./ Serving the State The Weather University of lotta I'a,rIb ~"'" a .. _Ua- 11M _na .... ,.. HM a" Campus and I It..... 8 ....,.. ....h ..- ..,.. '3: I.". 7(. W.h Iowa City rn"" '5; 1ew,7'. Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Fj.ve Cents lOWQ City. Iowa. Saturday. June 13, 1953 - VoL 97, No. 184 e eun-I AS. Plans Made Ike Voices Missing IlIi~ois SUI's 1,065, Graduates Get Warm Reception Hundreds of ola Graas Plan To Rearrange PeOGe Hope (lass Gatherings on Cilnpus I. fo Nehru ., GOP Legislator Hundreds of sm alumni will bold reunions today as part of the Alumni day acUvities. rary " CUSTER STATE PARK, S.D. (JP) The c1a.u of 1943 will have 118 lOth anniversary lunch on 1n SUI Lib - President Eisenhower said FrI­ Feared 51ain Currier hall today at 12 :30 p.m. Robert Noble, execuUve assilllant In day he earnestly hopes the prls- Steps w111 be taken this summer oner ot war agreement reached at CHICAGO (.4") - A "pleasant, the SUI alUmni otflce, will be master of ceremonies. to reorganize the University li- Panmunjom "will speedily lead to good-natured" state legJslator, kld­ Prot. LesHe Moeller, director of the SUI school of journ 11 m. brary, Prot. Ralph E. Ellsworth, an armistice and just peace In Ko- naped near his home whlle his • will speak on the topic, "Makin, * * * director ot IIbr\lrle., said In a letter rea and to a relaxing of world wile watched helplessly was mlss- ' tensions." , ~ro~~~~erslty That Lives and Collee Hours, ~ent to faculty members this week. Thc President made the state- ing without a trace FrIday and First steps will be taken after ment in a letter to Prime Minister police expressed tears he may Robert Pfellfer, who was prc.,I- L h S Commencement. the lettCT said, so Nehru of India. have been slain. dent of the Uberal arts c1a53 of unc eons et that the tirst ant! second reading 1943, wlll attend the luncheon, - rooms can be u.e~ to house the Nehru said in a letter, he ear- The victim is Clem Craver, 53- Plc1tter is a former proaram dl- Alumni eyent. al a ,laac_ new books that will be added in nestly trusted the yow agreement year-oid Republican state repre- rector at WSUI and Is now an COfree hour ., &he tefu)ol 0' the next four to five years. "will lcad to sentative. He was seized at 10 JeDrnaUII.. rr... 1..... &0 aoon d announcer lor CBS television. "Because no appropriation was peace, not only In p.m. Thursday night while return- lire CommunJeaU .... C~n$for, 1IOf'- made at this session of the general t~e F~r E~~t, but lng trom a routine meeting of the Haadler tVm Speak Der .. Collen aael Maclltoa ... assembly for the second unit of the ~ se;~reh ' 21st ward regular Republican or- SUI President Virgil M. Hancher central library, because the stack I enI owderts ganization. will speak at the Sliver Jubilee Teallt anlllnrufJ IUKbeon or • ~~~~ 0 • the ,l... ot .,., at U;IO p ..... ID !Ioor of th.e building will be com- Nehru in London A terse telephonc message 10- luncheon tor the class ot 1928 to- Currier hall. plete!y ,fl,ned with books by by the Indian dicated Friday night, however, day at 12 :30 p.m. In thc River Thanksglvmg, and because the de- a b s d t that Graver may still be alive. room of the Iowa Memorial Un- liver JabUe IUD('beon ror Ib" . el... of 1921 al U:st ".m. In the partmental libraries lire now filled if:e ~ssao I~ i 0 A man's voice growled "Clem Is to capacity, with oijly a small area pa t ..., sa n O.K.'.' into the Graver telephone Ion. River room 0( lIIe Iowa MtDtOrial Approximately 230 members 01 Ullion. in Macbride. lett for their over- ~' I't I s my earn-. when a member of the family an- Ilow, It I,B necessary that steps.be est hope that this swered it. The line went dead as the class and their fIIcsts are ex- AJI alUlDaI ~rree hour at the taken thiS summer to reorgaDlze agr t· 11 NEHRU the mysterIous caller hung up. peeted to attend. Loren Kicker on. UnAOD rrom I to r. .,.81. the Ubrary," EllswePih said. spe~r:;;nlea~ ~o an armistice and Dctectives said members of the director or the SUI alumni servlcc, GeIdel! Jubilee .unD"r ot lite Reserve LlbrU)' Moved just peace in Korea and to a re- family believed the message wlJl be malter 01 cercmonlcs. eJaea .f 1"3 at 1:3' p.m In the The following rearrangements laxing of' world tensions." genuine. WnUam Hageboeck, publlsbcr Illv., roem .. &lie Ullion. will be made: journal files tram India is one of the members of 3 Men In S-edau ot the Iowa Cily Press t:Ubcn, 11 1940. the reference collection and a five nailon commission set up Three men In a dark sedan organizer Lor the 1928 liberal arll US Red N t' f reference statt, and the closed re- under the Panmunjom agreement trailed his car to the garage a half class. Organizers or other 1928 .., ego la ors serves wl11 be mQved into the to handle POW repatriation. block from his West side home at classes arc: Floyd Plilafl, De. Ma R S d Shambaugh Heritale library on * * * 978 W. 18th PI. Two ot them went y f the first floor. Microfilm and ' Inside, forced him struggllng to MoInes, denUstry; Regina Hamil- eurn un ay thelr waiting car and sped away. ton, Omaha, Neb., nurslog: Dr. phonograph record rooms wi11 be Reds Open 3d Day moved from seeond to fitst floor. An all night scarch by more Hubertamcdlclne; M.Edward Llvinaston, Von Cblcago,Hoen, For Decl'SI've Sess'lons The chrop.ojoglcal divisions on Of C ,. ;.I H than 100 policemen turned up no Wllllan1sburt, and Tyrrell Inger- tbe second floor will be consoll- on mueu eavy clues. Policc squad cars roamed sol, Cedar Rapids, law, and Ll!e T. MUNSAN (.4')- U.S. end Com- dated with the Library ot Congress through the West Side wards. Flalley, South Bend, Ind., com- munlst truce c!elegat may return Friends and political associates merce. to panmunJom Sunday or Mon- classified books now QD the third AHacks on AIII'es an(j. first 11001'11 and will all be searche!;l Isolated buildings, ga- Golden Jubilee Meella, day for decislv final c lions sbelved 01\ the second floor ac­ rages and back road ditches jn the Th lei j bit dl t th prIor to Lormal signing I KIJ- cording to their L.C; cJasslLic{l ~ SEOUL (Saturday) (A')-Thous- area. The FBI, although nol oi- e go en u ee riner 0 , C rcan ilrmJalk even tho\l&ll South tion numbers, except for Ihre~ IInd ~ ot Chinese Reds attacked ficlally in the case, was fonowlng class ot 1903 wUl be helt! at 6.30 Korean oppoaltion mW8 no sian! small groups (the A, M, ahet Q-Z allied poslHons across !he Korean it closely. p.m. In the River room 0' the Un- ot yielding. sections) which wlU be put on the central front F.rlday night and lOll. Hancher wJll also speak at Staff o!ticer. lhrashln, out III early today in the third straight PoUcreman Near Home tbis dinner., secret the details of an over-all third floor. day of heavy pre-armistice as- A policeman was stationed at • Some 85 cIa" members and prisoner exchance and demarca- Some reading room space will be 8au1l5. the Graver home to intercept a their auests have made reserva- tion line to sepal" th opposing opened up on the third tlo!lr. South Korean officers said a possible ransom message by tele- - tIona for the dinner. Members of armle. apparently neared th end wee CoDlerenee Booms Chinese division ot 9,000 troops phone or other means, but report- the 1003 class will be pr enled of their labors. J Some ot the semInar and confel'- rammed against White Hoise ed none was rceeived. wIth gold medals lor attendance Divided Into two teams, the ot- ence rooms on the second floor mountain on the central front. U PoLice Commissioner Timothy at the 50th anniversary. rleers were due to meet alain at • (Dan, I ...... PII.~.. Io, Dick 'I"~~h ) 0 I f th 1903 1 II (·8 F Id I will be eliminated. true. that means the Reds had O'Connor ot Chicago sent Sgt. STUDENTS LINE UP AND PUT ON THEIR ACA DEMlC APPAREL priGr tG march In,; In&o Ute nelel rgan zers or e c ass a.m, p.m. ray, owa These alterations wlll be made thrown about 15,000 troops in all George Buckley of the homicide houle to receive their de,;ree Frlelay mvrnln,;. The black-,ownecl rraduate were a bit warm .. tile are Casper Schenk, Hollywood, Umc). without any intetterence with the into the central front assaults Frl- detail to Springfield, the state cIJ.P- mereUJ')' ro e to over 9Q ele,rees in tbe field bou e. (More pictures 011 Pare 3). CaJll .. liberal arts; Dr. W. J . Dun- Observers felt that the [ull del- summer sessIon. The fact that the day. Eighth army officers said, Ital, to question legislators and see can, Winfield, dentistr),; Mrs. Ta- Clatlons would return to Pan- Ubrary can mllke these alterations however, a nearby U.S. division whether Graver'S voting record R bb 5 I 0 If 3 F: h rana Grothaus Dulin, Iowa City, munJom Sunday or MondllY and k t.
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