DETROIT TIMES, SEPT. 17,1942 PAGE 21 Rejuvenated Dodgers Win Fight, Game SPORTS Wagon GLOOM...GLOOM...GLOOM...OUR TIGERS LOSE By LEO MACDONELL Meat forth of Hope Only Tw o Different Cullenbine, a Detroiter, Ray Players in Yankees' One of Those Lucky Areel Aids Brightly the Grade Burns 1942 Series Lineup 2 to Make Savold Tonight ||iiSiß||r (OMISKEY ONCE WAS ‘WHITE HOPE’ At Ebbets Field Smart Second Helps tCIK* A reminder of what little effect the war has had on the Cardinals Also Win personnel of the Yankees is revealed in the starting lineup Lee Against Musto; jpP which Joe McCarthy will send against the Cardinals or Dodgers to Stay Two Games in the opening game of the World Series, September 30. The Savold Is Favored writer does not make the point to emphasize McCarthy’s luck. wiiws Ahead of Brooklyn The Yankees probably would have backed into the champion- TOMKHT * CASH Wjpp WJjr'jA* * even had suffered equal losses with other clubs. The Lee Savold. I tee Moinee la v» Tony M M ship they Muatn, Chleaao. in round*, heavyweight* By JACK AHON* InirrnntiitnNl N>m Srnlft Sp»<rt« WrHff opposition was that feeble. , Pat Comiakev, Pater»on. N J v* Alfred Wm ? \ nH 1 (Big Boy» Brown, r»etfoit, 10 round*, J f YORK. Sept. (INSt.— The writer just mentions the fact—to call the attention heavyweight* / t ’ NEW 17 vUr The Bums of Brooklyn may not of Detroit fans to the fact that one of their residents will be Shelton Beil. Young*!own, O v* Ira Hughe* Monroe a round*, light heavy- ' win the 1942 National League playing in the scries. The Cinderella boy known as Roy Cul- weight*. pennant but they have a chip on lenbine got his start on the local sandlots and once played for Hank Pnjtaway, Wyandotte, v* Ertftie their shoulders as big as a flag- Sarkeeian, I»eir«dt t f> round*, light heavy- the Tigers. weight* pole and the bright torch of hope exception of Buddy Hassett at first base and Cul- Chuck Hir»t. Pctroit. '» Johnny J one* still burns brightly at Ebbets With the Pitt*hurgh, 4 round* welterweight*. Field. lenbine, the Yankee lineup for the fall classic will be the same The Bum* proved that yesterday as that which turned back the Brooklyn Dodgers in the 1941 By CLAYTON HKPLKR when, after Dixie Waiker and 4 I / k tempers aeries. Hassett replaced Johnny Sturm, who is in the army.; They’re taking no chances on Mickey Owen, their razor sharp, vaulted into a field box to Cullenbine has taken the spot vacated by Tommy Henrich, who Lee Savold blowing his heavy- * join a free Tor-all between four is in the coast guard. weight title prospects tonight at: to J WE WANT A HOMER! ¦ S WELL, MIGHT AS WELL RELAX, THE GAME Jl ST ABOUT OVER The Yankees lose nothing in strength. Hassett is a better Olympia when be meets Tony Pennant itaee ...but all in vain... hitter than Sturm and while Cullenbine may not have the rat- Musto in the 10-round main event . facts trll a sad story as district coddits take in Titjrr {/ante ing enjoyed by Henrich, he will do well enough. Roy is capable Ray Arcel, familiarly known as At a dinner the "Meat Wagon” in the fistic fra- NEW YORK. Sept. 17 (INS).— ternity, will be in the Dos Moines Here's the National League pen- blond's corner to help prevent a Trout Returns, Bendix, Toronto nant race at a glance. If the recurrence of ihe decision Musto league-leading St. Louis Cardinals gained in their last meeting a wm five of iheir remaining nine month ago in Washington. games. Brooklyn will have to win remaining I’ATIHER-LTTER To Hurl Today nine of their 11 contests Win in Softball to clinch the flag. The race: Arcel is tagged the “Meat I W LTo Play Wagon" because he's carried By LEO MAC DON ELL f»f. Louis 9* 47 » mm By MARGARET RI’SSELL If ft 4 away so many of Joe Louis' vie-f With Paul (Dizzy) Trout mak- Pel. tuns. teams today are Final Standing 103 51 .M 9 ing his first mound apjx*aranc,e Tow’ softball W LTo Play Despite bis unfortunate a*soeia- since he suffered a five-day sus- closer to the coveted Pey 1-Cole . Brook. in P* 4* It If 1 L tion with the would-be champions, pension without pay for thumbing awards, emblematic of world’s ?v*. Arcel is recognized as one of the his no*e at customers, the Tigers championship in this sport. Final Standing 104 50 .075 smartest seconds in the game. He will take on the Yankees in the RMUIMNr. BAlb They defending men* Against WET yesterday guiding two-game are the «t. Lout*- Cinrtnnatl 2. Pitta- arrived after second of a series at Bend, burgh 2 Chicago 4. Boston 1. Total 9. Sgt. rn a 10-round de- Briggs Stadium today. It will be champion. Bendix of South Mike Raffa which Merril Brooklyn Against New York 1, Pitts- Bobby* < > Ivy in the game of trimmed and Usher burgh Boston Philadelphia ?. Total It, cision over Poison final the season be- Mass., 5-1, 2. 2. event Tuesday’s tween the two teams. of Worcester. and Sun- the main of Pitts- day Morning At Donald to do Class of Toronio. fans and $ trio of ushers, they burgh show. ley is expected over Ramblers, the chucking for the Yanxees, winners Phoenix tarried the fight out onto the Even without Arcel s presence in 2-1. in an overtime girls' session. his corner. Savold should reverse again the champions of the Amer- diamond and belted the stuffing games the an- out of Pittsburgh the Washington decision, as seen ican League and the tram that These climaxed tne Pirates. 10 "Pageant to from this Although he's will hattle either the Cardinals or nual of American 3. Because the St. Louis Cardi- comer. a in the De- won, powerful puncher. Savold probably the Dodgers in the coming World Youth." University of nals also from Boston. 6-2, troit Stadium last night, which there is change in MKm won’t have enough to put away the Series. no the pennant rugged whose fight with If their tuneup victory over the saw all 16 men's teams and 10 standing today. Musto. girls' teams on parade with the Cards out Louis was stopped in the ninth Tigers, 5 to 1. yesterday is an indi- The are still in front Naval Band and Drum by two lull games, news round because of cuts he'd re- cation of what is to come, Joe Mc- Armory hut the ceived. Carthy's formidable clan *hould and Bugle Corps. is out rhat the Dodgers have up at last, fighting have no trouble with cither the HOLD 21 GAMES [waked are mad MAY BK T. K. C). Cardinals or Dodgers. and won’t hand the flag over to games po**ib!p that Savold might Today and tonight 21 manager Billy Southworth and hi* It's HURLS TWO-HITTER at Michigan hirelings real a knockout, will he held Alkali without a fight. earn technical hut it’s OH, Mack more likely he 11 use his boxing The Yankees took the Tigers SHUCKS! RUDY YORK MISSED AGAIN Field in Wyandotte and at Until yesterday it appeared jumps Park. Mack at Fairview. Games that's just what the Bums were ability to full advantage to win a over the behind a brilliant at noon and will going decision. | two-hit performance by Marvin jvvill start 12 to do. They had lost fivj> innings continue uninterrupted until 10 in a row. were hitting like ama- also he in the Breuer. For seven Breuer Arcel will corner pitched hitless ball. With only two |p. m. fours and were a badly disillu- of Pat Comiskey. stahlemate of Sa- Sfalil, i frames to go it looked like Breuer Karwales May I Several of the teams will have sioned "roup of athletes. when he meets < Big vold. Alfred for the of Fame. to play two games They came hack to Ebbet Field, Boy) Detroit Negro, in the was destined Hall 4 as the tourna- Brown. sueh fame him ment is being this however, after two days to think 10-round semifinal. This hattle of But was denied run year on a when Meyer bagged a single two-game games over their dissipated baseball lives, behemoth* « Brown weighs 245. Co- Dutch knockout. More and Dor continue the sAme to- determined to make a fresh al- miskey 225» is ai*n a rematch. Cramer a two-bagger m Succeed Kelfo will at fields the final inning*. morrow, with the semi-finals and though iate start. Just before the w Comiskey getting the nod when Breuer should have had a shul- In Final finals set for U. of D. on Satur- game, four fans, presumably they met in Toledo recently. ANN ARBOR. Sept 17. Jack out. The Tiger nin. which came in day and Sunday. (Continued on Page 24) rest supporting card, who his letter The of the the seventh, was the result of an DRI KENBROD j Karwales. earned representatives the! MKUj six-rounders, By M. F. team Detroit's in three has been shuf- error by Joe Gordon. on the Michigan football as men's division, Briggs, will see is Edge- fled. The wejgh-tn at 1 p. m The Yankees were In hitting Oppo*ed to Gib Sellers of an end last year, seems to have action today in Ihe opener at Mack boxing the inside track for tackle in the commission office? form, collecting 13 safeties off a wood in today's 36-ho!e state PGA the Park at noon against Homewood and the first fight begins at position left vacant by the gradu- trio of Detroit flingrrs Harold at Valley, Dairies Birmingham.
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