- D A V I S - J E S S E B U F O R D D A V I S 1845 Ky.--------1928 Mo. his DESCENDANTS ANCESTORS some Connecting families e 1 Danis Compiled by Mrs. Betty Jean (Davis) Berridt (1973) DEDICATION This Genealogy of JESSE BUFORD DAVIS, his Ancestors, his Descendants and Connecting families, I lovingly ded­ icate to my: FATHER: Samuel Roach Davis, for his love and faith in mankind. MOTHER: Darlene Lorie (Wheeler) Davis, her will to be of help to everyone. MY CHILDREN: Larry Keith and Diana Lynn Berndt, to appreciate the know­ ledgt? and forsight their ancestors made possible for them. by Mrs. Marvin D. (Betty Jean Davis) Berndt 1973 I PREFACE The publication of "Jesse Buford Davis" and family is my only way of preserving this Davis Lineage. The preparation of this book has given me great pleasure, even though times it was very difficult. As you read this you will know I have had no ex­ perience in writing, but with God's help I'll do the best I can. Genealogy data, collected over a period of time, will honor the past and serve the future, and leave something for my children which they will have great respect for. In collectig my names and dates I have also try to come up with a few articles which will tell you something about some of the families. Bits of facts and some humor. I am indebted to some of my cousins who took part of there valuable time to help me with art­ icles and pectures of their inunediate families. To these cousins I say TIIANKS, and to the ones I don't have a great deal about, I'm sorry. This Lineage has been compiled as a labor of love and respect, and it is my earnest desire and sincere hope that it will give pleasure to others as it has to me. Betty Jean (Davis) Berndt II People from different Cities, Towns and Villiages has given me so many things, Intangible and Dear. I couldn't begin to count them all and to thank them enough. I know I owe them so much. So when I have put all my thoughts down in wr.iting, then they will know this is my way of sharing and saying thanks. Nothing I think or write is mine, and mine alone. So if you find some beauty in any picture of line, it's your part re­ flected with mine. If nobody smiled a little If nobody cheered us along If nobody cared just a little What a dreary world this would be. Lif~ i~ goQd, from friends I have made, Things wt:: .:.hared in common. We live on not because of ourself, but because of the people who care. If giving and doing for someone else-­ on that life depends. Then the joy of the world when you have summed it all up. is found in making of a friend. Mrs. Betty Jean (Davis) Berndt III CONTENTS pages Copy of pages from J.B. Davis Sr. family Bible----- 1 Mercer, Mo. beginning 1871-------------------------- 7 Jesse Buford Davis Family--------------------------- 10 Milton Lewis Davis---------------------------------- 27 John Gideon Davis Sr. Family------------------------ 31 James Henderson Davis Family---------------·--------- 142 Milley Patrick (Davis) Dickey Family---------------- 147 Elizabeth (Davis) Mul vania Family-------------------- 148 Jesse B. Davis Jr. Family--------------------------- 154 Palestine Douglas Davis Family---------------------- 159 Susie Jane (Davis) (Underwood) Meigh Family--------- 169 Maggie E. Davis------------------------------------- 171 Mary E. (Davis) (Alley) Haggard Family-------------- 172 Mable Ann Davis------------------------------------- 176 Milton Lewis Davis St. & Children------------------- 177 William (Billie) Davis------------------------------ 211 Connecting Families Whan, Roach, Clapsaddle and Pearce------------------ 218 Wheeler, George and family-------------------------- 248 Hooker, Jeremiah & family------~-------------------- 277 Gable, John-----~----------------------------------- 300 Berndt, E. A. Paul & family------------------------- 302 Vinzant, James Jefferson & family------------------- 315 McDougal, George & Family--------------------------- 336 Yingling, John & family----------------------------- 339 __IV I \ .. ( /" 1 ·. N- 3 ' 5 Though the journey from Kentucky to Missouri must have been long and hard, and at times the road seemed might rough. Like so many others, You kept smiling, looking and think­ ing somewhere in this wilderness we will find a place and make it our home. Someone had to keep smiling, and singing don't you see, for if no one did, what a dreary world this would be. You've had a lot of trials and trouble I'm sure, but you were proud to be. (Mercer, Mo.) Jesse B. Davis Jane (Hays) Davis 6 z~ • I 2 • ·- 2 I- Q I ------ lool.l ... 1-i.: ( ... I Q cc -.\a • Q t- I (/) ~ TAL80T1 SrkECT -..: - £LM ST. ' I , I I vt ...► ~ .... uJ • ... f- rLORIDA STREET < z < w < CJ • ,- SUORT ST, c:: I­ 0::: I.a.I ,_ I.I.I '\..;. I...: ..... ,. ,­ •. ~-, L...--..1..---.aJll-t-..i.... • • ;: __M;.......;..;.A_l...;.tJ.;;.,-- __ STREET I., ) • • • - F4i ...I- Ok. I-: w J~l'[ L tlll1tt ,- Q( • m ..c i; 3 t- - C) c;..,, i.,; 'CD GI .:I ICI ac m ~ .. • • • STRffT - • • 0 Iii • • .., 1· I I I 1· I :t • ~dil a-1 flt iTH-ALLE r • 0 I I I I I I ' ... FoiMrRLY) CMl.t.£-TIAN M£RCER • M I\IUO N - Mercer as platted in 1871 ' 1bl8 sketeb ot Mercer shows bow tbE orlllnal town was laid out names are thoee normally to be expected but what Inspired the name tn 18?1 and platted by A. A. Alley, Tbts sketch was made by Joe ot Florida Street? o. Ltnn from .the Mercer County AtlU d lffl. Moet ot the stl'fft 7 Painted from a Tintype This picture of Mercer was painted by Rachel where the railroad is now located. The buildings Alley Jones from an old tintype taken about 1880. are Just west of the present business district. 'Ibe The Rock Island tracks are west of the present Alley General Store ls the sec011d bulldinl from railroad and are going southwest. The Maln street the left and bas a porch. 1be school wlth a beltrJ ln the picture runs north and south and that fs ls at the south end of Main street. 8 • • ' ' ' •" ~-' ~ r';:- l • . ... : ~ -~ Mercer Square - 1912 This picture of the east side of the Mercer Square is on a to Dewey Moore at Princeton. It is the property of Mrs. post card postmarked at Mercer July 25. 1912 and addressed Dewey Moore. , . " .'. j .. '·'_~\,J::"t -~~ ' New pavement at Mercer The ctty of :\Ie-rcer has :recenUyhadnewblacktop side of the square, State Highway M, ts to be re­ put down <11 the north, west and south sides of the paved by the Hilhway Department, probably next square, and oo Main str,iet trom the Rock Island spnnr. Tbis vtew •is oo the west side of the track• eut to the Methodist Clauroh. 'lbe east square lookinr north. 9 JESSE BUFORD DAVIS Jesse was the second child of Melton Lewis and Millie (Patrick) Davis, He was born Jan. 27, 1845. He married 8 Oct, 1863 Jane (Jennie) Hays. (1) He departed this life 20 Sept., 1928 and she 24, Feb, 1932. To this Union were born eleven children. THE FOLLOWING ARE CHILDREN OF JESSE AND JENNIE DAVIS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER BY BIRTH OF OLDEST CHILD. THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE OF THEIR DESCENDANTS IN ORDER BY BIRTH OF OLDEST CHILD AND THEN HIS OR HER DESCENDANTS: Melton L. Davis b. 21 Jan. 1866 d. 7 Sept. 1940 John G, Davis b, 20 April 1868 d. 16 Oct. 1928 Jmnes H. Davis b. 12 May 1870 d. 22 Nov. 1958 Milley P. Davis b. 17 Sept 1873 d. 28 Aug. 1894 Elizabeth Davis b. 31 Dec. 1875 d. 3 Aug. 1968 Jesse B. Davis Jr. b. 26 Dec. 1878 d. 28 Jan. 1944 P. Douglas B. Davisb. 20 July 1879 d. 17 Jan. 1961 Susie J, Davis b. 24 April 1881 d. 1960 Maggie E. Davis b. 6 Oct. 1883 d. 15 Nov. 1886 Mary E, Davis b. 2 Jan. 1886 d. 23 July 1968 Mable A. Davis b, 4 April 1888 d. 23 Nov. 1888 (1) I would like to me~tion that Jane (Hays) Davis parents are John Hays b, May 17, 1807 d. Aug. 6, 1883 and Elizabeth Litton b, 1803 d. Jan. 27, 1888 and they were married Nov. 15, 1830 by William Hays a minister of the Hospel In Whitley Co, Ky. They were buried in the South Lineville Cemetery, Mo. 10 l ' . / .; 'fJ~<,J:< ·1··~; . -'] 4• •-~ ._· '- ; .· i ' ...· ..:. .::: .. ·.•;• ❖ " THE JESSE B, DAVIS family (inset) Milley P., Elizabeth, Melton L., John G,, James H., Doug, Susie, Jesse Jr. Jesse B. Sr. Mary, and Jane Davis 11 ,_ ---------. ; . ______ :·:~ . -·-----~ - . ------ ' ·-··-·--- ···-· - ·- - -··-· JESSE B. and JANE DAVIS Recollection by a grandson Sammy Davis. The last year Grandad lived on the farm. Dad sent me over there to get his crop in. I did most of the plowing, my Uncle Melt did the planting, Uncle Melt rode the planter and I followed him ever round he went with a hoe to see that the corn was all covered up, and I used to do my dad the same way. Grandad had a big team (Rhone mares), you know how the water will wash the good dirt down the Hill? Well grandad had cut down some trees and the dirt had covered uo the stumps, I was plowing along there and grandpa was down there, but I was doing the plowing and I ran into one of those blind stumps. Those blg old mares would weigh 15-16 hundred lbs. they walked into this blind stump and they broke the double-tree into and drug me right over the plow. Now right down there along that same spot grandpa had a water melon patch, When the watermelons started getting ripe he had a tent down there, He always took the shot gun down there with him, He wouldn't have shot anyone if they had stold all the melons in the patch, but he would shoot up in the air to scare the boys.
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