June/July’18 Issue Vol. 13, Issue 5 Meet the Frenchie! See article on page 20 * Nine Weeks to Go! * My First Litter * Uncovering Retail Rescue Your puppies deserve the best! The AKC® Puppy Protection Package For AKC Breeders who sell directly to new puppy buyers GiveGive youryour puppies a great start in their new homes,mes, increasease your profitsp and earn freefree microchips!microchips! ® ® brand DOG FOOD AKC and Purina ProPlan proudly support all responsible breeders 1SPUFDU0XOFSTIJQt1SPUFDUJG-PTUt1SPUFDU)FBMUI Contact AKC Breeder Relations for more information: 800-252-5545 enter PIN 75777; [email protected] 2 * Kennel Spotlight * June/July’18 We are the first dry dog food Every high-quality ingredient Optimal protein-to-fat ratios brand to use and be is carefully chosen tailored to each dry formula founded on the idea of for a specific purpose help dogs maintain real meat as the #1 ingredient their ideal body condition 9 of the last 10 AKC National Retriever 97 of the top 100 Champions are fueled AKC All-Breed Champions choose by Purina® Pro Plan® 1,3 Purina® Pro Plan® 2,3 More than 85 years of Purina® Over 500 Purina® scientists 100% of Purina® Pro Plan® research continues to take pet including nutritionists, dry and wet dog food is nutrition to the next level behaviorists and veterinarians proudly produced in work together to deliver highly Purina-owned U.S. facilities innovative pet nutrition With 30+ dry dog food formulas, find the right one for your breed and SAVE $5. proplan.com/mybreedplan 1 Based on the top 5 dogs in each of the following Stakes: 2013-2017 National Championship and National Amateur Championship 2 AKC Top DogsSMM All Breed Competition through December 31, 2017. 3 The handler or owner of these champions may have received Printed in USA. Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors. Kennel Spotlight * June/July’18 * 3 4 * Kennel Spotlight * June/July’18 The Kennel Spotlight PUBLISHER Bob Hughes (417) 652-7540 [email protected] EDITOR/AD SALES Kathy Bettes (417) 652-7540 [email protected] [email protected] AD SALES/MARKETING Shayla Stehlik [email protected] [email protected] The Kennel Spotlight is published by Southwest Publications, LLC P.O. Box 534, Wheaton, MO 64874 Printing by Print Shop Plus, Monett, MO Contributing articles by: Nestle/Purina Pro Plan, Dr. Bramlage-Revival Animal Health, Humanewatch.org, Mike Bober-PIJAC, Carlotta Cooper-Animal Owners Alliance, The Cavalry Group, Donna Christensen, Pet Poison Helpline, AKC Cover Photo: French Bulldogs, “Mina” & “Sebastian” compliments of Carrie’s Classic Frenchies. Kennel Spotlight * June/July’18 * 5 NINE WEEKS TO GO: GETTING READY TO HAVE A HEALTHY LITTER OF PUPPIES You’ve bred your bitch, and now begins the wait period days, she should be fed two to three times more than for puppies to be born. During this time, your No. 1 priority before pregnancy in small feedings throughout the day. should be taking care of your brood bitch to be sure she “A caloric-dense diet, such as puppy food or an all life has a clean, comfortable kennel environment and oppor- stages food, is recommended for the third trimester,” says tunities for moderate exercise. Nutrition is important as Melanie A. Barnes, DVM, head veterinarian at the Purina well. Here are some tips to help you get ready. Product Technology Center in St. Joseph, Missouri. “A A dam should be offered gradually increasing amounts puppy food also is recommended for the first part of of food during the nine weeks of gestation. During the lactation. Regardless of the phase of pregnancy, diets first trimester, from 0 to 21 days, she should be fed a should be adjusted based on maintaining an ideal body normal amount of her regular complete and balanced condition for the pregnant dam.” adult or all life stages dog food. During the second Ideal body condition during pregnancy is defined as trimester, from 22 to 42 days, the amount of food fed having an appropriate muscle and fat balance. You should should be doubled. During the third trimester, 43 to 64 be able to easily feel the bitch’s ribs, shoulder blades 6 * Kennel Spotlight * June/July’18 and hips; however, her growing abdomen means that can last from six to 12 hours or longer. The dam may you cannot see a waist behind the ribs when viewing become restless and nervous, even shivering and vomit- from the top or an abdominal tuck from the side as ing. She also may try to dig or rearrange her bedding. when she is not pregnant. Dr. Barnes advises that ideal Strong contractions lasting from 10 to 30 minutes body condition can vary during pregnancy, thus it is result in the birth of the puppy during stage two labor. best to consult a veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist Straining that continues past 30 minutes could signal about an individual dog. trouble and the need to consult a veterinarian immedi- As fetal development continues, the dam has progres- ately, especially if straining persists without the explu- sively less abdominal space for comfortable digestive sion of a fetus. “It can be normal for dams to rest for tract expansion and function. Frequent feedings of several minutes to hours between delivering puppies,” smaller meals may be helpful. Growing fetuses, fluid says Dr. Barnes. and developing placental tissues and mammary glands Expulsion of the placenta takes place in the third, or all contribute to a dam’s increasing body weight. Dur- final stage, of labor and delivery, occurring from 5 to 15 ing the final two weeks of gestation, food consump- minutes after the birth of each puppy. Dams whelping tion may decrease. more than one puppy alternate between stages two and As the dam gets closer to her due date, breeders three. Until normal whelping is completed, breeders should pay attention for signs of labor. One indicator a should be certain that the afterbirth has been expelled. dam is getting close to whelping a litter is a decline in Nine weeks go fast. Before you know it, your dam body temperature that occurs about 12 to 24 hours before will deliver her litter and you will have puppies. Taking labor begins. Her rectal temperature may fall from 101.5 good care of the bitch helps to ensure all goes well and degrees Fahrenheit to well under 100 degrees. The first that both the dam and her puppies are healthy. ■ stage of labor, consisting of mild uterine contractions, PREPARING A COMFORTABLE, SAFE WHELPING BOX Breeders should minimize stress for an expectant dam newspaper. For large litters, multiple changes a day and her litter by providing a quiet, warm whelping area may be necessary. Whelping boxes made of molded and a comfortable whelping box. At least five days synthetic material, such as a kiddie swimming pool, before a dam is expected to whelp, she should be often are excellent for this purpose. introduced to the whelping box to allow time for her A source of supplemental heat is important, especially to become adjusted and comfortable in this environ- during the first week of life when puppies are not able ment before puppies are born. to regulate their own body temperature. Puppies rely The whelping area should be draft free and temper- on the dam’s body heat and the warmth of their litter- ature controlled. Although there are a variety of designs mates to maintain a normal body temperature during for whelping boxes, it is important to choose one that this time. Supplemental heat should be placed so that is warm and dry, easy to clean, and allows access to puppies can move to their own comfort area if they the dam while preventing the puppies from escaping become too hot and not interfere with the dam getting too soon as they grow. up and down. Heat lamps and electric or water-filled An ideal whelping box is large enough that the dam heating pads are examples of appropriate heat sources. can stretch out in full length with room to spare. A Make sure puppies do not have exposure to electrical railing or ledge should be 3 to 4 inches from the floor cords or outlet boxes to chew on. around the periphery of the box to prevent the dam from crushing or suffocating a puppy that may get caught between her body and the sides of the box when she is lying down to nurse. The bedding material should provide good traction, be easily cleaned, odorless, insect-free, and made of a material that will not be easily ingested by puppies. Good materials include soft carpeting mounted on a frame that fits snug- gly inside the whelping box or fined shredded Kennel Spotlight * June/July’18 * 7 REVIVAL SOLUTIONS Active Labor 'XULQJWKHVHFRQGVWDJHRIODERULVZKHQDFWLYHVWURQJ FRQWUDFWLRQVEHJLQ$IWHUWKHƬUVWSXSS\LVERUQ\RXVKRXOG DYHUDJHGHOLYHULQJDSXSS\HYHU\PLQXWHV 2QFHDSXSLVERUQ\RXUSULRULW\LVJHWWLQJWKHPEUHDWKLQJDQG WKHQJHWWLQJWKHPQXUVLQJRQPRP2QFHWKHSXSS\LVERUQ \RXFDQ r *HWWKHPHPEUDQHVRƪWKHSXSS\oVQRVHZLSHƮXLGRXWRIKLV PRXWKUXEKLPDQGJHWKLPEUHDWKLQJ r 8VHDKDQGWRZHOWRGU\WKHEDE\DQGUHPRYHPXFXVDQGWKH DPQLRWLFVDFNIURPDURXQGWKHQRVHDQGPRXWK r 8VHDEXOEV\ULQJH VQRWVXFNHU WRJHWMXQNRXWRIWKHSXSS\oV PRXWKHVSHFLDOO\LQVPDOOHUEUHHGV My First Litter- How to Help A r 7ULPWKHXPELOLFDOFRUGWRLQFKDQGFOHDQLWZLWKVWURQJLRGLQH Dog Have Puppies RU6XSHU 7KHSODFHQWDPD\SDVVDIWHUHDFKSXSS\XVXDOO\ZLWKLQ :KHWKHULWoV\RXUƬUVWWLPHKHOSLQJDPRPZKHOSSXSSLHVRU PLQXWHVEXWLWLVQRWDQLVVXHLILWGRHVQRW7KHUHLVQRYDOXH \RXoUHH[SHULHQFHGPDQDJLQJDGRJoVODERUZLOOJHWSXSSLHVRQWKH LQPRPHDWLQJWKHSODFHQWD JURXQGDOLYHDQGƬJKWLQJWROLYH When is Whelping Finished? Signs Labor is Getting Close ,IWKHUHKDYHEHHQQRPRUHSXSVDIWHUWZRKRXUVVKHLVOLNHO\GRQH 7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOFOXHV\RXFDQZDWFKIRUWRKHOSGHWHUPLQHLI 0RPZLOOUHOD[EULHƮ\DQGQXUVHEHWZHHQSXSSLHVEXWZKHQODERU
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