Distribution Today Weather Fair with variable cloudiness 17,975 today; high, 50-55. Mostly cloudy BEDBANK tonight and tomorrow. Low to- night, 15-40. High tomorrow near Independent Daily f SH I -0010 50. See weather, page 2. UOHDAT THXOVGH fKlDAY-ttT. an J Iuued duly. Mond«r tnrouin rndur. Second Clui Pomes 35c PER WEEK PAGE ONE VOL. 83. NO. 196 F»ld at Ral Bank ul it Additional Milling Otticti. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER Irish Troops Hold Airport Army Plane In Katanga Crash Kills 2 Tshombc Force School Bond 9 New Craft Off Guard, No Election Set Can t Start Highway UNION BEACH - Tile Board Burns After Resistance Met of Education will hold a special district election Thursday, June Work, Says Palmer Blast at Wall 8, from 2 to 9 p.m. at the ELISABETHVILLE, Ka- Memorial School FREEHOLD — State Highway from Belmar to the state cap- tanga (AP) — An advance WALL TOWNSHIP — A The board will air authoriza- Commissioner Dwight R. G. Palm- ital is "a necessity." deafening explosion; a ball guard of a battalion of Irish tion to contract an addition to er yesterday told a group of "But," he said, "I don't know ° UN troops flew into riot- Mornlngslde Avenue School, WINGS FOR THE CAP—Lt. Roland Piorson, commanding officer of the Red Bank Monmouth, Ocean and Mercer if we can concoct some scheme of fire; a huge hole in an County officias that he agreed or idea of 'moving mirrors' to torn Elisabethville today purchase school equipment, fix* Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol, accepts a $1,500 check from Richard airfield; a new model air- tures and land, for a total of with the necessity of an access get the funds." and immediately occupied craft demolished; death in $293,000. Collier of the Rad Bank Kiwanis Club. At the preientation, left to right, are Fred road from Toms River and the Irwln Presides the airport. They met with southern portion of Monmouth Monmouth County Freeholder two homes. Of this, $100,000 U to come King, Kiwanis. president; Cadets Douglat Reinhart, Rurnspn, and Douglas Gray, County to Trenton, but found Director Joseph C. Irwin, who BO resistance from Katanga from surplus, (15,000 from the River Plaza, and Lt. Alfred Reinhart. The funds will b« uied to bu/ an airplane for In less time than one can his department's finances in a conducted the meeting, and Free- President Moise Tshombe's ar- capital reserve fund, and $178,- the CAP training program. 'poor position" to start at once. holder Charles I. Smith spoke on read a capsule report, two Ar- 000 U to be raised by bond Is- my or police. Mr. Palmer, speaking at the the plan, calling for the contin- my officers were killed ye-.terday sue. The bond will Increase the A reliable UN source said the American Hotel, told a luncheon uation of Rt. 37 from Toms Riv- as their twin-engine turbo-prop borough debt to $629,750.10. Irish had been sent to hold the New Jfaycee crowd of 25 officials that the er through the Allentown area to craft flying low at about 200 ».*.irport until the arrival of In- Seek 2/3-Acre Lots Unit Planned need for an extension of Rt. 37a proposed interchange with the miles an hour, crashed at Mon- mouth County Airport. dian Gurkhas in Elisabethville. from Toms River and Rt. 38 turnpike and then on into Tren • move violently opposed by EATONTOWN — A special on. Dead are Capt. William M. May Lose Templeton, 31, of Fort Mon- Tshombc. Agk Downgrading in Holmdel; meeting to discuss formation They cited the value to the mouth, and Capt. Oscar R. The_ airport's guard of Swed- of a Junior Chamber of Com- shore area, which, they said, is Harper, 33, of Fort Rucker, ish UN troops, who were at- merce chapter here will be held Vendor, Fay without through roads to Tren- Park Site Sewer Plant a 'Possibility' Ala. Capt. Harper was believed tacked yesterday by a rampag- tonight at 8:30 In the Borough ton between Rt. 33 on the north to be the pilot. But this was ing mob incited by Tshombe, re- HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP — A he has signed a contract for Hall. and Rt. 70 on the south, about Lawrence White, extension Codes OK'd uncertain since the plane had tired to their camp on the out- developer last night requested purchase of 80 acres of the Ely 40 miles. In Lincroft chairman of the Greater Red dual controls. akirU of Elisabethville. the planning board to downgrade property, and asked (or down- Other possibilities suggested by LINCROFT-The Little League Bank Junior Chamber of .Com- Eyewitnesses differed in relat- The Irish vanguard numbered lot size in Holmde! village for grading to lots of 30,000 square Mr. Smith and Assemblyman AI baseball program here may be merce, said the proposed new At Highlands ing what happened. The official •bout 150 troops, heavily armed a major subdivision of the Daniel feet'— approximately two-thirds fredN. Beadleston (R-Mon.)were curtailed next year unless new chapter will be open to men Army version, according to J. and in full battle dress. S. Ely tract. of an acre. HIGHLANDS — Borough Coun to create a limited access' road ball fields can be found. between 21 and 35 years living Peter Hoffman, Fort Monmouth More Due Present zoning calls for lots cil last night considered six newbetween the parkway and turn Eugene Novello, 2326 Gales Ct, or working in Shrewsbury, public information officar, is that ' Another 500 were expected In According to Jack Wl Moody, of 40,000 square feet — approxi- ordinances, but referred two ofpike. Mr. Smith was joined by Scotch Plains, told the board that Eatontown and Oceanport the Grumman Mohawk observa- the next few hours. township recreation director, the mately an acre. them to its attorney and the Ocean County Freeholder Direc- commission's lease on the Lewis areas. tion craft "exploded and Katanga government officials Mr. Novello said if the sub- Planning Board for revision and tor A. Paul King in urging con- S. Thompson tract, Newman crashed." apparently* were unaware of the division were approved he further study. struction of the road. Springs Rd., expires at the endShannon's Civilian observers, however, arrival of the Irish until it was planned to erect a small shopping A measure calling (or the adop- Rt. 37 is presently constructed of the year. center across from the new tele tion of the state building code, said the plane crashed head on too late to try to prevent their 6 Contracts between Toms River and Lake- landing. As Hie first Skymasters He indicated that the lease phone exchange building which has been kicked around into a gravel area west of the Resignation (See HIGHWAY Page 2) and C119 Flying Boxcars roared might not be renewed. He said there also would be a here for several years, was put main runway and burst into fire in from the UN-occupied Ka- The tract is the site of several "possibility" that he would con Are Awarded into 'the hands of the attorney with a thunderous blast. mina base in western Katanga, bail diamonds used in the com-Rejected struct a sewer disposal plant for until the next meeting of the gov- Mr. Hoffman said a seven-man Tshombe was in conference in mission's recreation program. the housing project "which would erning body, in May. Seawall accident investigation team will Elisabethville with Gen. Sean UNION BEACH - Richard A. be large enough to take care o For School Tile Planning Board will have be convened today by Maj. M. Mr. Moody said the comlssion Shannon, Jr., last night offered W. Fuller, the post aviation offi- McKeown of Ireland, the UN would be faced with finding new adjacent tracts of land," and that to deal with revision of an exca- his resignation as a member to EATONTOWN — The Mon- Job to Cost cer, to determine the cause. military commander in the Con-facilities here if a new lease Is he would deed to the township vating ordinance. mouth Regional Board of Educa- go. not signed. the Board of Education. about seven acres of land, near The measures approved on first Lived at Post Early in the year Mr. Shannon tion last night awarded six con-reading by the council— salary Capt. Templeton, his wife, Stel- .McKeown flew from Leopold- In that event, he said he fa- the brook on the Ely land, for $200,000 had said that if the new school tracts for additions to the new vending machine, personal prop- la, and their six-month-old daugh- ville to confer with Tshombe vored construction of simila a recreation site. about Oje mob rampage vester- budget was approved he would re- He said the houses would sell high school, now in the final erty tax exemption, and sign or- LONG BRANCH - City officials ter lived at the main post. He facilities on the recently pur- convinced state officials yester- was assigned to the post aviation day against the UN troops in chased 60-acre tract off Norman- sign from the board. The budget, in the $22,000 -S25.O00 price range stages of construction. dinances—will be aired at a pub day that $200,000 is needed for section which leases space at Eliaabethville. The Katanga Ra- dy Rd. which was defeated in the Feb. Board Chairmat Bernard Gold The additions were authorized lie meeting May 2. dio and EHsabetftville's morning 14 school elections, was passed smith said the matter 'vould be in a referendum Igte last year Pay Hikes emergency repairs to the sea the airport.
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