巴生中华总商会 会务报告 KLANG CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ANNUAL ACTIVITIES REPORT 2017 年 5 月 8 日-2018 年 4 月 1 日 From 8th May 2017 to 1st April 2018 本会活动简报 A Brief Report on KCCCI Activities A) 内部会议 Internal Meeting 11-May-17 2015-2018 年度国际贸易暨东盟事务组第 8 次会议 8th Meeting of International Trade and Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 11-May-17 2015-2018 年度第 12 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.12 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2015-2018 17-May-17 巴生文遗节检讨会议 Post Mortem meeting of Klang Heritage Fest 17-May-17 我们爱巴生跑 2017 检讨会议 Review Meeting of We Love Klang Run 2017 23-May-17 2015-2018 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 13 次会议 13th Meeting of SME cum HR Committee for the term of 2015- 2018 24-May-17 2015-2018 年度青商团第 15 次会议 15th Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 41 25-May-17 复兴巴生-工作小组第 8 次会议 8th Working Committee Meeting of Klang Rejuvenation Project 26-May-17 提案小组会议 Meeting of Motion Proposal Committee 29-May-17 2015-2018 年度第 7 次会长理事会会议 7th Presidential Council Meeting for the term of 2015-2018 31-May-17 2015-2018 年度商务暨财经研究组第 17 次会议 17th Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2015-2018 31-May-17 复兴巴生-宣传小组第 3 次会议 3rd Publicity Committee Meeting of Klang Rejuvenation Project 1-Jun-17 2015-2018 年度女企业家组第 19 次会议 19th Meeting of Women Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 1-Jul-17 2016-2019 年度雪兰莪滨海中华总商会第 4 次董事会议 4th Council Meeting of Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce And Industry Of Coastal Selangor for the term of 2016-2019 6-Jul-17 复兴巴生-工作小组第 9 次会议 9th Working Committee Meeting of Klang Rejuvenation Project 6-Jul-17 2015-2018 年度女企业家组第 20 次会议 20th Meeting of Women Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 6-Jul-17 执照及基本设施组第 4 次会议 4th Meeting of License, Fac Issue Committee 11-Jul-17 2015-2018 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 14 次会议 14th Meeting of SME cum HR Committee for the term of 2015- 2018 42 12-Jul-17 2015-2018 年度商务暨财经研究组第 18 次会议 18th Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2015-2018 13-Jul-17 2015-2018 年度国际贸易暨东盟事务组第 9 次会议 9th Meeting of International Trade and Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 13-Jul-17 2015-2018 年度第 13 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.13 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2015-2018 18-Jul-17 2015-2018 年度青商团第 16 次会议 16th Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 3-Aug-17 2015-2018 年度新会所基建组第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2015-2018 9-Aug-17 2015-2018 年度女企业家组第 21 次会议 21st Meeting of Women Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 17-Aug-17 复兴巴生-工作小组第 10 次会议 10th Working Committee Meeting of Klang Rejuvenation Project 29-Aug-17 2015-2018 年度商务暨财经研究组第 19 次会议 19th Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2015-2018 4-Sep-17 2015-2018 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 15 次会议 15th Meeting of SME cum HR Committee for the term of 2015- 2018 5-Sep-17 2015-2018 年度青商团第 17 次会议 17th Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 43 7-Sep-17 巴生文遗日第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Klang Heritage Day 11-Sep-17 2015-2018 年度新会所基建组第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of New Building Infrastructure Construction & Property Committee for the term of 2015-2018 12-Sep-17 名人面对面 2.0 第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Face to Face 2.0 with VIP 13-Sep-17 2015-2018 年度国际贸易暨东盟事务组第 10 次会议 10th Meeting of International Trade and Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 13-Sep-17 2015-2018 年度第 14 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.14 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2015-2018 14-Sep-17 复兴巴生-工作小组第 11 次会议 11th Working Committee Meeting of Klang Rejuvenation Project 20-Sep-17 2015-2018 年度女企业家组第 22 次会议 22nd Meeting of Women Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 21-Sep-17 2015-2018 年度农工业组第 6 次会议 6th Meeting of Agriculture and Industry Committee for the term of 2015-2018 25-Sep-17 巴生文遗日第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Klang Heritage Day 02-Oct-17 名人面对面 2.0 第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Face to Face 2.0 with VIP 2015-2018 年度青商团第 18 次会议 10-Oct-17 18th Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 44 复兴巴生-工作小组第 12 次会议 11-Oct-17 12th Working Committee Meeting of Klang Rejuvenation Project 11-Oct-17 街头小食节筹委会第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Street Food Festival Organizing Committee 14-Oct-17 2016-2019 年度雪兰莪滨海中华总商会第 5 次董事会议 5th Council Meeting of Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce And Industry Of Coastal Selangor for the term of 2016-2019 17-Oct-17 2015-2018 年度商务暨财经研究组第 20 次会议 20th Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2015-2018 23-Oct-17 2015-2018 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 16 次会议 16th Meeting of SME cum HR Committee for the term of 2015- 2018 26-Oct-17 街头小食节筹委会第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Street Food Festival Organizing Committee 02-Nov-17 街头小食节筹委会第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of Street Food Festival Organizing Committee 07-Nov-17 名人面对面 2.0 第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of Face to Face 2.0 with VIP 10-Nov-17 街头小食节筹委会第 4 次会议 4th Meeting of Street Food Festival Organizing Committee 14-Nov-17 2015-2018 年度青商团第 19 次会议 19th Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 15-Nov-17 2015-2018 年度第 15 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.15 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2015-2018 21-Nov-17 街头小食节筹委会第 5 次会议 5th Meeting of Street Food Festival Organizing Committee 45 23-Nov-17 2015-2018 年度国际贸易暨东盟事务组第 11 次会议 11th Meeting of International Trade and Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 28-Nov-17 2015-2018 年度农工业组第 7 次会议 7th Meeting of Agriculture and Industry Committee for the term of 2015-2018 29-Nov-17 名人面对面 2.0 第 4 次会议 4th Meeting of Face to Face 2.0 with VIP 4-Dec-17 2015-2018 年度中小型企业暨人力资源组第 17 次会议 17th Meeting of SME cum HR Committee for the term of 2015- 2018 8-Dec-17 Baseline Study Meeting 15-Dec-17 2015-2018 年度商务暨财经研究组第 21 次会议 21st Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2015-2018 20-Dec-17 ISO9001-2008 管理审查会议 Management Review Meeting of ISO 9001-2008 8-Jan-18 ISO 9001-2008 品质管理系统外部稽查 ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System External Audit 9-Jan-18 2015-2018 年度国际贸易暨东盟事务组第 12 次会议 12th Meeting of International Trade and Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 9-Jan-18 2015-2018 年度青商团第 20 次会议 20th Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 12-Jan-18 治安组第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of Security Issues Committee 13-Jan-18 2016-2019 年度雪兰莪滨海中华总商会第 6 次董事会议 6th Council Meeting of Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce And Industry Of Coastal Selangor for the term of 2016-2019 46 19-Jan-18 2015-2018 年度女企业家组第 23 次会议 23rd Meeting of Women Entrepreneurs Committee for the term 2015-2018 22-Jan-18 复兴巴生市计划脑力激荡会议 KCR BrainStorming Meeting 24-Jan-18 2015-2018 年度第 16 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.16 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2015-2018 6-Feb-18 2015-2018 年度青商团第 21 次会议 21st Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 12-Feb-18 复兴巴生市计划智囊团第 1 次会议 1st KCR Think Tanks Meeting 12-Feb-18 ‘我们爱巴生’跑筹委会第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of “We Love Klang“Run 2018 Organizing Committee 27-Feb-18 ‘我们爱巴生’跑筹委会第 2 次会议 2nd Meeting of “We Love Klang“ Run 2018 Organizing Committee 2-Mar-18 2015-2018 年度国际贸易暨东盟事务组第 13 次会议 13th Meeting of International Trade and Asean Affairs Committee for the term of 2015-2018 9-Mar-18 第 72 届会员大会提案小组会议 Meeting of 72nd (2018) AGM Motion Proposal Committee 13-Mar-18 2015-2018 年度商务暨财经研究组第 22 次会议 22nd Meeting of Commerce and Economic Research Committee for the term of 2015-2018 21-Mar-18 2015-2018 年度第 17 次董事会议 The Council Meeting No.17 of KCCCI Council for the Term of 2015-2018 47 27-Mar-18 2018-2021 年度选举委员会第 1 次会议 1st Meeting of Election Committee for the term of 2018-2021 28-Mar-18 2015-2018 年度女企业家组第 24 次会议 24th Meeting of Women Enterpreneurs Committee for the term 2015-2018 29-Mar-18 复兴巴生-工作小组第 13 次会议 13th Working Committee Meeting of Klang Rejuvenation 29-Mar-18 ‘我们爱巴生’跑筹委会第 3 次会议 3rd Meeting of “We Love Klang“Run 2018 Organizing Committee B) 政府部门活动 Government Activities 18-May-17 Appointment with En Arshad Bin Dr. Leong Kai Hin, Mustapa, Pengarah Pejabat Ir. Ter Leong Leng, Liew Kementerian Pelancongan dan Ngan Fung, Lee Sack Kebudayaan Malaysia Negeri Choon, Boon Soh Huai Selangor 22-May-17 Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Michael Leong Jit Min Pengurusan Taman Perindustrian (IPMC) Majlis Perbandaran Klang Bil. 2 Tahun 2017 01-Jun-17 Invitation to the Organising Dato' Jeffery Tan Committee Meeting 4/2017 on Selangor International Expo 2017 19-Jun-17 2nd Ad-hoc Meeting of FMM Dato' Jeffery Tan Selangor SMI Working Sub- Committee 48 02-Jul-17 Open House Reception In Ir. Ter Leong Leng, Ng Conjunction With The Selangor Tien Chor, Soh Soon State Eidul Fitr Celebration Cheong, Tan Keng Sing, Dato' Loo Son Yong, Lee Ah Yew, Lee Leong Ching, Boo Chaung Choon 04-Jul-17 3rd Ad-hoc Meeting of FMM Dato' Jeffery Tan Selangor SMI Working Sub- Committee 14-Jul-17 Hari Raya Open House (Think City) Liew Ngan Fung, Ng Tien Chor, Low Kok Siang, J Phuah Jiun Wen, Bob Lay, Hui Wai Chung, Saravanan, S.Arikrishnan, Prasath Kanagaras, Boon Soh Huai 13-Aug-17 Majlis Perasmian 'Polis Selangor Lee Hooi Seng dan Komuniti Bersama Memerangi Jenayah' 17-Aug-17 Invitation to the Organising Dato' Jeffery Tan Committee Meeting 8/2017 on Selangor International Expo 2017 25-Aug-17 Sesi Taklimat Mengenai Lee Shwu Chyng, Leong Pengemaskinian Garis Panduan Sze Yen Bagi Pengeluaran Sijil Tempasal Bukan Berkeutamaan Secara "Back to Back" 49 28-Aug-17 5th Ad-hoc Meeting of FMM Leong Sze Yen Selangor SMI Working Sub- Committee 30-Aug-17 6th Ad-hoc Meeting of FMM Lee Shwu Chyng Selangor SMI Working Sub- Committee 5-Sep-17 Invitation to the Organising Dato' Jeffery Tan Committee Meeting 9/2017 on Selangor International Expo 2017 5-Sep-17 7th Ad-hoc Meeting of FMM Dato' Jeffery Tan Selangor SMI Working Sub- Committee 7-Sep-17 Opening Ceremony of Selangor Dato' Jeffery Tan International Business Summit 2017 13-Sep-17 3rd Meeting of MPK-KCR Joint Dato' Jeffery Tan, Committee Ir.
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