collision while coasting on the for the photographs and $2 00 for the Mount. A Satisfactory Increase of 1854- Its popniation in 1850 was 5052; in Advertise in newspapers. 1800,7317; 1870, 7074; 1880, 7599. The satis­ Elect good inen to nil offices. Middle street bill. I ho eby certify that ffcLoon cfc Crockett hare Population. M. H. Nash has moved into his recently bought th~ erc.tusire right to ne I my mounts in factory growth shown since 1880 will he still Talk about its good qualities. Roe.ktaud and vicinity more marked when 1890 swings into line as our Write about its improvements. purchased house, the Capt. Tate place, Spring K K. TAI COTT, ci;y is now seeing Its most prosperous days, Pay your taxes without grumbling. street, which has been extensively improved. 21G Northampton S t, Bouton. Infringements will be pi uffcutcd. new I'jmilics moving In, new houses going tip Patronize its merchants and mechanics. A runaway horse smashed tbe sleigh of What the Five Years Past Have De­ aud new business enterprises constantly spring­ Be courteous to strangers who come among Lathley Nichols and somewhat damaged that, We muke a successful you. SPECIALTY OF CHILDREN'S PICT­ ing up. of Capt. E. A. Robinson of Thomuston, OUR SHAWL DEPT. veloped, Rockland Is gettin’ out of tlie woods. Never publish anything Hint will lower the URES AND COPYING standing of your town or its citizens. Thursday. as heretofore. Photos finished from one negative. IN FIVE TEAltB Remember that every dollar that is invested Tickets arc selling rapidly in the "Rebellion e full of Bargains. Extra Heavy For each additional negative ordered from, 50 in a permanent improvement is mat much Pictures,” which Edwin Libby W. R. C. is cei ts will be charged Groups also will be 50 Rockland has accomplished wonders. In that money at interest. Large Size, Pretty Styles and best cents extra. Nothing hot tie* best possible work­ W hat W ill Be Done In Coming time the Cutnden A Rockland Wii’cr Co. hns disposing of. It cun be seen at tbe rcstanrant manship ano materials will enter Into tho compod Never let an opportuni v pass to speak t of M. II. Nush. qualities of tlon of our pictures. put in its plant, nnd Rockland can beast the good word al>.mt them. Ifyou think of noth Life size direct Photographs............................... $10.00 Years at This Rate? finest water supply in New England. Ing good to say about them say nothing bad. Rodney L. Thompson,esq., formerly locat­ Crayons nnd Pastels from ..................$10 00 to $50.00 Never kick against any proposed necessary ed in Waldoboro, bus been in this city the past According to the new directory Rockland A modern system of electric lire alarm has 9aUAII work guaranteed first*clu>fl in cry re. iipprovcment because it is not near your own week, looking up quarters with tbe intontion sp ed . has: been put in and other great changes made in door to" fear that your taxes will be raised 10 our fire department. of locating. McLOON & CROCKETT. One square, four lanes, two avenues, eight cents. S h a w l S! street places, and 116 streets, one armory, 14 Many new kilns and kiln-sheds have been The following litlSS will show the reward of The new cottages erected by B. F. Slovens, Central Block, Main St., Ilocklatid, Maine erected and a standard guage railroad i» now labor: South Main street, will prove a great boon to AT THE— 23 halls, 27 wharves, three cemeteries, one post- office and custom bouse, one court house, being built to transport the rock Irom quarry D aily living scemelb weary our laboring men. Such houses, have long to kiln. To the one who never works ; been needed here. L o w e s t I* v i c e s . three banks of deposit, one savings hank, two Duty always seetneth drenrv hotels, eight meeting houses, nine church or­ Many new, handsome and expensive blocks To the one who dutv shirks; The Bock land Commercial College orings a ganizations, one gas works, 22 brick blocks, one have been built, and some of tbe most elegant Only after hardest striving large t umber of young people from neighbor­ private houses in New England. Cometh sweet and perfect rest; ing towns into our city. It looks quite nice to There is no line ol block factory,two pump factories (one wood.one Life is found to he worth living metal,) two shipping offices, one shirt manu­ Uncle Sam bus been compelled to give us a see them ofi ‘ho street. goods manufactured ot free delivery system. To the one who does his best. factory, one silver plater, three silver nnd ----------- ■ * ■ ----------— The ringing of the Methodist bell for the which the consumer Our farming population have formed a stock plated ware dealers, one slating firm, one soap meeting in the Y.
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