Department of Public Works WILLIAM J. LEE MEMORIAL TOWN HALL ONE LAFAYETTE STREET WAKEFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS 01880 Tel. (781) 246-6301 RICHARD F. STINSON Fax (781) 246-6266 Director ofPublic Works April 30, 2016 Glenda Velez US EPA 5 Post Office Square - OEP06-01 Boston, MA 02109-3912 RE: NPDES Stormwater Phase II Permit Annual Report Permit Year Thirteen Wakefield, Massachusetts Dear Sir or Madam: The Town of Wakefield, Massachusetts is pleased to submit this Annual Report covering Permit Year Thirteen (May 1, 2015 through April 30, 2016.) This submittal is in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Phase II Regulations and the Massachusetts DEP requirements. The format of this report follows the Section F listing of infonnation items under Part 1I Massachusetts Small MS4 Storm Water Management Program. See the Table of Contents following this cover letter for identification of each report section. In su111111ary, the Town of Wakefield has met compliance with the Town's permit application submittal dated July 28, 2003. The only permit component that was changed was the Adopt-A-Stream Program. In lieu of this program, the Department of Public Works (DPW) implemented a stream• cleaning program, starting in the spring of 2007. It should also be noted, that in 2015 into 2016 during permit year thi1ieen, the Town engineering consultant completed and submitted a draft of a drainage study of the Town. The study, includes a drainage model of the Town's drainage system components, recommended changes to the existing drain system and downstream receiving channels, X:\admin\npdcs\may l6annualrpt streams and rivers along with implementation priorities; estimated design, permitting and construction costs; which will in turn reduce the frequency and degree of flooding that occurs, thus reducing the potential uptake and wash off of pollutants and other materials to the receiving waters. During this permit year the Town committee continued to review various watershed and in-lake technologies and approaches for the Lake Quannapowitt water body for the purpose of developing and implementing a plan that will preserve this valuable resource for future generations. A Town committee vote was performed during this pe1mit year to identify to the Town the optimal technologies and approaches which in combination are predicted to work toward achieving the lake water quality goals. In addition to the permit activities, we corresponded with the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) and National Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) to ensure that the guidance provided in the Addendum A and B of the NPDES Stormwater Permit is followed. Correspondence has been received from both MHC and NHESP that verifies that we have no active projects at this time that will require their review and certification. Their correspondence goes fu1ther to provide guidance on what type of projects would require their review and certification, and the process for submitting a proposed project for review. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 781-246-6301. Director of Public Works cc: Fred Civian, MA Depattment ofEnvironmental Protection Stephen P. Maio, Town Administrator Carol Antonelli, DPW Business/Operations Manager Michael P. Collins, P. E., Town Engineer Wakefield NPDES Committee X:\admin\npdes\may 16annualrpt TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE ES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. A SELF-ASSESSMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE PERMIT CONDITIONS. II. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE SELECTED BMP'S. III. ASSESSMENT OF THE PROGRESS TOW ARDS ACHIEVING MEASURABLE GOALS. IV. SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF ANY INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN COLLECTED AND ANALYZED. THIS INCLUDES ANY TYPE OF DATA. V. ONGOING ACTIVITIES. VI. A DISCUSSION OF ANY CHANGES IN IDENTIFIED BMP'S OR MEASURABLE GOALS. VII. REFERENCE ANY RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY FOR ACHIEVING ANY MEASURABLE GOAL. X:\admin\npdes\may l6annua\rpt EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During the Permit Year Thilieen (May 1, 2015 through April 30, 2016) the Town of Wakefield complied with the Town's permit application submittal dated July 28, 2003. The overall five-year permit planned pe1mit program is presented on the charts following this page. During Permit Year Thi1ieen, work activities occuned for each of the six planned Best Management Practices, primarily as an extension of the permit year five activities. The details of work activity conducted for each BMP are presented in Section I ofthis report. We do not recommend as of this date, that the identified BMP's or measnrable goals be changed with the exception of the Adopt-A-Stream Program, which has been changed to a Department of Public Works Annual Stream Cleaning Program. X:\admin\npdes\may l 6annualrpt Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection I Bureau of Resource Protection - Watershed Management Transmitr~'-_,W'-1!04~0~8t580!._~···- ~ BRP WM OBA NPDES Stormwater General Permit Notice of Intent Faoili,ID(ifkco~}. =l for Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4sJ cc--··L_ mF. Storm Water Management Program TIME FRAMES Paqe -.. of 2 I·-----• ----------·----~_,IP~E~__R~•~lll~I-Y~E~A~Rµ;Q~N"f'-li __ _ -f-1!:P!E!R~M~IT!._'Y~EA~R~T~H~R'!',E~E_J ..._,_ _1ce,;~llil.)'.Jc9"bT' 1£ IT YEAR J t== BMPI T k .. ISp,;;,rs,mm.ec F II 03 ~.;; Spcing s,mme, F II ~41 Winte, Spcing 's,mme, F II 05 Winte, Spcing s,m;,;~~ ·F~;;T;:;,nte, ISpcing ISummer ii Fa[[ Winter Next ID# as 03 03 a 03-04 04 04 a 04-05 05 . 05 a 05-06 06 06 06 I 06-07 07 07 07 07-08 Permit 1-- Edu-C"a'iion/Materia!s ____ --·- --· - ·== '______ _ ---1-- ·-----· , IJ------• 1.1 II Brochure _Ll_ Web Pa_g~_ i 1.3 Poster Pict~re Disnlav _ - i - I f-----lr·-• V I_.. __ x Ir • ~ : :~:~,:~~~::~(e'!~e, Article ~ : I I x_l ---r X I A 1.:§_ Cable TV Progr_a_rri___ ==I== , i --• Fact Sheets ---,------ ---··· i -----+--t----11-----­ ~ V d." ~~a. , --~ x·! : I x 1:.~ f";;l-i.ng to Local Businesses/Residents ~---·-·-- --- •X f- A ~ 1.9 Brochur~(E..,l;l_blic Meeting&. Hearing Process) ---- I ~--- ! --f---• II···• l--.!"E~vc,eent Education & Outreach 1 ( 1.1 O Develop Prog_r~rr.i-. ·• I~ -r V x-F · y ..:!..11__ '..E_i;iJ_!L'{_:aj_Qy the Lake -- I + f--"-.f-.­ I ' --+-- ----~---t 1.12 :FOLQ(LakeCleanup' ----· --· ___ . I i-----------f---~-+-­ 1 ~=i=+==-- - ~------,-•~""-• 1 ~ 1-l· V r-!l=tj___ : I ~ l~I 1.J.1._Jj_Q.1,1~3:hold1.13 Libra DateHazardous Waste Day (_1fY.3:?..r:l ___~~I ~• ~~ X I A .., "11 I A I 11 X ,•.. ..1.J.§__ Post-Tri~___§_!_ na e ___ ···----t--~--t-­ ,ffx Pubtic Involvement & Participation 2.1 FOLQ (Lake Clean up) I ~ _ _ I I··~ I X I -Il·~c----1-.-. I :x. __ f----· f-----lf•II X l. ... t ···-··· X • l=~= I 12.2 Hazardous Waste Day ~earl I I X• -·-J----.j .e-.'\.­ ?< ____ __ X ____, , X ____ --····• I2.3 -~zens \/~~nteer Gro~p 'b~. YouthGrouPlnvolvement - -----1__ I · ___----· ·-·, ~ ---1~- __ -- --• -····• 1 Steerino Committee _____ -1 ! --· +---- i---'---,---------f---. _ ! 2.5 Quarterly___M!gs(1styear) I X X I X X [ i I 1 ·;-:s- Bi-annual Mtg_~_(fLJ1LJ!.!?..Y~ --·• ---··-·- J_--- X x X _ x· 1 x ·• x r--~- --- x -----• 2.7 ·AnnualTownSWForum/VVorkshop I · X X X X '----t 1--1Distribute Educational Materials ---: I 1-..-__ - _ -··· IL______ _ 1 1.2..."L .. Newsle!!erArticle(Annual_ _ X X ' X I ___ X ·- li• 2.9 . Brochure (General/Business) --·- ___ __ e----- ___ ,.. _ 1 -f~ 2.1 0 Adont-A-Stream Program 1 -~ - 12.11 lmnlement Volunteer Adopt-A-Stream Program I __ _ l-·-11_1llicit Discharge Detection & Elimination l- I 3.1 Criteria for Identifying llliciU2!~_i;;harg,0e0s~-----• I ~-1.l~entify & Characterize Illicit Discharg~~ ··------1---t--· 1---·' },~-~,.!:Jlap Locations of Illicit Disch.~ges . 3.4 Evaluate Impacts to R~ceiving Waters r--• ---: ~j.9_flgOing Mapping of MS4s --~---------1---f• ?:.?.. 1 Potential Approaches to Apate Illicit Discharges 1 ]--• 3.7 Review & Docum~..Q!_l::2';i§!!!2g Local & State Regs 1-• f----+ Additional Separate By-Laws -• -·-• ----i-- --~--• ~ f-· f--• ·-• 3.9 Legality of Publicizing Violations I I ' -..,-.-,r--·• ~.1 Q_ PQ!..~_ntlal Funding Programs · I ·l-----1--j- 1 -------f----+--···I· ,· I==~ 3.11 EstablishHot-Line I I ~ ~I . j· X _ ··• .•• 1-1 +--, Construction Site Runoff Control ! I : c­ 14.1 ··oeyelopGuidelines~ESC)--.. § ·= --• ]--• 4.2 Develop Procedures for Site Inspection of Control Meas. 1==1 +• f--· 4.3 Update Existing Site Plan Revie_y;_ I), C::_onst. Regs. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection f Transmittal N 1---=r:::::··------1 Bureau of Resource Protection - Watershed Management ; umb~_r W040850 --1 • NPDES Stormwater General Permit Notice of Intent BRP WM 08A _F_,_,i~lity~l~D~Of,,kn?~~·-"T I for Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) F. Storm Water Management Program TIME FRAMES _Pai:ie -··· of 2 • ' m __L___ !·• 1 --~·1 r-i::rc1vilT YEAR THREE IBM+ k-·------• ~[;~~,:RO~I~:;:~ :~IE03 fmter i~:i::~r:u:E;:r:':-'. Winter ~:~n•·ing Summer F , Winter Spring ----- 11 05 _JD # as ~3 03 a 03-04 04 04 a 0 04-05 C I 4 5 05 a 05.os 06 4.4 , Update Existing Policies & Procedures Relating to Compliance I -- & Enforcement __________________ ---- 4.5 Sef2_.~rate By-Law to IT_!le_Lement & Enforce ~-' 4.6 Brochure ~.l?!ic Meeting & Heari~_g Process) ~~ I I ---- -+- i----1- Post-Construction Runoff Control ·----lf-------1---+----I 1 ~l-_1- '-;.-1-. Review ~~Jsting Policies, Re~Q_uj9elines I 1----i~ i.§_,L, Dev~J.QP Guldelines _ ,----- --~-----1-··-~ 5.3 Procedures _§c_Guidelines (Structural & Non-structural BMP_i§) __ _J I =- /_~_-_--- ·--+- ·, -.
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