STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE "The Blueberry Beast" #SSC-208 AS-AIRED SCRIPT Story by Carter Crocker Teleplay by Len Uhley 20 Pages AS-AIRED: August 19, 2004 MAIN TITLE SONG 2 Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Shortcake! I know a girl And there is no one sweeter She’s got that special touch Best friend in the world And when you get to meet her You’ll love her berry much (She’s doin’ fine, growing better all the time) (ooh) She’s cool, she’s fun, she’ll lead the way Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Shortcake! (ooh) That girl’s so sweet, just like her name Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Strawberry Shortcake! She’s so ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Extraordi-di-di-dinary She’s Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Shortcake! (ooh) That girl’s so sweet, just like her name Straw-ba-ba-ba-ba-berry Strawberry Shortcake! ACT ONE © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 3 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Thanks for bringing the treats, Ginger Snap. These strawberry cookies are berry delicious! PUPCAKE (happily chewing) Arrooof! CUSTARD (translating) Pupcake says he likes the cupcakes. GINGER SNAP (motormouth) Tell him he's welcome, everybody's welcome, and there's whole oodles and boodles more left, so, c'mon, dig in an' eat up! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE It's such a pretty day - we should do something special! ORANGE BLOSSOM I know! We could go on a Nature Hike and look at all the Autumn colors. HUCKLEBERRY PIE I have an even better idea! Why don't we hike into the deep dark Briar! It's good and spoooooky this time of year! ORANGE BLOSSOM (timid) Good and... spooky? ANGEL CAKE (warily) Well, GINGER SNAP (hesitant) Aa ... umm ... HUCKLEBERRY PIE Whatsamatter - you're not a- scared, are ya? STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Scared? Us? No, no, no, no, no way! HUCKLEBERRY PIE C'monnnnnnn - I dare ya to go! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Oh, Huckleberry. Dares are just silly. HUCKLEBERRY PIE Double dare ya! © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 4 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE (again dismissive) Double silly. HUCKLEBERRY PIE Triple scoop dare ya with whipped cream an' a strawberry on top! ORANGE/ANGEL/GINGER <BIG GASP> STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE You're on! We're going! ORANGE BLOSSOM We are? When? HUCKLEBERRY PIE There's no time like right away! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE If we want to get to the Briar and back before sunset, we better hurry! HUCKLEBERRY PIE This is gonna be FUN! GINGER SNAP Just let me set our course. GINGER SNAP Okay, I'm ready! ANGEL CAKE Me too. ORANGE BLOSSOM As ready as I'll ever be. HUCKLEBERRY PIE Then c'mon, ya buncha scaredy cats! ORANGE BLOSSOM Hey! PUPCAKE <howls> PUPCAKE <PLAYFUL GROWLS> KIDS (impact grunt) / Careful! / Watch out! / Oh my! PUPCAKE <barks and pants> FROG <RIBBIT!> PUPCAKE (Rowr?) STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE It's okay Pupcake. It’s just a frog. © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 5 CUSTARD Unless it's a bear pretending to be a frog. ORANGE BLOSSOM Or a lion acting like a bear pretending to be a frog. ANGEL CAKE Or a tiger who wants us to think he's a lion acting like a bear pretending to be a frog. HUCKLEBERRY PIE (slight wariness creeps in) Awwwwww, I've been here a million times and I never saw any tiger. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Huckleberry's right. We can't let our imaginations get the best of us. KIDS (ad-lib screams) (BEGIN SONG “CHASIN’ THE BOOS AWAY”) STRAWBERRY Though it's creepy, and the dark is deepy. KIDS We're not worrried. We're chasin' the boos away. STRAWBERRY Trough the howwwwwwwwwwlin', in the moooooooonlight. KIDS We got courrrrrage. We're chasin' the boos away! KIDS When you find that courage crumbling, have your bravest face prepared. Don't be afraid of bein' frightened or a-scared of bein' scared. STRAWBERRY Keep on mooooooovin' and don't be friiiiiightened. KIDS ‘Cause remeeeeemmmber, we're chasin' the boos away! © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 6 HUCK Ghosts 'n' goblins... throw off track... give a whistle... (whistle) KIDS Scare 'em back! HUCKLEBERRY What's that slinkin' 'round my shoes? Just start stompin' KIDS Chase the boos. STRAWBERRY Hold your heeeaaad up. Never leeeeet up that's the secret. KIDS To chasin' the boos away! KIDS BACKGROUND VOCAL Through the howwwwwwwwwwlin' (boo ooo ooo) in the moooooooonlight. (boo ooo ooo) We got courrrrrrage. (boo ooo ooo) We're chasin' the boos away! KIDS Give a laugh in the face of danger. HUCKLEBERRY You can do it! STRAWBERRY Piece of cake! KIDS 'Cause laughter is the one sure thing— those boos just cannot take! KIDS Terrifyyyyyin' ain't so tryyyyyin! stick togeeeether, we're chasin' the boos away! KIDS Those silly little boos- better get their runnin' shoes, we're chasin' the boos away! (END OF SONG) HUCKLEBERRY <WHISTLE> PUPCAKE (barks) © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 7 ANGEL CAKE (re: her own fear) It's awful dark. You're not scared, are you, Ginger Snap? GINGER SNAP (90 mph) Who, me, no, uh-uh! (then; 90 mph) But maybe we could shed a little light on this situation, huh? CROW (startled squawk) PUPCAKE WOOF! WOOF! <PANTS> STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Pupcake! PUPCAKE (FADING) <PLAYFUL BARKS> STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Pupcaaaaaaaaaaaaake! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE He might get lost! We have to go after him! PUPCAKE (O.S.) (distant barks) ANGEL CAKE Which way now? STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE I'm pretty sure he's down that way. PUPCAKE (OS) <DISTANT BARKING> HUCKLEBERRY PIE We can't go THAT way. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Why not? HUCKLEBERRY PIE I don't know what's down there! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE You said you knew every inch of this place! HUCKLEBERRY PIE Every inch but the inches down there. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Well, we’ve got no choice. We gotta go. For Pupcake. ANGEL CAKE Whatsamatter, not a-scared, are ya? © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 8 HUCKLEBERRY PIE Not me! PUPCAKE (OS) <MORE BARKING> HUCKLEBERRY PIE Whoa... lookit that, would ya? HUCKLEBERRY PIE Talk about creepy ... STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Berry creepy! ANGEL CAKE Wow... spooky. GINGER SNAP Super scary, you bet! ORANGE BLOSSOM Oh my. PUPCAKE <BARKING AND HAPPY PANTING> STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Pupcake! Am I glad to see you! ANGEL CAKE Me too! Now we can go home! GINGER SNAP What's thaaaaaat? ORANGE BLOSSOM (to Huckleberry; fearful) Have you ever seen th-that place before? HUCKLEBERRY PIE Nu-uhhhh. BLUEBERRY MUFFIN (O.S.) <LONG, MOURNFUL GROAN> ANGEL CAKE Wh-wh-wh-what was that? HUCKLEBERRY PIE Sounds like some kinda big boogedy beastie! ORANGE BLOSSOM Or a eepie-creepie heebie- jeebie! GINGER SNAP Or a massive mopheaded monst- er-osity! BATS (screeches) KIDS Aahhhhhhhhhhh! KIDS Aahhhhhhhhhhh! © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 9 END ACT ONE ACT TWO KIDS Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 10 PUPCAKE (BARKS) HUCK (effort grunt) KIDS (huffing and puffing) ANGEL CAKE (panting) That was close. ORANGE BLOSSOM I can't believe we made it. CUSTARD I was never so scared in my life. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE I'm sure we'll feel better once we're snug in our own beds. GINGER SNAP Um, Strawberry? Maybe it would be better if we -- all sort of stuck together tonight. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE I guess we could sleep here. HUCKLEBERRY PIE <HAPPY SIGH> HUCKLEBERRY PIE Yeah, this is better. HUCKLEBERRY PIE Huh? CUSTARD (efforting) Maybe if you're a sardine. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Good night, everybody! ANGEL CAKE (V.O.) Now what was th-th-that? KIDS <scared wails> ORANGE BLOSSOM (points) And what is THAT? HUCKLEBERRY PIE It's a big boogedy beastie! ORANGE BLOSSOM A eepie-creepie heebie- jeebie! GINGER SNAP A massive mopheaded monst-er- osity! HONEY PIE Where!? Where!! © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 11 KIDS (gasp) Whew! PUPCAKE (barks) HONEY PIE My word! What are you all doing here? ORANGE BLOSSOM We're having a sorta sleep- over. HONEY PIE Ah, I see. Another party I wasn't invited to. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Honey Pie, it's not like that. We all went for a hike-- ORANGE BLOSSOM And we went into the briar -- ANGEL CAKE And we saw this awful old house -- STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Then we heard this terrrrrrrrible sound -- GINGER SNAP It was a monst-er-osity! HONEY PIE Ah, yes. I, too, have heard tales of such creatures. HONEY PIE You say you were on the far side of the briar - in the dreaded Haunted Valley? That is where the fiercest of creatures dwell! CUSTARD (gasp) GINGER SNAP There was a house and- HONEY PIE Of course! There's always a house. Those things love to take over houses, barge right in without an invitation, they do! ORANGE BLOSSOM That is so rude! © 2004 DIC Entertainment Corp. 12 HONEY PIE What you saw, my friends, was... a genuine one-of-a- kind, Blueberry Beast! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE It was? HONEY PIE And you're lucky to be here to tell about it! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Oh, Honey Pie, you’re j-just j-j-joking... aren’t you? HONEY PIE The Beast is no joke. (then, cheerful) Well, good night, all. Pleasant dreams. PUPCAKE <YAWNS> <LIP SMACKS> HONEY PIE PONY <SLEEPY SIGH, THEN HEAD SHAKE> HONEY PIE PONY <YAWN> STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE (yawn) HONEY PIE (cheerfully) And how did everyone sleep? HUCKLEBERRY PIE Not too good. PUPCAKE <HAPPY: AROOOO! - PANTING> CUSTARD (sleepily) Speak for yourself. ORANGE BLOSSOM And we still don't know what to do about that Blueberry Beast. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE I think we should find out what it is we’re so afraid of. ORANGE BLOSSOM We should...? STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE I think we oughta be good neighbors and go say hello.
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