, f ' c —a • THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1958 - ■ 1 FACE TWENTY lianri;(fiit(r Dl^ralb Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the'.We«k Ended Foreenat of 8. WentlMr B w eae ----------------------------- '- r -r ----------------- March 7. 1»U Tha monthly meeting of Wash­ Partial clearing, cooler tonight. ington LO L No. liT '^11 be held Joins Jewell Agency Hairdressers V isil About Town tomorrow night at 7:30 in Orange' 10,939 Minimum SS-42. Saturday, partly Hall. The Orange degree will be Male Beauty Sbop .^lem bcr of the Andtt cloudy, mild. A t it* meeting Tueeday in the conferred on a class of candidates. Burenn of CirculaUona Manchester—‘A City of Village Charm K. C. Home, the Da\ightera of Important business^ will be trans­ laaboIU voted a contribution to acted and all members are request-, A group of local beauticians re­ turned last night from New York tha current Red Croea Campaign. quested to report on time. (ClaaaMled Advertialng on Png* IS) MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1953 (EIGHTEEN PACrES) PRICE nVE CENTS ,Th#y *lao Voted to purchase adver-, City, wheie they attended the In­ PKKYDUROWN BARGAINS VOL, LXXII, NO. 138 ' tlalng apace in a program being Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh­ ternational Beauty Show held at publiahed by the Cornerstone Club ter* of Scotia, will meet tomorrow the Statler Hotel. In the party wMdh is sponsoring the concert by night at 7:45 at the Masonic Tem- of hairdressers were Yolanda Fe­ lice, Nell Dwyer, Kay Haugan. K otr* Dam* Glee Oub at Buahneil Pl«- __ Narriman Leaves Her Man llsmorial. Bernice Jiiul and Stella Kaminski. atourfiEIFSEmnCEMWEl Million Lost Teri Ivaniski kttended earlier in Past President Mrs. Ruth Hickox Baby’s Condition the Week. Will be chairman of the hostess While in New York they visited j committee and in charge of the Is ‘(Comfortable’ a beauty salon for men. where | In Wasteful Czechs Get New U. S. Note program for the meeting of the treatments are given to male pa­ American l<egion Auxiliary Mon­ trons from all walks of life, in -, day night in the begion hall. Mem­ Eight-month-old Charles Smith, eluding hair tints and permanent | Voice Deal bers are requested to bring in their Jr., waas feporled "fairly comfort­ . waves. I coupons, also yarn for the afghan able" this morning in Manchester ! One or two of the girls took in being knitted for the new Veterans' Memorifial Hospital where he was : the AoWer show at the Grand Cen- The Place Is H ALE’S Self Serve and Meat Dept. Washington, March 13— (4*) HoepiUl at West Haven, which is taken yesterday with a possible ! tral Palace. The greater part of — Lewis J. McKesson, s for­ to be completed next month. fractured skull, suffered in an au­ the time they were biwy attend- LAN D O’ I.AKES RATH’S B LA ^ HAWK mer Voice of America engi­ tomobile accident in Wapplng at i ing lecture* and demonatrations. neer, estimated today a mil­ The Missionary Circle of 4:30 yesterday afternoon. They found that much thought is j ^ A J A X N e w ! - r i r rAPilt lion dollars could have been Britain Blasts Red Attack Emanuel Lutheran Church will According to police, the baby was given to good basic shaping of the ’ 2 present Miss Margaret Miller, who injured when the car in which it . ..... p.i i ‘ . .,<yier Studio hair, with either high bang* or BUTTER SHORTENING | n AP|TjN 5 YOU CAAf AFfcSrC saved on a project for beam­ spent four • years in missionary was riding struck a tree on Sulli­ Ralph Swanson plunging brow lines. ing broadcasts from ship­ w’ork in China, tomorrow evening, van road, a half mile east.of Route A * for hats, the^ were for the • T in C U A N ilR board to listeners behind tl\e Newsman Examines Map from Downed Plane when the circle will observe its 5. The baby's mother, Mrs. Charles Ralph Swanson of 374 Hackma­ most p s't .small and bedecked eighth anniversary. It was organ­ Smith, of 37 Alexander street, tack street has become associated Iron Curtain. Galls Action with Powers, ribbon* and spar­ ^CANS 25c He testified before the Senate ised h y Mrs. Marie Palmer, now of driver of the car, was discharged with the Jewell Insurance Agency kling rhinestones. Inveatigations aubcommlttee as it Seattle. Wash., wife of Rev. Theo­ from the hospital after being treat­ I at 863 Main street, it was an- Second Protest dor* Palmer, pastor of Emanuel, ed for cuts and bruises. I nounced today. floats Dirt and Grease turned Its search for waste and possible subversion in Voice opera­ Murder and 1M4-46, who was president of the She told police she lost control Mr. Swan.son, a native of Man- of the car when her attention was No Action Taken Right Down the Drain! tion* to the shipborne transmitter New England Conference Women's i che.ster and educated in local diverted to her son, seated next to phase. The Voice Is a major part Missionary Society, and presided I schools, is an active member of her in a baby seat, as he started of the State department's counter­ W when the conference met here. the Emanual Lutheran Church. On New Fire Chief i Aggression Holds arning offensive to Communist propa­ Miss Miller is at present studying to fail. In Quartern State Patrolman Orlando Ragas- I where at the pre.sent time he is For Cakaa, Pastry, Fr>ing ganda. a t the Kennedy School of Missions, serving as a deacon and also a.s a r.l of the Hartford Barracks is in­ There are no further develop- McKesson, who left the Voice Bonn, Germany, March 13 . Hartford. member of the church's teaching SUNCREST vestigating. i ments In the appointment of a fire ; last October, contended that funds — (/P)— Britain charged the Washington, March 13— (JP)— The United States told Com ­ staff. He Is a member of Man­ had been wasted on a ship, eqipprd munist Czechoslovakia today that American authorities in The Zipser Club will hold a set­ chief for the South Manchester r PREMIER DIETETI6 Soviet Union today with a chester Lodge No. 73,. A. F. and Fl^e District. The Board of Fire | with broadcasting equipment, Germany “ will take the measures necessary" to prevent.fur­ back''tournament, to which the A. M. which is operating from the Is­ deliberate, brutal act of ag­ public is invited, Saturday, begin­ ; Commissioners held the monthly 1 SLICED DEPTHS ther border attacks by Czech aircraft. This notice was g iv ^ Open Forum i meeting last night at Spruce i 8-Ol Cans ftemiet. land of Rhodes In the eastern gression and murder in the ning at T.'SO p. m. at the club's In a second protest note demand-*....................... .. ■ ' ' ' .■.» coffee to the Aremen during their ; street headquarters and no action Mediterranean. It Is the only one shooting down yesterday ol headquarters on Brainard place. 2 C a n / Ing sii apology and compensation _ _ _ Firemen Grateful Are-Aghting. and it was most : was taken, although the matter ' FRUITS AND of'the broadcasting Vessels—called an unarmed Royal Air Force 12 Oa. Can vagtbound ships — now in opera­ for the shooting down of an Ameri­ To the Editor. gratefully received and consumed. I was discussed by the three mem-1 Lincoln bomber near Ham­ can jet plane last Tuesday. The Manchester Fire Depart­ They would especially like to i her board. ' YE6ETABLES tion. Two Communist MIGa, flying out neds Broke A wartime Navy commander, burg. ment would like to take this means thank Mrs. Mae Vennard of Hol­ I A spokesnran for the board said 2 For of Caechealovakla, jumped the of expressing its sineere thanks to lister street, who threw open her the busine.ss of conducting the de- ■ Cott and Light Reek McKesson said that he had re­ Because of that attack by Riia- aian MIGs, which coat the lives of U. 8. plane v/hlle It waa on a rou­ the individuals who were so kind home and hospitality to them. • partment wUll remain unchanged.' Dietary leverages. Sug­ commended use of a eV K , a baby tine patrol flight. HALE'S to them during the recent Are at Grateful-Members, He could not indicate how long It 25c carrier type, but that Instead a .six British airmen, the Second A l­ 37 T reaty lied Tactical Air Force, a NATO The pilot parachuted to safety. Hollister and North Elm streets. Manchester Fire Department would be before the new chief Is ar Free— No Calories. small cargo ship was used. As a T h e' note was delivered in Headquarters Thoughtful neighbors supplied hot John Merg, Fire Chief named. Egypt’*' Queen Narrlm M, left, alrldee awlftly acroiw Rome’* air­ reault, he said, its hull had to be unit, ordered It* planes not to fly within 10 miles of the Iron Curtain Prague at 10 a.m. by Ambssoador port to board a plane for Switccriand, leaving behind ex-KIng Faroiik strengthened to carry a heavy George Wadsworth. diesel engine and a flight deck had border marking off the Soviet FOR mind their royal aon. King Fuad II. Aocompan.vlng the queen I* Charge FalMieatlou Frozen Food Specials her mother, Mr*. 8ila Sadek, and Farmik’a secretary, Amin Moham­ to be built on It. xone of Germany. British, Belgian BAKER’S It charged the Caechoslovaki Sa l a d a med Fahlm, who saw them off. Narriman has decided on ’’I'omplete A1.SO, he said, he had recom­ and Dutch aquadrons make up the Second Tactical A ir Force.
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