Í. Pianosa ÍSOLE TRÉMITI SUMMER 2013 Rodi Gargánico Péschici L. di Lésina Vico del Ischitella Gragano Vieste L. di Varano Lesina San Nicandro Gargánico Carpino Testa del Gargano Cagnano 1 Serracapriola Varano Apricena San Marco in Lámis Monte S. Ángelo EVERY FRIDAY San Páólo di Civitate San Giovanni Mattinata Rotondo NATURE Torremaggiore San Severo Manfredónia Castelnuovo ON FRIDAY, NATURE IS EXTRAORDINARY. della Dáunia GOLFO DI FREE ACTIVITIES TO DISCOVER PARKS, L. Salso Celenza Valfortore PROTECTED AREAS AND ECO-MUSEUMS San Marco MANFREDÓNIA La Catola Pietramontecorvino Lucera Volturara Áppula Fóggia 2 MAR ADRIÁTICO Saline Alberona Margherita di Savóia Bíccari Trinitápoli Tróia Roseto Orta Nova FOR ALL Valfortore Castellúccio S. Ferdinando Faeto di Púglia Barletta dei Sáuri Canne Stornara d. Battaglia The natural and cultural heritage of Puglia is ever Orsara di Trani Stornarella Cerignola more accessible, to all. Púglia Biscéglie Bovino Deliceto Canosa di For all information about access to places and services, Áscoli Satriano Ándria Molfetta M. Crispiniano Púglia Giovinazzo 3 please visit the site 1.105 m Corato www.viaggiareinpuglia.it/opendays Monteleone Ruvo Terlizzi BARI Free LIS (Italian Sign Language) interpreters are available di Púglia Sant’Agata Candela Bitonto by contacting one of the Tourist Information Offices and, di Puglia Castel di Púglia Mola di Bari Rocchetta Minervino Modugno Noicattaro in collaboration with UIC Puglia, qualified tour guides for Sant’Antonio Palo del Murge del Monte Bitetto Colle Valenzano 4 accompanying blind persons can also be arranged. Bitritto 5 Grumo Rutigliano Appula Adélfia Polignano a Mare Monópoli Conversano Sannicandro Spinazzola di Bari Acquaviva Turi Poggiorsini delle Fonti Sammichele Savelletri Cassano delle di Bari Castellana Murge Grotte Putignano 10 Fasano Altamura Pezze 8 di Greco Gravina in Gióia del Noci Alberobello Santéramo in Locorotondo 11 Púglia Colle Colle Cisternino Ostuni Carovigno P. Penne Montursi Martina 9 San Michele 417 m Franca Salentino Capo Bianco San Vito Céglie 12 Messápica dei Normanni Castellaneta Bríndisi Móttola Crispiano Laterza Palagianello 13 Massafra Montemesola Latiano Palagiano Statte Ginosa Mesagne Grottáglie Villa San Pietro Castelli Francavilla Vernótico 6 Ória Cellino 14 MARTINA FRANCA SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO Fontana San Marco Torchiarolo Tourist Information Piazza XX Settembre, 3 Piazza Europa,104 Castellaneta Táranto M. Piccolo Cellino Tel. +39 080 4805702 Tel. +39 0882 456240 Marina San Giórgio San Marzano San Pancrázio Squinzano Offices di San Giuseppe Torre San Marco Iónico S. SusannaSalentino San Cataldo MOLA DI BARI SANTA CESAREA TERME Í. Chéradi Mar Palazzo Roberti Via Roma, 241/H Grande S. Marzano 16 Piazza XX Settembre Tel. +39 0836 944043 di S. Gius. Campi Tel. +39 342 6157164 GuagnanoSalice Salentina Talsano Sava Mandúria Nóvoli Oasi Naturale ALBEROBELLO CONVERSANO Tel. +39 333 9021724 SANT’AGATA DI PUGLIA Lizzano Salentino 17 Capo S. Vito Avetrana delle Cesine Via Montenero, 3 C.so Domenico Mola CENTRI DELL’APPENNINO DAUNO PulsanoPulsano 7 Lecce 15 Vernole Tel. +39 080 4322060 Tel. +39 080 4956517 NARDÒ Vico Farmacia, 8 Leporano San Pietro San Foca Torricella in Bevagna Torre Sedile Comunale Tel. +39 0881 984433 ColimenaAvetrana Cavallino Calimera Roca Vecchia BARI Airport FASANO Piazza Salandra Calimera Torre dell’Orso Marúggio Leverano Arrivals Piazza Ciaia, 10 Tel. +39 0833 836928 SANTA MARIA DI LEUCA Info Point Martignano MartignanoMelendugno Torre Tel. +39 080 5372848 Tel. +39 080 4413086 Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo Campomarino Copertino dell’Orso GOLFO DI CoriglianoSternatia NOCI 25 BARI Central Station FRANCAVILLA FONTANA Via Cappuccini, 6 TARANTO 24 Carmiano d’OtrantoZollino Porto Castrignano CarpignanoDei Greci Piazza Moro Castello Imperiali Tel. +39 080 4978889 Palazzo Galeota - Via Duomo, 234 Cesareo CarpignanoSalentino S. Tel. +39 080 9909341 Via Municipio, 4 Tel. +39 099 4581721 TARANTO Castrignano dei Greci Porto Melpignano Tel. +39 0831 811262 OSTUNI Nardò Soleto BARI Info Point Corso Mazzini, 8 TARANTO Info Point Selvaggio Soleto Galatina CannoleCannole Ótranto Piazza del Ferrarese FOGGIA Info Point Tel. +39 0831 301268 Piazza Castello Corigliano Máglie Uggiano Piazza Federico II Tel. +39 324 8882923 Galátone Cutrofiano d’Otranto GiurdinagnoPalmariggi C. d’Ótranto BARLETTA Tel. +39 0881 773420 OTRANTO Castle la Chiesa 23 Muro 19 MinervinoUggiano La Chiesa C.so Garibaldi, 204/206 Piazza Castello Aragonese TORRE DELL’ORSO - MELENDUGNO 22 Leccese di Lecce Porto Tel. +39 0883 331331 GALLIPOLI Tel. +39 0836 801436 Via Lungomare Matteotti PoggiardoMinervino Badisco Via Antonietta De Pace, 86 Tel. +39 0832 841070 San Cassiano di Lecce BITONTO Tel. +39 0833 262529 OTRANTO Marina Gallípoli Sannicola Neviano di Lecce Poggiardo S. Cesárea Terme Via G. Rogadeo, 52 Via del Porto TRANI Tel. +39 080 2254581 GALLIPOLI Info Point Tel. +39 0836 804954 Piazza Trieste, 10 Tuglie Nocíglia Castro Í. S. Andrea 21 Piazza Fontana Greca Tel. +39 0883 588830 Casarano Castro BRINDISI Tel. +39 324 8882784 PESCHICI Info Point Supersano 18 Lungomare Regina Margherita, 44 Corso Garibaldi TRANI Info Point Tel. +39 0831 523072 GRAVINA DI PUGLIA Tel. +39 349 8106004 Piazza Trieste Specchia Andrano Via Matteotti, 17 Tel. +39 324 8882924 Rácale BRINDISI Airport Tel. +39 080 3269065 POGGIARDO Taurisano Tricase Arrivals Entry Parco dei Guerrieri, S.P. 363 TRICASE Ugento Tricase Tel. +39 0831 418677 LECCE Tel. +39 800 551155 Palazzo Gallone 20 Presicce Alessano Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 18 Tel. +39 0836 909850 Piazza Pisanelli CEGLIE MESSAPICA Tel. +39 0832 332463 Tel. +39 0833 777237 Salve Corsano Via Giuseppe Elia, 16 POLIGNANO A MARE Morciano di LeucaPatù Tel. +39 0831 371003 MANFREDONIA Via Martiri di Dogali, 2 UGENTO Patù Tel. +39 080 9142487 Via Adolfo Colosso Piazza della Libertà, 1 Castrignano del Capo CISTERNINO Info Point Tel. +39 0884 581998 Tel. +39 0833 555770 Via San Quirico RUTIGLIANO MAR IÓNIO C. S. Maria di Léuca Belvedere MARGHERITA DI SAVOIA Palazzo San Domenico VIESTE Santa Maria Tel. +39 324 8882785 Via Principe Amedeo, 4 Via L. Tarantini, 28 Piazza Kennedy di Léuca Tel. +39 0883 654012 Tel. +39 080 4767306 Tel. +39 0884 708806 - 707495 FREE ACTIVITIES ON FRIDAY The first two Fridays in September | 7.30 - 11 a.m. 05/07 | 4 - 6 p.m. and uncontaminated limestone surface. This is the site that Audouin’s Gull has chosen for 9 NATURE RESERVE On the wings of the park. Bird watching with an expert The secrets of Zinzulusa. Guided cave visit its nest in the park: the sole site along the Adriatic and Ionian coast. You can take part in Every Friday from July to September | 7.30 - 11 p.m. trekking, bike riding and nature walks every Friday. Exploring the stars. Guided tour to the Astronomical Observatory BOSCO DELLE PIANELLE BOOKINGS 12/07 | 9 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Call +39 3339855341 - +39 3497587100 - E-mail [email protected] The Cipolliane Route. Nature walk to the Cipolliane Caves in Marina di Novaglie Every Friday from July to September | 6 - 8 p.m. FREE ACTIVITIES ON FRIDAY A day trip from Villa Framarino along the ravine bed. Hike amongst natural cavities and MARTINA FRANCA (TA) 12/07 | 5 - 7 p.m. 05/07 - 26/07 - 16/08 – 06/09 - 27/09 |5.30 - 8.30 p.m. fortified masserie (traditional Italian farmhouses) 15 Play‘n Trek at Torre Lupo. Baby trekking with entertainment, visit to the apiary and tasting Trekking with local product tasting at the end SUMMER 2013 Holm oak woods and Mediterranean scrub, but also many species of wild orchids, some ECOMUSEUM CAVALLINO GUIDEMAP of which are very rare. The particular micro-climate in this Reserve favours the presence BOOKINGS 12/07 | 7.30 - 11 p.m. of plants and flowers that originate from the Balkans. Every Friday you can take part in 12/07 – 02/08 - 23/08 - 13/09 | 5.30 - 8.30 p.m. Call +39 328 55940703 - +39 393 4356956 Bike trip to the Chiesa dei Diavoli (Church of the Little Devils). Bike ride to the Chiesa nature walks to discover the flora and trek in the footsteps of the highwaymen! CAVALLINO (LE) Biking with local product tasting E-mail [email protected] - [email protected] dei Diavoli of Tricase with guided tour, screening of the short film by Winspeare and performance by the Salento singer-songwriter P40 FREE ACTIVITIES ON FRIDAY The stratification of civilizations over thousands of years is captured in the ecomuseum, created by the University of Salento on the site of an important Messapian settlement. The 19/07 – 09/08 - 30/08 - 20/09 | 5.30 - 8.30 p.m. 19/07 | 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Nature walk with local product tasting at the end 05/07 - 19/07 - 02/08 - 16/08 - 30/08 – 13/09 - 27/09 | 6 - 8.30 p.m. equipped routes will take you back in time through the cities of the past. You can take part in 4 Sailing in the Park. Boat trip along the Otranto coast to Leuca S.A.C. THE SEAS WITHIN THE WALLS: The secret of the woods. Nature walk through Macedonian and holm oak woods. Free guided visits to the archaeological dig site or the museum every Friday. THE BLUE OF PUGLIA shuttle service from Martina Franca. BOOKINGS FREE ACTIVITIES ON FRIDAY 19/07 | 5 - 8 p.m. Call +39 0833261844 - +39 3479022874 - E-mail [email protected] Acquaviva Canal. Walk and visit to the Natural Museum 12/07 - 26/07 – 09/08 - 23/08 – 06/09 - 20/09 | 6 - 8.30 p.m. ON FRIDAY, NATURE IS Every Friday in July | 10 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. CONVERSANO (BA) In the footsteps on the highwaymen. Trekking along the bottom of the Vuolo ravine. Free 19/07 | 5 - 7 p.m. EXTRAORDINARY. shuttle service from Martina Franca. The archaeological Dig site and excavations. Guided visit to the operational archaeological Dig site Donkey Trek along Via del Mito. Donkey ride and tasting of typical products in the Tricase 22 Nature and art, cultural and environmental heritage are an important heritage for Woods S.A.C.
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