_________________--..:T:...H~E~J:~E::....'.W~I!-'S~H PO S T Page Five Thursday, July 6, ~944 Thursday, July 6, 1944 , --~----------------------------------~~~--- Page Four THE JEWISH POST dress with the hope that the innate I Silver, of Hudson Bay Junction, ...~~~----------------------------------- '.t_."_~_,,-_.-,,,-".-""-""-"'-.IIIl-"'-a.-a, Dower Expresses Confidence In Ultimate justice of this cause, aided by the Icontributed $50 which was credited M. J. FinkeLstein, K.O. t'D...... o ........ ft. -- -- ----- -- .. - C. E. Finkelstein .ft ..•• m.·•• -.'·.- ..... ••.. ········ft ..... Under the auspices tremendous mfluence of the Pro- to this community. D. A: McOormick COME AND PAY TRIBUTE TO THESE TWO GREAT ZIONIST LEADERS Justice For Jewish Cause In Addressing Palestinian Christian Council, would . of the . .ftft-·-·~ft.-. Closing Meeting Of Edmonton Hadassah soon result 1n the abrogatlOn of the· AIR COOLED A. M. Shinbane Zionist Organization White Paper and the resumption Fmkelstein &Company of free immigration into Palestine in OLLEGE of Canada Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Etc. K.C. John. D. Dower, western vice-, faith and confidence in British ideals, C THEATRE sufficient time to aid the remnant.s HERZl -FREIMAN ME DRIAl Midwestern Region MAIN at TELEPHONE president of the Zionist Organization justice and fair play, the Jewish of war-torn European Jewry. * 218 PORTAGE AVE. WINNIPEG Principal CHURCH 53696 TUESDAY - 8.30 p.m. - TALMUD TORAH AUDITORIUM of Canada, was the guest speaker people have gone ahead with' a Speaker Mrs. Henry Bloomfield was re­ _. _ ...o __ cue.vo & u ow_. U 45;' U _ U _ • ..."...... __ U wo u W & •• _. at ·the annual meeting of Edmonton tremendous project in the re-estab­ elected president for the coming =----'F~R"I.":,c:'s"A~·r".,~M~O:oN~.,~JU~L~Y_7~,_'8"-,-'1'.!!O_ ~ ".IIII""."''iII.'''.III''.-''.''''''''1-'''''''•• '' .............. .. Office Residence _e. •••• term. Other officers elected were: Dorothy McGuire Robert Young Hadassah at a luncheon in the Mac- lishment of Palestine as a National CANADIAN HADASSAH Lena Tunis, financial secretary; Mrs., Phone 29 20<1 Phone 56 026 Machray avenue, for two weeks. CHICAGO KOSHER donald hotel last Wednesday. Ap- Home. Now that the time has come First vice-president, Mrs. I. C. "CLAUDIA" RECEfVES DEEPLY H. alyan, educational chairman. __ for laughs - (general) While in Toronto she studied under 100 LAUREL AN:&o SARDY Max Yale Diamond proximately women were in in which they feel the need of using Lyons; second vice-president, Mrs. B.A., LL.B. Kathleen Parlow. Miss Bell is also MOVING DOCUMENT "JITTERBUGS" Talmud Torah To Open attendance and heard reports show- that home as a haven and refuge for L. Phillipson; recording· secretary, BARRISTER and SOLICITOR SOOIDfL on the faculty of the Toronto Con­ J. NOTARY PUBLIC & Letter forwarded by London office Branch In River Heights "BLUE LABEL" ing the most successful year in the the martyred people of their own Mrs. Wener; corresponding sec- 'l'UES., WED., THURS., JULY" 11. 12/13 418 AVENUE BLDG.· servatory of Music and is a member is from a WIZO group formed in an history of Edmonton Hadassah. race, are they to be deprived of the retary, Mrs. C. Ludan; treasurer, WINNIPEG MANITOBA Barbara Stanwyck Charles Boyer PBRSONAL of the Toronto Philharmonic orches­ internment camp at lferramonti in At a special meeting held at the Mr. Dower spoke with pride and precious privilege of offering sanctu­ Mrs. E. Wershof; financial secretary, (plus a big cast) tra. liberated Italy, hy leading WIZO office of J. Wolinsky, a group of "FLESH AND FANTASY" """ .................... .... members. The letter is"as follows: SALAMI deep feeling of the sympathy and of ary? Mrs. M. Gofsky. ..... men, including leaders of the Talmud Members of the executive board: - added - (adult) Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Devins cele­ IS BETTER THAN EVER the wholehearted co-operation which uThe. church has a tremendous Stuart Irwin Evelyn Venable Mr. and Mrs. B. Chisvin and son, Torah and south end district reached H. A. SAFlAN, Ll.B. brated the Bar Mitzvah of their Dear and revered WIZO Sisters: BUY IT TODAY is being given by the Christian influence and backed by a whole­ Mesdames John Dower, C. Margolus, "HE HIRED THE BOSS" Jerry, of Niagara Falls, Ont., are a decision to open a Talmud Torah world to the cause o£ establishing a hearted membership should go .lar M. Podolsky, M. Rabiner, R. Samuels, Barrister, Solicitor & Notary youngest son, Allan, at the Jewish It is to the rare chance that our It's "PYREX" Gift Nite at the visiting their parents and family, branch in River Heights. National Jewish Homelaod in Pales- in following the lead offered by the L. Nozick, J. Brody and A. Miller. Offices: Children's home on Saturday, June dear and distinguished Moshe Sher­ College every Thursday. Valu­ 515-516 Bank of Nova Scotia DId&,. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chisvin, of 686 A committee composed of B. Weid­ SAY IT WITH FLOWERS tine. Canadian Christian Council on Pal- 24. The Bar Mitzvah read the por­ tok (Mr. Shertok, of Palestine, is from the Mrs: Bloomfield, in her address able Pyrex Gifts, two Table 602 W. Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C. CASH Manitoba avenue. tion of the Torah and maftir in a man, J. Wolinsky, F. Buchwald, M. Mr. Dower quoted from the United estine towards righting not only to the organization, recalled to the I .. amps and an added Miss Beatrice Rich, of Toronto, is chairman of the political department COLONIAL PRIZE. most creditable manner. After the of the Jewish Agency for Palestine) Genser, Rabbi Solomon Frank and Church Observer, the official organ historic but present-day injustice women that the money raised was visiting in the city, the guest of Mr. 1. FLOWER SHOP service a dinner was held for rela­ is with us as our visitor, that lowe B. Cohen, was appointed to make of the United Church of Canada, against the Jewish minorities." "Sent to Palestine where it was 00- -- _. - U • _. • • • B. J. McDaniel, K.C. and Mrs. M. Bell, 347 Machray arrangements for the opening of (Formeily Warren's Flower Shop) S. J. Safian, B.A., LL.B. tives and guests numbering 7_5. Mr. the possibility of writing to you, Specializing in . "It seems strange that a nation that Mr. Dower expressed his gratitude mediately put to good use in war , avenue. Jack Steinberg was master of cere­ such a branch in time for the new FLOWERS for EVERY OCCASION ,is fighting a battle against broken for the favorable publicity given by work of every description and for Congratulations are being received my beloved friends. So many years Prompt and Courteous Service monies. Mr. S. Frankel was Allan's of suffering separate us. I was with school year in September. - Phones:- pledges should itself backslide in leading Canadian and American blood plasma clinic. McDANIEL & SAFIAN by Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Drach on the Bnr.tisters & Solicitors teacher. you at our conference in Geneva in Bus. 53 626 - Res. 502 507 the same direction. With the utmost publications and concluded his ad- About one-hal! of the agricultural See Us For: birth of a son, Charles Tadman, on Louis Prober Dies At 54 794 MAIN ST. WINNIPEG school for girls at Nahahlel has been 816 Broder Bldg. Regina. Sask. Mrs. M. Lifshen (nee Doris Gorin­ 1939; this was the last time. Friday, June 30, at Grace hospital. turned over to the Allied authorities 1. Insurance: Mrs. R. Klempner, College avenue, stein) of New York, accompanied by A year ago I was able to organize Louis Prober, 54, died Saturday AARON A. HERSHFIELD All lines, including life. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT for use as a hospital for the duration. is leaving to spend the summer in her two sons, Sheldon and Leonard, in the camp of Ferramonti - then morning in the General hospital. D~vid Shere & Company Accredited Public Accountants Vancouver with her son-in-law and arrived in the city to be the guest of still under Italian rule - almost The funeral was held Sunday at 5 • Audits • Income Tax • Bookkeeping Service 2. Mortgage Loans: Res. Phone 52 605 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gorin­ 200 women coming from Nazi occu­ p.m. from the family residence, 106 Office Phone 97776 Holds Important At new low interest rates Telephone 92 734 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Brail~ WINNIPEG, MAN. on homes, aparbnent blocks stein, 360 Manitoba avenue. Travel­ pied countries, into a WIZO group. Scotia street, to the Adas J eshurun 601 UNION TRUST BLDG. Government Post and her daughter, Miss MyrLle and business properties. 226 CURRY BUILDING ling with them to spend their fur­ We acted in the camp as women synagogue, where Rabbi I. I. Kahan­ Klempner, who is on the staff of the No WINNIPEG MANITOBA General hospital. loughs at home were her two bro­ welfare workers and held our Onegin ovitch delivered an eulogy. 3. A Good Investment: In an apartment block. We Miss Goldie Bell arrived from thers, LAC. Harvey Gorman, R.C. (cultural meetings) every Sabbath. was made in the Shaarey Zedek· Opening ~ve some especially good _ el•• eo_···-O Toronto and is the guest of her A.F., and Gnr. Sydney Gorinstein, We had to dive into the memories cemetery. More buys. A. I. SHUMIATCHER, K.C. of past years in order to be able to A Announcement M. C. SHUMIATCHER, B.A .• LL.B. parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bell, 347 serving with the R.C.A. native of Russia, Mr. Prober LL.M., JUn.D. compose our programs for them, as had lived here for 18 years. Be­ Scoldi w 0 are pleased to announce 4.
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