NWASNEWS The Newsletter for the Wiltshire, Beckington, William Herschel and Swindon Group of Astronomical Societies HAPPY SUMMER... June 2009 I am pleased to announce that while Saturday August 23rd is the Salisbury Philip Proven is not able to be with us star party and talks. Nick, Simon and I Volume 13 Issue 10 on our last meeting, he is back out of will be there. The details and location for hospital but visiting the cardiologist this the star party is here: evening (June 2nd). We all hope these http://www.churchfarmcandcpark.co.uk/ gets him over the problems that have The 7th, 8th and 10th August there are seen him in and out of the hospital IYoA evening viewing events with tele- Inside this issue: through the month. scopes in front of the Royal Crescent in Slightly more cheery note, Simon Bar- nes, our vice chair has cut down on one Bath and at Cumberwell Park on the Notes and News 2 vice at least and got married at the be- Monday. Helpers required. ginning of May. Good luck to you and And there is also the little matter of the Beckington Society 3 your new wife. longest Solar Eclipse of the century going We have a few events falling into this on in China. W Herschel Society/ BRLSI 3 summer, Beckington have their village Oh yes, work is proceeding in Spain, fete on 6th June and will have a stand. ready for a visit in September. Another Swindon Stargazers 4 Seend will be holding their fete on Au- gust 8th and the Wiltshire AS will have busy summer... NASA Space Place: 5 a stand. Clear skies: Andy Burns Solar Energy Capture Web Site: Picture Stitching 6 Creed’s Big Bang Update 7 Space News 7-9 Huge Flare Images and viewing logs 10- dubbed Big Bad 13 Boy, Imaged by Nick Howes on What’s Up in Summer 14 May 31st.. Constellation of the Month: 15- He did not leave our planet to it! 16 Draco The image of the Summer sky events 17 Earth is put in for scale. International Year of Astron- 18 More images in omy Events the Newsletter pages. ISS Times for Summer 19 Society Pages 20 Don’t forget our web site on www.wasnet.org.uk AND www.wasnet.co.uk Volume 13 Issue 10 Dear Society Secretary, Notes, Notices I shall be obliged if you could pass on details of this meet- INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF ASTRONOMY 2009 ing to your members. The following details can also be found on the Section web site at http://www.britastro.org/vss/ STAR PARTIES IN THE BATH AREA Variable Star Section Meeting - Cardiff The Meeting will be held on Saturday 13th June 2009 at Wiltshire AS, Herschel Museum of Astronomy and the Faculty Lecture Theatre, TrevithickBuilding, Cardiff Herschel Society University. The lecture theatre has a capacity of 150 delegates and SUMMER ‘BY JOVE AND CATCH A FALLING has full projection facilities including PC, Laptop and Apple STAR’ Mac. We also have the Junior Common Room available which Friday 7th August: Venue In front of No1 Royal Cres- has loose seating and a capacity of 200 and so plenty of room for exhibitions. cent from 9pm. ‘By Jove’ Tea and coffee will be available during the morning and Saturday 8th August: Venue In front of No1 Royal afternoon. Lunch will be available in the refectory and will offer a Crescent from 9pm. ‘By Jove’ choice of three meals th The cost of the meeting will be £10 per head which will Thursday 13 August: Venue Cumberwell Park Golf include all refreshments including lunch. There will be no Club from 9pm. Catch a Falling Star: Telescopes to be reduction if you do not require lunch. set up on the driving range. Car parking and bar will be I am very grateful to Paul Roche and Alison Tripp of the Faulkes Telescope team for helping with the arrangements open! and for meeting some of the costs. The programme is now complete but poster papers will be Your help is required at these events. We had a very very welcome. exciting last time in front of the Royal Crescent. A list of accommodation in the area can be found here: http://www.britastro.org/vss/Hotel%20Listings%20in% 20Cardiff%20City%20Centre%20_1_.pdf Roger Pickard, Director BAA VSS Frome Festival Event event? Talk by Dr Allan Chapman of Oxford University, PROGRAMME 10.00 am - Tea/ Coffee - Welcome Historian, 10.45 - 11.30 Vanessa Stroud, Faulkes Telescope Project/ Open and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society: University/LCOGT: A Search for Photometric Variability in Friday 10th July Massive Stars Using the MACHO and OGLE Microlensing Surveys 11.30 - 12.00 David Boyd, VSS: Results from the interna- tional CCD photometry campaign on DW UMa Are Science & Religion Necessarily in Confllict? 12.00 - 12.30 Tony Markham, VSS: A non-telescopic 100,000 Venue: St John's Church Frome. BA11 1DA 12.30 - 14.00 Lunch Starts at 19:00 14.00 - 14.30 Stan Waterman, VSS: Some interesting stars £8 in Cygnus 14.30 - 15.15 Fraser Lewis, Faulkes Telescope Project/ And from 22.00 an astronomical observing session Open University/LCOGT: Photometry of quiescent LMXBs in Victoria Park 15.15 - 16.00 Tea Break Frome. 16.15 - 17.15 Dr Danny Steeghs, Warwick University: Map- ping the acrretion flows in compact binaries 17.15 - Short Presentations: Gary Poyner, VSS: V630 Cas; Event No. 1005 Jeremy Shears, BAA: Precursor to a superoutburst; Clive See: www.fromefestival.co.uk Beech, BAA: Review of visual data for 2008 Frome Festival Ltd, 25 Market Place, Frome 18.00 - Close BA11 1AHT 01373 453889 [email protected] Page 2 Beckington Society Volume 13 Issue 10 Just a couple of things. Beckington Village Day is being held on Dear All, the 6th June. Noon - 5.00pm. We plan to have our Astronomy I've been asked to pass onto you details about the new stand there. There are various side shows and events and if the Herschel outreach website - it has a bunch of resources that weather is kind it is a very nice day out for all the family. societies might find useful.. "The websites are at: Having with the help of various people solved the Laptop (running http://herschel.cf.ac.uk SkyMap pro10) to HEQ5 mount control problem I have taken http://planck.cf.ac.uk my first image (unguided) of M64 the black eye galaxy. The and contain images for anyone to use as well as descriptions next step was to get Guidedog working and that has been an- on the instruments and science they will do. We also have a other challenge. few videos (ESA+our own) on there for people to watch. There will also be updates on technical info after launch and will in- clude popular science articles written by mission scientists. Hello, dear Herschellians About 15 of us enjoyed (so they said) the trip by train to Green- wich at the beginning of May. If you have not been since the upgrade a couple of years ago, I thoroughly recommend a visit (it's free!). Then, of course was the launch of the Planck and Herschel Space Telescopes. If you missed the launch, it can be viewed at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8050327.stm This coming month we have a dramatic lecture at the BRLSI. Next Friday, 5th June, Andrew Lound, UK Coordinator of the Planetary Society, will present "Lunatick Astronomers". Many of you will know about the Lunar Society - a group of forward thinkers and movers of the 18th Century, which met on a night when the full moon would light their way home. Andrew writes: "The Lunar Society was one of the most influential groups in the 18th century, no aspect of science and industry was overlooked at their monthly dinner parties. Although the development of the Although the SkyMap pro handbook emphasises one should steam engine and coinage production became the main focus make all connections before running up the various programmes I for Matthew Boulton, he had developed a passion for astron- have found that can cause a problem. The default levels from the omy. Andy Lound tells the story of the Lunar Society’s interests Astronomiser unit (which plugs into the printer port) are such that in astronomy based on new research that has revealed some a 'guide signal' is sent which prevents the main programme track- surprising facts! A dramatic presentation beautifully illustrated ing at sidereal rate. Ironically the Guidedog programme needs to and accompanied by music and presented with 18th century be run up (but not set to guide) to prevent these unwanted sig- flair!" nals causing the mount to drift off target. The other alternative is Our last event was great fun, with some members of the audi- to disconnect the autoguide cable until required. Like so many ence calling for a heckler to be ejected from the meeting when problems the solution is easy once found!! he was indeed part of the show. This one should be no less entertaining, so try your utmost to be there! Regards, John However, that is not all there is of interest to astronomers this coming week. On Wednesday 3rd June, Dr Gary Mathlin (who talked to us about the cosmic origin of the chemical elements last September) will deliver the General University Lecture Pro- gramme "Galileo and the founding of the Modern World". Dr Mathlin is Bath University's representative on the Committee of the William Herschel Society,of which many of you are mem- bers.
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