ISSN 1849-7470 0 1 9 7 7 1 8 4 9 7 4 7 0 0 5 2 CRO LIFE DECEMBER 2015. / JANUARY 2016. 3 SURADNICI CONTRIBUTORS UVODNIK INTRODUCTION iris kuhanog vina, svježe pečenih fritula, svjetlost tisuće lampica i osmjesi na sve strane nose isti nazivnik – Advent all around! Nije bitno da li si u Zagrebu, na moru ili pak u unutrašnjosti, svaki dio Hrvatske, svaki grad ima barem jednu drvenu kućicu koja nudi neke od slasnih adventskih specijaliteta i toplinu božičnog ugođaja. Vrijeme je to kada smo neumje- Mreni u svemu, kada uživamo svim čulima, viđamo obitelj i prijatelje pomalo zapostavljene tijekom godine i darujemo ih poklonima ili barem poljupcima. I pjevamo, i plešemo po CONTRIBUTORS ulicama, trgovima, parkovima. Cro LIFE vam u ovom dvobroju daje ‘krila’ i informacije gdje sve to možete i morate! A nakon euforičnog prosinca dolazi hladni siječanj. Lampice su se ugasile, vino je popijeno, a tijelo bilježi par kilograma više. Uzima nas lagani zimski san kada je vrhunac zabave PISMO odlazak u kino, kazalište ili muzeje. Sva sreća pa hladne siječanjske dane možete zagrijati krajem mjeseca uz čuvenu Noć muzeja. Za one malo sretnije, počinje sezona skijanja i UREDNICE tisuće Hrvata hrli u susjedne zemlje na snježne radosti. Zagrebačko Sljeme početkom siječnja ugošćuje „face“ iz skijaškog svijeta i prava je atrakcija tih dana biti „gore“. I da ne EDITOR’S zaboravimo, polako ali sigurno počinje vrijeme karnevala, kada možemo biti sve ono što smo oduvijek željeli… I naravno, ne zaboravite doći bodriti naše zlatne olimpijce s naslov- SURADNICI FOREWORD nice u Beograd na Europsko prvenstvo u vaterpolu! Eto, ni taj siječanj nije toliko loš ako znate gdje, kada i kako...a uz Cro LIFE naravno znate! Blagoslovljen Božić i sretna Nova godina svim našim čitateljima i partnerima i neka nam STJEPAN HUNDIć SANJA MUZAFERIJA svima 2016. donese sve ono što si i sami želimo! Stjepan se već 25 godina bavi filmom kao kritičar, novinar i urednik, Novinarka, publicistica, urednica, ljubiteljica vina - karijeru je započela Anela Novina DECEMBER 2015. / JANUARY 2016. piše za domaće i strane tiskovine i stalni je gost najvećih svjetskih osamdesetih kao kazališna kritičarka u „Studentskom listu“. Interesi 4 filmskih festivala! Posljednih nekoliko godina zakoračio je u joj se šire na modu i film, fotografiju, dizajn te posljednjih godina 5 producentske vode i trenutno priprema nekoliko filmova, a također je sve više na lifestyle i eno gastronomiju. Povremeno se bavi PR-om. direktor i suosnivač Fantastic Zagreb Film Festivala. Journalist, publicist, editor, wine lover – Sanja began her career in the The last 25 years Stjepan is engaged in film as a critic, journalist eighties as a theater critic in “Studentski list”. Her interests expend to and editor, writes for national and int’l publications and has been a fashion and film, photography, design and - in recent years lifestyle he scent of mulled wine, freshly baked pastries, luminosity of thousands of CRO LIFE permanent guest of the world’s largest film festivals! In recent years and gastronomy. Occasionally she ventures into PR as well. lights and smiles everywhere bear the same denominator - Advent all around! he got involved in production and is currently working on several films. He is also the director and co-founder of Fantastic Zagreb Film It does not matter if you’re in Zagreb, at the seaside or inlands, each part of Festival. Croatia, each town has at least one wooden stand that offers delicious special- TOMO IN DER MÜHLEN ties of Advent and warmth of Christmas atmosphere. It is that time when we IVAN ĐURETEK Tomo Johannes in der Mühlen aka Tom Tom je glazbeni producent i Tare excessive in everything, when we enjoy with all your senses, when we see family and Gitarist, glazbeni entuzijast, strastveni pratitelj borilačkih vještina, DJ rođen u Njemačkoj, sa sjedištem u New Yorku i Zagrebu. Radio je ljubitelj hrane, obožavatelj tetovaža, TV serija i dokumentaraca, s Haroldom Perrineauom, Stilovi P, Masta Aceom, Muzz Skillingsima, friends somewhat neglected over the year and when we give them gifts or at least kisses. životinja, surfanja na daleko, računalnih igrica, ranog buđenja, prirode Coatiju Mundiem, Buddy Hankersonom, Vernonom Reidom, Radom And we sing, and we dance in the streets, squares, parks. In this double-issue Cro LIFE i društva i hodanja. Šerbedžijom, Bashiri Johnsonom, Ekatarinom Velikom ... gives you ‘wings’ and info where you can and must do all this! Guitarist, music enthusiast, passionate follower of martial arts, food Tomo Johannes in der Mühlen aka Tom Tom is a German-born music lover, fan of tattoos, TV series and documentaries, animals, surfing, producer and DJ based in New York City and Zagreb. And after euphoric December comes a cold January. All lights are turned off, wine is drunk, computer games, waking up early, nature and society, and walking He worked with Harold Perrineau, Styles P, Masta Ace, Muzz and the body records a few more pounds. A slight hibernation takes over us and the pin- Skillings, Coati Mundi, Buddy Hankerson, Vernon Reid, Rade nacle of fun is going to the movies, theaters or museums. Luckily you can warm up cold Šerbedžija, Bashiri Johnson, Ekatarina Velika... TEA AKRAP January at the end of the month with the visit to the famous Night of Museums. For those Novinarka, urednica, PR-ovka i project manager-ica. Karijeru je lucky ones, the ski season starts, and thousands of Croats rush to neighboring countries for započela u Nacionalu i nastavila u Večernjem listu, a ostatak je some snow fun. Zagreb’s Sljeme in early January hosts the “main stars” of the ski world and preopširan za kratku biografiju :) MARTINA PODGORSKI Journalist, editor, PR and project manager. Tea began her career at Karijeru je gradila na Novoj TV na kojoj je radila kao novinar, voditelj i the real attraction is “up there”. And not to forget, slowly but surely, the carnival time begins Nacional and continued in Večernji list, and the rest is too detailed for urednik televizijskog formata Scena. Svoj put nastavlja kao savjetnik when we can be what we always wanted to be... And of course, don’t forget to come and such a brief biography :) za komunikacije, web i društvene mreže te kao project manager. I support our golden Olympians at the EU Championship in Belgrade! Well, January is not dalje piše intevjue, jer novinarstvo je ljubav za koju misli da nikad neće IVAN KRANjčeVIć prestati. so bad after all, if you know where, when and how ... and with Cro LIFE of course you know! Veliki ljubitelj festivala, elektronske glazbe i novih tehnologija. Za Martina created her career on Nova TV where she worked as a reporter, dobrim provodom ne libi se otići ni na drugi kraj svijeta. Redoviti je presenter and editor of television show Scene. Her journey continues Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our readers and partners, and may the new as a communications, web and social networks consultant, and as a sudionik IT konferencija u svijetu. 2016 bring us all everything we wish for! Big lover of festivals, electronic music and new technologies. For Ivan project manager. She still writes interviews, as journalism is her love there is no obsticle to travel to the end of the world for a good party. that will never end. He is a regular participant at IT conferences around the world. VEĆ šEST MJESECI Cro LIFE ŽIVI zBOG VAs… More than 2000 events on 600 a od studenog i leti avionima pages, 60.000 copies distributed in 10 major cities in Croatia - all this is “good Cro LIFE job” in the last 6 Croatia Airlinesa! months! UREDNICA: Anela Novina // SURADNICI: Jedva čekamo sljedećih šest mjeseci, We interviewed some of the biggest Tea Akrap, Sanja Muzaferija, Ida Prester, a vi do tada uživajte u dvobroju i int’l stars of today such as: Fedde La Grand, Connan Silviera, Emilia Alen Balen, Tomo IDM, Anamarija Kronast, pratite nas na facebooku i 16 Ivan Đuretek, Ivan Kranjčević, Stjepan Hundić, Clark, Ralph Fiennes, Benicio Toni Dabinović, Matija Akrap, Aleksandra Pernar, www.crolife.hr! del Torro and Ludovic Navarre Davorka Krnić Trick (St Germain)! PRIJEVOD I LEKTURA : Enisa Jelečević // GRAFIČKI DIZAJN: Duett, Obrt za grafi čki dizajn // We presented Croats known IZDAVAČ // B.E.T. d.o.o., izdvojeni ured SelectPR, Više od 2000 događanja na throughout the world; Ana Tevšić, Jaruščica 5, 10000 Zagreb, OIB: 51385806151 600 stranica, 60 tisuća pri- product designer for Cartoon Net- u suradnji s Libertas udrugom građana // mjeraka distribuiranih u 10 work; Natalia Žarković, Trussardi MARKETING I PRODAJA OGLASNOG PROSTORA: najvećih gradova u Hrvatskoj fashion brand designer; Dalibor Zeljka Kospić-Osojnik,+385 91 315 6010, – sve je to „good Cro LIFE job“ u Matanic, our award winning fi lm [email protected] ; zadnjih 6 mjeseci! director of ‘Zvizdana’; Hrvoje Dalida Tomek, +385 99 322 3211 Prpic, author of the famous [email protected] Intervjuirali smo neke od najvećih Trillenium ... // DISTRIBUCIJA: besplatni primjerak // inozemnih zvijezda današnjice ISSN: 1849-7470 TISAK // Tiskara Intergrafi ka kao što su: Fedde La Grand, We promoted at the biggest TTŽ d.o.o., Bistranska 19, 10000 Zagreb Connan Silviera, Emilia events in Croatia; Weekend Clark, Ralph Fiennes, Media Festival, Split Beach Benicio del Torro i Ludovic Festival, Medveščak hockey Navarre (St Germain)! games, St Germain concert DECEMBER 2015. / JANUARY 2016. and the famous show Lord 6 10 Gaming u Hrvatskoj 46 Seratonin Predstavili smo Hrvate poznate of the Dance! 7 Gaming in Croatia Happy Hormone 64 diljem svijeta; Anu Tevšić, pro- dukt dizajnericu za Cartoon Thanks to all our partners Network; Nataliju Žarković who supported us from CRO LIFE dizajnericu modnog brenda the beginning: VIPnet, 14 Top najave Prosinac 54 Pivovara Medvedgrad Trussardi; Dalibora Mata- HEP, Sportvision, nića, našeg nagrađivanog Reebok, VW, Subaru, Top events in December The oldest Craft Brewery redatelja ‘Zvizdana’; Hrvo- PIK, Jamnica, Trapan ja Prpića, autora čuvenog wines, Franck, Soho, Trilleniuma..
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