A rc h iv e * i - 0 ■ e l m u stan q CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE t o l . xxvn;m jw SAN LUIS ODISPO. CALIFORNIA FRIDAY. APRIL 30, 11)05 Poly ItoyivI Quern Dianr Ohrrhol-cr rxtrndx a xincrir Koyal today and tomorrow. Kncircled by picturex of lh« M l aa many exhibits aa possible and enjoy thl* yrar'l welcome to all vixitiirs attending Cal Poly’a 33rd Pol) well.known carnival, Queer, Diane hopea that all visitors "Country Pair on a College' Campue.” Welcome to 33rd Poly Royal THURSDAY, APRIL 29 Poly Koyal Water Shove 11:00 a.m. Psychology Demonstiallon 8:00 p.m. Poly Royal Queen Reception (Natatorium) (Bus. Adm. Bldg. No. 212) 1:30 p.m. Branding Demonstration j (staff dining room) Uarbeque (dining hall lyvd FRIDAY, APRIL 30 (A g. Bldg. Lawn) Poly Grove) 2:00 p.m. Drill exibition (Lot E-2) Noon Baseball Game Cnl Poly 7:30 a.m. 1 Inter-collegiate Horse Show 3:80 p.m. Auction (Home Ec. No. 136) Frosh vs. Santa Barbara (2) (Collet Arena) Presentation of Math 'Awards Concert by the Cal Poly Band 8:00 a.m. Exhibit of Indian Artifacts ( A.C. Aud.) 12:80 p.m. Poly Twirlers (Poly Grove) (Library Foyer) 5:00 p.m. EXHIBITS CLOSE FOR 1 :00 p.m. Ice Cream Making 0:00 a.m. Children in Care Lab THE DAY (Home Kc. No. 125) ~ 6:00 p.m. Carnival (behind Men’s Gym) (Creamery) v 1:80 p.m. Inter-«ollegiat< Itodeo Auto Show (Pepiter Lane) Bingo (East wing-Cafeteria) Rifle Shoot (Airport Range) 6:30 p.m. Sigma Delta Chi Press'Ban­ (Collet Arena), 0:30 a.m. Poly Royal Opening Cent- quet (Golden Tee) 2:00 p.m. Art Workshop for Children monies (Lib. Lawn) 7:30 p.m. Ag. Eng. Banquet (Elks Club) (Bus. Adm. Bldg. West I-awn) 10:00a.m. Ladies Nail Driving Contest 8:00 p.m. Carnival Dance (Men’s Gym) ,5:00 p.m. ALL EXIBIT4 CLOSE 8:30 p.m. Play "Our Town" (A E Sliojut) 6:00 p.m. Printing Eng. and Mgmt. Ban­ (Little Theat'e) , 10:30 a.m. Hootenanny (Lib. Lawn) quet (Cigar Factory) 11:00 a.m. A L L EXH IBITS OPEN TO SATURDAY, MAY 1 6:15 p.m. S o li Club Banquet THE PUBLIC 8:00 a.m. Pancake Breakfast fContinental Wayside Inn) Home Nursing Demonstration (E.E. Patio) 7:90 p.m. Business Adm. Banquet (Home Ec. No. 123) 9:00 a.m. ALL EXHIBITS OPEN TO (S.L.O. Country Club) 11:30 a.m. Textiles Demonstration THE PUBLIC Architecture Banquet (Home Ec. No. 133) Beef, Swine, Sheep, and Horse (Madonna inn) 11:45 a.m, Horse Shoeing Demonstration Showmanship (Practice ath­ 9:00 p.m. Coronation Bull (Men’s Gym) letic’Held) (A g. Bldg. ijfW Ttr Western Dunce noon Electronic Range Demonstra­ Dairy Exhibit (Creamery) Cycle of Life (Bio. Sci. Dept.) (Crandall Gym) tion (Home Ec. No. 421) 10:00 p.m. Coronation Ceremony 9:30 a.m. Beard Growing Contest Flower nnd Carden Show (Mon’s Ovm) (Collet Arena) (Hort. dept.) 1:00a.m. OFFICIAL CI4>SK, TO THE 1:00 p.m. Inter-eollegiate Rodeo 10:00 a m. Motorcycle Field Meet 33UD POLY ROYAL (Collet Arena) (Tractor Prat'ice Field) V » • • * • *. S* » M f t * Si • ss • *e A • FI, MUSTANG •S Page 2 — Friday, April SO, 1M." •» > % •s *» ’ IS * » * 1 *• • . ‘ »e > . • *. t ’ f * , few, r * r » * v "» ■ 1* ** ; 1 ‘ s >»*• !••• t* * 4 ■ i *. r .#r r • * 1’ ** r ‘ * SA C voted down ______ _ \ _ .1 L* ~"*r “ •* f ** *. L’ ** r • . * P ♦ *(t notification [*•» t , P’S % *». BY ROBERT BOYD violated Rule 12 of the olnwa) L * • t I * ! * t With u 248-votc margin over ASI Election Campaign Rul**, 1 » ’» \ Vs his nearest rival, George Soares Lennie charged, in his 1 Vr wax elected the 1005-6(1 ASI Pre­ tution before the election ci sident. Also elected to student body office were George Gomes, tee, that the circulated statement vire president, and James Prlcco, misrepresented the votes of him secretary. self (Lennie) and Mattes. Th, Soares, running on a platform statement read, “ This (the Fug stressing the need to solve the Raising Code) wus passed wit) many problems of student fi­ nance, is a 20-yeur-old Agricul­ myself not vetting in favor of th* ture Business Management stu­ decree, ax which the other t*i dent from Cocran, Calif. candidate* (protecting persons, Gomes, who called for a stream­ interest clubs) voted in fsvor ol lining of the operation of the Stu­ the decree.” dent Affair? Council, is an ABM Acrordihg'to l.ennie, the inipU.| student from (Justine, Calif. ration given by the words "my«h Receiving the highest number not voting” wux that Mattes hit « f votes cast for any candidate, voted against the rode, whet hi Pvlcco In his campaign empha- actually abstained. As to his tm | VICTORY SMILES . The atudeot body fic** of vie** president; amund Jim Pricco (right) to sized., ‘‘There is more to this job ing In fuvor of the rode, lead hy thane three gentlenieo next year. Student* M*erv m ■« secretary. Klee tin results wort* •nnoun- than taking minutes.” He is a 20- staled flatly, “ It Is a lie. The voted George Bear** (middle) into the office of ced Wednesday evening at i reception in the staff year-old student from Berkeley, ord of that MAC meeting ASI prenident; George Gomea (le ft) to the of- Cdining------ hall for the new of «•». The total vote In the April 27 that I voted agsinat the and 2K election was a low 1.H8H mrnt to the code. I also voted a votes cast. The vole breakdown gainst the entire code.” Classes vote too; was: President. Soares. H02; Lett- This latter point was not poek nie, 554; Mattes, 47H. Vice presi­ tively proven since a roll-call voh dent, Gotnes, 702; Mitehell, 858; on the entire code was not taint results announced Douglas, 427. Secretary, Prlcco, - Soar.* was nut involved in tin 061; Wood. Mill. This doex not in­ protest, except as a member «f J clude other minor write-in candi­ MAC, since he had voted for tb While the ASI officer* were dates, the blank or void ballots. code. being elected, the new officer* for Asked why the voter turnout was so poor this year, Dan Law- Countering the charge, Mai the three classes wer* elin elec­ son. dean of activities, expressed stated that it was hif im ted. The new president of the the belief that “ lack of communi­ supported by several other cluei of lttrtfl is Ken Slocum. Tim, cation between students was pro­ at the MAC meeting in queitieal that Lennie hud ipdeed voted f« Leathern wan elected vice presi- bably the prime reason for the the entire code. Belfeving this U dent, John Smith, SAG represen­ low vote.” While expressing dis­ Im* th-* case, he artd other students tative, Barbara Sheerin, treaxur- satisfaction at the small vote, in hie campaign felt that the er, anti Cathy Fogg, aecretary. ( It Lawson pointed out that this vote maximum campaign benefit could is int renting to note that Mian is similar to what occurs at other tie derived from paseing a state Fogg won with only live vote* rollegex and that probably the inent through the dormi being eget for her. Two other Poly percentage vote is higher student* got four vote*. There then elswhere. The Election Committee met Ii wae a total of 16 write-in* for The ASI campaign was high­ executive session to decide the aecretary. lighted by a poorly attended Col­ case. According to a member d Ths claait o f l ‘.t(l7 elected lege Union-sponsored meeting at the committee, the vote favoriii Robert Forenca, preaidenl; Ei­ which #U candidates gave their not to disqualify Matte* was leen Phillip*, vice president; John views on various subjects, by close one. Macey, SAC repreeentative; Mar­ general personal attacks by can­ The entire' SAC, meeting t ilyn Kiddar, treasurer; Nancy didates on their opponents, by the us a representative-legislath Stinger, secretary. sudden disappearance of between body but rather in a judicial In the race* for officer# of the two and three thousand copies of parity, heard and considered th the April 23 edition o f SI Mus­ rtax# of 1PHH nil candidate* on the two recommendation# of' it tang containing editorial endorse­ bullot were unopposed and uII de­ Election Committee. Muc Dy« ments, and hy the filing of an feated what write-in candidate* recommended that because of election protest by Mike Lonnie there w.re. Ron Hussnn wax umbigiqua nature of the wort against Robert Mattes. elected president; Steve Arnold, “ in poor taste" in Rule 12, The Election Committee met vice president; Ron Nelsoti, SAC tea not be disqualified. Also, thl Wednesday night, prior to the And Today's reproxentativ.*; Rill Sietkin, trea- the AMI vice president b# direct* announcing of the victorious can­ to conduct a review of the exist xurer; und 'Katie James, *ecre- didates, to deride on the protest. taiy. EXACT The protest alleged that Mattes, ing election rules. These class officers will attend in a statement sent through the Both reccommmendations a retreat in Salinas, May 7-it, residence hall* relating to the accepted by SAC, with ■ 14-4* where class prohlmi* and officer three candidates’ voting an the secret bullot vote and a unanl responsibilities will be topics. controversial Fund Raising Code, mom “ yea” vote res] An abacus; or adding machina can halp-but a Thrift!* Check* Personal Checking Account does more to keep Fam ily budgets balanced, bills paid and personal finances in Budget Packs control.
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