Non-profit Org, October 23,1986 U. S Postage PAID Vwurr* 69 Bronx, Mew \brK Numtw23 Permit No. 7608 Choosing Classes Fordham University, New York —see centerfold SAC Proposes Club/Frat Policy by Diane Byrne of students for student activities. Sullivan said The Student Activities Council Policy he proposed the motion so that the SAC Pol- Committee passed a motion Tuesday recom- icy Committee could formulate a suggestion mending that the Administration recognize for the Administration to consider regarding service and academic organizations that do fraternity policy. not refuse membership for reasons other than According to John Antretter, assistant to academics or occupational affiliation and that Dr. David Stuhr, dean of the College of Busi- do not have secret rites or arbitrary selection ness Administration, the committee should criteria. lend its support to academic and service The motion, which was passed by one organizations since they are beneficial to the SAC members listen to Dean Michael Sullivan's proposal. vote, was proposed by Michael Sullivan, dean student body. "There are some good organizations on campus—excellent organizations on campus that provide a tremendous service to the stu- dents," Antretter said. "You must oc taicim with the policies you formulate so they don't damage those good clubs and organizations that really add a service to the University and the students on the whole." The policy committee's decision does not am affect the allowance of SAC funds for the organizations. The groups will continue to re- hyPhUPlwmt ,/ ceive the money allocated for their budgets if The airwaves are inundated with their the Administration accepts the proposal for- themes,' their faces, their story. Newspapers warded by the policy committee. from the Post tc the Times to tifc'Walt Street The policy recommendation conflicts Journal have devoted page upon page to their with the proposal made by the United Student plight. Local entrepreneurs stand to earn mil- Government Senate October 9. lions as a result of their success. The USG Senate decided to support fra- The New York Met* are everywhere. ternities currently recognized by the University In the city and on the campus, the un- but decided to recommend to the Administra- folding saga of the Mets and their World tion that these fraternities exist independently Scries battle with the Boston Red Sox is in- of SAC funding. The Senate made its decision escapable. Night after night for the past few on the basis that since fraternities have restric- weeks, as Daryl Strawberry, Dwight Gooden tive membership requirements and are not and Gary Carter have worked to consumate a open to the entire student body, they should season of incomparable success with'a World not receive SAC funding. Series victory. New York has been living and Some of the members of the SAC Policy dying with its team. Commitee questioned the USG recommenda- Because Fordham has many students with tion by asking whether' 'SG had the power to New England roots, however, talk around recommend the removal of SAC funds from a campus hasn't been one-skied. Red Sox fans, recognized student group since USG and SAC who have waited for over a hajf-century for are separate organizations. their much maligned team to capture a World Pete O'Rourke, president of USG, said Series flag, abound. With the number of Red that USG's action was permissable and quoted Sox fans around, sentiment about the Series part of the USG Constitution to support his has intensified, and interest has increased. argument. Since the World Series started last Satur- continued on page 8 day night, numerous fans have donned their Mets and Red Sox caps and T-shirts, and have John Raussay/THE RAM put aside their studies to congregate around studying," Matt Foriano said, wearing his Oakland A's. It has been 11 years for Red Sox ihe television set and tune into the action. 1986 Eastern.Division Champions commem- tans, as Boston reached the 1975 series only to "This has taken a lot of time out of my orative T-shirt, a Mets cap and lamenting the lose in seven to the Cincinnati Reds. fact that he had a paper due on Wednesday, Traditionally, Boston and New York and hadn't started it yet. "I've waited for the have generated the biggest of snorts rivalries— Mets to be in the World Series all of my life. the Knicks and the Celtics in basketball, the The last time they were there, I was only six, Bruins and Rangers in hockey, and the Red so as far as priorities go right now, I'd have to Sox and Yankees in baseball, An old joke says say that this is tops." that the worst insult Bostonians could possibly The Mets were last in the World Series in receive is to be told that they are acting like 1973, when they lost in seven games to the continued on page 5 "As a baseball Jan, it is an interesting World Series whether your team is in there or not It is also something you can talk about, someday say 'Hey, I was at college in New York when the Mets were in the World Series \..'' 2/THE RAM/Thursday, October 23,1986 THE CAB CALENDAR Monday, October 27 Wednesday, Thursday, C.A.B. Fine Arts Committee presents an Art Show at Lincoln Center from October 29 October 23 October 27-31. • Cultural Affairs, a Committee of C.A.B. CINEVENTS presents VOLLEYBALL-Fordham vs. lona/St. "Hannah and Her Sisters". C.A.B., presents a trip to see the Francis. Home, 7 p.m. Broadway hit, "I'm Not Rappaport." VOLLEYBALL-Fordham vs. Seton The bus leaves at 6:15 in front of Hall/Drexel. Away, 6 p.m. ^Tuesday, M'cGinley. CINEVENTS, a committee of C.A.B, October 28 presents "Long Day's Journey Into Friday, CAP. Registration 12:30 in McGinleyj Night." October 24 Center. C.A.B.'s Special Events Committee F.C. Dean's Office is presenting forj the FRESHMAN LECTURE SERIES] presents LypSyn at 9 p.m. In the Thursday, Father A. Caruana, S.J. He will speak 'skellar. on "How Do I Choose My Major?" in October 30 Keating 3rd at 1:30. Career Planning and Placement is C.A.B.'s Fine Arts Committee is pre- having an Internship Career Fair in Saturday, senting "Vietnam: In Their Own McGinley Center Ballroom at 10:30 Words—A Vietnam Chronicle" in a.m. October 25 Keating 1st at 12:30. The Fine Arts Committee of C.A.B. FOOTBALL—Fordham vs. Hofstra. SOCCER—Fordham vs. St. Francis. present Fordham Experimental Thea- Away, 1:30 p.m. SOCCER—Fordham Away, 3 p.m. tre performing in "Long Day's Jour- vs. Army. Home, 1 p.m. ney Into Night" from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1. W.A.C. Boston Trip. CINEVENTS presents "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Freddy's Revenge." CINEVENTS, a C.A.B. Committee pre- sents "Back to the Future" at 9 p.m. VOLLEYBALL-Fordham vs. Mercy. in Keating 1st. T.O.P., a committee of C.A.B., Away, 7 p.m. presents T.O.P. will also on October 27, be presenting on Sunday, "The Dating Game." October 29, Sign ups are on the 23rd and "Laff Off." 25th of October during October 26 Three of New York's best activity period. Convocation—Rose Hill comedians will duke it out for your laughter. WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY—Ford- ham competes in the N.Y.C. Mara- Both events are at thon. Central Park, 10 a.m. 9 p.m. in the 'Skellar. Use this form to list events in the CAB Calendar Sponsoring Group. Address Description of Event. Date:__ _ Place Time_ ^Admission Requirements. Of Interest To: D College • CBA • General Public D Grad Students D Members of Fordham University Only DEADLINE: MONDAY at 4 PM Upon completion of this form, please return to: CALENDAR COMMITTEE Campus Canter Director's Office THE RAM/Thursday, October 23, 1986/3 Fordham Aids Homeless by Matt Browne additional functions of Concourse House that With the aid of a loan from Maroon En- have been proposed for the future. These terprises, a non-profit development organiza- functions include social service programs lion created by Fordham University, the directed by Catholic Charities of the Arch- Fordham Bedford Housing Corporation has diocese of New York and medical services pro- undertaken the project of converting the vided by Our Lady of Mercy Medical Center. House of the Holy Comforter, an abandoned, "This is a new endeavor for us, but we local nursing home, into transitional housing think it's on a scale we can handle," Reilly lor homeless mothers with young children, said. "We think that it will work or else we according to Joseph Murianu, assistant direc- wouldn't have done it." :or of Government Relations and Urban Af- According to Muriana, the University, by establishing Maroon Enterprises, has Maroon Enterprises loaned FBHC the indirectly lent support to programs such as SI5,(XX) it needed to make a clown payment of Concourse House to improve the local neigh- SIOO,(XX) on the building, which was pur- borhood. hascd October 6 for $500,000, Muriana said. "The University's strategy, at least since Concourse Mouse will consist of 45 one 1975 or 1976, has been lo support these kinds and two bedroom units to house about 130 of projects," he said. "We've seen the end of Homeless mothers and children, according to lire and abandonment and the beginning of John Reilly, executive director of FBHC. rehabilitation." Reilly said that the set-up of Concourse House Rich McCouch, S..I., coordinator of the will provide a favorable atmosphere for the University's .
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