Vol. XLV, No. 18 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Thursday, March 18, 1965 Soph Fall From Copley E.C. Council Treasurer Dr. ROl11rnen Declares Hits Wright-Run Hoax; Causes Critical Iniury Directives "From Above" Kearns Vote Logical (Ed. Note-It is very possible that developments in Graziano's condition between now (Tu6·sday, March 16) and Thursday will postdate by Bob Barrett. this account. The circumstances surrounding the incident, however, In the past two years should be of concern to the reader. JJN) Habitual death-defying gymnastics on and around the Georgetown University has roof of Copley Hall resulted in near death early last Satur­ witnessed an increasing de­ day morning for Joseph Thomas Graziano, a 19-year-old mand from its student body sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. At approx­ for a widening of student re­ imately 2:30 a.m. Graziano, a native of Wood-Ridge, N. J., sponsibility in administrative areas that were traditionally held fell from a window of a fifth-floor room and incurred mul­ sacred by university officials. pIe internal and external in­ The newest step in Georgetown's juries that have brought him evolution of ·student responsibility is the Student Advisory Board for near death. Student Affairs (SABSA). Since as far back as N ovem­ As was explained in the Feb. 11 ber of last year, Graziano had issue of The HOYA, the purpose of the committee is to allocate been swinging from window funds for co-curricular activities. to window in acrobatic fashion The committee, which was organ­ from the 75-foot height. On occas­ ized by Mr. William C. Wright, ion he enterf'd onto the roof of the Assistant Director of Student Per­ DR. HEINRICH ROM MEN DR. FRANCIS E. KEARNS building through a broken window Sonnel for Student Activities, is at the top of a stairway leading to composed of two representatives According to Doctor Heinrich Rommen, Distinguished the roof. There he would cavort on from each of the three student Professor of Government and Chairman of Georgetown Uni­ the almost perpendicular ledges of councils, with Mr. Wright as chair­ versity's Rank and Tenure Committee, Dr. Francis E. the stru~ture. until SaturdJay's man. tragic incident, lay prefects Walter Kearns' controversial articles in national Catholic magazines Paynter and John Sieger were un­ Procedure did not, as far as he is concerned, influence the Rank and aware of Grazianos' behavior, al­ though many residents of the hall For the past three weeks the Tenure Committee's decision not to recommend Kearns for had become accustomed to his Tar­ committee has been hearing re­ tenure. zan-like antics. He is apparently quests from student organizations In an exclusive interview the only person who had taken such for money for the next fi'scal year. Frs. Bunn., Campbell chances. According to Mr. Wright the deci­ with The HOYA, he said that In an interview with The HOYA s[on of the committee, as to how Close Kearns Case; it was the lack of works of one of Graziano's lay prefects, much money ,each .organization is to .JOSEPH GRAZIANO receive is based upon an indication scholarly notoriety that made John Sieger, outlined step-by-step Meetings Worthless the greatest impression on the exactly what occurred in the half by the organization leaders of their Cam.pus Do-Gooders future plans, and an estimation by by Bob Dixon twelve members of the committee. the same of the total cost of their In a series of meetings with Articles in journals of opinion, program less any possible income such as Kearns' pieces in Common­ Drive to Sehna, Ala. in the next year. The committee, members of the administra­ weal and Ramparts, are "prima after meeting privately, presents tion last week, Yard Presi­ facie" and are not taken as proof Answering King Call the stU'dent activity groups with dent Vince GaUagher and Sen­ of responsible scholarship. their ,aprroved appropriation for On Sunday night twelve the fiscal year. ior Class Representative Bill False Impression east campus students an­ Gagen discussed faculty-ad- No Student Say Also, many have been under the swered the call of the Rev. ministration relations. impression that the Administration Martin Luther King and set Peter Bounpane, Treasurer of acted upon the decision of the the E. Campus Student Council and Number 71 Rank and Tenure Committee when out on 'an all night drive to former member of SABSA, told The meetings were a result of they terminated Kearns' contract. Selma, Alabama to take part the HOYA that the committee was resolution number 71, introduced But, according to Dr. Rommen, the in a memorial service Monday af­ definitely not a complete success. by Gagen in the College Council, only decision made by the commit­ ternoon for the Rev. James Reeb, Bounpane stated, "I don't think too which called for an explanation of tee was not to recommend Kearns a Washington clergyman whose much of it, but it's a foot in the the Kearns case from the Very for tenure and this decision was death, resulting from an attack by door." He felt that his membership Rev. Brian A. McGrath, Academic not influenced by the critical arti­ four white men in Selma last Tues­ on the committee really meant Vice President of the University. cles Kearns wrote in weekly jour­ day night has touched off similar nothing, because Mr. Wright with The councillors met with F'ather nals of opinion. services throughout the country. little student help controlled stu- McGrath on Tuesday -and Gallagher Hoya First Their purpose was, in the words (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 10) of Father Richard McSorley, S. J. The Rank and Tenure Commit­ "to show their concern for injus­ tee meets continually every year tice. Although it was Father Mc­ from some time in October to late Sorley who first sU'ggested the trip, April or early May. To quote Dr. he was unable to go himself. Rommen, the committee "tries to Broke hour preceding his fall. He ex­ fulfill the functions enumerated in The students, 'Who brought only plained that Graziano had a habit the Faculty Handbook, namely to blankets and food with them and of swinging from window to win­ advise the University Administra­ very little money, stayed Monday dow and from one side of a two­ tion on granting or not granting night at the Church of Saint Eliza­ section window to the next. This rank and tenure." The meetings are beth in Selma, through the cour­ was accomplished in a single mo­ closed and most of the committee's tesy of its .pastor, Father Oulette. tion, which would include; 1) brac­ deliberations are secret, such as They returned to Georgetown on ing himself on the ledge of a win­ who proposes an applying teacher Tuesday. dow with his body facing inside, to the committee, the pro and con Included in the group were Don 2) grasping the top of the opened arguments offered, and the reasons Knapp and Dick Townsend of window of the room next door, 3) given for its decision. All that is Delta Phi Epsilon, Lou Rosenberg svnnging from the window case­ made public is the final decision to of People to People, Phil Verveer, ment to the next using the opened recommend or not to recommend. East Campus Junior Class Presi­ window as a support, closing the Dr. Rommen's comments on the ef­ dent Who organized the group, Wal­ supporting window in the process, fectof Dr. Kearns' publications on ter Draude, East Campus Senior and 4) reopening the window to the committee members, therefore, Class President, Ronny Israel, enter the neighboring room. are unusual. Tom Anselmi, a Kearns agitator, Around 2: 00 a.m. last Saturday Normally, a teacher applying for Gene Sullivan, Robert Zwicker, and morning, Sieger continued, Graz­ rank and tenure is proposed by the Tom McGuire. Dick Townsends iano swung from his room to the SABSA .•. is short for the Student Advisory Board for Student Chairman of his department or the Car was used and he and Don next, then back again. He left his Affairs, which has been hearing requests from undergraduate extra­ Knapp did the drivin«. (Continued on Page 14) curricular activities for finances. (Continued on Page 10) Page Two THE HOYA Thursday, March 18, 1965 Editorial: Faculty Senate Following the recent charges and the discussion over An experiment unique at George­ academic freedom, the immediate circumstances and their town wiII be initiated in the men's L-_______ by Peter Lichtenberger _______....... validity have come around to the more remedial issues of residence halls next September. policy and the possibility of an administrative faculty body The Institute of Languages and "SCUM protests 'Dirty Kiss'" is the latest headline from the Xavier University NEWS. SCUM, the Student Committee to Upgrade ~ to rectify some of the more pressing problems of faculty­ Linguistics student committee, with the assistance of Dean Robert Lado Movies Launched an all out attack on Billy Wilder's la:test fHc, "Kis8 ~ administrative relations. One of the most promising sugges­ and the Rev. .John F. Devine, S . .T., Me, Stu.pid". By circulating petitions throughout Cincinnati the group ~ tions has been the formation of a Faculty Senate. hopes to bring enough pressure on the City Council to have the film p Director of Student Personnel, wiII banned, as has alreaay been done in Milwaukee. The official SCUM pro. ' Whether unknown or forgotten becaus'e of the recent sponsor a special corridor, similar test read, in part: furor over a lack of communication between the Adminis­ to the Experimental Corridor, to be "We feel that this film, because of its crude and suggestive dialogue, tration and students, the fact is that a comparable problem designated for language students in order that they may use their its leering treatment of martial sex, and its prurient preoccupation with of communication exists not only between faculty and Ad­ foreign language in day-to-day lechery, constitutes a real threat to the already declining moral stand.
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