1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE ·6823 · Whereas it is deemed desirable to set forth and futerpreting light ·of Thy divine --now have the honor to represent, and I such police in one statement: Therefore spirit. had the privilege to know him well dur­ be it · Resolved, by the Senate ana House of Rep­ Make us more acutely sensitive and ing the 10 years we served together. We resentatives of the United, States of America more eagerly responsive to the prompt­ worked in close cooperation on matters in Congress assembled,, That it is declared ings and persuasion of Thy spirit as Thou of mutual interest to the State of Illi­ to be the policy· of Congress to encourage ·dcst summon us to follow the ways of nois. We helped each other in our cam­ and assist the organization, efficient opera­ truth and righteousness. paigns. I always admired him for his tion and growth of farmer cooperatives en­ May it be our loftiest aspiration to ·ability and have been grateful for his gaged 1n marketing farm products, purchas­ incarnate the spirit of our blessed Lord ·friendship. ing farm supplies and supplying business services to farmer patrons, as an effective and to manifest that spirit in all the Anton was known as an outstanding ·and proven means of helping farmers help ·spheres of human relationship. authority on farming and dairy prod­ themselves to achieve a free, expanding and Hear us in His name. Amen. ucts, and was an able member of the prosperous agriculture. The Journal of the proceedings of House Agriculture Committee. Many of Thursday, April 17, 1958, was read and his colleagues leaned heavily upon him approved. ·for advice in this field. ADJOURNMENT Anton was a sincere man, a hard worker devoted to his service and to his Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ THE LATE ANTON J. JOHNSON country. After he retired from Congress dent, I suggest the absence of a quorum. Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. Mr. Speak­ he continued to serve his people as The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. mayor of Macomb. Personally; I have MANSFIELD in the chair). The clerk will er, I ask unanimous consent to address the House for 1 minute. lost a warm friend, one.for whom I had call the roll. great regard and affection. I join with The Chief Clerk proceeded to call the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Tili­ my colleagues in expressing sympathy to roll. his devoted wife. Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ nois? dent, I ask unanimous consent that the There was no objection. order for ·the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois. Mr. Mr. President, I move that the Senate Speaker, a very fine former Member of IM:MlGRATION AND NATURALIZA- stand in -adjournment until 12 o'clock the House, Anton J. Johnson, of Illinois, TION SERVICE tomorrow. passed to his reward yesterday. This Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 information was conveyed to me by wire unanimous consent to address the House o'clock and 14 minutes p. m.) the Senate from Mrs. Johnson. for 1 minute and to revise and extend adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday, Anton, as everyone knows him, served my remarks. April 22, 1958, at 12 o'clock meridian. the 14th Illinois district for 10 years. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to He served in the 76th, 77th, 78th, 79th, the request of the gentleman from Penn­ and 80th Congres~es. He was the third sylvania? NOMINATIONS ' ranking member of the House Commit- There was no objection. tee on Agriculture at the time of his re- Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, in this Executive nominations received by the tirement .. During the war he .was one of morning's newspaper there is an ac­ Senate April 21, 1958: the most mterested member.s m ~uayule, _ count of the deportation of an alien from UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION due to the rubber s~ortage m this coun- San Francisco. Several Members have Walter R. Schreiber, of Maryland, to be a try. He worked at It constantly. asked me whether or not this deporta- member of the United States Tariff Com­ Anton Johnson had the resp~ct of .tion was an example of highhanded ad­ mission for the term expiring June 16, 1964. every House M~:r_nber w~o knew him re- ministrative abuse of power. I want to (Reappointment.) gardless of political beliefs. Never o:r:ce say that it was not. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY was an unkmd word spok~n a~ut hun. General Swing, the Commissioner of ' Osro Cobb, of Arkansas, to be United He farmed and. eng~ged m ~airy prod- Immigration -and Naturalization, has States attorney for the eastern district of .ucts manufactu~mg m the City .of Ma- been very careful in protecting the Arkansas for the term of 4 years. He is now comb. After hiS voluntary retirement rights of aliens in these circumstances. serving in this office under an appointment from Congress, he furth~r served as From the information furnished to which expired March 6, 1958. ~ayor of Macomb. He lived a useful me, ·I am S81tisfied that in the action life for 80 years. taken in San Francisco last Friday the H~ leaves ~rs. Johnson to mourn hiS Immigration and Naturalization Service WITHDRAWAL passmg.. Th~Ir many years ?f close has not acted contrary to existing law compamonship was outstandmg. He . Executive nomination withdrawn from leaves as well close friends who served nor have they acted m defiance of any the Senate April21, 1958: with' him in the House. His many · court o~ders. POSTMASTER . friends in Macomb, and his district, will In thiS particula.! case, the pers~n who Howard R. Jordan to be postmaster at ·remember him with the utmost respect, was deported admitted. membershiP fi!st Leighton, in the State of Alabama.. that he was a man whose word was as 1~ th~ Young Com.r~mrust League, begm­ •• ..... •• good as his bond. rung. m 1926, then ~ ~he vy-orkers Com- . We extend Mrs. Johnson our sincere lf:lUD:Ist P~rty, ~gmn~n~ m 1928, con- sympathy. - ti?umg his m~mbershiP m the Commu- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent n~t Party _until at least 1.939. Th.e same ·that an Members who desire to do so allen admitted at a hearm? held m 1949 MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1958 may ha.ve 5 l~gislative days in which that he left t?e O~n:~n.mmst Party 'and The House met at 12 o'clock noon. to extend their reme.rks in the RECORD traz:u;ferred his actiVIties to the Inter­ The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braska:t;np, on the ' life and character of the -late nati~nal Workers O:de~-IWO-a Com­ D. D., offered the following prayer: Anton Johnson. mumst-front orgamzat10n, and so held The SPEAKER. Is there objection to to be by t~e Attorney ~eneral. John 4:24: God is a ·Spirit; and they the request of the gentleman from Illi- DeportatiOn proceedmgs agamst this that ·worship Him must worship Him nois? alie~ were conducted under the Immi- in spirit and in truth. There was no objection. gratwn Act of 1917, as amended, and 0 Thou eternal God, may our spirits judicial review was sought by him, ·now come into contact and communion reaching the Supreme Court of the with Thy Spirit to receive insight and Mr. CHIPERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I ·united states where a decision dismiss­ inspiration for the dutfes and demands was · deeply saddened to learn of the ing his petition was rendered on March of the new day. passing of my good friend and neigh• 16,1953. Grant that all the plans and purposes bor, Hon. Anton J. Johnson. There was no remedy for that alien ·of our minds and hearts be brought Before the redistricting of Illinois he in any of the statutes on the books prior ·under the spell and sway of the guiding represented part of the district which I ·to December 24, 1952. As of that date, CIV-430 6824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE April 21 the Immigration and Nationality Act­ each one, thousands of nuclear weapons, eral Government in science and en· Walter-McCarran Act--provided a rem· almost all of them ready for instant gineering. edy in the form of suspension of deporta· detonation and all of them in the hands Seventh. In a few years the science tion based on the ground that the alien of fallible human beings who sometimes academy should provide the Federal had a United States citizen wife and that misunderstand ·orders, who sometimes Government with an adequate number his deportation would cause extreme panic, who sometimes crack up mentally, of young, well-trained scientists and en· hardship to her. Incidentally, the alien who sometimes sell out, who sometimes gineers. entered into matrimony with a United get drunk, who sometimes become mis­ Mr. Speaker, I trust that the Commit· states citizen after the order of his de· guidedly idealistic and who sometimes tee on Government Operations, to which portation was affirmed by the Supreme otherwise stray from regulations no mat­ H. R. 11392 was referred, will see fit to Court of the United States and his wife ter how comprehensive and ingenious hold public hearings on the bill at an must have known full well at the time they maybe. early date. Time is of the essence, and they were married that the man was Of course I have the highest respect if the United States is ever to regain under an order of deportation.
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