Delta Kappa Alpha National Honorary Cinema Fraternity SILVER ANNIVERSARY BANQUET honoring MARY PICKFORD and HAROLD LLOYD January 6, 1963 TOWN and GOWN University of Southern California P R G R ~1 I. Opening Dr. orman Topping Pr ident II. Representing DKA and mema r. Bernard Kantor III. ~ ii tress of eremome Bett Da i· IV. Harold Lloyd interviewed by te e llen Delm r Da Jack Lemmon V. Film clip of Harold Llo d VI. Adolph Zukor VII. iary Pickford 111 ter ie\ ed by Bette Davi George Cukor Arthur Knight VIII. Film clip of 'Iary Pickford Piano-Da e Rak in IX. Leonard Fire tone Chairman of U C Board of Tru tee Pre entation to l\'lary Pickford and Harold Llo d X. In clo ing Dr. orman Topping Banquet Committee of U C Friend and Alumni l\lr . George Axelrod Alii Jeanett l\la Donald Mr . Harry Brand 1\lr . Robert tack George Cukor fi Barbara tanwyck Bette Davi . lr . orman Taurog Y. Frank Freeman harl Walter fr . Beatrice Greenough l Ii Ruth Waterbur ;\lr . Leiland Atherton Iri h ~lr . lin ellborn III l\li hide Jones 1r . Tichi \Vilker on tanley Kramer erald underlich DEPARTMENT OF CINEMA In 1929, the University of Southern California in cooperation with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences offered a course des­ cribed in the Liberal Arts Catalogue as: Introduction to Photoplay: A general introduction to a study of the motion picture art and industry; its mechanical founda­ tion and history; the silent photoplay and the photoplay with sound and voice; the scenario; the actor's art; pictorial effects; commercial requirements; principles of criticism; ethical and educational features ; lectures, class discussions, assigned read­ ings and reports. The Dean and instructor was Karl T. Waugh. Special lecturers listed in the catalogue included Douglas Fairbanks, J. Stuart Blackton, Ernst Lubitsch, Irving Thalberg, Clara Beranger, William Cameron Menzies, Edwin Schallert, and William C. DeMille. In 1932 the Department was the first in the United States to offer the Bachelor of Art's degree with a major in Cinema. In 1935 the Department was the first to offer the Master of Art's degree with a major in Cinema, and was the first department to offer the Ph.D. in Communications with a major in Cinema in 1958. The Department of Cinema of the University of Southern California is the oldest and the largest in the United States. The University has received an Academy Award, has had six films shown at Edinburgh, and has won eight Screen Producers Guild Awards and numerous other awards from festivals both here and abroad. CINEMA DEPARTMENT STAFF William Allen Glenn McMurry Irwin Blacker Eugene Petersen Douglas Cox Don Perrin Herbert Farmer William Poulson James D. Finn-Head Larry Sherman Bernard Kantor-Associate Head Maynard Smith David W. Johnson Melvin Sloan Arthur Knight Wolfram von Hanwehr Herbert Kosower George W eh hi Russell McGregor Daniel Wiegand Frank Withopf Richard Harber-Faculty Advisor of DKA Distinguished scholarships available to students: The George Cukor Scholarship The Screen Directors Guild Scholarship The Samuel Warner Employment Scholarship donated by Jack L. Warner Delta Kappa lpha, ... 1ational Hon rar) mema Fraternit), wa ~ founded at the niv r:it) of 'outhern alifornia in I 6. It pur- po e are to pro\'ide an pp rtunity for fellow hip am ng tudent~ of inema · to maintain a relation. hip berw n the motion pi ture indu try and film tudent' · and t promot th ph of film that ar ymb lized b the initial D K : Dramatic, Kinematic ·theti . Officer of the ational of DKA Herbert Farm r and a id John on Officer of the Alpha Chapter Fall m ' ter 196-- Pre ident Roy L. Lim Vice Pre ident harle \.! artz ecretar Ram na Lopez Trea urer Fred Heinrich ew A ociate member of th Alpha Chapter Fall emester 1962-63 In in Blacker Ru ell l\1 Gregor Richard Dougla X Eugene Peter en ew a t1 member of the lpha Chapter Fall erne ter 1962-6 Jame E. Barnum a id R. uilb rt Laura Conaton tanl y Kai er Har ey R. Deneroff ini E. chneider J o eph E . Engli h eorge T. \Vood Delta Kappa Alpha N a tiona! Honorary Cinema Fraternity HONORARY AWARDS BANQUET honoring Gloria Swanson Charles Brackett Jack Lemmon Billy Wilder Adolph Zukor February 9, 1964 TOWN and GOWN University of Southern California PROGRAM I. Opening Leonard Firestone, Chairman of U Board of ru t I J. Repre cnting USC Dr. Trac • E. tr v } , ice-Pre·ident. • ademi Affair. lll. Repre nting Cinema Dr. B rnard R. Kantor, Chairman, mema IV. Representing DKA Harve R. D neroff, Pr id nt DKA v. Master of Cer monie Di k \an yke VI. Tribute to honorary member of 0 - VII. Pr entation of Award. to :\1 i wan on lr. Bra kett ~lr. Jack L mm n l\1 r. Bill \Vild r ~ fr. Adolph Zuk r IX. In do ing ~ ·li : Gloria "an n Banqu t Committee of USC Friend and lumni ;\lr. Gene Allen :VIi Dorothy andlin :VIr . Harry Brand :\Ir . Frank ea r Mr. Y. Frank Freeman 1 lr . Rob rt Stac i\lr . Beatrice Greenough .\tlr . Daniel Tarad h fr. George Hopkin · :VIr . orrnan Taurog ~lr . Hoyningen-Huen Ruth \ at rbur , 1r. Ro Hunter a id \Vei bart t fr . Leiland Atherton I ri h lin \ lib rn I I I ~VIi 1\.lar Pickford :\Irs. Ti hi \Ville r n li Rosalind Ru II DEPARTMENT OF CINEMA In 1929, the University of Southern California in cooperation with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences offered a course described in the Liberal Arts Catalogue as: Introduction to Photoplay: A general introduction to a study of the motion picture art and industry; its mechanical founda­ tion and history; the silent photoplay and the photoplay with sound and voice; the scenario; the actor's art; pictorial effects; commercial requirements; principles of criticism; ethical and educational features; lectures, class discussions, assigned read­ ings and reports. The Dean and instructor was Karl T. Waugh. Special lecturers listed in the catalogue included Douglas F airbanks, J. Stuart Blackton, Ernst Lubitsch, Irving Thalberg, Clara Beranger, William Cameron l\!Ienzies, Edwin Schallert, and William C. De l\1ille. In 1932 the Department was the first in the United States to offer the Bachelor of Art's degree with a major in Cinema. In 1935 the Department was the first to offer the Master of Art's degree with a major in Cinema, and was the first department to offer the Ph.D. in Communications with a major in Cinema in 1958. The Department of Cinema of the University of Southern California is the oldest and the largest in the United States. The University has received an Academy Award, has had six films shown at Edinburgh, and has won eight Screen Producers Guild Awards and numerous other awards from festivals both here and abroad. CINEMA DEPARTlVIENT STAFF William Allen Glenn McMurry Irwin Blacker Eugene Petersen Jarvis Couillard Don Perrin Herbert Farmer William Poulson James D. Finn-Head Larry Sherman Bernard Kantor-Associate Head Maynard Smith David W. Johnson :Melvin Sloan Arthur Knight Wolfram von Hanwehr Herbert Kosower George W ehbi Russell McGregor Daniel Wiegand Ken Miura Frank Withopf Richard Harber-Faculty Advisor of DKA Distinguished scholarships available to students: The George Cukor Scholarship The Directors Guild of America Scholar hip The Samuel Warner Employment Scholarship established by ] ack L. fif/ arner Delta Kappa lpha ational Hon rary inema Fraternit , w founded at the U niver icy of outhern al ifornia in 19 6. l t. pur­ po are to provide an opportunity for f llow hip among ~ tu ent· of inema; to maintain a relation hip b t\\'een the motion pictur indu tr) and film tudent · and to promote th phrue o film that are ymbolind b the initial D K A: Dramatic· Kinematic, thetic. Officer of the ational f DKA Herbert • armer and avid John on Officer of th Alpha hapter, FalJ me· ter 196 -6~ Pre ident Harv y R. Deneroff Vice-Pre idenr Ro L. Lim Secretary onat n Treasurer Denni: Le ailing ew A ·o iate member of th Alpha hapter Carl Braunger ] ack Copeland Elizabeth Franklin ew acti e member of the lpha Chapter Fall erne ter 1963-6+ Ronald Ascher Edward Coe Howard Kazanjian Laszlo Le Pal .
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