View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Trepo - Institutional Repository of Tampere University Eco-Consciousness and Environmental Ethics in Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl Pia Vanhala University of Tampere School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies English Philology Master’s Thesis March 2015 Tampereen yliopisto Kieli-, käännös- ja kirjallisuustieteiden yksikkö Englantilainen filologia VANHALA, PIA: Eco-Consciousness and Environmental Ethics in Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl Pro gradu -tutkielma, 83 sivua + lähdeluettelo 4 sivua Maaliskuu 2015 _______________________________________________________________________________ Tutkielmani tarkastelee ekokriittisesti Eoin Colferin Artemis Fowl -kirjasarjan ensimmäistä osaa. Ekokritiikki tutkii lukijan, teoksen ja maailman yhteyttä ympäristöfilosofian ja ekologian kautta. Perinteisesti sekä kirjallisuus että kirjallisuustiede ovat keskittyneet sosiaalisen kanssakäymisen tasoihin, jolloin luonto on jäänyt täysin näkymättömiin tai korkeintaan näyttäytynyt taustalla tunnelmanluojana. Erityishuomioni kiinnittyy Artemis Fowlin (2001) luontokuvaukseen, ympäristökäsityksiin ja etiikkaan sekä siihen, miten ne mahdollisesti vaikuttavat lukijaan ja yhteiskuntaan. Tutkimusteorian perustaksi valitsin ympäristöfilosofian ja ekokritiikin kärkinimien Lawrence Buellin ja Arne Naessin tärkeimmät julkaisut. Analysoin niiden perusteella ensinnäkin kuinka perusteellisesti luonto ja sen eettinen arvo esitetään romaanissa. Toiseksi tarkastelen, minkälaisia maailmankuvia ja ympäristöpolitiikkaa romaanissa esiintyy ja suhtautuvatko ne myönteisesti esimerkiksi luonnon monimuotoisuuden säilymiseen. Ekokritiikki alkoi dokumentaarisen kirjallisuuden tarkastelusta, mutta myös populaarikulttuuri ja kaunokirjallisuus ovat tärkeitä tiedon ja asenteiden välittäjiä joita kannattaa tutkia kriittisesti. Ympäristökriisi pahenee jatkuvasti, ja kaikki mahdolliset keinot on otettava käyttöön jotta voidaan taata kelvollinen elinympäristö mahdollisimman monille sekä välttyä konflikteilta. Ympäristöliike tarvitsee laajaa asenteiden muutosta voimistuakseen entisestään, ja tämä tutkielma valottaa Artemis Fowlin arvoa ympäristöasenteiden muokkaajana. Niin yleinen kuin henkilökohtainenkin ympäristöfilosofinen pohdinta on hyödyllistä ja rikastuttavaa. Avainsanat: ekokritiikki, Eoin Colfer, etiikka, ympäristöpolitiikka, luontokuvaus Table of contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Ecocriticism in general..................................................................................................................... 7 3. Lawrence Buell’s criteria for environmental writing ..................................................................... 14 3.1. History within the environment .............................................................................................. 16 3.2. Environment as a process ........................................................................................................ 19 3.3. Value and rights of the nonhuman world ................................................................................ 20 3.4. Human accountability for the environment ............................................................................ 22 4. Deep ecology.................................................................................................................................. 23 4.1. Eight principles ....................................................................................................................... 28 4.2. Economy, politics and techno-industrial society .................................................................... 32 4.3. Ontology and Self-realisation ................................................................................................. 48 4.4. Responsibility to induce change ............................................................................................. 64 5. Shallow ecology: problems and benefits ....................................................................................... 77 6. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 82 Works Cited ....................................................................................................................................... 84 3 1. Introduction This thesis examines Irish author Eoin Colfer’s novel for children and young adults, Artemis Fowl (2001, AF from now on), from an ecocritical standpoint by combining environmental theories and literary analysis. As a bestseller, the novel has been read by a considerable amount of people and therefore it is a point of interest how different themes are presented to its readers. This thesis takes an environmental viewpoint which strongly indicates an ethical perspective in order to evaluate the level and possible effects of the “greenness” of the novel. Environmentalists and ecocritics frequently illustrate how the Earth is facing an environmental crisis (Johnson 2009, 8). Others see the crisis as a matter of decades or even a century of environmental decline (Murphy 2009, viii). This crisis seems to have intensified since 2007 and many environmental elements near a point of depletion “beyond which they may not recover” (Mazur 2010, 1). Natural sciences constantly present proof of unprecedented changes in nature which are caused by or aggravated by human actions. Whether it is a worry for the survival and well-being of humans or a more comprehensive concern for the ecosphere, there is a wide consensus that the ongoing irreversible loss of diversity is a weighty problem for life on Earth. The environmental movement makes normative claims about the state of affairs (Garrard 2012, 6), founded on the belief that it is morally wrong for people to cause irreversible changes in nature and the large-scale destruction of habitats and species must be brought to an end. Thus ecocritical analysis is doused in politics as well, similar to feminist and Marxist criticism (Garrard 2012, 3). Ecological philosophies, or ecophilosophies, study culture to criticise “the root causes of environmental degradation” and to formulate alternative views and ways of understanding the world and existence. Ecophilosophies create an ethical and conceptual foundation for “right relations with the earth”. (Glotfelty 1996, xxi) Even though environmentalism can still be regarded as a young social, political and philosophical movement, a number of contradictory ecophilosophies have already emerged to offer various political possibilities (Garrard 2012, 18). 4 Ecocriticism can also be found in universities, research papers, magazines and books on literary theory, and the field of ecocritical research keeps expanding: “there really is no place where ecocritics cannot or should not tread” (Ingram et al. 2007, 8). Johnson (2009, 7) agrees with Peter Barry that ecocriticism has no single generic mode and that ecocritics need to read literature “from an ecocentric point of view; apply ecological issues to the representation of the natural world” and “show appreciation for ethical positions toward nonhuman nature”. These are also among the purposes of this thesis. Artemis Fowl, the first in a series of eight novels, combines action with fantasy and science fiction in a way that impedes attempts to classify the genre exhaustively. The age twelve of the eponymous main character points to children’s or young adults’ literature as does the sometimes adolescent humour of the narration, although I do not see it targeted exclusively to children. Celia Keenan notes that the novel combines genres for humorous and playful effect, including detective story and thriller elements that originally have nothing to do with children’s literature. When the novel was first published, it provoked “hostile critical reception” and protests that such “cynical” stories should not be published for children. (2004, 257–8) However, as a multilayered bestseller it has appealed to a wide array of readers. The main character, Artemis Fowl II, is a boy genius who descends from an old line of Irish criminal masterminds. With his father missing or dead and mother having developed a serious mental illness as a result, he takes on a mission of restoring the family fortune by finding and exploiting a race of technologically advanced magical fairies that live underground in secret from humans. Some of the fairies live close to the surface and others have settled near the Earth’s core. Artemis lives with his bodyguard Butler and Butler’s sister Juliet, both trained in martial arts and maintaining the house. There is also Artemis’s mother who has confined herself in her room, never coming out. The race of fairies is divided to a motley group of sub-races. Two of the major characters, Holly Short and Commander Root are elves, about one meter tall but tough and intelligent. Police officer Captain Holly Short is the first female in the respected Reconnaissance squad “LEPrecon, an 5 elite branch of the Lower Elements Police” (AF 33). The reconnaissance or Recon responds to any threats to the fairy nation and is mainly in charge of security and defence in the subterranean fairy nation. Their technological genius Foaly is a paranoid centaur whose innovations have kept the fairies a step ahead of the humans. Through the eyes of these main characters, other sub-races
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