1‘ CTHE TUFTS DAILY? Medford, MA 02155 Friday, September 15,1989 Vol XIX, Number 8 TCUJ hindered by lack of members nary matters, which reach the the upcoming elections. by JAMIE BRONSTEIN TCUJ when a student accused of Wolansky said that the TCUJ Contributing Writer an infraction denies guilt. did approve the wording of a ref- . Until campus elections are held Danca said that although they erendum to appear on the Oct. 3 Oct. 3, the system by which Tufts haven’t had to participate in any election ballot because of its students govern themselves will disciplinary hearings, her under- important nature. be. hindered by inexperienced standing is that if one does occur, The referendum, if approved, members and the lack of a quo- the TCUJ members will be able would amend the TCU rum. to participate. Constitution to open theelections Only three candidates ran for “Dean Reitman then calls the for the TCU President to the en- seven open positions last spring judiciary chairperson, who picks tire student body. in’ elections for the Tufts Com- two people to serve at the hear- Wolansky said that they showed munity Union Judiciary, the judi- ing, usually a guy and a girl,” the wording to Kelly and she said Sklar said. The three TCUJ that it was acceptable. photo by Kad SchaQ cial branch of the student govern- Junior Karen Vitale, the third ,&G hopes that the rain will wash away messages like these SI ment. All three were elected. None members presently serving are lev won’t have to. of hem were incumbents. all female. member of the TCUJ, could not The TCUJ currently cannot The beginning of the school be reached for comment. transact business because it-does year is traditionally a slow time Both Danca and Wolansky said Chalk making its not have a quorum of five mem- for the TCUJ. “Not much busi- they had spoken with previous bers, according to member Susan ness has come up at the moment, TCUJ members who had expressed Danca. As a result, the TCUJ is butifwedon’tseesomeresults,it interest in running for another mark on the campus unable to‘ transact its official could get to be a problem,” said term. The TCUJ usually experi- lice ordered her group Tuesday business, which includes the rec- TCUJ member Halley Wolansky. ences some continuity of mem- by BILL night to stop drawing chalk ad- ognition of student organizations She said that the TCUJ met bership from year to year, and Senior Staff Writer vertisements on the ground near and ruling on the constitutional- with Student Activities Director new members are able to learn George WolfSon is a happy Hillsideaparunents&ause they ity of Senate resolutions. They Marcia Kelly on Tuesday to dis- man. considered it vandalism. are even prevented from electing cuss constitutional options and seeTCUJ, page4 Wolfson, the university super- Police officials could not be the board’s officers. intendent of grounds, had been reached last night for comment. The new members, however, Talloires conference hoping for rain SO that Mother ‘‘There is no chalk policy in are working in conjunction with Nature, instead Of his Crews, would the handbook. We always thought the Student Activities Office to take care of all the chalk around it was fine,” said Associate Dean find a solution around the prob- on South Africa set campus. of StudentsBruceReitman. “But lem. ‘‘This is the most chalk I have there is an awful lot of chalk out “I think we’ll be able to make Mayer to leave Wednesday Seen,” said WolfSon, a 26-year there. all necessary changes,” said new pave the way for nonracial soci- veteran. “If it was up to me, I’d ‘mereis MY any wall space member Susan Danca. She said by SPIELMAN ety in South Africa. make the kids who did it Clean it left to chalk on,” he added. that “the law is very ambiguous Daily Editorial Board The delegates from South off.” School officials are not cur- as’to what we can do and can’t The state of higher education Africa who ;ill attend the Tal- In recent days, student Pro- rently considering a chalking do.” in South African “open” or non- loires conference are Professor P testors, Tom Ticket I1 and organ- policy. ‘youdon’t make a policy ‘Danca said that although the discriminating universities will de V Booysen, the vice chancel- iZerS Of a celebration Of the bi- if there is not a problem,” said three current TCUJ members are be examined in a conference at- lor of the University of Natal, centennial French Revolutizn saof Students Bobbie bable deciding amongst themselves who tended by educators from all over Professor Jake Gerwal, the vice have filled campus walkways, ‘‘up to now, it hasn’t been a prob- will serve as acting leader, offi- the globe. The conference is slated chancellor of the University of steps and walls with multi-col- lem. cers will not be chosen until after to begin at the Tufts European Western Cape,Dr. Stuart J. Saun- ored chalk. “At this point, I don’t want tc the October election. “There are Center in Talloires, France on ders, the vice chancellor of the Administratorssaidyesterday see us make a policy if we don’{ acertain number of offices, and if September 24. University of Cape Town, Pro- they have not sta policy against have to,’’ she said. we choose the officers now, each The conference will be hosted fessor Peter Tyson, deputy vice . chalking, but would not rule it The University implementec of us will hold two positions,” by University President Mayer, chancellor of the University of Out if the current amount contin- a poster ~- last year requir. Danca said. who leaves for Talloires on Witswatersrand and Professor ues. ing student organizauons to posl According to former TCUJ Wednesday, according to Direc- Roux Van der Merwe, the deputy However. Tom Ticket I1 Resi- member Howard Sklar, another tor of Communications Rosemarie vice chancellor of the University TCUJ responsibility is discipli- Van Camp. of Rhodes. At the conference, five dele- The members of the steering Free speech protestors disclose gates from the open South Afri- committee are all heads of uni- can universities will join nine versities from England, Denmark, members of the steering com- India, Ghana, France, Brazil and identies, plan for future mittee from last fall’s Talloires the United States, according to conference on “Arms Control, Van Camp. political affiliation to discourage by ANNA GEORGE Menke, Zappiaand O’Rourke Negotiation and Conflict Man- Rotberg, a scholar on South are all on the editorial board of people from different groups from Daily Ediiorial Board agement” to discuss what can be African affairs, will be attending the Primary Source, Tufts’ con- joining the movement,” Zappia done to assist education in the the conference along with Austin, Since their demonstration early servative journal, which has said. “We wanted to illicit the South African open universities. Assistant to the President Re- Wednesday morning, a number sparked controversy in the past. support of everyone”. The conference will aim at becca Flewelling,Associate Dean of the previously anonymous “There were some questions At 2 am. Wednesday, ten FSM conveying to the world the status of Arts and Sciences Bonnie members of the Tufts Free Speech in the beginning about associa- members used masking tape, Newman and Director of the Movement have decided to dis- tions with the paper,” said Menke. flyers and chalk to section the Conference Bureau Marjorie card anonymity and pursue their “We are trying to have a non- campus off into zones, protest- Farley. cause openly. partisan group.” ing Tufts’new free speech policy Austin and Flewelling have FSM members Martin Menke, “At this point anyone who written by the Dean of Students been instrumental in“orchestrat- Andrew Zappia and J. Brian wants to surrendertheir anonym- . Office and approved by the ing the conference,” according O’Rourke, explained yesterday ity is generally free to. I came Committee on Student Life at to Van Camp. that they had initially concealed forward because I wanted it to be the end of last semester. The opening dinner for the their identitiesbecause they were known what I stood for,” The new policy divides the conference will be held on Sep- concerned about alienatingother O’Rourke said. campus into three types of areas tember 24, to be followed by students who might support the “Most of the individuals who where the range of expression discussion sessions on Sept 25 cause of free speech. participated in this first action allowed varies. and 26. share a common ideology,” Zap- Zappia said that the strategy On the last days of the confer- pia admitted. But he went on to of remaining anonymous in the ence, representatives from the Inside explain that this was only be- initial stages seems to have been Rockefeller Foundation, the Daily Ne photo cause many of the students in- beneficial to the group’s prog- Jack Austin University of Cape Town Fund Havoc on the Hill ..............p.5 volved had come back to campus ress. He said he had been ap- and the Department of Peace and Our intrepid but bewildered Bre early and had the opportunity to proached yesterday by many of education in these open uni- Conflict Research from Sweden born tries to make sense of life at Tuft! individuals of several political versities, Academic Vice Presi- will join the conference hear ifter a year abroad. study the new policy and organ- “to ize action in protest. affiliations seeking to join the dent Robert Rotberg said last May. what’s going on and see how The Far Side Gallery 3 .....
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