Games & Puzzles Magazine (Series 1 1972

Games & Puzzles Magazine (Series 1 1972

1 GAMES & PUZZLES MAGAZINE (SERIES 1 1972-1981) INDEX Preliminary Notes [DIP] Diplomacy - Don Turnbull 1-10 [DIP] Diplomacy - Alan Calhamer 37-48 G&P included many series, and where a game [DRA] Draughts - 'Will o' the Wisp' 19-30 reference relates to a series, a code in square brackets [FAN] Fantasy Games - 'Warlock' 79-81 is added. [FIG] Figures (Mathematics) - Many authors 19-71 The table below lists the series in alphabetical order [FO] Forum (Reader's letters) 1-81 [GV] Gamesview (Game reviews) 6-81 with the code shown in the left hand column. [GGW] Great Games of the World - David Patrick 6-12 Principal authors are listed together with the first and [GO] Go - Francis Roads 1-12 last issue numbers. Small breaks in publication of a [GO] Go - John Tilley 13-24 series are not noted. Not all codes are required in the [GO] Go - Stuart Dowsey 31-43 body of the index. [GO] Go, annotated game - Francis Roads 69-74 Book reviews were initially included under [MAN] Mancala - Ian Lenox-Smith 26-29 Gamesview, but under Bookview later. To distinguish [MW] Miniature Warfare - John Tunstill 1-6 book reviews from game reviews all are coded as [BV]. [OTC] On the Cards - David Parlett 29-73 [PG] Parade Ground (Wargames) - Nicky Palmer 51-81 References to the Forum series (Reader's letters - [PB] Pieces and Bits - Gyles Brandreth 1-19 Code [FO]) are restricted to letters judged to [PEN] Pentominoes - David Parlett 9-17 contribute relevant information. [PLA] Platform - Authors named in Index 64-71 Where index entries refer consecutively to a particular [PR] Playroom 43-81 game the code is given just once at the end of the [POK] Poker - Henry Fleming 6-12 issue numbers which are not separated by spaces. [PUB] Pub Games - Arthur Taylor 26-38 For example 21,31,41[FO] means that the listed item [PUZ] Puzzles - Darryl Francis, David Wells, P.R.Jackson is mentioned in issues 21, 31, and 41 in the Forum 1-81 series. [RG] Reader's Games - John Humphreys 1-81 (Intermittent items) Series [SCR] Scrabble - Gyles Brandreth 1-9 [AB] Across the Board (News) 51-81 [SCR] Scrabble Board, The - Darryl Francis, Richard [BG] Backgammon - 'Blot' 32-39 Sharp 3-60 [BBI] Bedbug Island, Tales from - Richard Sharp 50-67 [WAR] Wargaming - Don Turnbull 2-11 [BRI] Bridge - Richard Sharp 10-17 [WAR] Wargaming, What is? - Donald Featherstone [BRI] Bridge for Everyone - Phillip Alder 75-80 25-30 [BV] Bookview 64-81 (But all book reviews are [WR] Word Row - Ross Eckler 16-61 marked [BV]) [WR] Playing with Words - Ross Eckler 62-64 [CH] Chess - 'Sherlock' 12-38 [WR] Word Row - Ross Eckler, Trevor Truran 65-71 [CH] Chess for Everyone - W.H.Cozens 39-69 [WR] Word Gamer's Page - Alan Richter 72-73 [CR] Crosswords - Don Putnam 20-81 Subject entries A to Z of Festive Fun 8 Aggression 33 Always say Die 63 Abstrac (Cards) 49 Air Force 54[PG] Ambush 19[GV], 31 Acquire 11, 44[PR], 69[GV] Air War 73[PG] Anagrab (Christmas game) 31 Across the Board (Horse Race Game) Air Wargaming 7 Andromeda 80[GV] 73[GV] Airways 47[GV] Antheap 38[RG] Action Man Game, the 58[GV] Alarm 60[GV] Antiquity, Game Illustrations from Action Test 72[GV] Alaska 75[GV] 53 Ad Lib (Word game) 31, 50[GV] Alexander 52[PG] Anzio (Wargame) 2, 6[GV] Addique 54[GV] Alice in Puzzleland 43 Apocalypse 53[PR] Admiral 70[GV] Alice in Wonderland 22[GV], Appeal of Excellence, the 47 Admirals 25[GV] 29,31,41[FO] April foolery (Party games) 12 Advice 56[GV] Alien Space 69[PG] Archimedes 41[RG] Afrika Korps 7[GV] Aliens, the 80[PR] Arcola 78[PG] Age of Tinplate, the 75 All Fours (Cards) 45[OTC] Arithmetical Chess (Philosopher's Aggravation 39[GV] Alta Finanza 77[GV] Game) 16 2 Arrow of Letters (Christmas game) Bermuda Triangle, the 64[GV] Brain Teasers, the Sunday Times 43 Besicovitch's Game (Cards - Perfect Book of 79[BV] As Others See Us... 80 Information) 49 Brandreth's Bedroom Book 23[BV] Ascot 74[GV] Best Games People Play, the 67[BV] Brandreth's Book of Waiting Games At the Ball (Patience) 53[PR] Better Chess for Younger Players 41[BV] Auction Sales 51[PR] 76[BV] Breakthru 22[GV] Aunt Sally 35[PUB] Beyond Competition 70[BV] Bridge (Cards) 16[FO], 20, 30[OTC], Avalanche 55[PG] Bezique (Cards) 27, 30,32[FO], 65, 67[BBI] Avanti 80[GV] 44[OTC] Bridge 54[BV] Averages (Darts) 23 Bezique markers (Playthings) Bridge, Improve your 78[BV] Aviation 11[GV] Bicentennial (Calculator games) 51 Bridge Defence, Focus on 80[BV] Awful Green Things from Outer Big Boss 14 Bridge, Winning at Rubber 46[BV] Space, the 81[PG] Big Bully (Children's game) Bridge, Men, Women and 75[BV] Ayo (Mancala) 26 Big Cheese 13[GV] Bridge - Play in Four Hours 78[BV] Baazi 52[GV] Billiard Patents 51 Bridge, the Simple Squeeze in 75[BV] Babel (Cards) 20 Billiards and Snooker 15 Bridgette 45[GV] Backgammon 10[GV], 39[GV] Billiard Table Bowls 38[PUB] Broker 52[GV], 56[BBI] Backgammon 4[GGW], 9, 11,28[FO], Binary diversions 18 Buccaneer 19[GV] 43[PR] , 48[PR] Bingo (Lotto) 44 Bucket Brigade 7[GV] Backgammon Book, the 10[BV] Bionic Crisis 63[GV] Bulge, Battle of the 3[WAR], 9[GV] Backgammon for Profit 55[BV] Bird, Flower, Animal 62[PR] Bull, Ringing the 34[PUB] Backgammon Tutor 51[BV] Bismarck (Cards) 33[OTC] Bungo (Darts) 36, 51[PR] Backgammon, Discovering 36,59[BV] Blackjack (Casino game) 47 Buried Treasure, 58[PR] Backgammon, Harrap's Easy Guide Black Box 63[PR], 63[GV], 66,75[FO], Business 59[GV] to 39[BV] 74,76[PR] Business Game, the 20[GV], 40 Backgammon, Know the Game Black Maria (Cards - Dirty Lady) Business Jungle, the 11 44[BV] Black Squares 42 Business Strategy 51[GV] Backgammon, Teach Yourself 67[BV] Blast-Off 12[GV] But is it Art? (Game design) 58 Baffle Box 70[GV] Blobs 60[PR] C&0/B&O 16[GV] Bagatelle 35 Blockade 79[GV] Cabbie 25[GV], 28[FO] Bagh Chal (Himalayan game) 52 Blockado 74[GV] Caissa's Web (Chess) 46[BV] Baker's Game (Cards - Perfect Blockword 52[GV] Calcula 38[GV] Information) 49 Bluff (Cards) 28 Calculators 50, 51 52 Ball rolling puzzles (On the Ball) 54 Board and Table Games of many Call my Bluff 9[GV] Balloon Race (Ballon Rennen) Civilisations 12[BV] Call your own Bluff 47 63[AB], 71[GV] Board Game Book, the 76[BV] Calypso (Cards) 34[OTC] Banda 60[GV] Board Games can Damage your Campaign 55[GV] Bang On (Darts) 25 Health 70 Car Capers 24[GV] Bantu 68, 70[FO] Board Games, Discovering Old Caramba 53[GV] Barbacan 71[GV] 31[BV] Card Buluch (Cards) 27, 31[FO] Barbarossa (Wargaming) 3 Board Games, Make your Own 75 Card Cricket 4, 12[FO] Barricade 23[GV] Board Games, the Pocket Book of Card Games for Four 70[BV] Barrier 47[GV] 81[BV] Card Games, All the Best 74[BV] Baseball Strategy 43[GV] Board Wargaming 8, 65[BV] Card Games, Know the Game 33[BV] Basic Jokesi (Go) 17[BV] Board Wargaming, the Best of Card Games, Original 70[BV] Bastard (Cards) 29[PUB] 80[BV] Card Games (Perfect Information) 49 Bataille de la Moskowe, La 62[PG] Boggle 59[GV], 64[FO] Card Games (Pink Nines) 29[PUB] Battle for Midway 57[PG] Boggle Competition 59 Card Games, the Penguin Book of Battle of Britain 71[GV] Bonnie Prince Charlie 68[GV] 76[BV] Battle of the Sexes 3 Book Market (Cards and Puzzles) 43 Cards, Cigarette (The inquisitive Battle for Rome 70[PG] Boring Game, the World's most nose) 38 Battling Tops 2 76[PR] Careers 27[GV] Bay of Pigs 61[PG] Borsenpoker 73[GV] Carpet Golf 34[GV] Beat Inflation 54[GV] Box Clever (Boxes) 64[PR] Carrom 13 Bedlam (Cards) 78 Brag 50[OTC] Cartel 29[GV] Begin Chess 7[BV] Brainline 58[GV] Cartino 65[GV] Bell and Hammer 48 Casablanca 68[GV] 3 Casino Games (Games and gaming) Chez Angelique (Problem Book) Copyright Games, How to 28, 34[FO] 47 49[BV] Corner 73[PR] Castle of Crossed Destinies, the Children's Games 8, see also Family Corona 47[GV] 65[BV] Games Cosmic Encounter 67[GV] Catch the Ten (Cards) 45[OTC] Children's Games, a Parents' Guide Counterstrike 70[GV] Cato (Cards) 72 to 18[BV] Coup d'Etat 70[GV] Caves 27[PUB] China War, the 77[PG] Courier 57[GV] Cego (Cards) 9 Chinese Chess 19, 27[FO], Crack 12[GV], 35[FO] Ceramic Gamblers 50 49,52,68[PR] Craps (Dice) 5 Challenge (Cards - Perfect Chinese Chess End-stage 63[BV] Crash (Cards) (Pink Nines) 29 Information) 49 Chinese Civil War 77[PG] Creature that Ate Sheboygan, the Challenge Golf 27[GV] Chinese War Game 51[PR] 81[PG] Chaos 16[GV] Chobche (Himalayan game) 52 Creature Castle 56[GV] Chatter, French 24[BV] Christmas Games 8, 20, 31, 43, 55 Cribbage 10[GGW], 29[FO], 60[OTC] Chaturanga 30[FO] Chutzpah 6 Cribbage boards 23, 34 Checkers and Draughts, the Science Cigarette Cards (The inquisitive Cribbage, Solo 45[PR] of 20[BV] nose) 38 Cribbage Squared 62[PR] Checkers, see Draughts Circus Jumboli (Family game) 9 Cricket, Card, see Card Cricket Chemin de Fer (Chemmy - Games Citadel 44[PR], 66[PG] Cricket (Christmas game) 43 and gaming) 47 Civilisations, Board and Table Games Crimea 70[PG] Chess books (Survey) 33[BV] of many 12[BV] Criss Cross 34[GV] Chess Championships, World Claymores and Kilts 33[RG] Crokey 61[GV] computer 32 Cliffhanger (Children's game) 8 Cromwell 55[PG] Chess Championships, World Clobber 44[RG] Crosso and Chains 42[RG] (Spassky vs Fischer) 1 Cluedo 49[PR], 60[BBI] Cross over the Bridge (Family game) Chess Combination as a Fine Art Codes and Ciphers 22[BV] 9 72[BV] Codex 40[GV] Crossnumbers, Composing Chess Companion, the 15[BV] Colarito 29[FO] 56,57,58[FIG] Chess, Electronic 71[PR] Collect 37[GV] Crossover 54[PR] Chess Endings 17[BV] 2, 20, 21, Colomino 63[GV] Crossword Solving, Know the Game 24,27[FO] Colonies 46[PR] 44[BV] Chess for Starters 51[BV] Colourtaire (Solitaire) 30 Crosswords for the Devotee 30[BV] Chess, How to Cheat at 52 Columbus Egg 73[BV] Crosswords

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