D IS TRIBUTI ON ALBERTA N ORTH E TERRITORI S BRITI S , W S T E , H COLUMB IA AN D YUKON TERRITORY CONTAINING m 1 . of Ofli The na es the Post ces alphabetically arranged . Th m o 2 . e f of C na es the Postal Car Routes , Sections Postal ar Routes or Distribution m for Offices through which atter the several offices should pass . m of m 3 . The na es the Offices to which the atter is forwarded by the Railway Mail Clerks m i di . or Distributing Offi ces when not ailed direct . (D rect Mails are in cated by dotted lines ) o 4 . The names f the Mail Routes by whi ch the offices are served when not situated on a o m line of Railway . Wh en an office is served by two or more routes the hours f departure fro the several terminal points are given . -O . m 5 ffices . Nixie List closed, na es changed — 6 . Offices in Northwest Territories Page 137 . INSTRUCTIONS for w i m l f 1 . Matter any office hich is suppl ed by ore than one route shou d be orwarded by m the one by which it will ost speedily reach its destination . i m 2 . Wh en any doubt ex sts as to the proper railway route by which atter should be f m c . orwarded, application should be ade to the District Director or Superintendent, Postal Servi e O m 3 . fli c es hi newly established, and offi ces to w ch new na es have been given , should be written in the List of Offices having the same initial letter . To the entries under each letter fi m m r should be pre xed consecutive nu bers , which nu bers should be neatly inserted in thei places i m o ffi m of Ofi ces in the General List, in wh ch the na es f the new O ces or the new na es the old , m m d in . should n pro e o de appea . The nu be ing should be f o one u war s each le e , i p r r r , r r r p “tt r 4 In of o m m f m chan ed to . case change f na e, the old na e should be erased ro the list and g the new name) w itte n Opposite to the e asu e . ( “ , r r r of m w f m Opposite the entry the new“ na e should be ritten or erly m i m um . (the old name . In ak ng changes use a ed lead pencil E ase ) i“ ” r n by drawing a pencil line through the items ordered to be erased . Restore by rubbi g out i r penc l erasu es . I of i m s 5 . t is the duty of District Directors or Superintendents Postal Serv ce and Post aster personally to see that the Distribution Books furnished to each clerk under their superv mon re corr<acted from the lis ts issued from the Offi ce of the Chief Superintendent Rai lway Mai l gervi () w ce t t a a. P OFF E P M OST IC DE ART ENT, OFFICE on THE CHIEF SUPERINTENDENT Y V OF THE RA ILW A MAIL SER ICE, W N m 1940 . OTTA A, ove ber, — -— Boo k N o . 80 . 2200 27 8 40 9205— 1 ALBERTA D I STRIBUTI ON LI ST SCHEDULE showing names of Railways from which Post Offices in Alberta are served : the m of ter inal points the several Postal Car routes, or sections of Postal Car routes on these vi followmg railways , and the abbre ations by which these terminal points are designated in the m o f m Distribution List . (The na es Railway Post Offices are given in all cases fro East to an m West d fro South to North . ) Terminal Routes Name o f Railway between which Postal Cars run o . Big . Lov Canadian National Rys Biggar . L verna m . am a . Cal . C C lgary Ca rose m . C fi al . E Canadian Paci c Ry C gary Ed onton C L C m . oronation Laco be C V . Calgary Vancouver di m . G C Ed P . ana an National Rys Ed onton Prince George C A m C . Ed . D . Northern lberta Rys Ed onton Dawson reek m i R . E . P . Ed Canad an National y Elk Point Ed onton m . Ca fi min . Lloyd . Ed nadian Paci c Ry Lloyd ster Ed onton C Al McLennan C . M L . c . H Northern berta Rys Hines reek Canadian Pacific Ry Macleod Calgary . di . M . H . N Me cine Hat Nelson M . J . C Moose Jaw Calgary . m . C i fo . N . B . E anad an National Rys North Battle rd Ed onton m . S . Drum Saskatoon . Dru heller fi S . H . Ed Canadian Paci c Ry Saskatoon Em f . S . C . p Swi t Current w . S . W . Ed Canadian National Rys Saskatoon Wain right Edmonton . BRITI SH COLUMB IA D I STRIBUTI ON LI ST SCHEDULE showing names of Railways from which Post Offi ces in British Columbia and Yukon m o f of are served ; the ter inal points the several Postal Car Routes, or sections Postal Car Routes on these Railways and the abbrevi ations by which these terminal points are m of designated in the following Distribution List . (The na es Railway Post Offices are m given in all cases fro East to West and from South to North . Boundary and Spokane m R P O . f excepted ro North to South . ) Terminal Points between which Name of Railway Postal Cars run . V ai . B Great Northern Ry Bl ne, Wash Vancouver . h . n Bound Spok . Bou dary (Wash) Spokane (Was ) di a fi . C . V Cana an P ci c Ry Calgary Vancouver I ash . h . East . Spok Spokane nternational Ry Eastport (W ) Spokane (Was ) A . n . m . Ed . P . G Canadian National Ry Ed onton , lta Pri ce George A . B . A . C Ed . D . C Northern lberta Rys Edmonton , lta Dawson Creek, fi wn . Kel . Sic Canadian Paci c Ry Kelo a Sicamous s . M . H . N Medicine Hat Nel on N . M Nelson Midway . P . G . P . R Canadian National Ry Prince George Prince Rupert . A di fi m A . R . Cana an Paci c Stea er Robson rrowhead an fi . R . C . V Canadian Paci c Ry Ruby Creek Vancouver Pacific Great Eastern Ry . m m Esqui alt Nanai o Ry . Victoria . li N . D h N . W . S Great orthern Ry Wil ston , Seattle (Was ) 9205—1} ALBERTA D I S TRIBUTI ON LI S T “ ” The first column under th e head Distribution shows the Postal Car Route or B istri ’ mn buting Ofii c e through which Mail matter for the several Offi es sh ould pass . The second co u “ ” c l under the h ead Distribution shows the Offi ce on which Mai l matter 1s forwarded by the Rai lway hir m i f Mail Clerk or Distributing Office when not mailed direct . The t d colu n g ves the requency and other necessary particulars regarding the service . m m . Dy . eans daily including Sunday . Dy . eans daily except Sunday The letters (S) and (W) following the name of the forward Ofii ce show the matter should An f m of a ffi di e f w mm . be or arded in Su er and Winter , respectively be ore the na e nO ce In cat s m O f m o f ffi i i umm that it is a Custo s Port or ut Port, and (S) a ter the na e an O ce nd cates a S er Offi ce . A ffi 1 before the name of an Office indicates that the O ce has service by Catch Post only . i . M . V . indicates Motor Veh cle service OFFICE DISTRIBUTION m Ed onton Tue . Fr . tr . 21 N . A . R. I . Me n; T T a 4 E P Ed fl ed . 5 A m . t . cadia Valley S Dru Ben on Station Tue Thu Sat . Sa . Tue Thu . t tr 1 3 C N . R . Mon 4 . 1 . Wed Fri tr . C N R . *A C ' 5 . I den Lethbridge outts Tue Fri . A l a . m Ca . 1 M on. 2 eri Cal ( ) Wed Fri . tr . 5 . 2 Tue Thu Sat . tr . 6 . A etna Lethbridge Tue . Thu . Sat . A r . 523 24 2 2 ird ie Dy trs , 5 , 5 5, 5 6 . Hughenden Fri . A m M C on. 3 1 lberta Beach Ed onton Thu tr . 3 . N . R . 93 . Fri tr C N R . Calgary Dy . 9 - . c . 2 { Tu i 2 Ed e Ph . D ( ) 1 . trs , Wed . via Plane to Grande Edmonton 1 Prairie thence Stage ( st class only). Sun . via Plane to Dawson d ” 2 1 Creek thence via tr . ( st class only . ) " n Eleo dale . / Ed D . o . Mon T a ha n. 1 . M . 2 at tr . D Y7" Alcurve N . dm B E Lloy inster Tue . Fri . BRITI S H COLUMBIA AN D YUKON D I STRIBUTI ON LI ST “ The first column under the head Distribution shows the Postal Car Route or B istri Ofii ce hr i M m o m buting t ough wh ch ail atter f r the several Offi ces should pass .
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