A CLEAN, FEARLESS Devoted to the Interests of F A M I L Y WEEKLY Belmar and '' all Township (INCORPORATED W ITH WHICH I S * HE C O A S T ECHO) V O L . XXII, No. 38 BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1913 THREE CENTS MONMOUTH COUNTY Prasbytenr ofHonmoirth1HAUSOTTE LEADS IN ADVERTISER’S STATE COMMISSIONER BANKEK CONVENE ''JpHE striking of the clock at Convenes Here LODGEMEH’S POPULARITY CONTEST AT POINT PLEASANT J. H. Davis Made President, Wm. mid=night leaves little Tiie Presbytery of Monmouth heid its Majority of Taxpayers Object Having Autumn meeting in the local Presbyterian First Count of Ballots Made Yesterday-Shows That Much Berry Vice President, R. G. doubt in our minds that .we Church on last Tuesday. At !).30 a. m. Waterway Pass Thru Residence the Moderator, Rev. Wm. P. Finney, Interest is Devoted. R. S. Wines Helds Second Poole, Sec’y and Treas. are living. Professor in Lincoln University, conducted Section of Summer Colony the opening exccrciscs. The invocation Hankers of Monmouth county now Place Arthur Davenport on Third Base POINT PLEASANT, N. J.—With the —Homely was made by the Rev. E. C. Mason, have a county society, organization scheduled visit hero yesterday of Wil­ pastor of the Church at Toms River. The having been effected last Saturday at a The race (or the guns to be given to the liam A. Maupay, an inland waterway Scripture was read by the Rev. Geo. dinner at Scott’s Neptune Heights most popular and second to the most commissioner of the state, who came Kane, pastor of the South Amboy Church, with tho selection of J. H. Davis, jr., Boro May Complete popular lodgeman belonging to a lodge here to make a survey of the situa­ prayer was offered by the Itev. O. W. with a meeting hall in Belmar, Spring cashier of the Citizens’ National hank Wright, of Barnegat. Doctor Finney tion and look over the proposed routes Lake, Manasquan or any point in Wall of Hong Branch as president, William preached a very able sermon from the Sewer Extension for the projected Barnegat bay-Man- Township, in The Coast Advertiser Lodge­ A. Berry, cashier of the Seacoast Na­ words of our Lord, " Gather up the frag­ asquan river inland waterway, and the tional bank of Asbury Park, as vice men’s Popularity Contest, is well under inclination of the residents to boost ments, that nothing be lost.” Mrs. H. R- Unless the S urety Bonding Co. of president and Mayor Robert G. Poole, MYSTERY IN DEATH OF JAMES DANGLER way. the canal along by aiding in the Cooper presided at the organ. After the Scranton begins work on the Belmar V. J. Hausotte of the Junior Order cashier of the First National bank of roll of attendants was made out, the Rev. movement to have it run west of this United American Mechanics is in the lead Belmar, as secretary-treasurer. J. W. Rogan, pastor of the Church of Red sewer extension work by Sept. 23, ful­ place, everything looks rosy for the by 1700 votes while Richard S. Wines of The dinner brought together a rep­ WHOSE BODY TRAIN RUNS OVER Bank was nominated and unanimously filling the contract of Thomas J. Mc­ early purchase of the necessary the Knights of Pythias is in second place resentative assemblage of bank pres­ elected to the chair of moderator for tiie ground and the speedy accomplish­ Govern of Trenton, who abandoned the with 1350 votes ahead of Arthur Daven- idents, directors, stockholders and em­ term of six months. Rev. W. W. Edge ment of the preliminary steps toward Ocean County Officials Hint At Murder -Friends Suspect work, council will take charge and pott of the Improved Order of Red Men, ployes who thoroly. enjoyed one of was appointed vice moderator. The fol­ the consummation of the plan. who is in third place-! Manager B. Joe McDonough's cabaret lowing visiting ministers were present and complete the improvement and hold A petition finding ready signers in Suicide While Engineer Claims Body Was Cold. Although the contest has been in pro­ shore dinners and the interchange of were invited to sit as corresponding mem­ the company. McGovern was the this vicinity is being circulated, asking gress about two weeks, it promises to wax bers, the Rev. James A. Smith, pastor of social greeting. Funeral Services Held Yesterday lowest bidder on the contract last warm before the final count is made on to have the proposed waterway run the local Baptist Church, the Rev. B. H. Tho many at the dinner had not at­ spring, his prico being $21,425.20. He Thursday, October 30th. The first count west of West Point Pleasant, over a Everitt, pastor of the First Presbyterian tended the conference with the tax In the death, Tuesday night, of James was made yesterday and shows that much route which has been presented and Church of Peekskill, N.Y-, the Rev. W. was indemnified in the Surety^com- board preceding the dinner, all were Dangler of Belmar, N. J., the Ocean interest is taken in it and those who have which would effect a vast saving in W. Grover, of the Synod of Virginia, of pany. more or less familiar with the agita­ County authorities have a mystery to entered appreciate the value of a Stevens the cost of the right of way, elimin­ Free Delivery Expected the Southern Presbyterian Church. The McGovern began the work, which is tion that is general concerning hank solve. Dangler was run over by a Penn­ shot gun or rifle. Anyone who knows ating the expense of purchasing choice Rev. J. W. Cochran, D. D-, secretary of assessments for taxation and they sylvania train at Lavellette, a village on to carry the sower system into Bel­ anything about a gun knows that gans property in the heart of the Point the Board of Education, made an inspiring were able to follow readily the dis­ the Barnegat Peninsula. In 3 Months mar Park and the Bennett tract, but made by the Stevens Arms and Tool Com­ Pleasant cottage colony as the other address on the purpose and work of his cussion which was resumed, when ci­ gave it up. The Surety company was pany are the best on the market. route would make necessary. According to William Tilton of Long deparment. gars were brought around, by those notified and Tuesday night it asked Everyone who enjoys the sport of gun­ Dr. Charles P. Ripley, well known Branch, engineer of the train which runs Mayor Robert G. Poole is urging •Various committees reported activity who had met with the tax board. council for an extension of time. ning, either down the bay or in the fields among the summer cottagers here, is between Camden and Long Branch, the residents of the boro who have not and progress niong their respective lines, The tax officials—a Samsonized Council passed the date at Sept. 23. or forest, wants a gun; a gun that he can one of the most active workers for the man’s body was stretched across the tracks had their houses numbered to do so which was very encouraging. Rev, Geo, rely upon. If you are after one of these trio, as President William K. Deverux in a position which leads to the belief that at once. Mayor Poole made the asser­ Kane, pastor of the South Amboy Church, upper route and has found assistance reliable firearms, you should start casting had referred to the members during it was so arranged by some persons in­ tion that he has every reason to be­ was dismissed to the West Jersey Pres­ at the hands of many of the cottage DIES AFTER LINGERING ILLNESS your ballots now while the contest is the conference, for neither Ije nor tending to have the train mangle his lieve that carrier service will be es­ bytery. colony, who are strenuously opposed body and possibly oblierate traces of some young. A now subscription or a renewal R ichard W. H erbert nor R ulif V. Law ­ tablished in Belmar within three Rev. Mr. Hansel, from the IVesbytery After a lingering illness of over a year, to having the canal run thru the resi­ to The Coast Advertiser, counts as One rence has much hair—sat together and other crime. months, and asked that every property of Hudson, was received into the Presby­ Miss Mary J. Thickstun, age 70 years, dential section. It would be of little Thousand votes. The Coast Advertiser they were the center of interest during Engineer Tilton says the body was cold owner number their houses to comply tery of Monmouth, and accepted a Call to died at the home of her nephew at 217 use commercially, it is declared, if publishes a ballot on the first page that the speeches. when picked up by the train crew. A rod the Church of Turkerton, N. J. and arrange­ Tenth Avenue last Saturday morning, run through the beach district, while to the postal regulations. There is will count as fifty votes. Clip the ballot Mr. Davis, the new president, was under the engine caught the man’s cloth­ ments were made for his installation as from odema of the lungs and hydrotrophy the upper route would open up the an ordinance requiring the numbering from your paper now and start your the toastmaster. He introduced in ing and he was dragged 1,000 feet before pastor over that Church in the near future. of the heart. districts lining it and lead to the es­ of houses and the mayor wants the choice as the most popular lodgeman on what Randolph Slocum termed a “glad the train was brought to a stop.
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