SAINT ISAAC JOGUES PARISH 8149 Golf Road ~ Niles, IL 60714 847/967-1060 ~ Fax # 847/967-1070 Website: http://sij-parish.com All Saints and All Souls Days November 1 and 2 Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31, 2010 Page Two Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31, 2010 FROM THE PASTOR... observance was finally suppressed by Pope Gregory VII in the eleventh century. HALLOWEEN: “Souler Power” All Souls Day developed in the tenth century through the influence of the great Benedictine Abbey of Cluny, From ghoulies and ghosties and especially through the initiative of St. Odilo. St. and long-legged beasties Odilo established November 2 as a special day to in- tercede for the faithful departed. At the heart of this and things that go bumpe in the night custom is the Catholic belief in Purgatory— May the Dear Lord preserve us! the place or condition in which the souls of — An Old Scottish Prayer the just are purified after death and before they can enter heaven. I was baptized on Halloween...a fact that usually causes people to gasp or giggle. Does that mean Within the “Communion of Saints,” prayers for the ”It’s been trick or treat for the Church ever since?” dead can be an effective means to hasten the purifi- Even I joke about being baptized on Halloween. It is cation of souls in Purgatory. a coincidence. But for every coincidence, there is more than the possibility of providence. Popular customs for Halloween, All Saints and All Souls Days are often fascinating. They may have a Halloween can be traced back to a pagan festival of pagan origin, a Christian interpretation, and then a the dead, Samhain. Samhain was also Celtic New purely secular re-alignment. A good example is the Year. It was a time of conflicting images, of light and custom of “Trick or Treat.” Pagan in its origins, the darkness. Bonfires were lit both to welcome return- custom was wisely and benignly transformed by ing spirits of the dead and as a kind of “sympathetic Christian inculturation. The “Soul Cake” tradition magic.” The Celts believed their fires could persuade is, actually, polite “trick or treating.” In England and the sun not to desert them throughout the long win- Ireland, special round cakes— not unlike modern ter ahead. The dark side of Samhain was very dark doughnuts— were baked for children and poor peo- indeed! It was dangerous for ordinary mortals. ple who went door to door singing psalms or saying Witches and evil powers could wreak havoc, death, prayers for the dead. Each cake, received and and destruction. They demanded propitiation. It was eaten, symbolized a soul released from Purgatory. the earliest and most extreme form of “trick or treat.” Those who participated in “caroling” and praying Food customs also developed for the good spirits were called “soulers.” who were returning home. Samhain was a period when there was to be no fighting or violence. Ac- Years ago, I met a retired scoutmaster at a parish counts were closed, contracts made, debts col- fellowship. It was on Halloween. We were serving lected, and weddings solemnized. It was a very odd cider and doughnuts that we identified as “soul mixture! Christian missionaries sensed Samhain’s cakes.” The scoutmaster introduced himself as Will potential for good or evil. Was it possible to “baptize” Johnston. He was born in England and, as I was de- or “reconcile” this festival of the dead with the Catho- lighted to learn, was himself a “souler.” In the back- lic belief and practice? ground, an old audio tape of Peter, Paul and Mary’s version of the “Soul Cake Carol” made him smile: The celebrations of All Saints and All Souls Days have only cultural connections to Samhain. Both Soul, Soul, a soul cake! feasts are essentially Christian in origin. Beginning I pray you good missus, a soul cake! with official toleration of the Church (313), a com- One for Peter, two for Paul, mon feast to honor the many martyrs who died in the Three for Him what made us all! great persecutions was established in both the East Soul cake, soul cake, please good missus, and the West. In Rome the Pantheon was rededi- a soul cake. cated in the seventh century as “St. Mary and All An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry, Martyrs.” The most common dates for this feast any good thing to make us merry. were May 13 or the first Sunday after Pentecost. One for Peter, two for Paul, and three for Gradually, throughout the eighth and ninth centuries, Him who made us all! November 1 began to supplant May 13. The May 13 Page Three Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31, 2010 Being baptized on Halloween is more than just Recipe for Soul Cakes “good for a laugh.” It always reminds me of how God from A Yearbook of Seasons and Celebrations transforms us so that we can transform the world by Joanna Bogle around us. I met Will Johnston only once—at Hal- 2 oz. butter loween. I will never forget him. He was a “souler”— 2 oz. white sugar the only one I ever met! 4 oz. white self-raising flour - Fr. Luczak 1 cup each of currants and raisins 1 egg 1/2 teaspoonful of mixed spice Milk to mix Cream together the butter and sugar, beat in the egg and fold in the flour, mixed spice, and dried fruit. Spoon into well-greased patty-pans or paper cake- cups and bake for 15 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve warm at tea-time — and don’t forget to pray beforehand. IN MEMORY As we enter this month of All Saints and All Souls we remember and honor the memory of those whose funeral Masses were held here at St. Isaac Jogues Parish since last November. We pray for them and for those who miss them. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.” Tony De Louise Anna Verdeaux-Perez Inocencio Maliwanag Micheline Rothlisberger Catherine Dougherty Genevieve Conway Gracey Joseph Lorraine Zeutschel Albert Rasmussen Martin Dudek Harry Dziedzic Joanne Bezdon-Moy Josephine Minelli Jean Necek Gertrude Silius Carlo Ajon-Jude G. Lambo John Collier Shirley Egan Gladys Lawson Anthony Diomede Mary Lou Kelly Anna Ulanowicz Mary Merritt Frank Muscarello Mary Augustyn Kim Hoerrmann Wilhelmina Virtusio Robert Cecil Bernadette Kang Maria Larek-Santana Mitchell Sawicki Lilia Salonga Herbert Lefaiver Michael Moore Geraldine B. Briggs Ida Dalmaso Frank J. Cuccio Page Four Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31, 2010 Financial Update Last Sunday’s collection exceeded our budget target by $245. This decreased our year to date shortfall to $3,995. We again appeal for your help to close this shortfall. We wish to express our thanks to all parishioners who continue to give of their time, talent and treasure in support of the Parish. Actual Budget Difference Actual Last Yr. Difference Sunday Collection $9,745 $9,500 $245 $9,745 $11,562 ($1,817) Month to Date $41,996 $43,800 ($1,804) $41,996 $43,800 ($1,804) Year to Date $177,805 $181,800 ($3,995) $177,805 $181,194 ($3,389) Deficit Reduction Collection On the first weekend of the month we conduct a special deficit reduction collection which goes to offset the operating deficits of the past two fiscal years. We thank everyone who has contributed to this effort. Collected Goal Difference Last Year $25,211 This Year $18,149 Total $43,360 $99,498 ($56,138) SPIRITUAL LIFE PARISH PARTICIPATION ALTAR SERVERS IN RESPECT LIFE MONTH ● The new weekend schedule has been sent out. If ● Your spare change makes a big difference! Keep you did not receive it, please call the RE Office or collecting your spare change to assist The stop in to pick up another copy. Women’s Center’s pro-life efforts of counseling, ● Christmas availability forms are due from all Altar providing ultrasounds, and material and spiritual Servers by Monday, November 1st. support for pregnant women. Bottles of change ● There will be a meeting for all Altar Servers on and/or your check can be returned to the Holy Monday, November 15th, at 6:00 p.m. Please Family Room next weekend, November 6-7. mark your calendars. Checks can be made payable to St. Isaac Jogues Parish and we will send a total check. God bless MASSES FOR you for your prayers and sacrifice to witness to and promote the Gospel of Life! ALL SAINTS AND ● Parishioners who prayed at the clinic on Elston on October 19th or at other times during the 40 ALL SOULS DAYS Days For Life campaign are encouraged to share any stories or thoughts about their experience. Masses for All Saints Day (not a day of obligation Please send them to Dee Stanton here at the par- this year), November 1st, will be at 8:00 a.m. and ish address or email them to her at si- 7:00 p.m. (bilingual – Polish & English). Wypominki [email protected]. We would like to put some of (The Rosary of Remembrance) will be prayed at them in the bulletin over the next few weeks. Thank 6:30 p.m. Masses for All Souls Day will be at 8:00 you! a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Page Five Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31, 2010 SPIRITUAL LIFE COMMISSION PURGATORIAL SOCIETY The Spiritual Life Commission will meet Tuesday, th All Souls Day envelopes to enroll the names of de- Nov.
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