Telluride Newsletter 1976 March Volume 63, Number 3 ALUMNI WEEKEND - APRIL 23-25, 1976 In late April Ithaca has been known to produce a respectable Chairman Michael Davidson graduated from Cornell in snowstorm as easily as a run of spritely spring weather. What- 1961 and received his law degree from the University of Chi- ever the atmospheric ccnditions, Telluride Association and cago in 1964. He then served in the Peace Corps, Kenya for ADSTA are looking forward to welcoming associates and two years before becoming Assistant Counsel, NAACP Legal friends to Ithaca for the ADSTA Weekend, April 23-25. The Defense Fund from 1766-1973. At the Fund he was princi- affair promises to be stimulating as well as relaxing with a pally concerned with urban development problems as they af- varied number of activities offered from which participants fected racial minorities. He then became Director, Housing Lit- may make their choice. On page 2 you will find a schedule of igation Bureau, New York City Housing and Development weekend events. On the back page you will find a reservation Administration. Since 1974 he has been a visiting Associate fonn which you are urged to fill out and return as soon as pos- Professor of Law, State University of New York at Buffalo. sible. Please remember that wives, family and friends are also Judge Fairchild is the Chief Judge, United States Court of most welcome. Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. After attending Deep Springs, A provocative seminar is anticipated when this year's alumni he graduated from Cornell in 1934 and took his law degree at panel is convened by Chairman Michael David~on,TA58, at the University of Wisconsin in 1938. He practiced law in Wis- 2 :00 p.m. Saturday, April 24. The title of the program is "Law consin before serving as Attorney General of Wisconsin from and Social Change." Chairman Davidson says he hopes to make 1945-1950. He was elected to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin the session one of active participation by everyone present. The in 1956 and again in 1966. Thereafter he was appointed to the panel members will be Judge Thomas E. Fairchild, TA31, Seventh Circuit Court, becoming Chief Judge in 1975. Frederick J. Rarig, TA37, Don 0. Noel, Jr., TA51, and, condi- After graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1936, tionally, Judith L. Lindahl, TA68, who we hope will be able to Frederick J. Rarig received his LL.B. degree from Cornell Uni- resolve a conflicting commitment. continued on page two PROGRAM Alumni Weekend April 23-25, 1976 Cornell Branch, Telluride Association Friday, April 23, 8:00 p.m. In-House entertainment Saturday, April 24, 10:OO a.m. Group trip to the Wilson Synchrotron Facility 12:30 p.m. Luncheon 2:00 p.m. Panel Discussion, "Law and Social Change" 6: 15 p.m. Sherry Reunion Banquet ALUMNI WEEKEND continued from page one Friday evening will feature entertainment by Housemembers versity in 1939. After serving his law clerkship, he joined the after which a congenial drink from the open bar may be en- U.S. Department of Justice as an attorney. In 1944 he was ap- joyed. For those wishing to learn (more) about the workings pointed a Special Assistant to the Attorney General in the Los of the Cornell synchrotron, there will be an opportunity to do Angeles office of the Anti-Trust Division. He resigned from so Saturday morning at 10:oO. The executive officer of the Wil- this position in 1946 to join the staff of the Rohm & Haas Com- son Synchrotron has kindly consented to give our group a talk pany of Philadelphia where he is presently secretary and legal and tour of the doughnut-shaped installation at that time. The counsel. His major professional activity is public law interpre- group will then reassemble at the House for buffet luncheon tation, compliance enforcement and revision and safety engi- before convening for the seminar. At the close of the panel neering in the field of consumer and environmental protection. discussion there will be an interlude to enable those attending Don 0. Noel, Jr. is presently Senior Correspondent with to change before gathering in the lounge at 6:15 for sherry Hartford's WFSB-TV3 station. Coming to Cornell from Deep preceding the Reunion Banquet. For late evening entertainment Springs, he received his B.A. degree in 1954. He then served anyone so wishing may choose from concert, theatre and cine- . with the American Friends Service Committee in Tokyo. In ma offerings on the Cornell campus or a visit to the local 1958 he joined the Hartford Times as Assistant Managing Edi- watering spots of Ithaca. Sunday morning will find a continen- tor. Subsequently, he was appointed Editorial Page Editor and tal breakfast available in the informal atmosphere of the kitch in 1974 was named Editor. He resigned from this position in en/dining room. The ADSTA Council will hold its spring 1975. In 1964 he was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and was meeting at 10:00 a.m. that morning at the House and encour- an Alternate White House Fellow. In 1966-1967 he was ages any interested alumnus to attend the session. named an Alicia Patterson Fellow. Judith L. Lindahl received her undergraduate degree from An invitation will be mailed to alumni from Chicago east Cornell in 1969 and her law degree from Harvard University and the District of Columbia north in late March, but it is of in March 1974. During the summer preceding her first year at course extended to all the TA/DS faithful. A block of rooms law school, she worked at the Center for Criminal Justice at has been reserved at the Hillside Inn for those who would like Boston University in a Prison Legal Aid program. Serving dis- accommodations to be arranged. Reservations are requested for advantaged groups, she continued to work in the field of public the Saturday luncheon and banquet as well. A reservation form defense while taking her law degree. Since February 1974 she is printed on the last page of this Newsletter. has worked for the Massachusetts Defenders Committee as a Housemembers, the ADSTA Council, and the participating trial lawyer, which involves exclusively criminal trial work on panelists look forward to seeing a large gathering of alumni the District Court level. and friends in Ithaca, April 23-25. TELLURIDE NEWSLETTER September 4-6, 1976 The Telluride Newsletter is published four times a year A reunion for Deep Springs alumni and their families is cur- in Ithaca, New York. rently scheduled to be held at the ranch over the Labor Day Editors weekend. The emphasis will be on reminiscing and getting re- Elizabeth Bolgiano acquainted. A seminar on Social Issues in the Law, to be pre- David M cQuaid sented by Deep Springers who have become lawyers, will be a Julie Neisser highlight of the weekend. Photographer: Russell Hawkins Coordinator for this event is Ken Odell in the San Francisco The editors welcome letters, comments and suggestions area, assisted by Bruce Laverty in Los Angeles. Those planning from readers. Please address correspondence to Elizabeth to attend are urged to make their reservations through Odell or, Bolgiano, Telluride Association, 217 West Avenue, Ithaca, if planning to travel to Deep Springs from Southern California, New York 14850. through Laverty. Additional photograph credits: Page 1, Cornell University The deadline for reservations is AUGUST 6. Ken Odell-s - Office of Public Information, Russ Hamilton; Page 3, address is : 581 14th Avenue, # 5, San Francisco, Calif. 94118; Courtesy of Deep Springs College; Page 8, Courtesy of W. Bruce Laverty's address is: 1570 N. Edgemont, #205, Los Pazrl Jones, TA15. Angeles, Calif. 90027. Page Two Telluride Newsletter - Seed-time of Decision CONVENTION REMINDER by Peter Beck, DS7.5 Convention will assemble at 10 a.m., Thursday, June 10. This is a "different" time at Deep Springs, a period of ad- justment, a season of change. We all recognize it and we all Please return immediately the questionnaires sent out by feel its effect. One teacher and three students (two first-year the Association Secretary, Fred Maus, and plan to attend. and one second-year man) have left, each for personal reasons. Prompt responses are especially important this year, to help Second and third-year students are making, or trying to avoid with group travel plans. making, decisions about their lives when they leave Deep Springs. They write applications and search their souls. First- year students are deciding whether or not to ask for reinvitation CUSTODIANS and for many the decision is not an easy one. There's no way to tell how much of this is unique, indigenous to this present by Jan Svejnar, TA74 combination of personalities, or how much is attributable to The 1976 winter meeting of the Board of Custodians took the cumulative intensity of Deep Springs. place at Charles Christenson's residence in Cambridge, Mass. But as we -go about surviving on February 6th and 7th. The general spirit was one of satis- today, we can look to tomorrow faction with the recent performance of the stock market (the and there is much to be enthu- Dow hovered in the high 700's) and continued optimism for siastic about, a lot to look for- the near future. Telluride's portfolio participated in the recent ward to. The Work Program and the ranch are doing well; rally; its value was approximately $3.7 million as compared to we recently sold 130 tons of $3,421,855 in October 1775, and further gain is expected in hay at $60 a ton.
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