2 March 30, 2012 | The Tidings CONTENTS To the cross and the empty tomb ARCHDIOCESE/NATION the mission of prolonging on earth the sal- 4 Mexico: Pope says social change vific presence of God, of opening the world to comes with revival of faith. something greater than itself, to the love and the light of God. 6 Christian Service honorees: Reach- It is worth the effort, dear brothers and ing out “in loving service.” sisters, to devote your entire life to Christ, to grow in his friendship each day and to feel called to proclaim the beauty and the good- 7 Sports: Alemany wins state hoops ’ve had an intense but amazing week. Our the truth is real. And we know the truth has ness of his life to every person, to all our title; St. Jane Frances, Beatitudes archdiocesan Religious Education Con- a name. We know that Jesus is the Way, the brothers and sisters. earn CYO crowns. gress was a big success. Truth and the Life. We know that only he can I encourage you in this task of sowing I celebrated two Masses for a total of save us and set us free; only he can show us the word of God in the world and offering to Repeat champs: La Reina captures I16,000 young people. I took part in an on- what our lives are really all about. 7 everyone the true nourishment of the body state Mock Trial championship. line “chat” with young Catholics. I saw many The Church’s mission is ever ancient and of Christ. Easter is already approaching; let old friends and met many new friends from all ever new. Our mission of the new evangeliza- us determine to follow Jesus without fear or across the country. I prayed and learned a lot tion is part of the great story of salvation that doubts on his journey to the Cross. 8 Mandate: Courthouses, statehouses and I came away inspired. stretches back to the cross and the empty Let’s make this our prayer as we pray for sites for religious freedom rallies. For me, this Congress shows the vitality of tomb. one another at the entrance of this Passion the Church in our country. There was such So it’s fitting that after this experience of Week. Let’s entrust our lives, and those of Youth Day: Congress “calls out” passion and energy! I’m grateful to know so the Congress, this Sunday we begin Holy 12 our brothers and sisters in Mexico and Cuba, 15,000 young Catholics. many men and women, young and old, from Week. This week we enter into the “hour” of to the loving help of Our Lady of Guadalupe, every nationality — all dedicated to Jesus Jesus — the hour in which he is lifted up; the patroness of the Americas. TD Christ and the mission of his Catholic Church. hour of his saving passion, death and resur- 13 Immigration: Remember Matthew I wonder if we fully appreciate just how im- rection. Follow Archbishop Gomez at: www.face- 25, says Cardinal Mahony. portant the Catholic Church is in our world The good news of salvation can only be book.com/ArchbishopGomez. today. proclaimed by those who have truly expe- The Church’s mission is not sectarian. It’s rienced it. So in this OP-ED/SPIRITUALITY not about promoting Catholicism or even Holy Week we need about making more and better Catholics. to pray for a deeper Our mission is to save souls and to lift up experience of the lib- 15 Mandate: USAID’s directive on con- the hearts of our neighbors to see that their eration that comes to science gives church officials hope. lives have a transcendent meaning. Our mis- us by the power of sion is to inspire our brothers and sisters to his cross and resur- 16 Sexual abuse of children: Ten years build a world that is worthy of the great dignity rection. of hard-earned knowledge. of being a human person created in the image Let’s try this week of God. to really walk with Fr. Ron Rolheiser: Holy and unholy That’s why the Church is so important. Be- Jesus. To really go 16 cause the Church is the last institution in our up to Jerusalem with fear. society that claims to know “ultimate” truths him to celebrate the — what is the meaning of life; where we come Passover. Let’s try to 17 Bill Peatman: In Jesus, God endures from and where we’re heading; why we’re stay close to him as our worst. here and how we ought to live. he makes himself the If we think about it, other institutions in our paschal Lamb who is society ignore these questions or assume they sacrificed — offering can’t be answered. Media, government, even his Body and Blood DEPARTMENTS education — all seem to suggest that there on the cross and in are no truths, just many equally valid opinions the gifts of bread and 14 Obituaries about what is true and what is wine. ESTEBAN FELIX, POOL VIA REUTERS the right way to live. As I write these Pope Benedict XVI kneels in prayer at the Shrine of Our Lady of Newsbriefs But people are born lines, our Holy Fa- Charity of El Cobre in Cuba March 27 14 with a desire to know ther Pope Benedict Calendar of Events the mystery of their XVI is in the middle of his week-long pilgrim- 18 lives. And the answers age of hope to Mexico and Cuba. And I am of mere pluralism and struck again by the Holy Father’s vision of 18 This Week’s Readings relativism will never sat- the Church and our personal responsibility F.Y.I. isfy them. to bring our society to a new encounter with We have a great re- God. “Keep Kids Safe” During Child Abuse sponsibility because in Here is something he said in Cuba: Prevention Month: During April, Catho- On the cover: the Church we know The Church, the living body of Christ, has lic school and religious education stu- dents throughout the Archdiocese will nVietnamese drummers bring en- wear bright blue ribbon-shaped stickers ergy to the Religious Education that say “Keep Kids Safe.” The Arch- Congress’ Gathering Event in Ana- Executive Publisher: DAVID MOORE diocese’s “Keep Kids Safe” campaign heim March 23 (large photo); A girl receives Communion from Pope General Manager: NATALIE JACOB coincides with national Child Abuse Benedict XVI during Mass at Antonio Editor: MIKE NELSON Prevention Month. Children will be re- viewing important child safety lessons Maceo Revolution Square in Santia- Production Manager: JOSÉ VÉLAZQUEZ go de Cuba, Cuba, March 26 (small Vol.119 • No.13 March 30, 2012 this month. Parishes are also being en- (213) 637-7360 photo). 3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 couraged to include in their liturgies this (213) 637-7360 • FAX (213) 637-6360 THE TIDINGS EDITORIAL COUNCIL: month specially-prepared petitions that Published by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles Mr. Jeffrey Bonino-Britsch; Rev. Ken Deasy; ask God to heal abuse victims and their March 30, 2012 by The Tidings (a corporation), established 1895. Ms. Elsie Dixon; Ms. Ellie Hidalgo; families. “Keep Kids Safe” stickers may For Subscription and Delivery information please call: Ms. Linda Lynch; Sr. Edith Prendergast, R.S.C.; be ordered from the Archdiocese’s Safe- (213) 637-7378 and Rev. Anthony Scannell, OFM Cap. guard the Children Office by emailing or calling Tim Olshefski at: tolshefski@la- Published weekly except at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas by The Tidings (a corporation), established 1895. Periodi- cals postage paid at Los Angeles, California. Mail subscriptions $23.00. Single copies $1. © 2012 THE TIDINGS ISSN# 0040-6791. archdiocese.org or (213) 637-7508. For www.the-tidings.com No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Events and products adver- particular help, you may call Assistance www.la-archdiocese.org tised in The Tidings do not carry the implicit endorsement of The Tidings Corporation or the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Ministry, (213) 637-7650. Postmaster: Send address changes to: THE TIDINGS, 3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241..
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