FUNDAMENTALS OF ESTHETIC IMPLANT DENTISTRY Abd El Salam El Askary FUNDAMENTALS OF ESTHETIC IMPLANT DENTISTRY FUNDAMENTALS OF ESTHETIC IMPLANT DENTISTRY Abd El Salam El Askary Dr. Abd El Salam El Askary maintains a private practice special- Set in 9.5/12.5 pt Palatino izing in esthetic dentistry in his native Egypt. An experienced cli- by SNP Best-set Typesetter Ltd., Hong Kong nician and researcher, he is also very active on the international Printed and bound by C.O.S. Printers Pte. Ltd. conference circuit and as a lecturer on continuing professional development courses. He also holds the position of Associate For further information on Clinical Professor at the University of Florida, Jacksonville. 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Neither the publisher nor the author shall be First published 2007 by Blackwell Munksgaard, a Blackwell liable for any damages arising herefrom. Publishing Company The last digit is the print number: 987654321 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data El Askary, Abd El Salam. Fundamentals of esthetic implant dentistry / Abd El Salam El Askary. – 2nd ed. p. ; cm. Rev. ed. of: Reconstructive aesthetic implant surgery. c2003. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-1448-3 (alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-8138-1448-0 (alk. paper) 1. Dental implants. I. El Askary, Abd El Salam. Reconstructive aesthetic implant surgery. II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Dental Implantation–methods. 2. Esthetics, Dental. 3. Reconstructive Surgical Procedures–methods. WU 640 E37f 2007] RK667.I45E4 2007 617.6′92–dc22 2006027645 978-0-8138-1448-3 I dedicate this work to the one who teacheth by the pen, Teacheth man that which he knew not. Contents List of Contributors, viii Foreword, ix Preface, x Acknowledgments, xii About the Author, xiv Chapter 1 Introduction, 3 Chapter 2 Diagnostic Considerations for Esthetic Implant Therapy, 13 Chapter 3 Contemporary Facial Evaluation, 79 Chapter 4 Multidimensional Esthetic Implant Positioning, 109 Chapter 5 Intraoral Plastic Soft Tissue Surgery, 127 Chapter 6 Immediate Esthetic Implant Therapy, 179 Chapter 7 Socket Augmentation: Rationale and Technique, 209 Chapter 8 The Interimplant Papilla, 225 Chapter 9 Tissue Engineering in Maxillofacial Surgery, 255 Chapter 10 Prosthetic Technologies and Techniques Beyond the Mere Fixture, 263 Chapter 11 The Art and Science of Shade Matching in Esthetic Implant Dentistry, 275 Chapter 12 Treatment Complications in the Esthetic Zone, 301 Index, 329 vii List of Contributors Main author: Chapter 9 Dr. Dritan Turhani Abd El Salam El Askary, B.D.S AKH-General Hospital of Vienna 39 Abdelsalam aref. St. Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Elbostan Waehringer Guertel 18-20 Alexandria, Egypt 1090 Vienna, Austria E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +2 012 214 8642 β Fax: +2 03 5850770 Elisabeth Stein, Martina Wein enböck, and Rolf Ewers also contributed Co-authors: Chapter 10 Chapter 7 Dr. Peter Gehrke Hom-Lay Wang, D.D.S., M.S.D. Bismarck str.27 Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics 67059 Ludwigshafen Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine Germany University of Michigan School of Dentistry Phone: 49 62 21 68124456 1011 North University Avenue Fax: +49 621 68124469 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1078, USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 734-763-3383 Fax: 734-936-0374 E-mail: [email protected] Chapter 11 Stephen J. Chu, DMD, MSD, CDT, MDT Rodrigo F. Neiva, D.D.S. 150 East 58th Street, Suite 3200 Clinical Assistant Professor New York, New York 10155 Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine Phone: 212-752-7937 University of Michicgan School of Dentistry Fax: 212-980-9647 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1078, USA E-mail1: [email protected] E-mail2: [email protected] viii Foreword Osseointegration is no longer a possibility but rather put into this work, some of which have not been seen in a given in implant dentistry today. However, with this print before. It is also wonderful to see the fact that facial predictability that we have come to expect, has also esthetics and smile analysis has been integrated into the come a shift into concerns that at one time were not evaluation of the patient. This is something that dentists even thought about. Today, the concept of beauty and often forget about, and Dr. El Askary has made sure to esthetics are also equally as important as the pure emphasize the face and mouth as part of the stage that function of mastication. In fact, in some cases with is set up for the teeth and intraoral tissues. high smile lines, it is more important than just func- In addition, the chapters on modern diagnostic tion and will in fact determine the treatment plan of methods, perioplastic surgery, socket preservation, choice. papilla regeneration, and bone reconstruction are all This textbook is a wonderful accumulation of the beautifully illustrated and documented. The scientific thoughts and work of Dr. El Askary and other profes- community and those involved in esthetic treatment of sionals from around the world. I want to congratulate their patients will have a sense of fulfillment after Dr. El Askary for his dedication to this project, which is viewing this text. It will be a reference text that will considered to be an ongoing work in progress over his guide them to improve their performance and to help outstanding career. His involvement with esthetics and solve the clinical dilemmas that they face daily. implant dentistry is as intense as anyone’s in this field, Congratulations again to Dr. El Askary, whose dedi- and his dedication and pursuit of excellence is to be cation and pursuit of excellence is to be applauded. commended. This textbook has many wonderful chapters for both Dennis Tarnow the specialist as well as the novice in this field. It is pre- Professor and Chairman sented in a clear meaningful way that all clinicians can Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry relate to easily. Many of the latest concepts have been New York University College of Dentistry ix Preface In the name of God, the Beneficent, and the Merciful. Chiche, Wöhrle, Saadoun, Grunder, Bitchacho, Magne, Jovanovich, Kan, Allen, Zitzmann, Simion, and many Implant dentistry today focuses more on the patient’s others who have made valuable scientific and clinical overall appearance than ever before, contributing not advancements in implant dentistry, and whose contri- only to enhanced social interaction but also to self- butions have personally benefited me greatly. It is my confidence and self-esteem. As a result, esthetic implan- firm belief that esthetic implant dentistry should be tology procedures are expected to become a more rooted in the understanding that we as clinicians do not integral part of modern dentistry, encompassing quality create esthetics anew, but imitate the esthetics created by of life along with routine functional establishment. God. Therefore, we value our work according to our Bennett and Weyant (1993) caution, however, that ability to imitate Nature, not our ability to create artifice. overall improvement in oral and facial esthetics may This book presents a comprehensive overview of improve the patient’s social ease, but it may not alter modern esthetic implant dentistry, with particular others’ perceptions of his or her honesty, virtue, help- emphasis on achieving beauty through the close study fulness, potency, or general emotional adjustment.
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