PER E 78 C2 15456 MCC/CMC Vol. Seven, No. Four Ottawa, Ontario December, 1964 Intensified Community Development Programme Aids Indian Reserves Nine community development officers own staffs in a wide range of functions, are already at work on Indian reserves including band management, clerical throughout Canada - three each in the work, welfare administration and project lnteressants proiets Maritimes and Manitoba, one each in development. Quebec, Ontario and Alberta. They are the forerunners in a carefully-planned, Suitable training courses are also pour les lndiens integrated, community development pro- being organized to equip Indians to dis- gramme which has been initiated by the charge their responsibilities more effect- Neuf agents de developpement com- l'autorite dans la gestion de leurs affai- Indian Affairs Branch of the Depart- ively as employees of Band Councils, as munautaire sont deja a l'oeuvre dans res, un plan de subventions aux conseils ment of Citizenship and Immigration. community development assistants, and certaines reserves indiennes du Canada : de bandes indiennes est en preparation. in other capacities. Many of the field trois dans les Maritimes, un au Quebec, Ces subventions permettront aux conseils staffs of the Indian Affairs Branch will un dans l'Ontario, trois au Manitoba et indiens d'employer leur propre personnel un dans !'Alberta. lis seront des pion- Larger Staff also .receive additional instruction in dans un grand nombre d'activites, y com- community development work. niers dans la mise en oeuvre d'un pro- pris !'administration des bandes, les tra- gramme integre de developpement com- vaux d'ecriture, !'administration du bien- Recruitment of additional staff is now munautaire prepare avec soin et instaure etre et !'elaboration de programmes. under way. It is expected that 62 com- Indian Initiative par la Direction des Affaires indiennes On organise en meme temps des cours munity development officers and 50 In- du ministere de Ia Citoyennete et de de formation propres a preparer les In- dian community development assistants !'Immigration. diens a s'acquitter plus efficacement de will be appointed over the next three The new program will emphasize In- leurs responsabilites en qualite d'em- years. dian participation and initiative in ad- Le personnel ployes des conseils de bande, d'adjoints vancing the well-being of Indian reser- Le recrutement de personnel supple- du developpement communautaire et a More than $3,500,000 has been ear- ves. In effect, Indian communities will mentaire se poursuit actuellement et l'on marked for the three-year, introductory d'autres titres. Plusieurs employes sur be assisted gradually to develop their s'attend que 62 agents de developpement place de la Direction des Affaires indien- phase of the program. Additional funds own staffs and services to manage wei- communautaire et 50 adjoints seront ' for work in the field of adult education, nes recevront aussi une formation sup- fa re, recreational services, economic pro- nommes au cours des trois prochaines plementaire dans le domaine du deve- economic development and municipal jects and other local operations. annees. services also will be employed within the loppement communautaire. framework of the program. On a pn~vu plus de $3,500,000 pour la periode triennale de mise en oeuvre Le programme du programme. Des fonds additionnels Le nouveau programme fera ressortir pour des travaux de developpement dans System of Grants !'importance de la participation des In- FRIENDSHIP CENTRE les domaines de !'education des adultes, . diens lorsqu'il s'agit de favoriser le bien- de !'expansion economique et des servi- etre des reserves indiennes; De fait, on To speed the transfer to Indian com- OPENS ces municipaux seront aussi affectes dans aidera graduellement les communautes munities of responsibility and authority le cadre du programme. indiennes a choisir leur personnel et a for the management of their affairs, a etablir leurs services pour s'occuper des system of grants to Indian Band Coun- - A new Indian Friendship Centre has Subventions questions de bien-etre et de loisirs, des cils is being developed. These grants will been opened at 202 13th Street, Bran- Afin de remettre sans delai aux com- projets d'ordre economique et d'autres enable Indian Councils to employ their don, Manitoba. munautes indiennes la responsabilite et activites locales. ( ''Ambassadors'' Ill Mexico Kamloops Indian Residential School dancers (above) who visited Les fonctionnaires de l'Ambassade du Canada au Mexique ont decrit Mexico City in 1 uly were described by Canadian embassy officials as the les danseurs de !'ecole indienne de Kamloops qui s'y sont rendus en juillet finest -ambassadors ever to come from Canada. All proceeds from their comme les meilleurs ambassadeurs du Canada jusqu'ici. Toutes .les re- first show went to aid crippled children. cettes de leur premier spectacle ont ete versees aux enfants infirmes. The dancers attended special luncheons, dinners and receptions arrang- Les danseurs ont assiste a des lunchs, des diners, des receptions orga- ed in their honour and receiyed extensive coverage in Mexican newspapers. nises en leur honneur et la presse mexicaine leur a fait une grande publicite. LIBRARY Page Two THE INDIAN NEWS December, 1964 Community Development·­ Young Editor At Work Programme Widely Supported All parties in the House of Commons sistance. This will depend in large mea- supported the announcement of the in- sure on the participation of the Indians tensified community development pro- themselves in efforts to improve their gramme which was outlined to the House level of living with as much reliance as on July 7, 1964, by the Hon. Rene Trem- possible on their own initiative. The blay, Minister of Citizenship and Im- programme makes provision for tech- migration. The following extracts are nical and other services which will help from the Minister's speech. them to establish self sufficiency ... "Indian communities will be assisted "As a general principle the community in raising their living standards and im- development programme will recognize proving their economic, social and cul- that it is neither desirable nor practicable tural life by means of an intensified com- to abolish reserves ... munity development programme which "A community development effort will will supplement present government need to be sustained at least until those assistance. reserves which have the necessary po- tential are brought to approximate social 3-Year Programme and economic parity with neighbouring non-Indian communities ..." "An investment of some $3,551,000 over the next three years is proposed for tbis aspect of Indian development, To encourage Indians to discharge which will be conducted by the Indian their responsibilities more effectively as Affairs Branch on its own and in asso- employees of Band Councils, as com- ciation with various provincial and other munity development assistants, and in agencies. This amount is the minimum other capacities, suitable training courses needed for an intensive three-year pro- are being organized. gramme. This is the price tag for the assembled skills, organizational instru- During the three-year beginning phase Thirteen year old Alicia Marquis sion of "The Maple Leaf Forever", a ments and operating techniques which of the community development program- (above) of Caughnawaga has started a swap shop column and cooking recipes. constitute this new process. mes, many of the existing staff of Indian monthly publication entitled "The Kan- Affairs Branch will be retrained. Special awake News". Circulation has since increased from "In its application, the proposed com- courses are being organized to acquaint 300 to 800. munity development programme is de- staff with the philosophy and techniques The first edition, which appeared in Alicia was born in Buffalo and came signed to employ, to the greatest extent of community development and to en- May, covered forthcoming events on the with her parents to Canada seven years possible, all the available material and able them to meet more effectively the reserve, awards, contests, an Indian ver- ago. She is in the seventh grade. human resources in Indian communities new needs and aspirations of the Indian and in each province. One of its effects people. will be to step up mobilization of In- dian initiative and to further promote self- sufficiency. One of its end results will be to accelerate transfer to Indian B.C. Indians communities of responsibility and au- Here and There thority for the management of their Attend Seminars affairs, with concurrent limitations in Miss Teresa Stevens, Chapel Island Richard James, Gilford Island Band, government controls. As Indians of British Columbia Band, who has been studying at St. Eliz- a grade 11 student at Delta Secondary play a more active role in the bus- abeth Hospital School of Nursing, North School, was one of the two British Co- A Framework Sydney, Nova Scotia, received her gradu- lumbia boys chosen to attend Operation iness affairs of their reserves, they ation diploma and two awards in Sep- Beaver, the work camp held at Split Lake "In organizational terms, this program are seeking greater knowledge and tember. Miss Stevens had previously Reserve during July. Mr. James plans will provide one important framework training so that they can cope ad- won scholarships awarded by the Indian to train as a laboratory technician. for co-ordinating and enhancing the equately with the business world. Affairs Branch. efforts of existing health, education, wel- fare and economic development services Leadership development pro- Frances Baptiste, Inkaneep Reserve, Marion Silliboy, Micmac from Es- in Indian communities . - grams are being conducted by the Oliver, B.C., was valedictorian of her kasoni, Nova Scotia, hopes to teach class last June. She also received a when she completes her university 'The success of this latest self-help University of British Columbia on gold watch for her scholastic achieve- course. Miss Silliboy spent the sum- programme, is expected to bring reserves the reserves of the West Coast pro- ments.
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