(3) THE JAPAN TIMES THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2009 7 Kingdom of Morocco 2009 throne celebration Building a platform for growth, prosperity Dr. Samir Arrour provide a better share of na- from the operation of the free eign manufacturers are reap- AMBASSADOR OF H.M.THE KING OF tional prosperity, giving the po- zones (direct and indirect add- ing the benefits of manufactur- MOROCCO litical and socioeconomic de- ed value, direct gains, jobs and ing in Morocco: ------------------------------------------ velopment of Morocco a human foreign investment). * Free-trade agreement with Today marks the dimension. The Tangier-Med II project the U.S. 10th anniversary Providing infrastructure t o was launched this year. Once * Morocco-EU Association of the enthrone- meet the basic needs of the Mo- finished and starting from 2012, Agreement ment of His Maj- roccan people — health care, it will have the capacity to han- * Close proximity to the Euro- esty King Mo- education as well as job cre- dle some 5 million containers, pean market hammed VI of ation — is of paramount impor- in addition to the 3 million con- * Low-cost manufacturing Morocco. On this tance. The government strate- tainer capacity transiting via * Excellent tax incentives auspicious occa- gy consists first in supporting Tangier-Med I. A total of 8 mil- * Infrastructure that facilitates Rapid development: As part of plans to transform Tangier into a dynamic gateway to the sion and as am- growth, mainly through the ac- lion containers will make Tan- exports. European market, Morocco is to invest $2.61 billion to build a high-speed ‘‘TGV’’ rail line bassador of Mo- celeration of major construc- gier Africa’s first merchandise Tangier’s free zone particu- linking the northern city to the country’s commercial capital Casablanca. rocco to Japan, I Ambassador tion projects, the development King Mohammed VI port. larly affords foreign auto parts would like to con- of Morocco of the rural community and the ing roads, ports and airports for Second, Morocco plans to in- manufacturers an investment Morocco continue to enjoy a had very fruitful meetings with cerned organizations and com- vey my respect- Dr. Samir promotion of an economy of the 2002-2015 period to bolster vest 20 billion dirhams ($2.61 framework meeting interna- very warm and cordial friend- high officials of the Japanese panies, including Sogo Shoshas. ful greetings to Arrour proximity. In addition, the gov- economic competitiveness billion) to build a high-speed tional standards and reinforces ship that has prevailed over government and business com- Another important bilateral Their Imperial ernment will monitor the con- amid efforts to turn the country ‘‘TGV’’ rail line linking the Morocco’s appeal as a zone of many decades. Both countries munity. In October 2008, Minis- event this year is the holding in Majesties Emperor Akihito solidation of transport infra- into a platform for investment, northern city of Tangier to the relocation. The zone is system- share the same ideas and the ter of Industry, Trade and New October of the first joint meet- and Empress Michiko, mem- structure, and the implementa- and exports to the European country’s commercial capital atically favored when manu- common values of democracy, Technologies Ahmed Chami ing between MOFA and METI bers of the Imperial family, tion of regional logistics and Union and United States. I will Casablanca. The project will facturers want to supply Cen- human rights, peace, security visited Japan to attend an in- officials and their Moroccan the government and the industrial platforms. mention only two such projects cut the journey between the two tral and Western European and stability. In the internation- vestment seminar in Tokyo. counterparts. On a regional lev- friendly people of Japan. Significant progress has now. cities to two hours, 10 minutes countries. That motivated Ya- al arena, we have similar ap- Secretary of State for Educa- el, Morocco welcomes the host- I would like to thank The Ja- been achieved in recent years First, the ‘‘Tangier-Mediter- instead of five hours, 45 min- zaki, Makita and Fujikura to proaches; solidarity and mutu- tion Latifa Abida took part in ing by Japan of the first Japan- pan Times for giving me the op- in stabilizing the macroeco- ranean’’ project is a strategic utes. Starting in 2013, it is esti- establish bases there. And al support are the common the science and technology Arab Forum, from Dec. 7 to 9, portunity to inform its distin- nomic environment, bolstering priority for the economic a n d mated that the high-speed line more and more Japanese com- practice between the govern- ministerial meeting between in Tokyo, to boost trade and in- guished readers of some events economic capacity to withstand social development of the will carry 8 million passengers panies are interested in Moroc- ments and institutions of the Japan and African countries or- vestment exchanges. and provide an overview of shocks and strengthening the northern region. It is part of the a year. Morocco is mulling a coa s a production and export two countries. ganized last October within the This year marks the 53rd an- some of the achievements of fiscal position. These achieve- economic policy orienting Mo- second high-speed rail link be- platform toward the European, Official visits are very nu- framework of TICAD IV to en- niversary of the establishment Morocco. It is also an occasion ments place the country in a fa- rocco toward exports, based on tween Casablanca and Marra- African, Arab and North Amer- merous between the two coun- hance knowledge and know- of diplomatic relations between to reflect on the excellent rela- vorable position to absorb, in eight clearly identified export kech, the country’s main tourist ican markets. tries. First of all, we should un- how transfer. Morocco and Japan. A strong tions of friendship and coopera- the short term, shocks linked to sectors, with particular empha- destination, by 2015. Morocco is in a position to af- derline that the successful state Secretary of State Akher- partnership and fruitful cooper- tion between Morocco and Ja- the deterioration of the global sis on the free-trade agreement Industry ford its principal manufactur- visit of King Mohammed to Ja- bach also took part in the TI- ation have characterized our pan. environment, and to adopt the with the EU to be implemented The Moroccan industrial sec- ers with a competitive platform pan in November 2005 has con- CAD IV Ministerial Level bilateral relations in the fields Japan always shows great appropriate economic policy between 2000 and 2012. Comple- tor looks set to continue the to supply Europe. Morocco is solidated the friendship that Follow-up Meeting on March 21 of economy, trade, science and interest in the stability, securi- responses to the sustained fi- tion of the project will have im- strong growth it has enjoyed in looking forward to becoming binds our two countries and and 22 this year in Gaborone, technology, culture and educa- ty, environment, and socioeco- nancial and economic crisis. portant economic effects in recent years. Overall, the con- for Europe what Mexico is to opened new perspectives for Botswana. tion. During the past few years, nomic development of Africa Economic performance terms of jobs, creation of added tribution of industrial activity North America. the development of both coun- A business mission orga- we have witnessed further de- and the Middle East. I would The Moroccan economy is value and foreign investment. to GDP fluctuates between Japan-Morocco relations tries. In May 2008, during TI- nized by Maroc Export (a coun- velopment and expansion of the like to praise the Japanese ini- much more robust than just a Its position on the Straits of about 25 percent and 35 percent I would like to praise the CAD IV, Prime Minister Abbas terpart of JETRO) and com- excellent relations between the tiatives for our region as well as few years ago, with steady an- Gibraltar, at the crossing of two every year, depending on the warm and cordial relations that El Fassi, accompanied by Sec- posed of many private compa- two countries as more and for the Kingdom of Morocco. I nual growth of 5 percent to 6 major maritime routes, and performance of the agriculture exist between the Imperial retary of State for Foreign Af- nies visited Japan from March more Japanese companies am confident that our relation- percent from 2000 to 2008. Eco- just 14 km from the EU will en- sector. The industrial sector ac- family of Japan and the royal fairs and Cooperation Latifa 25 to April 4. They had very have their eyes on the Moroc- ship will be further developed nomic growth is far more diver- able it to serve a market of hun- counted for about 21.1 percent family of Morocco. Japan and Akherbach, visited Japan, and fruitful meetings with con- can market. and expanded since the two na- sified, with new service and in- dreds of millions of consumers of employment in 2007 and it is a tions share so many similar dustrial poles developing, and through the industrial and com- key component of the govern- ideals and goals. the agriculture sector being re- mercial free zones run by well- ment’s effort to curb unemploy- Morocco’s renowned stabili- habilitated. known private operators. It will ment. The sector also attracts Longtime partners on the road to development ty, as well as the wise and en- Economic growth was large- also win part of the strong high levels of FDI, and particu- lightened leadership of King ly spurred by domestic de- growth market of container lar attention is paid to off-shor- Mohammed have endowed Mo- mand.
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