A reappraisal of Tylenchina (Nemata). 9. The family Heteroderidae Filip’ev & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1941 (l) Michel Luc*, Armand R. MAGGENTI and Renaud FORTUNER** Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Laboratoire des Vers, 61, Rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris, France; University of California, Department of Nematology, Davis, CA 95616, USA, and Califomia Department of Food and Agriculture, Analysis and Identlfcation (Nematology), 1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA. Heteroderids and meloidogynids are considered as a single family, Heteroderidae, tbat is redefïned to include tbree subfamilies; Heteroderinae with Heterodera, Meloidodera, Globodera, Cyphodera, Atalodera, Sarisodera, Punctodera, Cactodera, Hylonema, Thecavermiculatus, Dolichodera, Verutus, Rhizonema, Afenestrata, and Bellodera;Meloidogyninae with Meloidogyne;Nacobboderi- nae with Nacobbodera, Meloinema and Bursadera. This implies a drastic reduction of subfamilies in the group. Hypsoperine, with its two subgenera (Hypsoperine) and (Spartonema), is considered a junior synonym of Meloidogyne. Nacobbodera is revalidated as distinct from Meloinema. RmJME Réévaluation des Tylenchina (Nemata). 9. La famille des Heteroderidae Filip’ev & Schuurmanns Stekhoven, 1941 Les Heteroderides et les Meloidogynides sont considérés comme appartenant a une seule famille, les Heteroderidae, qui est redéfinie et comprend trois sous-familles : Heteroderinae (genres Heterodera, Meloidodera, Globodera, Cyphodera, Atalodera, Sarisodera, Punctodera, Cactodera Hylonema, Ihecavermiculatus, Dolichodera, Verutus, Rhizonema, Afenestrata et Bellodera); Meloidogyninae (Meloidogyne) et Nacobboderinae (Nacobbodera, Meloinema et Bursaderal. Ceci implique une importante dimi- nution du nombre des sous-familles communément admisespour le groupe. Hypsoperine, et ses deux sous-genres(Hypsoperine) et (Spartonemal, sont considérésdes synonymesmineurs de Meloidogyne. Nacobboderaest considéré comme un genre valide, distinct de Meloinema. The heteroderids, with Heterodera (including H. characteristic proposed by Skarbilovich is not diagnostic marioni, now Meloidogyne spp.), Tylenchulus, and Para- within Tylenchina as it is characteristic of Secernentea. tylenchus, were proposed as a new subfarnily, Hetero- The subfamily was rejected by Goodey (1963), and by derinae, by Filip’ev and Schuurmans Stekhoven (1941). Siddiqi (1971), but it has been accepted by Golden The subfatnily was raised to fatnily rank, Heteroderidae, (1971) and subsequent authors. Meloidogyninae was by Skarbilovich (1947), to superfamily tank, Heterode- raised to family rank, Meloidogynidae, by Wouts (1973), roidea, by Golden (1971) and Stone (1975), and even a and the two families have been accepted by several suborder ” Heteroderata ” (= Heteroderina) was pro- subsequent authors, namely Stone (1978) and Siddiqi posed by Skarbilovich (1959). These higher rankings (1986). have not been generally accepted, and Heteroderidae is Several subfarnilies have been split from CcHetero- here considered at family level (Maggenti et aZ., 1987). deridae ” (Meloidoderinae Golden, 197 1; Ataloderinae Within Heteroderidae, Meloidogyne was placed in a Wouts, 1973; Sarisoderinae Husain, 1976; Punctoderi- subfamily, Meloidogyninae, by Skarbilovich (1959), nae Krall’ & Krall’, 1978; Verutinae Esser, 1981), or because of the absence of cysts, rnales with two genital from CcMeloidogynidae ” (Nacobboderinae Golden & branches, and the first moult occuring within egg. In Jensen, 1974; Meloinematinae Husain, 1976; Meloido- fact, males have only one genital branch, and the last derellinae Husain, 1976). Some of those subfarnilies (1) This article is a part of a study on the classification of Tylenchina by tbe present autbors and E. Geraert (Rijksuniversiteit, Gent, Belgium), and D. J. Ra&i (University of California, Davis). * Nematologist from ORSTOM. ** Associate in the Department of Nematology, University of California, Davis. Revue Nématol. 11 (2) : 159-176 (1988) 159 M. Luc, A, R. Maggenti CeR. Fortuner have even been raised to family rank, for example, phology, etc.; these combinations take on a significance Ataloderidae and Meloidoderidae, both by Krall’ and that does allow recognition of the family Heteroderidae IC-ail’ (1978). Also Coomans (1979) introduced the with three subfamilies with representatives showing both tribes Meloidoderini and Cryphoderini. ancestral and derived characters. Nacobboderinae is Luc, Taylor and Cadet (1978) accepted the family viewed as the most ancestral and Meloidogyninae as the Heteroderidae but gave clear arguments to reject its most derived (see below). division into the above subfamilies. We accept heteroderids at family level, Heteroderidae, with three subfamilies : Heteroderinae, Meloidogyninae and Nacobboderinae. There is no consensus of opinion concerning the The family HETERODERIDAE classification of the “ Heterodera/Meloidogyne group “. Filip’ev & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1941 In keeping with our expressed philosophy (Luc et al., = Meloidogynidae Skarbilovich, 1959 1987) of conservatism, i.e., to avoid whenever possible = Meloidoderidae Golden, 1971 the temptation to inflate the classification either hori- = Ataloderidae Wouts, 1973 zontally or vertically, we have treated the Ccgroup ” in a fashion that reflects Thorne (1949), Paramonov (1967) and Wouts and Sher (1971). As such we reject Wouts (1973, 1985), Stone (1978) and Siddiqi (1986). Our Biagnosis disagreement with the latter proposals is the separation of Heterodera and Meloidogyne into separate families. Tylenchoidea. Marked sexual dimorphism, body Stone’s super-family Heteroderoidea carries the same vermiform and slender in second-stage juveniles, robust diagnosis that was used for the family Heteroderidae and in males and inflated in females. Cephalic framework therefore is merely a vertical inflation of the classifïca- well developed, secondarily reduced in females. Stylet tion that supplies no new information. robust; conus half the length of total stylet. Dorsal Wouts (1973) proposed that Heteroderidae and oesophageal gland opening close to base of stylet. Meloidogynidae be recognized as two families in Tylen- Median oesophageal bulb usually large, with strong choidea, effectively destroying any reflection of a phylo- valves. Oesophageal glands overlapping intestine ven- genetic relationship between the families. Wouts justi- trally, and also laterally. Female : Sedentary in root fïed the separation by stating there were no characters tissues, globose (exception : Verutus with sausage-shap- shared by the two and dismissing summarily those they ed females). Vulva most generally terminal or subtermi- might share. He further stated that if the initiation of na1 (exception : Venms and Meloidodera where equa- body swelling by the second stage juvenile is accepted torial). Two genital branches, amphidelphic or prodel- as derived then a11other swollen forms in Tylenchina phic. Columned uterus with three rows of cells. Eggs that do not have this character must be lumped into an laid in a gelatinous matrix (exception : Verutus) or totally artificial family! We do not accept this line of reasoning. or partially retained within female body of which the Siddiqi (1986) applies the concept of two families cuticle may be transformed (cysts). Male. Vermiform. Heteroderidae and Meloidogynidae within the superfa- Metamorphosis within juvenile cuticle (exception : Me- mily Hoplolaimoidea. This demands that acceptance be Zoidoderu). Body twisted in posterior part (exception : given to a superfamily that encompasses ecto-endopara- Vertus). No caudal alae (exception : Brtrsadera). Tail sites, migratory endoparasites as well as sedentary endo- short or absent. Second stage juveniles. Tail conical, with parasites, with feeding habits that vary from grazers to long hyaline posterior part. Phasmids anterior to half tail sedentary nutritive ce11feeders. It is our opinion that length. such application of the superfamily category destroys Sedentary obligate parasite of roots, forming gahs in the very basis of a classification, i.e., predictability and some cases. the reflection of phylogeny. In making our decision to maintain the Ccgroup ” in a single family we have recognized that no single unique Type subfamily character is necessary to defïne a family. The family is an assemblage of related genera that have a shared HETERODERINAE Filip’ev & Schuurmans Stekhoven, evolution and related but differing characters, none of 1941 which cari stand alone. One such character is the sed- entary swollen female in and of itself it cannot designate the family (there being several examples of sed- C&her subfamilies entary swollen females in Tylenchina); however, in combination with other characteristics such as male MELOIDOGYNINAE Skarbilovich, 1959 metamorphosis, lip region anatomy, oesophageal mor- NACOBBODEEUNAE Golden & Jensen, 1974 160 Revue Nématol. II (21 : 159-I 76 (1988) Reappraisal of Tylenchina. 9. Heteroderidae The subfamily HETERODERINAE Verutus Esser, 1981 Filip’ev & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1941 Rhizonema Cid del Prado Vera, Lownsbery & Mag- = Meloidoderinae Golden, 1971 genti, 1983 = Ataloderinae Wouts, 1973 Ajènestrata Baldwin & Bell, 1985 = Sarisoderinae Husain, 1976 Bellodera Wouts, 1985 = Punctoderinae Krall’ & Krall’, 1978 = Verutinae Esser, 1981 (n. syn.) = Cryphoderinae Wouts, 1985 (n. syn.) The genera in Heteroderinae Diagnosis Verutus Esser, 1981 Heteroderidae. Cuticle strongly annulated. Annuli usually transformed in a lace-like pattern in swollen DIAGNOSIS females. Cephalic
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