13_577883 index.qxd 1/15/05 12:02 AM Page 171 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes below. American Diabetes Association, 11 A ARP, 14 American Express, 43 Abbey Tavern, 138 traveler’s checks, 6 Abbey Theatre, 101, 140 American Foundation for the Blind, Above and Beyond Tours, 17–18 13 Academic Travel Abroad, 15 Andrews Lane Theatre, 140 Access America, 11 Annabel’s, 137 Accommodations, 49–66 Anna Livia, 101 Ballsbridge/Embassy Row area, Antiques and Collectibles Fair, 9 60–65 Aras an Uachtaráin (The Irish White County Wicklow, 163–168 House), 85 Fitzwilliam Square/Merrion Square Ardgillan Castle and Park, 150 area, 59–60 The Ark: A Cultural Centre for Chil- money-saving tips, 25–26 dren, 106–107 northern suburbs, 152–154 Arnotts, 123 O’Connell Street area/north of the Art galleries and museums, 91–92, Liffey, 65–66 94–95, 123 Old City and Temple Bar/Trinity Col- Ashtown Riding Stables, 116 lege Area, 52–55 ATMs (automated-teller machines), price categories, 25 5–6 reservations, 26 locations of, 25 St. Stephen’s Green/Grafton Street Avoca Handweavers (Bray), 162 Area, 55–59 Avondale House & Forest Park (Rath- shopping online for, 23–24 drum), 157–158 southern suburbs, 146–147 terminology used in, 26 tipping, 48 B ad Bob’s Backstage Bar, 135 Aer Lingus, 18, 19 Ballsbridge/Embassy Row area, 38 AIB Music Festival in Great Irish restaurants, 81 Houses, 9 Ba Mizu, 131–132 AIDS Helpline Dublin, 17 Bank of Ireland Arts Centre, 99 AirCoach, 31 Bank of Ireland Centre/Parliament Airfares, getting the best, 19–20 House, 99 Air France, 19 Banks, 43 Airlines, 18–19, 24, 30–31 Beaches, 114 Airlink Express Coach, 31 Bergin Clarke Studio (Rathdrum), 162 Air Transat Holidays, 20 Bicycling, 42 AliasCOPYRIGHTED Tom, 125 Bidding-For-Travel, MATERIAL 22 All-Ireland Hurling and Gaelic Foot- Big Cheese Company, 78 ball Finals, 10, 118 Bird-watching, 114–115 All Ireland Polo Club, 119 Blackrock Market, 129 All Ireland Tourism (Sydney, Aus- Blarney Woollen Mills, 128 tralia), 2 Bleeding Horse, 135 American Airlines, 18, 19 Bloomsday Festival, 9 13_577883 index.qxd 1/15/05 12:02 AM Page 172 172 INDEX Bmi baby, 19 The City Arts Centre, 140 Book Market Temple Bar, 129 CityJet, 19 The Book of Kells, 85, 88–89 Civic Museum, Dublin, 104 Books, 124 Claddagh Records, 130 Bord Fáilte, 2, 35 Claire Garvey, 126 Bord na gCon (the Greyhound Board), Clerys, 123 118 Climate, 6–7 Boulevard Gallery, 94 Club and music scene, 135–137 Bray, 109, 159–160, 162, 169 Club M, 137 Bray Head, 109, 116 Club Mono, 134, 141 Brazen Head, 133 The Coach House (Roundwood), 170 Break for the Border, 135 Coast and Castle Tour, 111 British Airways, 19 Collins Barracks, 90 Brittany Ferries, 21 Combridge Fine Arts, 123 Brown Thomas, 123, 124, 128 Comedy Club, 137 BT2, 125, 126 Concerts, 141–142 Bucket shops, 20 The Connect Point, 45 Busaras, 31, 34 Connolly, 31 Bus Eireann, 34 Connolly Station, 34, 40 Business hours, 43 Consolidators, 20, 26 Bus tours, 110–111 Consulates, 44 Bus travel, 34, 38, 40 Continental Airlines, 18, 19, 31 Co-Op, 41 County Wicklow, 155–170 C alendar of events, 8–10 accommodations, 163–168 Calliaghstown Riding Centre, 116 restaurants, 168–170 The Capital, 134 shopping, 162–163 Car rentals, 41–42 sights and attractions, 157–162 Carrickmines Equestrian Centre, 116 traveling to, 156 Cartoon Inn (Rathdrum), 170 visitor information, 156 Car travel, 34, 41 Craft Centre of Ireland, 124–125 Casino Marino, 150 Crafts, 124–125 The Castle Inn, 133 County Wicklow, 162, 163 Cathedrals and churches, 89–90, Credit cards, 5 93–94, 96–98 Crime, 46–47 The Celtic Note, 130 late-night, 134 Central Cybercafe, 45 CSA Czech Airlines, 19 Central Library, 45 Cultúrlann na hÉireann, 138 Ceramics, 124 Currency and currency exchange, 5, Charter flights, 20 43 Cheap Tickets, 20 Universal Currency Converter, 24 Chester Beatty Library and Gallery of Custom House, 99 Oriental Art, 102 Customs regulations, 3–4 Chief O’Neill’s, 133 Children, families with, 15–16 sights and attractions, 106–110 D alkey, 143–144, 148–149 The Chimney Viewing Tower, 34, 96 Dalkey Castle and Heritage Centre, China and crystal, 124 143–144 The China Showrooms, 124 Dalkey Hill, 117–118 Christ Church Cathedral, 89–90 Dame Street Pharmacy, 46 CIE Tours International, 14 DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit), 40 13_577883 index.qxd 1/15/05 12:02 AM Page 173 GENERAL INDEX 173 Davis Gallery, 123 Embassies and consulates, 44 Davy Byrnes, 132 Entry requirements, 2–3 Delta Airlines, 18, 19, 31 Event Guide, 35, 131, 139 Dentists, 43–44 Expedia, 21, 23, 24 Department stores, 123 Design Centre, 126 DESIGNyard, 128 F amilies with children, 15–16 Dinner shows, 138 sights and attractions, 106–110 Dirty Boots Treks, 117 Fashions (clothing), 125–127. See also Disabilities, travelers with, 13 Knitwear Diversions Temple Bar, 9 County Wicklow, 162–163 Doctors, 44 Ferries, from Britain or the Continent, Doheny and Nesbitt, 132 20–21, 34 Dollymount Beach, 114 The Ferryman, 109, 144 Drugstores, 46 Festivals and special events, 8–10 Drumcondra, 149 Film Festival, Dublin, 9 Dublin Angling Initiative, 115 Finnegan’s Wake (Joyce), 104 Dublin Bus, 31, 110 First Flight Aviation Ltd., 112 Dublin Castle, 90 Fisher’s of Newtownmountkennedy, Dublin City Marathon, 10 162–163 Dublin City Tour, 110 Fishing, 115 Dublin Civic Museum, 104 Fitzwilliam Square, 38 Dublin Crystal Glass Company, 124 accommodations, 59–60 Dublin Events Guide, 131 restaurants around, 79–81 Dublin Experience, 88, 106 Focus Theatre, 140 Dublin Ferryport, 34 Food Market Temple Bar, 129 Dublin Film Festival, 9 Four Courts, 99–100 Dublin Freshwater Angling Guide, Francis Street, 37 115 Frommers.com, 23 Dublin Ghost Bus, 110 The Front Lounge, 139 Dublinia, 91 The Fry Model Railway, 150 Dublin International Airport, 30–31, Funderland, 8 149 accommodations near, 152–154 duty-free shops at, 121 G AA Museum, 105 Dublin’s Queer Guide, 139 Gaelic Athletic Association, 118 Dublin’s Viking Adventure, 107 Gaelic sports, 118 Dublin Theatre Festival, 10 Gaiety Theatre, 140 Dublin Tourism, 35 Gardens Dublin Tourism Office, 112 Howth Castle Rhododendron Gar- Dublin Woollen Mills, 128 dens, 150–151 Dublin Writers Museum, 91 Memorial Gardens, 92 Dublin Zoo, 107 Mount Usher Gardens (Ashford), 159 Duchas the Heritage Service, 116 National Botanic Gardens (Glas- Dun Laoghaire, 143, 147, 149 nevin), 151 Dun Laoghaire Beach, 114 Phoenix Park, 93 Dun Laoghaire Ferryport, 34 Garlic Kitchen, 78 The Gate, 101, 140 Gay and lesbian travelers, 16–18 E amonn Doran’s, 141 information and resources, 44 Elderhostel, 14 nightlife, 138–139 Electricity, 44 Gay Community News, 17, 139 Elm Park Golf Club, 115 Gay Ireland Online, 17, 139 13_577883 index.qxd 1/15/05 12:02 AM Page 174 174 INDEX Gay Switchboard Dublin, 17, 44, 139 Hotels. See Accommodations General Post Office (GPO), 46, Hotels.com, 24 100–101 Hot lines, 45 The George, 139 Hotwire, 22 Gifts and Irish keepsakes, 127 House of Ireland, 124, 127 Glasnevin, 149, 151, 153, 154 House of Names, 127 Glasnevin Cemetery, 98 Howth, 149 Glendalough, 158 Howth Beach, 114 Global Refund, 120 Howth Castle Rhododendron Gar- Golf, 115–116 dens, 150–151 Grafton Street, 36 Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery of Mod- accommodations around, 55–59 ern Art, 91–92 restaurants around, 74–79 Hurling, 118 shopping, 122–123 Grafton Street Area, 37 Gray Line, 111 I beria, 19 Great Britain. See United Kingdom IGLTA (International Gay and Lesbian Greene’s Bookshop Ltd., 124 Travel Association), 17 Greyhound racing, 118 ILAC Centre, 123 Greystones, 156, 166, 169, 170 IMMA (Irish Museum of Modern Art), Gruel, 78 94–95 Guinness Storehouse, 95–96 In Dublin, 17, 35, 131, 139 Gulliver, 26, 52 Information sources, 2, 35 Insurance, 11–13 Insurancehei, 12–13 H amilton Long & Co., 46 International Gay and Lesbian Travel Ha’penny Bridge, 36 Association (IGLTA), 17 Ha’Penny Laugh Comedy Club, 137 International Student Exchange Card Harold’s Cross Stadium, 118 (ISE Card), 14 Health concerns, 11 International Student Identity Card Helicopter tours, 112 (ISIC), 14–15 The Helix, 141 International WORLDLINK, 47 Heraldic Artists, 127 International Youth Travel Card Heraldic Museum/Genealogical Office, (IYTC), 15 105 Internet access, 45 Heraldry, 127 Ireland Consolidated, 18 Heuston, 31 Irish American Cultural Institute, 15 Heuston Station, 34 Irish Antique Dealers’ Fair, 10 Hey! Doodle Doodle, 107, 110 Irish Ferries, 21, 34 High Street, 37 Irish Film Centre, 94 Hiking, 117 Irish Medical Council, 11 Wicklow Mountains National Park, Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), 161 94–95 Historical Walking Tours of Dublin, Irish Music Hall of Fame, 95 112–113 Irish Rail, 34 Hogans, 134 Irish Student Travel Service (USIT), 15 Holidays, 8 Irish Times, 131 Horseback riding, 116 Irish Tourist Board, 2, 115 Horse-drawn-carriage tours, 111 Irish Wheelchair Association, 13 Horse racing, 118–119 The Irish White House (Aras an Horse Show, Kerrygold, 10 Uachtaráin), 85 Hospitals, 45 ISE Card (International Student Exchange Card), 14 13_577883 index.qxd 1/15/05 12:02 AM Page 175 GENERAL INDEX 175 ISIC (International Student Identity Lesbians Organizing Together (LOT), Card), 14–15 17, 44, 139 Isle of Man Steam Packet Liberties area, 37 Company/Sea Cat, 21 restaurants, 67–70 Itravelnet.com, 22 Libraries, 102 IYTC (International Youth Travel Liffey Bridge, 36 Card), 15 Lillie’s Bordello, 135–136 Liquor laws, 45 Literary landmarks, 103–104 J ames Joyce Centre, 103–104 Literary Pub Crawl, 113 James Joyce Museum (Sandycove), The Long Hall, 132 144, 146 LOT (Lesbians Organizing Together), January sales, 8 17, 44, 139 Jenny Vander,
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