AVERAGE DAILY dBGfULATIOM for tiie Hontb of Mareli* IMS 5,268 Partlj oloi^ tMdght aiid Tu n -Member of the Audit Bureau day; Uttlo'Chauga In temparature. 'o f Ovculattons. TEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL LH., NO. 163. (daaslfled Advertlsiiig on Page 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1983. m s FAITH VIOLATED; E S. BISHOP’S HOME BOBBED Akron Victinr Borne To Grave Among Nation’s Heroes M O F F E T r s m PRESIDENT PLACES Salt Lake Qty, April 10 — Bishop H. Becastead’s faith in his fellow men has been violated. RECOVERED OFF SING ORATORIO For the past 30 years the clergy­ man has shown bis faith in BIG POWER PLANS human nature by never locking F O R O T H fT S bis doors when away from nis JERSEY COAST residence. Recently, while the bishop was at church, someone BEFORE CONGRESS took advantage of the open door, Voices of 110 in Glee Clubs broke open 1^ desk and stole Rear Admiral and Chief of 8200. A Give Advance Rendition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------— -------------- Navy’s Air Bureau Was on Loses Fiffht For - Asks That Authority Be of "Creation” — Public TWO AUTO DEATHS Akron When It Crashed Scottsboro Negro Gi?en to Create Big Pow­ Presentation Tomorrow. OVER THE WEEK-END During Storm. er Plant — 'I f ^ cce ssfn ! U. S. S. Portland at Sea Off the Tbe High School auditorium was Here” He Writes "We Can Jersey Coast, April 10.—(AP)—The filled to capacity this afternoon body of Rear Admiral William A. when the boys’ and girls’ glee clubs One Drowning and One Sni- March on Step by Step, in Moffett, chief of tbe Navy Bureau presented tbe initial rendition of of Aeronautics, who sailed on the ill- Haydn’s “ Creation” for the benefit With full naval honors, the body of Ldeut-Commander Harold E. MacLellan, of Westerly, R..L, one of the a Like Development of cide Reported in S t a le - fated last voyage of tbe airship Akron’s dead, was buried among the nation’s heroes in Arlington National Cemetery at Washington. ’The of high school and grammar school Akrbn, was recovered from tbe sea photo shows tbe caisson bearing the fiag-draped casket past the amphitheater and tomb of tbe Unknown students. A scattering of adults Many Cars on Highways. today. Other Great National Pro­ Soldier at Arlington. The adnfiral’s body was recovered at 9:07 a. m., about three miles off Beach Haven, N. J., and about ten je cts ” By ASSOCIATED PRESS miles from the place where tbe Two automobile fatalities and D O aO R DESCRIBES Akron crashed last Tuesday with a one drowning were reported in JAP FORCES REPULSED loss of 73 men. Washington, April 10— (APV -*-» Connecticut during the week end as The discovery was made while 80 President Roosevelt put bis Ten­ ideal spring weather lured an In­ Coast Guard and Navy boats and 19 nessee valley program before Con­ ODD CULT’S RITES planes from three naval districts creasing number of motorists to gress todr- in a message uklng re­ AT CHINA’S GREAT WALL were engaged In tbe search. The tbe highways and found the Con­ area covered by the planes extends habilitation of the Muscle Shoals, necticut river more than three as far south as Cape May and 100 Alabama, power and nitrate p lv t feet; above flood stage. (!alled "H ie Tongne People” miles to sea. He uked creation of a Tennessee In addition to these deaths, one Bnt Tokyo Reports Its Man- U R O ir S OFFICERS On orders Issued from tbe Port­ valley authority lo supervise the person committed suicide while a land, four Navy tugs which bad been development of power, flood control, Danbury farmer died from injuries and Have Congregations using grappling hooks began today forest conservation v d Improve­ suffered e week ago. chorian Army is Again using wire sweeps because of danger ment of agriculture. KNEW OF DANGERS "It Is time," the President Russell H. Nortbam, 81, son of of But Ten Persons. of Interfering with commercial tbe late Russell C. Northam, Hart­ Advancing — Plan Offen­ cables from New York to Haiti wrote, "to extend planning to a ford broker and sportsman who which lie along tbe bottom In this wider field, In this instance com­ committed suicide a year ago, wae area. prehending In one great project killed when bis car overturned in Kil- Inesky, Kentucky, April 10. — m vy states directly concerned wtih sives All Along the Line. Were Informed Before Start the buln of one of our greatest llngwortb on tbe Durbam-Middle- (AP)—“The Tongue People" from WIFE RECEIVES NEWS rivers. towD road. Miss Katherine Murphy hose ranks John H. Mills formed Washington, April 10.—(AP) — of Hartford, hie companion, suf­ of FBglit H ut the Weather “If we are successful bare we (By Associated Frees) own small cult shortly before As courageously as she met tbe first Worn by bis vigorous but fruitless c v march on, step by step, in a fered minor injuries. news of tbe crash of tbe Akron, Mrs. fight to save Heywood Patterson In Bridgeport Julius Frank, 49, Close upon foreign reports from the slaying of hie 67-year-old moth­ like develop ment of other great Wonld Be Unfavorahle. William A. Moffett today faced a from tbe electric chair in tbe famous natural territorial units within our of New York was killed in a collision Tlsntsln, China, that a Manohuku- er, Mre. Lucinda Mllle, last Febru­ Navy message telling of tbe recov­ Scottsboro attack trial, Samuel between bis car and one driven by borders." Mrs. Elsie Gustafson an army advancing Into North ary in an alleged human eacrlflce ery of tbe body of ber husband. Leibowlts, chief defense attorney, le Text of Mesiage Percy Moosup of Bridgeport. > few minutes after tbe message Boy Drowned China propsr had been thrown are found today In nearly a dosen shown u he rested after bis final The text follows: Lakeburet, N. J., April 10.— (AP) arrived, a member of the household were also present at the opening Aobert Lavlgne, 10, of East Hart­ back from Cbinwangtao came Jap­ counties on each elds of tbe Ken­ four-hour plea to tbe Jury. "To tbe Congress: —Rear Admiral William A. Moffett salf Mre. Moffett bad taken with performance and every available ford, lost hie life in the iwollen anese olalme that It wae advancing tucky-West Virginia border. No "Tbe continued IdlensM o f a fortitude the message which defin­ seat was taken. Pewter Pot brook when be either again on t'bat city today. and Commander Frank C. McCord offering of any kind of eacriflee wae reat national Investment in tbe itely told of the fate of her husband. 110 Voices fell or Jumped from a log bo wae A genaral drive to end Chinees both were Informed a few hours be­ ever Known among the regular ?ennesiee valley leads me to male Tbs flee clubs with a combined When tbe Akron bad fallen, true Congreie for leglilatioo nscesaary riding on. Ho drowned while the counter-offensivM on Japanese po- fore tbe Akron took off on ber last members of tbe sect. NEGRO RRCOimCTED streoftn of 110 voices, ynder tbs Dr. J. R. Ralrcblld, a Common­ to the traditions of Navy wives, to enlist thia project in tbe Mrvlea Conneotiout river was dragged for iltloni along tba Orest Wall of flight that weather oondltlone were dlfecciOD of O. Albert Pearson, gave the body of Edward C. Ledwith, 34, China wae announced at tbe Japa­ wealth witness in the trial of Mills Mrs. Moffett kept her own morale of the people. "It li olear that tba Muiole Iboala A truly remarkable rendition of tbs who lost hie lift last week when the nese military headquarters In Man­ likely to be unfavorable for the ob­ and six relatives on murder and con- highHfl and gave a meaeage of so difficult oratorio. They sang with owragement to other wives who IN SCOTTSBORO CASE development li but a small part of Conneotiout river began its rise as a churia. ject of tbehe flight,fill Ueut-Qommandar •plraoy cbargM,__ __ which waa rt louragement to other . 1 " flnisb and perfection and tbe freib* Herbert our potential gublia ueefulnaas of result of days of run and spring 11^84* attacked from V. Wiley, eoM 'Ju rM vt^ ■ m here■ t<5tay,,eiad” the tetoW Mlweriwaltiof to bear from their hue- MM of tbelr voicM, coupled with an* thaws, . A _i ? ' . offioeri-Metlfled•stifled at the Nneynaqulfy jp r iy e r ,^ “the uaknotpn ba»Si. - • ^ . ; the entire'Tenaeaefi riYer. RnMWRr for tbelr work bad a won> an iiisq )^ pi|Me«.aI^ thS'lOO- titude She, “ Buob uia. If anvlaioaad in tta Tnvo hunters f(Wd the body of mlle.etrqtiBb of;tb f, joim formlag .Into the oroah opened todays tongue" is the Mffheet religious ex- ^ e attitude il\e. took wa4 tha| derful effect on tbe audience of hope eboufa not be fW eo up until entirety, tranacenda mart powar da- Henry A^AIenander, 48, gardener of the eoutbem border qf Jebol. There wae no indication, however, pseeion wae brought into the Ken- Jury Deliberates for 21 icbool pupile, so much so that many Baeton, at tbe foot of a thirty foot every poiiibility of rescue w m ex- valopmant: . Deipite.a Japaneer War Office Wiley said, that weather condittone fuekyWeet Virginia bill oountry will probably aspire to elng in future ollff in Ridgefield, Hie death was haueted.
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