Blaby District Council Planning Committee Date of Meeting 8 November 2016 Title of Report Applications for Determination Report Author Planning & Economic Development Group Manager 1. What is this report about? 1.1 To determine planning applications as listed in paragraph 3.2 below and detailed in the attached report. 2. Recommendation 2.1 That the recommendations listed within paragraph 3.2 below and detailed in the attached report be approved. 3. Matters to consider 3.1 To avoid unnecessary delay in the processing of planning applications, the recommendations included in this list must often be prepared in advance of the closing date for the receipt of representations. This list was prepared on 31 October 2016 and information of representations received will be updated at your meeting. This updating will also cover any other information which may come to hand in the intervening period. Closing dates are given where they fall on or after the day of preparation of the list. 3.2 Application No. Page Address Recommendation No. 15/0577/FUL Everards Brewery and APPROVE Adjoining Land Everard Way Enderby 3.3 Appropriate Consultations Details of organisations / persons consulted in relation to the applications are included in the reports for each individual application. Members will be aware that full copies of correspondence received are available to view on the respective planning file and through the planning portal https://w3.blaby.gov.uk/online-applications/ 3.4 Resource Implications There are no specific financial implications arising from the contents of this report. 4. Other options considered These are included where appropriate as part of the reports relating to each individual application. 5. Background paper(s) Background papers are contained in files held in the Planning Division for each application being considered and are available for public inspection. 6. Report author’s contact details Cat Hartley Planning & Economic Development Group Manager [email protected] 0116 272 7727 15/0577/FUL Registered Date Everards 28 May 2015 Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a non-food shopping park (Class A1) and complementary A3, A4 and A5 uses together with access and servicing arrangements, car parking and landscaping and associated works including closure of Everard Way to create new pedestrian link into Fosse Shopping Park Everards Brewery and Adjoining Land, Everard Way, Enderby Report Author: Matt McConville, Major Schemes Officer Contact Details: Council Offices. Tel: 0116 272 7730 RECOMMENDATION: THAT APPLICATION (15/0577/FUL) BE GRANTED SUBJECT TO REFERAL OF THE APPLICATION TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE UNDER THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (CONSULTATION) (ENGLAND) DIRECTION 2009 AND THE OWNER(S) OF THE LAND ENTERING INTO A SECTION 106 AGREEMENT TO SECURE THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING OBLIGATIONS 1. Prior to commencement of development a contribution of £1.5 million shall be paid to Leicestershire County Council towards highway and transportation measures required for implementing SCOOT and MOVA traffic signalling operation at the A563 / B4114 Everards Roundabout and the A563 Soar Valley Way / Grove Way and if appropriate connecting into other existing systems. 2. Prior to occupation of any part of the Development a contribution of £1 million shall be paid to Leicestershire County Council towards the provision of a Sustainable Travel Strategy for the Development. The Sustainable Travel Strategy shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council as Local Highway Authorities prior to first occupation. The strategy should maximise the opportunities for travel by sustainable modes to the Application Site and Fosse Park for employees and customers, and include the following:- An updated travel plan to address the travel implications of the use of the Application Site and the existing Fosse Park Site, to minimise single occupancy vehicle use, increase the use of alternative transport modes including buses, cycling and walking and to manage the demand for parking within and in the vicinity of the Application Site. Such measures to consider the opportunities to improve sustainable travel opportunities and be linked to the measures identified below. Appointment of a Framework Travel Plan Co-ordinator from first occupation and for a minimum five year period who will ensure regular travel behaviour and impact monitoring surveys together with a review of the plan targets. The provision of a travel pack per employee to be provided from first employment. A flexi card ticket to cover an area no greater than the flexi-ticket boundary for each new employee for one month. A STARS monitoring fee to enable Leicestershire County Council to provide support to the appointed Travel Plan coordinator. A bus strategy to consider the extension of existing services into the evening to help improve opportunities for employees to travel home from work by sustainable travel modes. Justification. To comply with paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework and in the interests of encouraging sustainable travel to and from the Application Site, achieving the modal shift targets, and reducing the car use, and promote sustainable travel to the Application Site. 1. A contribution towards the monitoring of nitrogen dioxide emissions – £25,000 commuted sum to provide a roadside Air Quality monitoring station. 2. Anchor Unit ‘keep open’ provisions – for regulating occupiers with Leicester City Centre representation within the Proposed Development for a period of 5 years. Any occupier of Unit 1 and/or Unit 2 of the Proposed Development already represented in Leicester City Centre must continue to operate within Leicester City Centre for a period of 5 years from the date that they commence operating from the Proposed Development. 3. Prior to commencement of development a contribution of £2.5 million shall be paid to Leicester City Council towards measures (identified below and by reference to plan received on the 21.10.16) to mitigate the retail impact evidenced upon Leicester City Centre, including contributions to fund public realm, signage, premises and gateway improvements or other activities to enhance the local connectivity of marginal streets in Leicester City Centre with better performing areas, to improve their vitality and viability through increased footfall and enhanced shopper experience. Location Area Factors for Prioritisation Potential Measures Contribution Churchgate 2,600 Vacancy rates, adjacency to Pedestrianisation and £0.9m sqm Highcross, potential to link paving upgrade, signage Haymarket shopping centre and environment and bus station and upgrade Highcross. Poor quality of current environment and tenancies Belgrave 4,500 Vacant sites and units. Pedestrianisation and £1.6m Gate/Haymarket sqm Adjacency to Highcross, paving upgrade, signage potential to link Haymarket and environment shopping centre and Bus upgrade Station and Highcross areas. Poor quality of current environment and tenancies. 4. Prior to commencement of development a contribution of £180,000 shall be paid to Leicester City Council towards a 3 year funding package to develop and implement a skills strategy to provide the following for Leicester City residents: access to work support (in association with transport support set out above); basic and higher level skills development; apprenticeships and other in-work training opportunities, both in terms of construction and operational retail phases. The funding package would support an Employment and Skills Co-Ordinator to be based at Leicester City Council to work with Blaby District Council and contractors/retail operators on the above interventions. 5. First occupier of Unit 1 shall be Next PLC 6. First occupier of Unit 2 to be Debenhams PLC 7. Blaby District Council Monitoring Fee 8. Leicestershire County Council Monitoring Fee Proposed Conditions 1. The development hereby approved shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To prevent the unnecessary accumulation of unimplemented permissions, to encourage early implementation and to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the consent if a further application has been made. 2. The development hereby approved shall be built in strict accordance with the following approved plans and drawings: 14173-0302-16 Proposed Site Plan 14173-0303-01 Proposed Block Plan – Main Terrace 14173-0304-02 Proposed Block Plan – Unit 1 14173-0305-01 Proposed Block Plan – Anchor Store & A3 Units 14173-0306-01 Proposed Block Plan Linkway Mall 14173-0310-01 Proposed Elevations – Main Terrace 14173-0311-02 Proposed Elevations – Unit 1 14173-0312-00 Proposed Elevations – Anchor Unit 14173-0313-00 Proposed Elevations – Linkway Mall 14173-0314-01 Proposed Elevations A3 Square – East Building 14173-0330-01 Proposed Roof Plan – Main Terrace 14173-0331-02 Proposed Roof Plan – Unit 1 14173-0332-01 Proposed Roof Plan – Anchor Store & A3 Units 14173-0333-01 Proposed Roof Plan – Linkway Terrace 14173-0341-06 Proposed Site Security 14173-0342-00 Proposed Security Barrier Gate Details 14173-0343-00 Proposed Next Service Yard Gate Details 14173-0340-00 Proposed Elevations – Service Yard Wall Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the details considered as part of this application submission and for the avoidance of doubt. To ensure compliance with Core Strategy policies CS2, CS10, CS11, CS13, CS19, CS20, CS21, CS22, CS23 and CS24 as
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