F. G. OTTO & SONS 64 ©ha*®mm NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS k IMPORTERS OF SURGICAL & ORTHOPEDIOAL 'INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES, BANDAGES, &c. The Geaplvu Co lath. 39 & 41P*rkPUce^.V BB CAREFUL TO SPECIFY McKESSON & ROBBINS’. Me-MPils 'McKesson & roisins.I Process sad Maehlnsry Patented. We request Physician* to specify McKESSON & ROBBINS' on theirprescription*. ‘•Our Doctors have used some of Your Gel«tlne-Co*te>l Compound Cathartic, Ph<»ph*>rus and Quinine Pills, whi.hl purchased of you when last In New York,and arevery muchpleased, “SounuutY During a session of a Pennsylvania County Medical 8oclety this summer, j n discussion on ready-made PUle was Introduced, and several eminent practitioners asserted their want of faith In the aolublllty of sugar-coated and oom pressed pills, on account of not yielding ready effect after administration, and stated that under personal observationthey had known thesugar-coated pills to pass through thefbowels undissolvcd. Sums of these gentltnnii hcul used our Gelatine-Cooled pill* and during eonsbleraVtc ej-pericnes hod always/bund then to produce the most prompt and positire action. “PifOSPHOHCb Pills".—A prominent physician of Ohio lately showed oue of our repre- wfth him). Tpon cutting one of them open they found the phosphorus asfre-h as the moment porous, The Golallno we usenot being all nihrtnikm ph/ne to oiidtre t, utehly,like the Iodide j “Qcisink Pii.M ".—A well-known ilnd eminent physician of. Ohio related to u» thefollowing case: Ho had been In Iho habit of prescribing the 8. C. Quinine Pills for fastidious patient*, though by experience, he doubted theirreliability. Having seen and tried McKesson Sc Bobbins' Gelatine-Coated Pills, he was pleased with their ready solubility and the careful manner In which they are prepared, and prescribed some of our Quinine Pills for a patient, for whom be had previously prescribed theSugar-Coated; the next day the patient hastened to the Doctor atul, In a very agitated niauner, asserted that some mistake must have been made by the druggist never experienced with the Sugar-Coated Pills. His excited manner created much concern In the Doctor's mind, who Inquired as to what action he had ol*erred. Ho stated that shortly after taking ho had experienced a fearful buzzing sensation In Idscars, and that these symptoms followed each doseof the pill*. The physician laughed heartily and told the patient to continue Quality tcili always be maintained,all Ingredienta and preparations, which we use fa.sture, being carefully tested by 3 competent analytical chemist, employed by us for this The unreliability of many of thg granules of MorphlH, Strychnia, Corrosive other Important poisonous substances, having been the source of much concern to and danger to their patients, tee would state that tee have, In our laboratory, asystem ofchcckURffl and witnessing the weights ef ad poisons used, and registering in a book, kept for that purpose, the names (f witness (always a competent person) and operator. Our machines for division of the substances are so cart/ully and correctly constructed, as to insure an exactness. In even the smallest granules, never before arrived at in thi9 class of preparations, and this precision applies as well to the larger pills. 'NYe can, therefore, atTord assurance to the physician of Your*, respectfully, M cKESSON & ROBBINS. (tcoUI Imitation*. LACTOPEFTIN E. aifc two in all easee to To is m*«: for say and assimila- drachm To Test dissolving Diarrhoea, thosefor remain prepared LACT established in indicated. occasionally. of five the than of is from fir Profession Headache, prepareremedy fluid icily greater thoroughlyChronic the two for to Hydrochloric Digestive OPEPTINE, advantageplastiofood. the times Mtdioal most properly with six ounces as to it Preparation use uponthe . of beenChildren,Dyspepsia, Acid, qf well seven, of hours Power is important has 10 of only of or debility, at water of the as LACTOPEPTINEof combins a the acts handsvalue sdd all has tke nutrition. from cases ounces Pepsin Medical other U ae Pepsin in diseasesPregnancy such one in , therapeutic applications unable, Lactopeptine been In the while tins' iuImperfect are temperature Coagulated row itstea of In Profession, preparations LACTOPEPTINEof market drachm la of t. the has time from important organs 105 and of in Market: pou mankind, is i VomitUr indicated. by which Ring most ‘ScsaSvSS deg., Albumen, Comparison our C«Mtwen., kept digestivePops* preparation Dyspepsia, ar thedigestive j ofused during of remedies Lactopeptine. the * of the use* cijunisr. »r»r«i. j agitating allowing with TU alimentThis years, Constipation, One tion any invariably manufacture, ratio* oases diseases where itit half 1st.—Itwill digestfrom three to fourtimes more coagulated albumen than anypreparation ofPepsin in the market. 24.-It will emiiisioniie and prepare foe aeaimilationthe oily and fattyportionsof food, Pepsinbaring no mo- tion upon this important alimentary article. 3d.—It will chauge theeutrckp portion* of vegetable food into theassimilableformof Glucose. 4Lit.—It contain*the naturalacidssecretedby thestomach ( Lacticand Hydrochloric), withoutwhich Pepsin and Pancreatinewill not change the character of coagu. 5th^--Experiments will readily show that the digeetiro power of the ingredientsofLactopeptine, when two or more arecombined, is much greater thaa when sepa- rated. Thu*. 4 grs.of Pepsinaud 4 gen.of Pancreatine mixed, will dissolve one-third more albumen chan the combined digestive power of each agent separately in same length of time. dth.—lTIBMPCHLESa*XP»?SmiTOPR*8CWBR. Itdissolves nearly four timesas much coagulatedalbumen as Pep- sin, besides digeating all other food taken by the hu- man stomach. An ounce of Lactopeptineis, therefore, fully equal in digestive power to seven ounces oj Pepsin, yet U is furnished atabout the same price. from UCTOPEPTI.VC lad moat »t **rInMaf mfarailaurai bo •kulnetr SUGAR COATBD PILLS, TBOGHFJSASDPOWLEBS CAN BE ffECXTBELV BEST BV MAIL. BsSdfo* PMCK and DISCOUNTS. Jalj 1st ISIS. REED & CARNRICK, Manufacturing Pharmacists, 108 Fulton «tree£ New York. LACTOPEPTINEr Themost important Remedial Agent ever presented to the Medical Professionforall Diseasesarisingfrom Imperfect Nutrition,. LACTOPKPTJNE contains all th« agents of digestion that tci upon iood, from maati cation to lta FORMULA OF LACTOPEPTINE. Sugarof Milk, • - 20 Ounces. Veg. Ptyalin orDiastase, 1 Drachm. Pepsin, ... i Lactic Acid. 2}fl. Drachma. “ Pancreatine, - 3 Hydrochloric Acid, 2$ fl. POWDER AND MIX. Reportof the Chemical Analysis made by Professor H. C. Bartlett, Ph. D., F. C. S. Laboratory, 7, South Square, Gray’s Inn, London, W, C> 22ndFebruary, 18^6. I have examined with great care the sample of LACTOPEPTIHE submitted to me, and in the investigationI havenot merely tested the various digestive principles qf which it is composed, buthave made the most careful estimateof the accuracyof theproportions in which they should exist as aids to digestion. I have not rested satisfied with any mere chemical analysis, but have, submitted the samples of LAOTOPEPTIHE <o the practical- tests qf ascertaining the amount ofdigestion they w illperform upon variouskinds offood, vihich were artificiallymaintainedat a temperature as nearly as possible that qf the body. I havealso endeavouredtocorroborate thesebya great numberqf direct applications in cases qf Dyspepsia. The result qf the entire investigation may be condensedin afew words. I fir'd, thatfifteen to grainsof LAOTOPEPTIHE «<* sufficient quantity digest as much hardened fibrin as wouldbe. likely to form part of any ordinary meal. With 1he more easily digestible Albumen, and the softer fibrousportions of mixedfood, the work doneis equally satisfactory. The emulsifyingpower of LAOTOPEPTIHE prevents any free fat from appearing on the surfaceof the digestedfood, whichpresence of a pellicle ofundigested fat cannot be prevented by taking any qf the ordinary pteparations of Pepsin. The addition of Diastaseis also qf great value, as an indisposition to digeststarchy foodsis one which is mor.e frequently recog- nisable than is. generally believed. Taken in combination, therefore, the. variousprincipals containedin LAOTOPEPTINE hfln safely be relied on to assist impaired digestion, so as to enable a sufficiency offood substance tobe assimilated inall cases when the naturalsecretions ofdigestive, principles have,been, as isso frequently the case, inadequate to accomplish this essentialfunction of life. The efficacy of LAOTOPEPTINE appears to me, to some extent, to depend upon the dilutionof the active principles by a considerableproportion qfsoluble substance. On this account an apparently larger dose may be prescribed,but in this dilutedform itsactionismore evenly carried out throughout the whole of thefood-mass inthe stomach, insteadof concentrat- ing itsaction, or rapidly dissolving thefirstportion, and leaving ike rest altogetherundigested. I therefore lay greater emphasis upon the resultofmy investigations, inasmuch asI have found, that the preparation of LAOTOPEPTINE contains unthin itselfall the principles required to promote a healthy digestion. Iam, dear sir,faithfully yours, H. C. BARTLETT, Fh. D„ F.C.S. PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS OP LACTOPEPTINE. The nnderaig&ed, having tested Rtti' & Cabhbicc a preparation of Pepsin, Pan- creatine, Diastase, Lactic Acidand Hydrochloric Acid, madeaccording to published formulae, and called LACTOPEPTINE, find thatin those diseases of the Btomaeh where theabove remedies aro indicated, it has proven itself a desirable,
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