Id 1 Question ध鴾तत क啇 ककतन啇 भ啇द हत啇 ह ? A 5 B 9 C 2 D 6 Answer C Id 2 Question ददगमम्बरम प्रयतकत सधध क鴾 न鴾म ह - A वयजन सधध B सस्वर सधध C वस्वसगर्ग सधध D इनमम स啇 कई नहह Answer A Id 3 Question ए, ऐ, ओ, औ क啌न स鴾 सस्वर ह ? A हसस्व सस्वर B दहरर्ग सस्वर C सयतकत सस्वर D इनमम स啇 कई नहह Answer C Id 4 Question अनत:सस्थ वयजन ककतन啇 प्रक鴾र क啇 हत啇 ह? A स鴾त B आठ C च鴾र D प鴾पाँच Answer C Id 5 Question वस्वश啇षण और वस्वश啇षय क啇 यग स啇 क啌न - स鴾 सम鴾स म्बनत鴾? ह A दवस्वगत B दस्वनदस्व C कमर्गध鴾रय D ततपत셁ष Answer C Id 6 Question ननमनल줿ख夿त मम स啇 क啌न एक सयतकत वयजन नहह ह ? A क्ष B ष C त्र D ज्ञ Answer B Id 7 Question सस्व鴾गतम प्रयतकत सधध क鴾 न鴾म ह A वयजन सधध B यण सधध C दहरर्ग सधध D स्वधधदव सधध Answer B Id 8 Question उत त + ह鴾र क啇 यग स啇 क啌न - स鴾 शबद म्बन啇ग鴾? A उत鴾र B आह鴾र C उद鴾र D उधद鴾र Answer D Id 9 Question ससक鴾र शबद मम ककस उपसगर्ग क鴾 प्रयगत हआ ह ? A सम त B सन त C समस D सनस Answer A Id 10 Question ककस स्व鴾कयम अप鴾द鴾न क鴾रक ह ? A र鴾म न啇 र鴾स्वण क त酀र स啇 म鴾र鴾 | B महन स啇 अम्ब सह鴾 नहह ज鴾त鴾 | C दहम鴾줿य स啇 गग鴾 ननक줿त酀 ह | D च鴾कक स啇 फ줿 क鴾ट Answer C Id 11 Question A man said to a lady, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt.” How is the lady related to the man? एक आदम酀 न啇 औरत स啇 कह鴾, “ततमह鴾र啇 म鴾पाँ क啇 पनत क啀 म्बहन म啇रह म्बतआ ह" उस औरत क鴾 आदम酀 क啇 स鴾स्थ कय鴾 समम्बनध ह? A Daughter पतत्र酀 B Mother म鴾त鴾 C Sister म्बहन D Aunt म्बतआ Answer C Id 12 Question In the following, select the related word from the given alternatives. Heat : Convection :: Space : ? ननमनल줿ख夿त प्रशनम ददए गए वस्वकलपल्पोंम स啇 सम्बधधत शबद क चननएएत ऊषम鴾 : सस्वहन : : 夿鴾줿ह जगह :? A Conduction च줿न B Transference सस्थ鴾तररत करन鴾 C Vacuum ननस्व鴾र्गत D Radiation वस्वककरण Answer A Id 13 Question In a certain code language, “he is game” is written as “@#*”, “good game play” is written as “$*&”and “play that hard” is written as “!$%”.How is “good” written in that code language? ककस酀 ननधशचत कक ट भ鴾ष鴾 मम “he is game” क “@#*” क啇 셂प मम, “good game play” क “$*&” क啇 셂प मम और “play that hard” क “!$%” क啇 셂प मम ल줿夿鴾 ज鴾त鴾 ह. त उस酀 कक ट भ鴾ष鴾 मम “good” ककस प्रक鴾र ल줿夿鴾 ज鴾एग鴾? A & B * C $ D @ Answer A Id 14 Question Cup is to coffee as bowl is कप क啉फ啀 क啇 ल줿ए ह जस鴾 कक कटर鴾 ह A dish स्थ鴾줿ह B soup सकप C spoon चममच D food भजन Answer B Id 15 Question If in a certain language, COVET is written as FRYHW, then the code ‘SHDUO’ is used for which word? यदद एक ननधशचत कड भ鴾ष鴾 मम COVET क FRYHW ल줿夿鴾 ज鴾त鴾 ह, त SHDUO कड ककस शबद क啇 ल줿ए प्रयग ककय鴾 गय鴾 ह? A QUAKE B REPAY C STINK D PEARL Answer D Id 16 Question If each of the letters in the English alphabet is assigned odd numerical value beginning A=1, B=3 and so on, what will be the total value of the letters of the word INDIAN? यदद अग啇ज酀 स्वणर्गम鴾줿鴾म प्रतय啇क अक्षर क वस्वषम सखय鴾 स啇श셂त ह धजसमम A=1, B=3 और आग啇 ऐस啇 हह शबद INDIAN क鴾 कत 줿 म鴾न ककतन鴾 हग鴾? A 86 B 88 C 89 D 96 Answer D Id 17 Question Find the odd word from the following: ननमनल줿ख夿त मम स啇 वस्वषम शबद 夿ज啇: A May मई B July जत줿鴾ई C August अगसत D September लसतम्बर Answer D Id 18 Question A is the mother of B. B is the sister of C. D is the son of C. E is the brother of D. F is the mother of E. G is the granddaughter of A. H has only two children B and C. How is C related to E? A, B क啀 म鴾पाँ ह | B,C क啀 म्बहन ह| D,C क鴾 पतत्र ह| E,D क鴾 भ鴾ई ह | F,E क啀 म鴾पाँ ह | G, A क啀 पत酀 ह | H क啇 क啇स्व줿 द म्बचच啇 B और C ह | C, E स啇 कस啇 सम्बधधत ह? A Father वपत鴾 B Son म्ब啇ट鴾 C Mother म鴾पाँ D Cousin brother चच啇र啇 भ鴾ई Answer A Id 19 Question Which of the following represents such employees of Company X who are also Government employees, but are not Scientists? ननमनल줿ख夿त मम स啇 क啌न कपन酀 X क啇 ऐस啇 कमर्गच鴾ररयल्पों क鴾 प्रनतननधधतस्व करत鴾 हज सरक鴾रह कमर्गच鴾रह भ酀ह , 줿啇ककन स्वज्ञ鴾ननक नहहह ? A D and G D और G B Only D क啇स्व줿D C G and F G और F D Only A क啇स्व줿A Answer B Id 20 Question Statements: All laptops are computers Some laptops are notebooKs. Conclusions I. Some notebooK are computers II. All notebooKs are computers. कस्थन: सभ酀 줿पट啉प कपयकटर हह कत छ 줿पट啉प नटम्बतक हह। ननषकषर्ग I. कत छ नटम्बतक कपयकटर हह ।I. सभ酀 नटम्बतक कपयकटर हह। A If only conclusion I follows यदद क啇स्व줿 ननषकषर्ग I अनतसरण करत鴾 ह B if only conclusion II follows यदद क啇स्व줿 ननषकषर्ग II अनतसरण करत鴾 ह C if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows यदद य鴾 त ननषकषर्गI य鴾 ननषकषर्ग II अनतसरण करत鴾 ह D If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows यदद न त ननषकषर्ग I और न हह ननषकषर्ग II अनतसरण करत鴾 ह Answer A Id 21 Question Twenty students are standing in a straight-line facing North. Rina is standing sixth from the left end. There are only three students between Rina and Shweta. Radha is standing exactly between Shweta and Rina. Tina is standing sixth to the right of Radha. Anita is standing fourth from the right end of the line. There are more than four students between Rina and Tina. What is Shweta’s position with respect to Anita? उत्तर क啀 ओर एक स酀ध酀 र啇夿鴾म म्ब酀स छ鴾त्र 夿ड़啇 ह| रहन鴾 म्ब鴾ए छर स啇 छठ啇 सस्थ鴾न पर ह| रहन鴾 और शस्व啇त鴾 क啇 म्ब酀च क啇स्व줿 त酀न छ鴾त्रह | र鴾ध鴾 बम्बलकत 줿 शस्व啇त鴾 और रहन鴾 क啇 म्ब酀च 夿ड़酀 ह | टहन鴾 र鴾ध鴾 क啇 द鴾ई ओर छठ腀 夿ड़酀 ह | अन酀त鴾 줿鴾इन क啇 द鴾दहन啇 छर स啇 च啌स्थ啇 सस्थ鴾न पर 夿ड़酀 ह | रहन鴾 और टहन鴾 क啇 म्ब酀च च鴾र स啇 अधधक छ鴾त्र ह| अन酀त鴾 क啇 सम्बधम शस्व啇त鴾 क啀 धसस्थनत कय鴾 ह | A Sixth to the left म्ब鴾ℂ ओर स啇 छठ腀 B Eight to the left म्ब鴾ℂ ओर स啇 आठस्व酀 C Seven to the left म्ब鴾ℂ ओर स啇 स鴾तस्व酀 D Ninth to the left म्ब鴾ℂ ओर स啇 न啌स्व酀 Answer C Id 22 Question Select the number pair in which the two numbers are related in the same way as the two numbers of the pair given below. 35:6 उस सखय鴾 जड़酀 क鴾 चयन करम धजसमम द सखय鴾एपाँ उस酀 तरह स啇 सम्बधधतह जस啇 न酀च啇 दह गई जड़酀 क啀 द सखय鴾एपाँ। 35:6 A 85:9 B 64:8 C 26:5 D 120:11 Answer D Id 23 Question Select the word-pair in which the two words are related in the same way as the two word-pair. Author: BooK उस शबद-यतगम क鴾 चयन करम धजसमम द शबद उस酀 तरह स啇 सम्बधधतह जस啇 द शबद- यतगम। 줿啇夿क: पतसतक A Spider: Web मकड酀: मकड़酀 क鴾 ज鴾줿鴾 B Doctor: Medicine ड啉कटर: धचककतस鴾 C Mother: Son म鴾पाँ: पतत्र D Reptile :Crawl सरहसपव : क啉줿 Answer A Id 24 Question In a code language, SEDATIVE is coded as ATDESEVI. How would PERSONAL be coded in that manner? एक कड भ鴾ष鴾 मम, SEDATIVE क ATDESEVI क啇 셂प मम कडडत ककय鴾 ज鴾त鴾 ह। उस तरहक啇 स啇 PERSONAL कस啇 कडडत ककय鴾 ज鴾एग鴾? A OSREPLAN B SOREPLAN C SOERPANL D SOPERLAN Answer B Id 25 Question Arrange the following words in a logical and meaningful order. 1. Cloud 2. Rainbow 3. Devastation 4. Rain 5. Low pressure 6. Flood ननमनल줿ख夿त शबदल्पों क एक त鴾ककर्गक और स鴾स्थर्गकम कम वयस्वधसस्थतम कर। 1. म啇र 2. इद्रधनतष 3. तम्ब鴾हह 4. म्ब鴾ररश 5. कम दम्ब鴾स्व 6. म्ब鴾ढ A 1, 5, 4, 2, 6, 3 B 5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 3 C 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 6 D 5, 1, 4, 2, 6, 3 Answer D Id 26 Question In the following sentences a word or phrase is written in bold .Choose the word nearest in meaning to bold part. She upbraided the little girl who got frightened . A Make tails B Make up C Scolded D Handed Answer C Id 27 Question Select the word that is most similar in meaning. Prosaic A Uninspiring B Poetic C Exotic D Imaginative Answer A Id 28 Question Choose the correct alternative out of the four He is very good --------making stories. A In B About C at D For Answer C Id 29 Question In questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word Genial A Stupid B Stingy C Boorish D Unkind Answer C Id 30 Question In the following questions, some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these parts, which are labeled P,Q,R and S to produce the correct sentence The concept of death , that it has been reduced/(P), as an inevitability /(Q), is so ancient / (R), to a cliche /(S) A S P R Q B Q R P S C S R P Q D Q P R S Answer B Id 31 Question Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully completed Authority ------------ when it is not supported by the moral purity of its user.
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