Contract 400119680 ESTABLISHED • MAY 1975 VOLUME 45 / NO 7, FEBRUARY 20, 2019 $1.50 (Tax included) 50 Plus Games to be held in the Matapedia and Plateaux area Gilles Gagné former Gaspesians living away, to the visitors of the MATAPEDIA: – The 50 Plus area and to New Brunswick- Games will be held in Mata- ers. pedia and the Plateaux area One important aspect of between June 13 and June 16 the 50 Plus Games is fund- this year. Up to 1,000 partic- ing, as the budget reached ipants in 22 sports and leisure $200,000. Although the or- activities are expected to par- ganizing committee can ticipate in the games, which count on a solid contingent of also require the involvement a dozen sponsors, some of 250 volunteers. money will come from a The selection of that area ticket draw offering a chance for the games caps a collabo- to win a brand new Honda ration between the five vil- car. lages of Matapedia, “Last year, we sold Saint-André, Saint-Alexis, 13,000 of the 14,000 tickets Saint-François and L’Ascen- we had for sale. This year, we sion-de-Patapédia, explains would like to sell 14,000 Nicole Lagacé, mayor of Photo: Courtesy of Audrey Bastien tickets. They are only $6. Part of the sales, $2 per Matapedia. The 50 Plus Games offer a wide variety of sport, leisure and cultural events. “We started discussions ticket, is handed out to the re- about the games last year. I gion’s Golden Age clubs. was finding the issue quite organize the games alone. We favour a healthy lifestyle and ing the games. The goals are Last year, we gave $24,000 important because staying needed the five villages, as that is part of this area’s to promote a healthy lifestyle to the clubs,” explains active corresponds to my val- they all have their specific habits. In fact, people aged and also break some people’s Jacques Rivière. ues. It was also evident that strengths,” says Ms. Lagacé. 50 and over are our most ac- isolation.” The coordinator of the our little village of Avignon MRC pre- tive citizens here,” he says The registration period is games is Audrey Bastien. Matapedia couldn’t fect and Saint- with a grin. open and will end on April She works for Unité ré- Alexis mayor Games board member 29. It is open to the residents gionale loisir et sport, the or- Guy Gallant is Jacques Rivière says the of nine MRCs, namely Avi- ganization in charge of the also glad to event is multifold. “We have gnon, Bonaventure, Percé event. “It is important to un- support the sports, but also leisure and Rock, Côte-de-Gaspé, Haute derline that the games in- f o u r - d a y cultural activities. It implies Gaspésie, the Magdalen Is- clude a number of cultural event. volunteer team work in order lands, Matanie, Mitis and activities. There are activities “The games to achieve one goal, organiz- Matapedia. It is also open to for everybody,” she says. Gaspé mayor gets partial win regarding tourism consultation Nelson Sergerie for the years 2020 to 2025. officials and the stakeholders Considering the economic of the Gaspé Peninsula will GASPÉ: – After asking the importance of tourism in the have a private meeting with Quebec government to hold area, Daniel Côté had initially the minister in Matane. a meeting in the Gaspé criticized the Quebec govern- “We will have a meeting Peninsula as part of a ment’s lack of respect be- directly with the minister province-wide round of con- cause there was no meeting without being paired with the sultations pertaining to planned in the administrative Lower Saint Lawrence. For tourism, the mayor of Gaspé, region of the Gaspé Peninsula me, it is a satisfying compro- Daniel Côté, has obtained a and Magdalen Islands. mise, given the circum- partial victory. Matane is located in the stances,” indicates Mr. Côté. The consultation’s online Lower Saint Lawrence re- It was too late to add a calendar shows a stop in gion, administratively speak- meeting date specifically for Matane on April 8 to consult ing, but considered to be in the Gaspé Peninsula. Minister with those in the Gaspé the Gaspé Peninsula tourism Proulx is conscious of the dif- Peninsula and Lower Saint region. After advocating his ferences between the two re- Lawrence regions in order to cause with Caroline Proulx, gions and is committed to elaborate on the sector’s who is minister of Tourism, coming to the Gaspé Penin- Photo: N. Sergerie economic growth strategy the situation evolved. Elected sula over the summer. Tourism has a $366 million economic impact on the coast. Discussing the regions Thierry Haroun businesses. In this electoral terms of transportation in the therefore stay in a region like year, we must go from words Gaspé. “'The best way to the Gaspésie which would GASPÉ PENINSULA: - As to actions because there’s so make sure that your economic help the region in terms of de- the Federal House of Com- much to be done.” (The com- development grows is to have mography and in the long- mons recently returned to ses- plete press release is avail- adequate transportation infra- term these workers can attract sion, the Conseil du patronat able on the CPQ’s website in structures and a state-of-the other members of their fami- du Québec (CPQ), a board French only.) When Spec at- art web network and so forth lies and thus build a commu- that represents 70,000 busi- tempted to reach Mr. Dorval, in order to reduce distances nity in your region.’’ nesses in the province of he was in Europe, however, and facilitate communica- Quebec, sent a clear message we were able to speak with tions between work places.” Reducing premiums to the Liberal government: the CPQ’s Chief Economist, Asked what she thought make our economy more Norma Kozhaya, in order to about Mexicans that work in Lastly, in order to encour- competitive. obtain regional information in the fishing processing plants age and financially support In a January 27 press re- terms of economic develop- on the Gaspé in order to com- training in the workplace so lease Yves-Thomas Dorval, ment. Photo: CPQ pensate for the lack of a work that employees stay up-to- the CEO of the Conseil du pa- “It is clear that the devel- Norma Kozhaya force in that industry during date with their trade, Ms. tronat, said “The Federal gov- opment of the province goes the high fishing season, Ms. Kozhaya is asking the gov- ernment must demonstrate hand and hand with the de- and workforce and when I say Kozhaya, appeared to under- ernment to reduce the Em- that it understands the chal- velopment of its regions and this, it concerns your region, stand the situation. “Yes, of ployment Insurance Program lenges of today’s businesses, in respect with each region’s the Gaspésie, where these is- course, these temporary Premiums. “In fact, we could in and outside the country, by reality, challenges and sues are a reality,” she said workers from other countries reduce the premium paid by implementing measures and strength. It is clear that the re- over the phone. is a solution. It’s even better both employees and employ- incentives favouring a better gions have their own chal- Ms. Kozhaya seemed well if these workers can become ers and invest that money in competitive climate for our lenges, such as demography aware of the challenges in permanent residents and training programs.” GALT PROJECT: News Gaspé has many questions briefs Nelson Sergerie GASPÉ: - Gaspé is addressing Fighting for your rights a series of questions in a letter Thierry Haroun that the town sent to the Min- GASPÉ PENINSULA: - Droits et Recours en santé mentale Gaspésie- istry of the Environment as les-îles (Mental Health Rights and Appeals) is ready to organize get- part of the environmental as- togethers in the region. The get-togethers would aim at taking sessment for the Galt project. stock of people’s challenges, issues and other problems with Cuda Oil and Gas an- health establishments. “We invite people who are faced with men- nounced at the beginning of tal problems and who have had challenges with the health sector the year its intentions to oper- to talk and exchange during those gatherings. We, as an organiza- ate the site located in the for- tion, can tell them how we can get involved, support and accom- est on the unorganized pany them in their appeal or other complaints. We offer our territory of the Côte-de-Gaspé services in English also,” states Annick Lepage, executive director MRC, 20 kilometers west of of Droits et Recours, located in Caplan. “We are ready to go wher- Gaspé. The environmental as- ever people want to meet. It could be in Chandler or Gaspé, for sessment for that venture example. Those who are interested are invited to call us at 1- 800- began on January 2. 463-6192,” she added. For further information on the organiza- The town council ap- Photo: N. Sergerie tion’s services please refer to their website at droitsetrecours.org. proved the document on Feb- The town of Gaspé is asking questions about the Galt project ruary 4, although it was sent that Cuda plans to exploit. in advance in order to make tection of the Bay of Gaspé, that he has done his research Chief Manon Jeannotte resigns the February 2 participation the modes of transport and thoroughly?” The process for Gilles Gagné dead line.
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